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Everything posted by Stumpich

  1. Potent Systems

    AHHHHH YESSSSSS Valley of the Sun Could anyone in their right mind ever want to live anywhere else ? as far as books go I like Ken Cohen the best because he does so much audio - I can never find the time to read Dr. Yangs books Give me Audiobooks any day
  2. Potent Systems

    I can usually find Dr. Yang Jwing Ming or Ken Cohen on youtube these are english speakers - I really like Ken Cohen I really like Dr. Yang as well
  3. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    East is a severely bad direction in my feng shui kua ---- I'm just getting a little conflict between A feng shui teacher & A qigong teacher soooooooo -- if it isn't always feng shui -- but sometimes destiny . Does that make the Qigong teaching right ? I don't really want to go against the feng shui . but, I don't want to go mad because of going against the Qigong but going against the feng shui is bad as well This is a problem ---- or if it isn't -- I have turned it into one
  4. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    there are lots of forums on this subject -- but, I have not made it to them yet - as there is too much content to deal with already from the audiobooks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- actually thats not true - I have made it to the dream forums - I just got discouraged because the one I picked would log me out after being online for a few seconds -- I was trying to log my dream journals & it was becoming very frustrating - I finally gave up on the forum altogether -- Sooooooooo - anyway I just registered at a new one & I find it very interesting - I'll see if this one goes any better
  5. Feng Shui help

    FS says not to live next to a hospital - I lived next to a hospital & it was the worst -----( literally )- --. The place seemed nice when I went to look at it & the neighborhood seemed nice & peaceful --- but in reality , the pure evil of the place was unbearable
  6. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    Yes I have that book on pdf - I have downloaded everything I can find I have ----- A field guide to lucid dreaming & Lucid dreaming plain & simple on audiobook I have countless books on pdf - I just can't find the time to get to them - I really like the audiobooks I would really be interested in a workbook or an instructional book without all the filler -- I have also just found a lot of stuff on youtube but I have not had time to check it out yet there are lots of forums on this subject -- but, I have not made it to them yet - as there is too much content to deal with already from the audiobooks there are also supplements such as dreamleaf -- I have never tried them -- I found out about them while researching drugs that shamans used to induce lucidity I need a more focused mind than I have to progress with this --- which probably comes from meditation such as -- Tibetan shamatha etc.
  7. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    What about tibetan sleep & Dream yogas ? I don't think this is a problem If you study lucid dreaming you will find that the brain goes through different stages during sleep - some people have learned to meditate in their dreams the brain gets it's rest & then it does other things
  8. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    I got the North pole South pole thing in a QiGong Lesson from Dr. Yang Jwing Ming - who also speaks of Feng Shui -- But I have never experienced a feng shui lesson or class from him & I got the Kua direction thing from a Feng Shui lesson from a QiGong master I am not the most superstitious person in the world & I have heard feng shui people say that it isn't always feng shui but, sometimes it's destiny I do however think there is something to feng shui & I am interested in it Dr. Yang - says not sleeping in line with the poles will lead to madness Any feng shui masters here ?
  9. chinese landscape paintings?

    Yes I like these - these photos are very nice indeed