Jamyang Khedrup

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Posts posted by Jamyang Khedrup

  1. Image dans Infobox. Universal Messiah Hulagu Khan.


    The Tibetan schools of Sakya and Kagyu waged a muted, muffled political/religious war behind the scenes, in the shadows of the political vagaries of the Mongol onslaught upon the world. The Kagyu Drikung were caught in the midst of it all for the reason that the Drikung are the same school followed by the Mongol king Hulagu Khan, in the Middle East (and Hulagu wanted to remain faithful to his Drikung creed through thick and thin, but that was not to turn out exactly as he thought.) This is the hair-raising story of the Messiah, the triumphant king Hulagu, the lord of this world.


    about me: 


    I'm Geir Smith, an American-Norwegian, a scion of the famous families of Norway, (that represent a profile of Modern Norway's builders). A second cousin to Pontine Paus, I'm related to Tolstoy, Ibsen, Wedel-Jarlsberg, Cappelen (great-great-grandmother Inga Sophie Cappelen), Løvenskiold, Munch etc... great-great-grandfather was Thomas Von Westen Engelhart who was Norwegian Minister of the Interior and State Counsel in Stockholm for several years. I'm an original trailblazer and visionary who's family tradition it is to continually forsee the trend and "anticipate the pattern". I am now announcing some hair-raising news. Coming from someone else, it would be totally incredible. But as I come from a very conservative family like mine but who are also innovative builders of the modern society, what I say resonates. I have mastered the Tibetan language through five years of university and thus can speak about the Tibetan Kalachakra and it's mention of Shambhala. I'm also bringing some astounding information too: the Illinois lottery drew #666, the same day as Obama's acceptance speech in Chicago. Being a scion of the famous families of Norway, I'm a ground-breaking force of intellectual prediction, on par with another relative of mine, Thor Heyerdahl, (who re-discovered Tahiti's discovery by the sea), for my part, I project myself instead into Asia and the world." My great-aunt Else Heyerdahl Werring, was the Royal Mistress of the Robes of the Norwegian Royal Palace, and her husband Nils Werring, my great-uncle was on the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group in the 50s. 




    Hulagu Khan's brother Kublai Khan came to power in China and Hulagu then came under the influence of the Tibetan school which Kublai followed which was Sakya. Conflict erupted between Sakya and Drikung inside Tibet (between the followers of Hulagu and Kublai). Today China's under the Sakya rule, and the followers of Drikung and Hulagu have been absorbed into the empire of the Middle East, where there's a mix of Christians and Muslims that have drowned out the Buddhists of the founder Hulagu''s time. Buddhism's Apocalypse prophecy is in the Kalachakra text that's being propagated worldwide by the Tibetan lamas. And in that prophecy, is the mention of a mythical hidden land called Shambhala (which is situated to the West of Tibet i.e. exactly where Hulagu Khan's Middle Eastern Empire is.).


    So let's roll this back and sum it up quickly: there's a Buddhist Empire left behind in Tibet by Kublai Khan extending into China, but his brother Hulagu had his own private empire extending from Pakistan/Afghanistan and the Tibetan border areas, all the way to Baghdad/middle of Turkey, Konya etc...and Hulagu's empire was Drikung Kagyu. And bingo! Hulagu's empire of "Hulagid" Ilkhanids aka "The Ilkhanate" fits the description of Shambhala and the Savior of the world known as the King of Shambhala. It's fitting that Hulagu ruled over a puzzle of faiths, including Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hulagu's own Buddhists. He was thus the savior and god-like figure for all those assembled faiths. It's noteworthy that Hulagu's empire outlasted him by far, with an offspring of successors-descendants of his family lineage that lasted for 80 long years. We're thus in presence of the messianic King of Shambhala of the Kalchakra prophecy.


    What's remarkable is that he's Drikung Kagyu. Drikung was totally taken over by Sakya during their war, but 200 years after Hulagu's death, a Sakya lama (Kunga Zangpo) arose, who split from Sakya because he was independent and wanted to return to a stricter path than Sakya's own path. So, he totally revamped Sakya and asserted his school of Ngor as the primary force inside Sakya by far, as he actually dwarfed Sakya by his work. Then a split occurred because part of Sakya left it to found a new school the Gelugpas, and Kunga Zangpo couldn't agree with them because they adopted a way of practicing that excluded Tantrism until the latter part of the practice when the practitioners were already too old to do meditation, which "Ngorchen" Kunga Zangpo couldn't accept. He thus retreated to his monastery at Ngor and decided to carve out a niche region for his school far from the "roar and heat" of Tibetan politics.


    Pondering his isolation faced with this opposition that was rising against him, he sought to find a path outside of Tibet, (because neighboring tracts beyond the borders offered Buddhist regions, as well). That's when he traveled to and developed Buddhism in an abandoned stretch of land to the West of Ngor called Ngari which happened to be a traditional land of the Drikung Kagyus who had temples surrounding the Kailash sacred mountain and extending also to Ladakh. And this stretch of land was a dependency of Hulagu Khan's Empire (meaning: Hulagu raised taxes there). So when the Kalachakra speaks about Shambhala it's a mythical faraway land hidden from the view. But suddenly it comes into sharp focus at very close quarters, because the Ngari region is inside Tibet itself, but relies upon the empire of Hulagu who's headquarters are in Iranian Azerbaijan. Suddenly this monstrously extensive, megalithic empire rises out of the past and crushes everything on it's path.


    By Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo's strenuous efforts, the Ngari region became completely Ngorpa, of the Sakya school, but it's noteworthy to see that it was a traditionally  Drikungpa land and one belonging to the Mongol Hulagu. Now nothing happens by chance, and it's good to note that the Kalachakra itself was written by a Sakya lama called Buton Rinchen Drub , just eighty years after Hulagu's death and was certainly a hidden hommage to Hulagu's protective action towards Tibet and Buddhism versus the devastations wreaked by Islam at that time. Therefore, Kunga Zangpo's decision to take over the Hulagu-Drikung part of Tibet called Ngari came once the Kalachakra had become vastly widespread in Tibet and thus Kunga Zangpo was taking an early investment into the Hulagu Empire which the Kalachakra prophecy announces. Kunga Zangpo was thus buying himself part of the dream and prophecy of the end of the world and inserting himself into the past as the rightful heir of the Kalachakra.


    In such, I think that the successions of reincarnations of Kings of Shambhala, (which was a lineage certainly written by the Sakya lama Buton), are made up of the Sakya school's founder Birwapa, followed by Hulagu (a combined Drikung/Sakya), then Buton Rinchen Drub and finally Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo (among the list of Kings of Shambhala). I see them all as clearly actors in the "Shambhala Saga" and having the status of "Kings of Shambhala". 


    It's good to have proof of things, that's incontrovertible and proof that cannot be denied. I searched for Shambhala on Google and found the land of Bilad-al-Sham, corresponding to The Levant (Israel, Lebanon and Irak/Iran). Then I searched for people called Shambhala. I found two contemporaries of Hulagu which was troubling because I thought they could be allusions to Hulagu. Because indeed, "otherwise why should such people live exactly at the same places (Hulagu's capital was Maragha in Iranian Azerbaijan) and same time as Hulagu?" That's the rhetorical question, which any sleuth like me, researching history, should obviously want to ask themselves.


    Those two people were respectively called "Shams-e Tabrizi" and "Shams al-Din". They're Muslim luminaries and are rivaling candidates to be the Messiah respectively of the brotherly enemies: Sunnites and Shiites. Seeing the Mongols prospered for eighty years and converted to Islam during forty of those years, it's impossible to not think that Hulagu's heritage was progressively merged into the Muslim heritage.


    So concretely how did they merge a Buddhist king like Hulagu into Islam via these two "Shams" figures? The answer is perfectly self-evident: 


    The Drikung Hulagu messianic founder of the Ilkhanate dynasty was the future Messiah of the Islamic Sunnites, but also the Shiites. His successors at the helm of the Ilkhanate couldn't let anyone take the role of Messiah from them. Therefore they jealously attributed the top religious role(s) to themselves by using their founder and grandfather Hulagu as their champion and "chosen one". But secretly, Hulagu was and remained Buddhist in their tradition. And in Tibet, many regions remained Drikungpa. Hulagu could thus be named openly as the Messiah in the Drikung regions and temples of Tibet. But that would not have been plausible at all, for one good reason which was that in Tibet also, Hulagu's role as BUDDHIST Messiah was hidden because Kublai's operatives were on guard there. No Mongol such as Kublai would have been ready to grant to his brother Hulagu the role of Messiah and world Savior. That goes against the Mongol grain of one-upmanship among Genghis Khan's offspring's siblings. But over the years, the Sakya realized that they had inherited this surprising, extraordinary and wonder-filled, miraculous war treasure, which was this messianic king Hulagu and they didn't want to let go of it. Thus, the rewriting of the secretive biography of Hulagu in the Kalachakra, left open the possibility for a future resurrection and returning to rule, of that historical hair-raising figure of Hulagu Khan, the Messiah (of all faiths... even sunni muslims, shiites... and jews...and christians of course. Hulagu's quoted in his writings, saying he loved christians. Christians had brought him up. His wife and mother were extremely fervent christians and he had saved the christians in Baghdad when he razed that in the greatest massacre of the whole History of Humanity. The christians in the East had hailed him as the messianic Savior of Christianity: the Messiah).


    I think I've summed up all the aspects of this multi-faceted Messianic leader, who left his mark upon... and molded all the modern faiths of today, be they Islam, Christianity, Buddhism or Judaism, exactly to his behest and so as for them to come under his boot, his total, rigid and absolute control. Nobody controlled the whole world like the Mongols did, they who are the sole world government that the world has ever seen nor will ever see again in all Eternity. No one put the world under their total and blind control, other than the Mongols/both in politics, war and faith and religion. They totally controlled and submitted the world both physically and in faith, declaring themselves as sole Savior, Lord and God among men for each and every faith inside their domain. (Hulagu's domain was immense, reaching from Turkey's Konya region, to Baghdad, to Afghanistan and as far as Ngari in Western Tibet, meaning a land of a total length of approx. 4500 km, an astounding empire of unheard-of expanse, rivaled only by his Mongol brothers' empires in Russia on one hand and in China on the other.)

  2. On 6/8/2022 at 7:19 AM, TheGrayJediKnight said:

    Here is a video of Lama Glenn, one of my lamas (the one whom gave me my Buddhist Refuge Ceremony name of Jigten Gonpo) I have been studying under.

    I personally practice his teachings of the 8 Yogas of Amitayus-Hayagriva. 

    Lama Glenn's lineage is Drikung Kagyu.


    My other Lama is Lama Lena, and she is of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage.


    May all sentient beings be happy,

    Jigten Gonpo


    The schools Lama Jampa Thaye follows are both Kagyu and Sakya....and the school Lama Glenn follows is Drikung Kagyu. That Drikung is the same school followed by the Mongol king Hulagu Khan, in the Middle East.


    Hulagu Khan's brother Kublai Khan came to power in China and Hulagu then came under the influence of the Tibetan school which Kublai followed which was Sakya. Conflict erupted between Sakya and Drikung inside Tibet (between the followers of Hulagu and Kublai). Today China's under the Sakya rule, and the followers of Drikung and Hulagu have been absorbed into the empire of the Middle East, where there's a mix of Christians and Muslims that have drowned out the Buddhists of the founder Hulagu''s time. Buddhism's Apocalypse prophecy is in the Kalachakra text that's being propagated worldwide by the Tibetan lamas. And in that prophecy, is the mention of a mythical hidden land called Shambhala (which is situated to the West of Tibet i.e. exactly where Hulagu Khan's Middle Eastern Empire is.).


    So let's roll this back and sum it up quickly: there's a Buddhist Empire left behind in Tibet by Kublai Khan extending into China, but his brother Hulagu had his own private empire extending from Pakistan/Afghanistan and the Tibetan border areas, all the way to Baghdad/middle of Turkey, Konya etc...and Hulagu's empire was Drikung Kagyu. And bingo! Hulagu's empire of "Hulagid" Ilkhanids aka "The Ilkhanate" fits the description of Shambhala and the Savior of the world known as the King of Shambhala. It's fitting that Hulagu ruled over a puzzle of faiths, including Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hulagu's own Buddhists. He was thus the savior and god-like figure for all those assembled faiths. It's noteworthy that Hulagu's empire outlasted him by far, with an offspring of successors-descendants of his family lineage that lasted for 80 long years. We're thus in presence of the messianic King of Shambhala of the Kalchakra prophecy.


    What's remarkable is that he's Drikung Kagyu, exactly like Lama Glenn. Drikung was totally taken over by Sakya during their war, but 200 years after Hulagu's death, a Sakya lama (Kunga Zangpo) arose who split from Sakya because he was independent and wanted to return to a stricter path than Sakya's own path. So, he totally revamped Sakya and asserted his school of Ngor as the primary force inside Sakya by far, as he actually dwarfed Sakya by his work. Then a split occurred because part of Sakya left it to found a new school the Gelugpas, and Kunga Zangpo couldn't agree with them because they adopted a way of practicing that excluded Tantrism until the latter part of the practice when the practitioners were already too old to do meditation, which "Ngorchen" Kunga Zangpo couldn't accept. He thus retreated to his monastery at Ngor and decided to carve out a niche region for his school far from the "roar and heat" of Tibetan politics.


    Pondering his isolation faced with this opposition that was rising against him, he sought to find a path outside of Tibet, (because neighboring tracts beyond the borders offered Buddhist regions, as well). That's when he traveled to and developed Buddhism in an abandoned stretch of land to the West of Ngor called Ngari which happened to be a traditional land of the Drikung Kagyus who had temples surrounding the Kailash sacred mountain and extending also to Ladakh. And this stretch of land was a dependency of Hulagu Khan's Empire (meaning: Hulagu raised taxes there). So when the Kalachakra speaks about Shambhala it's a mythical faraway land hidden from the view. But suddenly it comes into sharp focus at very close quarters, because the Ngari region is inside Tibet itself, but relies upon the empire of Hulagu who's headquarters are in Iranian Azerbaijan. Suddenly this monstrously extensive, megalithic empire rises out of the past and crushes everything on it's path.


    By Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo's strenuous efforts, the Ngari region became completely Ngorpa, of the Sakya school, but it's noteworthy to see that it was a traditionally  Drikungpa land and one belonging to the Mongol Hulagu. Now nothing happens by chance, and it's good to note that the Kalachakra itself was written by a Sakya lama called Buton Rinchen Drub , just eighty years after Hulagu's death and was certainly a hidden hommage to Hulagu's protective action towards Tibet and Buddhism versus the devastations wreaked by Islam at that time. Therefore, Kunga Zangpo's decision to take over the Hulagu-Drikung part of Tibet called Ngari came once the Kalachakra had become vastly widespread in Tibet and thus Kunga Zangpo was taking an early investment into the Hulagu Empire which the Kalachakra prophecy announces. Kunga Zangpo was thus buying himself part of the dream and prophecy of the end of the world and inserting himself into the past as the rightful heir of the Kalachakra.


    In such, I think that the successions of reincarnations of Kings of Shambhala, (which was a lineage certainly written by the Sakya lama Buton), are made up of the Sakya school's founder Birwapa, followed by Hulagu (a combined Drikung/Sakya), then Buton Rinchen Drub and finally Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo (among the list of Kings of Shambhala). I see them all as clearly actors in the "Shambhala Saga" and having the status of "Kings of Shambhala". 


    This was my input to Jigten Gonpo's post above.


    Very happy to hear from you Jigten...I'm most happy to hear what others want to add to all this.


    It's good to have proof of things, that's incontrovertible and proof that cannot be denied. I searched for Shambhala on Google and found the land of Bilad-al-Sham, corresponding to The Levant (Israel, Lebanon and Irak/Iran). Then I searched for people called Shambhala. I found two contemporaries of Hulagu which was troubling because I thought they could be allusions to Hulagu. Because indeed, "otherwise why should such people live exactly at the same places (Hulagu's capital was Maragha in Iranian Azerbaijan) and same time as Hulagu?" That's the rhetorical question, which any sleuth like me, researching history, should obviously want to ask themselves.


    Those two people were respectively called "Shams-e Tabrizi" and "Shams al-Din". They're Muslim luminaries and are rivaling candidates to be the Messiah respectively of the brotherly enemies: Sunnites and Shiites. Seeing the Mongols prospered for eighty years and converted to Islam during forty of those years, it's impossible to not think that Hulagu's heritage was progressively merged into the Muslim heritage.


    So concretely how did they merge a Buddhist king like Hulagu into Islam via these two "Shams" figures? The answer is perfectly self-evident: 


    The Drikung Hulagu messianic founder of the Ilkhanate dynasty was the future Messiah of the Islamic Sunnites, but also the Shiites. His successors at the helm of the Ilkhanate couldn't let anyone take the role of Messiah from them. Therefore they jealously attributed the top religious role(s) to themselves by using their founder and grandfather Hulagu as their champion and "chosen one". But secretly, Hulagu was and remained Buddhist in their tradition. And in Tibet, many regions remained Drikungpa. Hulagu could thus be named openly as the Messiah in the Drikung regions and temples of Tibet. But that would not have been plausible at all, for one good reason which was that in Tibet also, Hulagu's role as BUDDHIST Messiah was hidden because Kublai's operatives were on guard there. No Mongol such as Kublai would have been ready to grant to his brother Hulagu the role of Messiah and world Savior. That goes against the Mongol grain of one-upmanship among Genghis Khan's offspring's siblings. But over the years, the Sakya realized that they had inherited this surprising, extraordinary and wonder-filled, miraculous war treasure, which was this messianic king Hulagu and they didn't want to let go of it. Thus, the rewriting of the secretive biography of Hulagu in the Kalachakra, left open the possibility for a future resurrection and returning to rule, of that historical hair-raising figure of Hulagu Khan, the Messiah (of all faiths... even sunni muslims, shiites... and jews...and christians of course. Hulagu's quoted in his writings saying he loved christians, Christians had brought him up. His wife and mother were extremely fervent christians and he had saved the christians in Bahgdad when he razed that in the greatest massacre of the whole History of Humanity. The christians in the East had hailed him as the messianic Savior of Christianity: the Messiah).


    Forward to Jampa Thaye and Glenn Mullin please, thank you so much!

    • Wow 1

  3. On 7/31/2022 at 12:02 AM, Mark Foote said:

    C T, I'm having a hard time dedicating 90 minutes, even though the doc is very personable, and the fact that he did his masters on the cocaine trade out of Burma makes him eminently qualified, as Cobie perhaps tried to point out.

    Help me out--give me your take-away, please.


    Hello, I saw some videos from Tibet with Ian Baker. He's got good experience and speaks Tibetan too It seems. I talked to him about the Kalachakra and Shambhala. Can we talk about those themes, seeing it seems those are the core of what Ian Baker is all about.

  4. I wanted to resume this topic because Obama's toast now seeing Trump has risen to the top of the race. Now is the Iowa Caucus, so Obama's final hours of rule have come. He'll not be able to resist the pressure and the moment has come to reveal I'm the Messiah. The beauty of the Taoist faith is that in the West it acts in an odd way and in an off-beat fashion, so that freedom of speech can be achieved. Indeed, freedom of speech is something which is denied to the traditional Westerns who are stuck in their old culture and who can't speak freely. But Taoists have a freedom of action and speech which Westerners don't have.


    Taoism is thus an agent of great change and of transformation by the inside of the West.


    I want to say that the Mark of the Beast of Antichrist Obama is his money because the meaning of the 666 Mark is money, for the reason that 666 showed up in the lottery in Obama's hometown's lottery the day after his election.


    So the Mark of 666 that we must refuse in our hands and foreheads is Obama's money.

    By jailing him for the birth certificate we'll annul all his work of seven years. (By the way, on that same topic Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County says Obama's BC is 100% forged and fake and Joe jsut endorsed Trump a few days ago. So the birth issue is on the front burner more than ever and an arrest of Obama for forgery - and followed a trial before a court of LAW is in the tubes now.)


    Can you people please refer to this other article talking about the same topic as this please, and get back to us about feedback from there: thanks. The OP of that article says without doubting that Obama's the Antichrist and he's trustworthy. Those who try to distract from that truth, here in this thread, are the false christs announced in the Bible.





    A Question Concerning Obama Being The Anti-Christ



  5. Donald Trump the birther's doing a rally in Washington this Wednesday. He's got Sarah Palin joining him. Heading to a million people maybe.


    Obama'll be jailed fast I guess. That's good news. Very good news. All the Obama supporters will be tracked down worldwide and not permitted to support a criminal like him anymore. The news is good. Spread it if you want to gain heaven fast now.

  6. You should read more as opposed to believing the propaganda regarding his birth certificate. The state of Hawaii presented his birth certificate for all to see. End of story. I started this thread and persons such as yourself have derailed it.


    From your study of Buddhism, what have you learned besides fundamentalist blather which condemns sinners, espouses judgement days and so forth. Sinners? That sounds like fundamentalist Christian ideology.



    You're an infiltrated Obama shill. Trump's doing a rally in Washington this Wednesday. All you liberal fascist shills will be caught.

  7. well i wouldnt go as far as to say he destroyed the world or is an antichrist


    Obama's the first president ever (on top of being black) to have no birth certificate. Donald Trump says Obama's birth certificate is phony. He's doing a rally in DC on Wednesday. That's a very important date. The Tea Party's ralling on Tuesday at the same spot in front of the Capiltol on the West Lawn. The attendance is predicted to be in the hundreds of thousands and the Obots will be caught up and put on trial for supporting the greatest criminal in the history of the world: Obama. The Day of Last Judgement has arrived for sinners.

  8. Why are you getting caught up with this play of the mind? It really is a trap. Remember the Bardo teachings, its all a manifestation of the enlightened mind. 



    You don't anything about Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. It's the highest form of culture in the world. I've done 45 years of study and practise of Tibetan Buddhism. You're totally ignorant of it. I'm not talking to an ignorant.

  9. Gary Chicoine claims to be Rudra Chakrin.

    Rudra Chakrin is the world Saviour, the Messiah of Christians.

    The King of Shambhala emerges from hiding to defeat the end of times Demon King Krinmati and then rules the world by his faith of Kalachakra. That is the Kalachakra Apocalypse prophecy.


    I doubt Chicoine is Rudra Chakrin.

    He'd have to study the Kalachakra closely.

    I have.


    I claim Obama fills all the traits of both Krinmati and the Christian Antichrist and that the Buddhist and Christian Apocalypses both coincide. Indeed, the Kalachakra description of the Krinmati demon says he'll be partly Christian so the Apocalypse of both faiths must overlap seeing he's part of both of them.


    If a robber crosses a state border, then truely a cross-border investigation must be launched.

    Likewise, with Obama, seeing his faiths have no clear-cut borders, he's the Apocalypse's Devil for several faiths.


    For people who claim that it's lacking in respect to the president to call him the Antichrist, I'd like to remind people of Theodore Roosevelt's words who said that one commits Treason if one doesn't criticise the US President: "Any citizen who doesn't carry out his duty to criticise the POTUS is a traitor because otherwise we'll go into Tyranny."

  10. I don't deal in the madness of political correctness.


    If people want me to do so, I can post the videos and articles I have about Obama being homosexual, about 666 being drawn in the lottery the day after his election in his hometown, about information about how Obama fits with the Buddhist Apocalypse prophecy of Kalachakra as well as various other topics such as those who claim it's 616 that counts and not 666 (616 is a side-topic to 666 and just has one small paragraph in WIkipedia's "666" page.), about Obama being an illegal undocumented alien (the birth issue) etc... and more....


    I've just got ten posts per day now because I'm a newbie but will have more after some hours from now so we can talk more then.

  11. More importantly- you realize you're on a Taoist philosophy site.  Aren't there other one's that would be better for your obsession?  If you join the site will you be interested in discussing philosophy beyond Obama, politics and the anti-Christ?


    Kalachakra is the Buddhist Apocalypse. I know you want to change the topic away from Obama but he happens to be the Antichrist and the demonic person of the Buddhist prophecy alike. I'm Tibetan Tantric Buddhist (a Buddhist religious of 45 years!) which is the same as Taoism so there's no need to say I'm not Cosher enough for Taoism. Don't demonize me. I've gotten a lot of that from Christians. They hate Buddhists. It's in their DNA to be intolerant and bigotted against other faiths. They're trained to hate.

  12. Well, I want to make it clear that while I have been supportive of Jamyang's ideas, I do have (what I consider to be) friends on this forum and outside of it who are gay and I don't personally disparage those people by any means...I also think it's against the forum policy to speak ill of gays or really any group, since we want to make people feel welcome and safe here. My silence from this point forward is out of respect for those forum members, despite the topic being somewhat interesting.


    My facts about the diseases the homosexual community must face, come from the government CDC website for disease-control.


    It's heart-wrenching. But what's sick is the insistance by the government to further the gay agenda when they should be helping the gays with their sicknesses. Furthering the gay agenda and then publishing good information at CDC is schizophrenic. It's like a firefighter lighting fires.


    Obama's figure as the Antichrist does square with being homosexual.


    It's a pity that people want this kind of information to be shut down. People want this to be shut up. Too bad.


    I've given the facts. People have to accept the facts or refuse them like superstitious people in cults who shut out the world.

  13. Now, I'd like people to relax and talk about the facts calmly and quietly. Why all this avoiding the issue and running from the topic? Just relax people. Trump'll get Obama jailed; that's a foregone conclusion by now, you do know that, don't you now?


    What am I talking about in fact?


    I'm talking about the birth certificate and college records which represent in my mind (the Apocalypse) the revelation of the Antichrist and therefore the Apocalypse.


    I'm talking about how the lottery drew 666 in Chicago the day after Obama's election. The date of being the day AFTER the election is crucial because that's the moment when everybody realized Obama had won. It was the moment everybody watched his celebration on headline news.


    Millions were watching when the lottery drew 666. Obama had celebated all day and he was the only news that evening, during the whole broadcast. everybody from the North-East play the Chicago lottery which is the biggest of the five Great Lakes States with over 50 million potential players. They watch and saw the draw live of 666 on TV throughout those states. Then it was broadcast by radio and the media throughout those states.


    Now about the statistical probability of the draw of 666 occurring at that place and that time that day is incredibly small.


    Think that it just occurs three times a year in Chicago. What chance is there that it shows up right the day when Obama's victory is celebrated? It's HAIR-RAISING.


    There's just as much chance as lightning hitting you. It's like lightning hitting out of a blue sky.

  14. Yes I'm from Chicago and I've been following him around for 20, 30? years.  You do believe that don't you.  We're both from Chicago, maybe I'm his gay lover?   Or maybe throwing around homosexual innuendo at your political enemies is a trick done by sleazy people for years.  One that doesn't dignify reply. 


    Good, I didn't expect you to give a real answer and to run.


    I thought we could talk about facts. I've done five years of university and I'm used to speaking about facts not political fanaticism and prejudiced craziness. The reporters who have done in-depth reports about Obama being a homosexual are all Chicagoans: investigative reporter Wayne Madsen, Jerome Corsi, and Kevin Dujan, a gay reporter of the homosexual scene in Chicago.


    Now for others reading this thread, it should be known the Antichrist is called the Abomination meaning homosexual.

    This is important to know because from a Buddhist point of view it must be known what the Christian Antichrist is. Indeed,  because I have the link to Buddhism proving that the same Christian Antichrist is in fact our Buddhist Apocalypse prophecy's demonic being which must be defeated by us.


    Knowing everything about him is vitally important.


    He's a homosexual, so it's important to know everything about Obama's Gay Agenda.


    Obama's killing millions by his gay agenda.


    Homosexuals live shorter lives than us straights.

    They die 20 to 30 years earlier due to multiple infections such as Syphilis (75% of Syphilis is due to homosexuals) and AIDS/HIV (85% of AIDS is due to homsoexuals with old black gays most at risk of passing it on). Black old gays like Obama are most at risk of passing on AIDS Syphilis and death to their partners in sex.


    These facts come from the US government's CDC - disease-control - website. I'm a university person and go by facts not rumor. I don't speak in vain.

  15. I don't have any hate at all. I'm not responding to the smears. I like Obama and respect his exceptional genius and intelligence for doing evil because it's the intelligence of evil, made up of incredible cunning and inventiveness.


    I feel he's a shame for the black race because they expected things to improve for them but Obama brought them the Antichrist as a black. Obama let them down. I always felt Jesse Jackson's tears at the Obama-Inauguration were tears of sadness at a thug being given the US presidency and that thug being a black.


    Remember the bad blood between Jesse Jackson and Obama in that video of Jesse saying "I'll cut off Obama's balls".





  16. Reality can be a slippery thing. 


    If you're from Chicago, what can you tell us about the reports about Obama being a homosexual? I take it you know the reports. Give your quotes from articles and serious research please, when you tell us what you know about it, not just hear-say. I hear a lot of political correctness here, which is hogwash. We're talking about facts not superstition.


    Donald Trump's a common-sense person who builds houses. He doesn't mess around with comedy. Trump's goal is to get Obama jailed for High Treason.


    Trump said that Obama published his biography for sixteen years and during that time he redacted his biography three different times and all those times he wrote he was born in Kenya.


    Listen carefully to what Trump says because he's good old common sense and not intellectual fuzziness. He's not a liberal fanatic.


    Here's the biography picture and Obama published this for sixteen years!!!!!!!!!!



  17. There's the topic of the race card the liberals are using non-stop as if it was their master trump-card.

    I don't want to talk about that because I didn't bring that up as Aetherous pointed out.

    Listening to the liberal hacks one would think that one can't criticise any black.

    I don't see why being black disqualifies Obama of being the Antichrist and evil.

    Why does being black protect Obama from criticism?


    Playing the race card prevents liberals from answering the topic.

    The topic is the Kalachakra Buddhist Apocalypse.

    Does the Kalachakra fit with the Christian 666 sign of the Apocalypse and with the description of the Antichrist?

    The topic is uncovering that Antichrist so as to realize the Apocalypse (meaning "revelation" aka "an uncovering"). And 'uncovering' Obama means looking at his secrets and hidden identity, such as Trump's been clamouring about. 

    I don't know if any of you have watched Trump's 2011 videos when he offered $5 million and then extended that to $50 million for Obama's college records.

  18. I've done extensive study of the Kalachakra the Buddhist Apocalypse creed, university research, translation, study and travel to Asia etc... as well as lengthy eight-month meditation retreat and more etc.... Through chance, I've been confronted with a heaven-sent miracle of the number 666 cropping up and designating Obama. I've been challenged by that but have also had to face the ignorance of people who are unable to grapple with the reality of the facts I present. The facts are simple but few people are able to brush aside the facts and details so as to stick to the main point.

  19. Thanks Chang and Aetherous,


    the lottery draw of 666 in Chicago's lottery can be verified and checked at the Illinois Lottery's website at the "Winning Numbers History Search" http://www.illinoislottery.com/en-us/winning-number-search-game.html

    Check the day after Obama's election (he won on Nov 4). You'll see at Nov. 5, 2008, Pick 3, the draw was indeed 666.


    That requires no logic. It's a phenomeon which is clearly a miracle given that the statistical chances are so low for that to happen there - at that time.


    As for the facts I reported about Obama fitting with the Buddhist Kalachakra's description of the Demon of the end times, that's to be found here: 


    "…described the future non-Indic religion as having a line of eight great teachers: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mani, Muhammad, and Mahdi."




    (I don't  agree with that author's conclusions but he translated that excerpt from Tibetan which is the only reason why I use his link. It shows the mixed faith the "Demon King" will follow which likewise fits Obama's mixed-up faith.)




    So there are two topics: 1. whether or not the 666 marking Obama as the Antichrist is a valid proof or not and 2. examining what is the link to the Buddhist Kalachakra prophecy which would make it probable that Obama's also the Demon-King Krinmati announced as the end times demon for Buddhists.


    There are two distinct topics here. Is Obama the Christian Antichrist?

    And also is Obama the Buddhist "Antichrist"? (Demon-King)


    I'm categorical that in both cases it's YES. I'm open to discussing it because this is a vital topic for the world to know.


    This topic is burning HOT in these days when Donald Trump is closing down on Obama for the birth certificate issue (Trump's joining a Ted Cruz rally at the Capitol Hill in two weeks and will blast Obama away certainly, given Trump's star-power.)

  20. Hello,


    I studied Tibetan language and culture at Paris University for five years and did 28 years of post-university research upon the Buddhist Apocalypse deity Kalachakra.


    I realized how backwards Western culture was about Eastern culture and Buddhism/Taoism.


    I also carried out an eight-month meditation retreat upon the deity Naljorma.


    Being a world-authority on the Kalachakra I was peacefully busy spreading information about Kalachakra on Internet in 2008 when I read that 666 drew in the lottery in Obama's hometown the day after his election. 666 is the famous "Mark of the Beast" which as everybody knows is the Antichrist. Newsweek ran an article about it which made waves at the time and which Obama's Team instantly smothered under crticism and smears.  http://www.newsweek.com/belief-watch-obama-antichrist-84741 (there are hordes of videos and articles about it.)

    The hair stood on end on my head and I gasped, "What!"


    To witness a world-scale miracle announcing the Apocalypse is not everyday.

    I've been announcing it as best I can on Internet for seven years now but have run into understandable resistance from Christians in whose minds I'm "heathen and blasphemous" (because I'm simply a  Buddhist).


    Few people will get this message so it has to be Buddhists/Taoists who carry it forth and spread it to the world. Obviously it's sad but they're the only ones who will be saved in heaven by doing that sacred mission of spreading this message.


    I was myself very put off by the message of 666 the first few months. Indeed 666 is a 'Christian' number and the Antichrist is a Christian concept not a Buddhist one.  I felt I didn't have any business mixing with a Christian message.


    But, I later consulted the Kalachakra prophecy for more detail about it and it's description of the demon who's prophecied to come forth in the end times and that fits Obama to the T. It shows that Obama qualifes both as the Christian Antichrist and the demon described in the Buddhist Apocalypse.


    Indeed, the Kalacharka prophecy describes him (the Demon-King Krinmati) as practising a mixed faith of several lineages including Islam, Christianity Judaism and Manicheism. That perfectly fits Obama's mix of religions. Obama's got one foot in Islam (his name and father are Islamic etc..); his claimed, professed creed is Christianity, his family is Jewish (mother-in-law, brother and even his cousin Funnye is a black Antisemitic "rabbi" and leads a "Synagogue" in Chicago!). The part about Manicheism is the best. Manicheism has partly Buddhist and Hindu influences. Obama carries Hindu amulets such as Hanuman, the Hindu monkey-god, in his pocket.


    I'm looking forward to sharing my years of study and practise of Buddhism here. Also the links to the Kalachakra quotes and it's Apocalypse are available for all to share with me.


    Thanks to all for your time. All the links to articles, videos, forums about what I've spoken about are available to you all here. If you want to get them just ask.