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Everything posted by seadog

  1. Mindfulness

    If you want to know what true mindfulness is- do something that threatens your life! Then you will know what true mindfulness is. If you are successfull at applying that same degree of awarness through out your daily life,you will either exhaust your endocrine system or fly like a dragon. Everything else is just air passing through lips
  2. Ah, it's the same old...

    Ah now thats the way.
  3. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    WYG I appreciate and respect your regard to your sifu. Look forward to your post.
  4. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    I for one would like to hear about your expriences with your teacher weird or otherwise.
  5. Hurrah for the man

    Your a true man looking out for your mother, as they say here in OZ Good on ya.
  6. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    You Gotta move,everyday. walk hard every day with my dog up and down hills climb trees up to seven meters and prune hardwoods for agroforestry surf two to three times a week for up to two to three hours at a time do tai chi yang style long form do various forms of qi gong meditate most days With out a doubt exercise is essential for qi or energy or whatever you want to call it. Most people today me included don't get enough exercise,on a whole we in western stlye lifes are far,far to inactive and we spend far far to much time indoors.This is especially true for our poor children who are essentially incarcerated in schools were the first thing they are taught is poor sitting habits. Unless you are growing your own food or strictly eating organic grown food only we are already putting our systems understress. If you have almalgam fillings in your mouth you are putting your system understress.Mercury makes up to 50 percent of amalgam fillings and is the most toxic natural element to humans.Yet we insist on sticking in our faces inches from our brains. When I walk around the streets of the city I 'Am AMAZED how unfit the general population is.Poor posture,clouded eyes,bad breath,bad smell,overweight,lack of muscle tone etc.All of this directly related to a lack of exercise,poor or incorrect diet,lack of fresh air and chemical poisoning. To live in a western stlye country requires a concentrated and consisted effort to maintain ones health.Thank heavens we have access to the various martial arts form to help us. On a personnel note I have found surfing to be the most beneficial form of exercise.I could rave on for hours about the total immersion of senses and the solid physical work out surfing gives not to mention the all over tingly feeling when you get out. Tai chi and qi gong help to enhance my balance,agility and breath which help support my prunning work and surfing. This year I hope to study bjj time and responsabilities permitting. After the age of forty its all about maintanence. The water has to keep flowing. That felt good WYG and Cameron I volunteer my services as an impartial referee,could even be coerced into building a octagon. Anyone want to put their hand up for announcer.
  7. Form Intent Boxing Linked form mini-article

    Great article Brian. Would love to study xingyi but unfortunately no one around here teaches it. Look forward to the rest of your article.
  8. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    Damn fine post Taomeow. All of us have sheilds of one kind or another. "Prove it to me" is one of the most finely crafted and utalitarian of the lot.
  9. Best Translation Of The Six Yoga's Of Naropa

    yeah I would like to hear more expriences with trees.Its seems they are adapted to taking are negative qi. Just wondering what species of tree people work with and the different quality of qi they acquire.That is if qi exsists
  10. OBE's Who here has had one?

    I have had numerous obe. The first one happened when I was thirteen.During a hockey match I was hit square between the eyes with the puck.The next thing I recalled was looking at this fellow sprawled out on the ice and everyone standing around him. I remember thinking "this poor fellow I wonder whats wrong with him?" Then I heard a voice tell me some very strange things,the last of which was "Look it's you".I then realized that the guy lieing on the ice was me and immediately slammed back into my body. For days afterwards I was in an altered state were everything seemed in slow motion.It wasn't until I had physical fight with one of my classmates that I snapped out of it. Another powerfull obe I had was when I lived at a lighthouse.This was a very isolated wild place (I truly loved that place) Besides interacting with my partener I had very little social contact for months.My days were spent fishing and roaming about in the bush. One night I was having a dream about being chased by someone. In the dream, I thought this has never happened to me and woke up in the dream.I recall my whole body began to vibrate such a wonderful feeling,the next I know I'am standing over the bed looking at myself and my partener.I could feel myself start to panic but stopped it and decided to walk down the hall. I felt like an invigorated happy ghost. I went outside and stood by the cliff edge and starred out over the sea which was dead calm and lit by a wanning moon. Suddenly in the distance I saw light shine, this light noticed me and came directly to me.This was a mistake on my part. The light turned into a malevolent being that straight away attacked me. The sensation when it struck me was like hitting a electric fense. The spirit then said it had come to take something that belong to my partener. I wondered what it could be I was then showen what appear to be a grey substance wrapped around a bundle of wires. I try to stop it but the spirit was far to strong and I knew I had to return to my body quick. With in an instant I slammed back into my body, the force of which lifted me phsically from the bed and woke my partener up. Her back was wet from my sweat and I was panting like a dog. After this obe I became sick,I lost weight and had very little energy. It took me three years to regain myself. My partener now has multiple sclerosis which is a disease wereby the bodys immune system attacks the protective mylin sheath around the nerves. It is essential to know how to protect yourselve if you are serious about obe,believe me we are not alone.
  11. Are you sure about the existance of Chi?

    Hi Howabouttao. Much of chinese medicine is based on Qi. Acupuncture directly effects the qi of your body.If you have doubts of the reality of qi arrange to see a qualified exprienced acupuncturist.Have a treatment and analize the effect of the treatment.Take careful note of how your body is feeling before during and after treatment. Note how your body feels when the needle is inserted. Opening up your meridians and filling your body with Qi doesn't make you a spiritual person. Imho reconising that every one and everything is extension of yourself is the first step on the path.
  12. Meditation and Sleep

    Thanks for this Wudangspirit. Does this time frame of 11pm-1pm also represent yin beginning to transform into yang.?
  13. Favorite RJ posts

    Becauze we are half angel, half monkey and the monkey don't give a fuck. That is pure gold
  14. Happiness is....

    I think it was conciphorical Yeah that was a Good rain Matt,I was doing some gong in the thunder and lightening until one very serious crack of thunder, loudest crack of thunder I haver ever heard,had me scurry inside for cover
  15. Happiness is....

    I love it when the rain falls after a protracted peiod of dry. The wonderful smell of wet earth and the sounds of thunder and rain on the roof,just makes me feel good.
  16. Tao Bums Forum - Growth and development

    Hear,Hear Smile.
  17. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Umm speaking of wizards where is sifu Shane Warne when you need him? Perhaps in his toorak hermitage contemplating his flipper and the virtue of various mobile technology.
  18. Is KunLun Bogus?

    sorcers are such pains in the butt.Always stealing energy from unsuspecting bystanders,harming furry little animals and generally making a nussiance of themselves. Why must people be so unkind? Why do people take themselves so seriously? Why is it that bums like us are a dime a dozen?
  19. Daoist Martial Puppets

    Thanks for that Brian. You and your wife make for a lovely couple
  20. Recently I diagnosed myself with stagnent liver chi invading spleen.This diagnoses was achieved by following the clues that my body was giving me (no need to get into detail) and researching these symptoms with reference to tcm information. I then read about the variuos acpuncture point combinations for the diagnoses of stagnent liver chi invading spleen, selected the points that I could reach on myself, and applied the needles. I took careful note of my pulse before the acupuncture,and defined it as wiry yang pulse, easily detected on the surface but disappears once you push your fingers deeper into the artery. I took my time finding the percise point and achieving qi.Believe me you will know when this happens. After applying the needles on the selected points I lay back and took note of any changes I felt in my body. The first difference I noted was a change in my breathing pattern followed closely by a sense of deepening relaxation. Within ten minutes I had fallen into a light slumber almost comparable to a meditation state. I remained in this state for three quarters of an hour before gradually waking up. I removed the needles in the prescribed manner and took my pulse again. Although my pulse was still wiry it had lost much of it yang quality and could be detected further in the artery. Shortly after I went to bed for wonderful nights sleep. The next day I felt so much lighter and the constant dull pain just below my liver was absent. My mood was much lighter and the underlying sense of anger which is often goes han in hand with stagnent liver chi was gone. It has been two weeks since I preformed this little experiment on myself and I'am most please with the outcome. The simplest way that I know of detecting and expriencing the quality of qi in your body is through the pulse. The proof lies in the pulse as it were. Pulse diagnoses is a real artform and when you read about the variuos different qualities of pulses its mind boggling. Still if we are after a direct exprience of the quality of qi in ours or someone elses body look to the pulse.
  21. Negative Ion Generators

    Hi Shen. I use one, it's called the ocean.The bigger the wave the more negative ions,the bigger the stoke
  22. Max Christensen, 1966, Red Guard China?

    Who needs lions and bears when you can do it yourself
  23. Bull Qi Gong at the Taipei courthouse

    The world grows stranger still
  24. Lifelong Kunlun

    Yeah you really seem to be getting alot out kunlun Mal.I wish you the best of luck. You strike me as a really sincere person (perhaps strike is not quite the right word) a quality that is most admirable indeed.
  25. QiGong Energy Distant Healing

    Hey Matt. Do you mind telling us who it was and how it happened.