
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by seadog

  1. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    The Dao is like a river whose waters are continually rising,and the dao de jing can be likened to a survival manual,informing us that by cultivating virtue or (de),we may channel the flood and avoid being inundated. Wonderful Zhuangzi states"that even though the flood waters rise up high to reach the sky,the Sage will not drown." Controlling flood waters was a daunting problem foe early Chinese. The ancient mythology is permeated with references of a brother and sister who float in a giant gourd to survive a great flood and land on Kunlun Mountain. Where they procreate incestuously to give birth to the human race. The flood itself signifies the dao's effort to assert its original,spontaneous nature within human society.where it has been civilised and to wipe the slate clean for a new beginning. I believe that this same drama is played out eternally as humans lose their orginal nature and try in vain to control the ensuing chaos. Effectively projecting inner chaos to outer calamity. The theme of flood and disaster eloborates the virtue of fulfilling ones true nature by aligning ones will with the will of heaven and the futility of attempting to prevent heaven from expressing it's own will.
  2. The Ming Men Thread

    Situated between the kidneys,ming men provides the mechinanism for the infusion of all physiological dualities in a way that creates life and fuels evolution. All such dualities such as, Heaven and Earth, water and fire, jing and shen, yin and yang, reflect the loss of the dao's primal unity. With regards to Humans these dualities may be reunited into one in the fires of ming men. Humans being postioned between Heaven and Earth are an organics means by which the alchemy of fire and water can intermingle. The name of acupucture point governor vessel-4 known as mingmen,or the "gate of destiny"or "gate of life" refers to this alchemical process, located between the Kidneys. Mingmen contains our inheritance of primordial yin and yang,which to our core joins us to primordial Dao. Its important to note that GV-4,UB-23(kidney shu) and UB-52(Zhishi,"room of will) are all at the same anatomical level in a straight line at the space between the second and third lumbar vertabrae. This supports the idea of the functional relationship between the jing,will,kidney and the function of mingmen. Daoist scholar Liu Yiming believes the very foundation of inner alchemy is the stability of the human will. He affirms that the stability of human will sets up the foundation of our ability to seek authentic self and fulfill destiny. Perhaps the nature of our will determines whether we fully express our authentic self or whether habitual behaviour extinguishes the flames of mingmen.
  3. Vitamins and Minerals

    Well one test you can do is put each of the vitamins in seperate glasses of water and note how long they take to breakdown. Any vitamin worth its weight should breakdown in thrity to forty minutes anything longer and you have to be a bit suss. Once I tested these vitamins I got sent for America after TWO DAYS they still hadn't broke down.Some companys bind there pills together with rock dust! So unless you have battery strength stomach acid your not going to be getting a whole lot out of such pills. A fellow I know who worked at the Werribe poo farm outside of Melbourne explained to me the thing that clogs up the filters the most---- undigested supplements!
  4. Your views about DAN TIAN!

    Thats great I'll remeber that cheers , Saves me scratching my head and wondering- what the?
  5. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    Hey Hey that was great read. You my dear are one of the reasons I come to this place. To mine so throughly to find such a gem. This passenger still wants to ride
  6. 5 element theory, no place in imortality

    As human I live between heaven and earth and I'am subject to daily pressures and change.Today here now where I live it is very windy,the moon is nearly full, we are in spring the time of growth and movement.Understanding the qualities of the wood phase and how it applies to my own body I'am more prepared to organize my life in a effective manner I.e stay healthy which means I'am happy. Because I know in terms of constitution the wood element seeks growth and movement and prefers bitter to sweet I chose my actions correspondingly. My life should follow the pattern of heaven and earth,which follow the movement of Dao. The vegetables in my garden follow this pattern. Early spring is th time for a flush bitter greens so I eat them, knowing that they will stimulate my liver and gall bladder,which in turn are aligned to wood the spring element. The five element theory provides a standard of reference that allows us to characterize the functional dynamics inherent in any observable phenomena.This observation is then based on quality rather then structure, making the 5E system ideal for studying the non material aspect of being that resides in the domain of mind and spirit. As our ancestor, the Dao's movement is present in all things to which it gives birth.In its movement away from and return to itself,the dao is centered on a axis or pole of emptiness.The four stages of movement and the central pivot (stage five) are present in later heaven as the four seasons and the five elements. As humans on earth this is where we reside. I believe the five elements gives us a tool to help best align ourselves between heaven and earth and a means for us to express our nature and ultimately our destiny. To quote from Shen Nong Ben Cao,Chinas oldest herbal text. "The upper class of medicines govern the nourishment of destiny and correspond with heaven.....If one whishes to prolong the years of life without aging one should use these. The 5E model was implicit in virtually every discipline of ancient China. Considerations of the 5E thoery are foundational in domains as diverse as military strategy,the martial arts,architecture,painting,poetry,music and medicine. You cannot delve into the richness of daoist philosphy without a comprehensive understanding of 5E theory and its apllication to subjects diverse as those stated above.This particularly holds true in regard to internal alchemy,which requires a firm grasp of physiology as undestood in terms Chinese organ and meridian systems and pertains to the upper class of medicines.
  7. The Red Sun practice

    Hey Mal I think the key is to let whatever happens, happen.I have been doing another breath retention exercise called blood breathing.Basically you exhale all the air from your lungs then hold on.The idea is to train your body to recieve oxygen from your blood.At first I could only do about tens seconds before the air panic set in now I can do about 15 seconds Primarily though the key is relaxation no doubt panic sadness bliss light stars blah blah will arise but they are no importance at least not as important as staying relaxed. Panic and terror are the enemy. The chance to breath again is everything.
  8. The Faces of God

    When I was fifteen years old a presence in the form of a cloud came into my bedroom,everything went very quiet very peaceful.This presence stated matter of factly "Your brother will soon be in accident and you will care for him." I don't know who or what the presence was,but I loved it completely. Two weeks later my brother was involved in a horrific car accident that left him quadraplegic.For two years he struggled to maintain his life. Finally he was sent back home to live with myself and my parents. My parents struggled to look after him because of the physicality involved. So at the age of eighteen he lived with me. I love my brother deeply he is very strong and doesn't complain a true warrior. But it was very demanding looking after him on my own and one day while I was washing the dishes filled with rage from having to do umpteen domestic duties.The presence came back to me with a voice in my ear,calming and peaceful. Simply stateing "Great men do great service" Everything was fine, I calmed down. Six months later he met a wonderful women and they married. This prensence is with me still sometimes years go by and I neither see or hear from it but it always returns when I lose track,gentlely nudgging and reminding. Some might call an angel,some Jesus,some Buddah,others a spirit. but to me It is so familiar it requires no name and I love it completely.
  9. housekeeping

    Does anyone know how to protect the home when it is not being occupied? I.e how do you keep the ner do wells at bay when out and about?
  10. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    AHHH the glue that binds all mystery together
  11. flouride and mercury tooth fillings

    Some individuals cannot excrete heavy metals.The APOE liver enzyme are classified into three veriables 2,3,4.With subsets within each group eg 2/2 2/3 3/2 4/3 and so on.It has been proven by tissue analysis that individuals who belong to the APOE genetic of 4 have inferior ability to excrete not only heavy metals but also pesticides and chemical solvents.Individuals with the APOE gentic make up also tend to have higher cholestrol which makes perfect sense considering the livers inability to excrete toxins. Also individuals who acquire autoimmune disease with this particular subset will be more likely to have the progressive form of whatever disease they suffer from. It takes skilled blood analysis to ascertain the degree of toxic build up from a blood test.There are particular markers in the blood which indicate the likely hood of toxic exposure. Elevated haemoglobin Red blood cell count Decreased lymphoctes but raised eosinophils. Low transferrin high red cell porphyrins high urine porphyrins etc. So just having a blood test to look for heavy metals is not an accurate way to ascertain body burden.Most heavy metals are fat soluable not water soluable.Mercury in particular has an affinity with fat.Especially for the fat around nerve cells known as meylin.You could be toxic with mercury and have none show up in the blood. A hair analysis would be a more accurate way of determining weather you body is excreting metals properly.But even hair analysis can be misleading.Low readings do not necessarily indicate low body burden. Corriander for instance breaks the bond mercury has with a cell but it cannot bind the mercury to escort it out of the body via one of the elimination channels i.e bowels,kidney or skin.Thats why you need to take a agent such as chorella which has a binding property along with corriander to facillitate chelation.
  12. Kun Lun San Diego Seminar Review

    Thanks for your post Growant. Had it all. Car breakdowns,Charles Manson look alikes,burgers,jaccuzzis,people freaking out,divine transmission,worms in ya head. Hope Max and crew makeit to Australia
  13. Stripping the Gurus

    Alright were do I sign up. To know is good. To do is God. I've just thought of another one. SHIT Sudden Heightened Intuitve Training.
  14. What is the goal of Taoism?

    Return. back to before the birth and death. How can there be any goal in the vastness of no thing pure potential is want of no thing. The guest knows about time and space water and fire The master knows nothing.
  15. I am back

    I'am pleased to hear you can now access your own website
  16. Ahh in terms of brain chemistry what is it that fish oil does.Does it effect your endocrine system.I know the Inuit in Canada traditionally had a high fish and blubber diet.Consquently they had very little heart disease,but I remeber reading blood clotting (the lack of it ) was a issue. Yoda milk, there have to be market for aspiring jedi
  17. Well the fish oil may have made her lactate,but it did zero for her intelligence. Just out of curosity what happens to men if they consume vast amounts of fish oil?
  18. flouride and mercury tooth fillings

    If your new fillings are silver in colour they will contain up to and in some instances more than 50% mercury.White coloured fillings are generaly composite materials made of porcelian or resin. Don't attempt to chelate the mercury from your system until you have had all your silver almgams safely extracted by a properly trained biological dentist. For more information go to
  19. As you know...

    Yeah totally agree nothing can replace hard one exprience.Regardless of the endevour.
  20. Drawing toward the ragged hole

    Ah sorry to hear there are no high quality acupuncturists in your area.Also I made a mistake what I should have stated was your water element is disfunctioning. In context of chinese medicine fear is related to the kidneys,the kidneys are coupled with the water element.When out of balance,it may become confused and engage in activities it should be counselling itself against. This often manifests itself as extremes- deer in the headlights or the flip side engageing risky or dangerous behaviour. If you are intrested to find out more google five elements acupuncture there are a host of sites that go into this with gretaer detail and refferences to qualified practioners- one of whom may be near you.
  21. Drawing toward the ragged hole

    You have an imbalance in your kidney.Find yourself a good acupuncturist and they will help you your disfunctioning metal element. peace&health
  22. You want to ground yourself then ground yourself. Once I went skydiving and the adrenal rush was so huge it felt like I drank a thousand cups of coffee and a pound of sugar all at once. Adrenal is fun but fuck it can reek havoc on your kidneys. So I decided to go outside dig a whole in the earth pull down my pants,stuck my ass at the sun and then sat down buttnaked in the hole I had dug. Tell you what it felt great and worked a treat,calm me right down.You just can't be anything but grounded when your sitting naked in a hole, in the earth. One day when the forces of nature indicate its time I'am going to dig myself a grave and lie in it over night.The loveing embrace of earth is sweet medicine indeed Oh if its not convenient for you to go around digging holes, the next best thing is to find some cool to cold water to swim in guarnteed to bring you down to earth quick smart and as a bonus it clears all the shit from your nasal passages.
  23. Balancing Left and Right

    Brother you just gotta let it flow,you control the dancer by giving up control of the dancer. Ps you would every right in wanting to smack me in the head for saying something so glib, but I'am afraid its true
  24. Qigong / Chi-Kung

    The whole reason the very essence of qigong is to learn to reeeeeeelaaaaaaaax.To submit your inner tension to the love of your breath and perofrm your movements with true integrity. Relax into being,relax into your pain,relax into the earth. When the ocean grabs hold of you and treats you like a rag doll you gotta relax.When the forces of gravity conspire against you, relax. Cats are by far the greatest qigong instructors.They know how to relax.Thats why they can do all the martial arts. Jumping from great heights,walking narrow ledges,pinpoint accurate strikes with the claws.I love how they can be still a sleep for ten hours then spring into action at a moments notice.Cats know how to control the tension in their body,they know how to relax. The nature of green grass is suppleness,they nature of dry dead grass is stiffness.A simple indication of the dergree of health one posses is directly related to how supple one is.Stiffness = tension tension=disease.Qigong regardless of the myriad of forms is to aide one into devine relaxation,stillness and emptyness. With great reverence to our feline friends.
  25. Balancing Left and Right

    Oh man just look at the shadow near the foot then look back at the dancer.Do it a few times and have that dancer turning anyway you like.