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Everything posted by seadog

  1. Immortality

    Thank you for this. Perhaps you could answer these questions that I have been wondering about. By what means do you re introduce the fire to the water? How much does the heart -kidney axis depend largely on our pre-heaven endowment? Is a intermediate needed for the successful union of fire and water I.e Earth,wood or metal?
  2. Last time you were sick?

    I have never caught a cold. The colds have caught me. Airplanes always seem to be my undoing. Must be all that shared air under pressure.
  3. Immortality

    That which is born will die.Simple. If you want to understand immortality. Look for that which has never been born.
  4. KAP London Workshop

    According to five phase theory. The greatest challenge to the metal constitution. Is to retain only that which it considers worth keeping if the future is to gain any value from the past. Metal weighs the value of things. So the work which began with wood is not lost but retained within the possibility of seed. The challenge then is knowing what to disgard and what to hold on to. Metal must give way to water. The return to source. The challenge then for metal is to relinguish its potential. This requires humility and surrender Two qualities metal finds most difficult when out of balance. In metal the hard won qualitys which have been forged in fire become their measuring stick When out of balance These principles become rigid and cutting. On a phisical level it will often manifest as Eye problems Constipation edema. On a mental level Questions of self worth Too low or too inflated will manifest. The role of metal is to instruct or teach That which is of the finest essence. To help bring forth those qualties which are most beneficial. So that they maybe returned to water or the source. Without true realisation Metal is often shrouded in grief unable to accept the return to water. Which on the service represents the loss of death but is in essence, the beginning of life.
  5. Ascended Masters

    Thanks for posting the portrait of Sri Yuktesewar,Cat. He reminds me of something. But I can't quite put my finger on what it is? As though stareing into the face of someone or something you use to know Long Ago. Very powerful. Do you know the name of the book he wrote?
  6. Am I working enough?

    Reading all this makes me glad I surf
  7. While in the World

    Just to throw a spanner in the works. Jesus is quoted to have said: "Why strain at gnats and swallow camels."
  8. The True Taoism?

    I wonder if one were to spend three years in a grave as Master Wang did(Quan Zhen) Would you still be questioning the nature of 'True Taoism'?
  9. While in the World

    Absolutely. Humility seems to have been at the core of every great person I have had the privelage to meet. That and a true sense of innocense.
  10. You think you got it bad?

    Thanks Mouse for shareing that video. Just what I needed to see today.
  11. Tao Meditation

    Hi Modest,There is a five elements college for acupuncture and moxibustion on the Canadian side of the Falls. the web address is They may be able to point you in the right direction or perhaps something even more
  12. An... um interesting site

    The reflections in the mirror can say and believe what they will. Doesn't change the nature of the mirror.
  13. Spiritual practice during sleep

    Well there is plenty of good advice here. One simple method I know of is to repeatedly say Wake up! during the day. Then ask yourself Am I dreaming now Is this a dream? I have found this good for not only the night but also the day. If you do have a lucid deam I have found it beneficial to have a point of reference in your dream. Like your hand or a ring on your finger. Pulling your attention back to your chosen point of referrence helps to enhance the clarity of the dream Also returning to your point of referrence stops you from getting to embroiled in the dream.
  14. Slaying Demons

    Self doubt,anger,pride,fear,joy,empathy,love etc These emotions are what they are. Its part of being human Perhaps you will have noticed that they come and go So let them come and go. Perhaps you have noticed the amount of energy it takes to hold onto your self doubt Is equal to the amount of energy to beleive in what you are doing. Tell me can there be any progress? How do you measure it? Is there anything besides each perfect moment?
  15. Why feel the need to practice

    Well said. Pure and total consciousness.
  16. fate, free will destiny & karma

    Do you have a story that can inspire true compassion?
  17. fate, free will destiny & karma

    Well said Matt. In the wonderful book. The Tibetan book of living and dying The author recounts the exprience of a man who had a near death event. "It was a total reliving of every thought I had thought,every word I had ever spoken,and every deed I had done; plus the effect of every thought,word,and deed on everyone and anyone who had ever come within my enviroment or sphere on influence whether I knew them or not....; plus the effect of each thought word and deed on weather,plants,animals,soil,trees,water and air." The implications of this criteria are indeed astounding.
  18. Talking To God

    That wasn't God. I met God in a pub one night. And she wasn't anything like that.
  19. En*light*enment

    There is no such thing. Give up the idea 'enlightenment' and let it float away. Really seeing means there is really nothing to see This is called the omnipotent view. There is no marvellous object to see,nothing to be heard all definitions blow away. An absolute reality to be considered a higher dimesion does not exist. Why fix your aspiration on a mirage? What is there beyond the equality of natural condition? Everything is already perfect and complete.
  20. fate, free will destiny & karma

    I understand that some of you may find what I'am about to say offensive.But do try to consider. I don't like killing anything,but I hate being a hypocrite even more. All of us eat but how many of us take real responsibility for what we eat and how we acquire it. I have shot,killed,skinned and eaten numerous animals. Killing a animal,gutting and skinning it is not a pleasent task. But it is honest. Growing a beautiful big cauliflower then cutting out the head and ripping out the roots, though not as trumatic as killing and skinning an animal still has sense of meloncoly attached to it. But it is honest. In my book what is dishonest is going to supermarket,buying food that has come from God only knows where by means of heavy polluting transportation. There is no proper measure of the value of life. By what means do we acquire Karma and how will it bear its fruit? I think your story regarding the snake Matt was pertinent in this regard.Our intentions,our actions and our thoughts either demonstrate value and regard to life or they don't. What did you do with the snake after you killed it? This is a malaise in the modern world,largely we have been removed from the basic process of acquiring food for ourselves. How can there be any value to life if you are not involved with death.
  21. What is the Most Common Problem...

    Thank you Lin for your thoughtful reply. This evening we went to see the The seventh dzogchen Rinpoche.A rare treat to have in these parts indeed. His simple message of taking time to rest the mind,when you feel yourself to be under stress was a gentle reminder to take the time to look after oneself.
  22. What is the Most Common Problem...

    watching my partener suffer daily with a disease that has stripped her slowly of all independence. wakeing every morning to continue to fight a losing battle. Tonight she told me love wasn't enough for how she feels towards me. Tommorrow I will sit with her again amongst the storm Till the last vistage of self has blown away. And What about you Lin?
  23. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    I think it is pertinent to remind ourselves that certain qualified individuals are living vessels of great wisdom. This is across the board, not just in terms of spiritual matters. Should we not acknowledge master crafts people for their ability,dedication and the insight they have? Such individuals should be treasured for the repository of hard earned exprience often gleaned over many centuries. Perhaps as students it is more beneficial to see a Guru not so much as an infallable Human but as a representation of a higher possibility.
  24. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    Just remain open to possibilities. Teachers can come in many forms but they all hold one thing in common Truly all they can do is point you in a direction of Stillness&emptiness. Anything other is simply window dressing to hook your attention. Relax the body Relax the mind Relax the spirit Regardless of what we do, or don't do, the blue sky remains behind the clouds