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Posts posted by orb

  1. the face looked once like this:



    It looked like a swiss cow. That's because the Swiss people invented the pyramides and stonehenge ;-)




    That actually explains the holes in them and also their shapes.


    The pyramids are nothing more then old swiss cheese.



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  2. Taichi leads to being a master of force whether it be physics or internal alchemy.





    Can you see why just running your mco and having jing is lesser when compared to the spiritual alchemy of taichi?



    That was a kinda cool breakdown. I think I want more if available...

  3. Real taichi he ? :)


    Well I was mostly impressed by the way he was throwing around a guy that looked considerably bigger then himself.


    Usually I don't like just the form or even "push hands" it just seems useless for combat purposes. (However I do understand its health purpose)

  4. Chen Ziqiang is Chen Xiaowang's nephew. Same family, same flavor, same power.

    You can attend any Chen Xiaowang seminars in the US. Chen Ziqiang is also offering seminars in the US. The next are in 2012 ( have a look @ www.truetaichi.com)



    that sounds good. Are u asociated with them ?

  5. Watch at about 42 seconds on the original video, the guys falls down on his own. I don't find this very impressive tbh. It seems he is simply grappling and his opponet doesn't know whats an underhook.


    I know where u r comming from. I'm all about grappling. It's just that in grappling

    they r missing some important aspects that taichi is covering. So IMO it's not perfect but it's the best and the most realistic and practical I could find so far comming from a taichi school.

  6. Hm, also reminds me of a traditional (Peruvian if I remember correctly) culture who would collectively build the houses so that they would not last very long. This way they would always have the community bonding exercise of building each other's houses. This isn't really a far stretch of the way software and technology works in the western world, though without the altruistic motivations....



    Now I know why american cars r so crappy but people keep making and buying them - to keep the bond.

  7. The theory with Napoleon was based on the writing of an anthropologist before Napoleon got to Egypt who commented about "to think that the race of Cradle of Civilization is the very same as those we hold in bondage.." So it seems the face was more obvious before Napoleon got there.


    Also Napoleon wanted to maintain the slave trade and fought very hard to keep it in Haiti where he was defeated, Haiti winning their independence upon their victory. So it stands to reason that Napoleon, having no respect for anything by that time, would stoop so low (pun intended) as to try and destroy evidence that would undermine the justification of his future unpaid-labour force.




    Oh, I wasn't refering to the fact that the face has been damaged. I was refering to the error in proportions. The head's size just doesn't fit the rest of the body. It's too small. The theory that I am talking about is much older then Napoleon's days. Basically it's referring to one of the laws by which everything was created on this planet and that is the law of proportions.


    It has been reflected in other structures as well. Like some temples that have a cupola for instance. All of the temples around it would have a cupola that is rested on 4 poles let's say. But this specific one is intentionally built on 3 poles so that it would attract peoples attention.


    Of course not everyone would understand that concept, but somebody involved in construction of temples would notice it. Then they would question it: Why the hell there are only 3 poles in this one when every normal cupola has 4 poles, this just doesn't feel right. Hmm lemme look into this?. And that's just step nr1. From there you go to the next clue etc....


    All this would determine you to think in a certain way until you get the message - This method would save the author hundreds of pages of theories that can would be lost in translation anyway or sumtimes can't even be put in words....

  8. I'm not too sold on this theory. Looking at all the other Egyptian art, they were so specific and detailed that we still have no idea how they did some of it given the materials they were carving. I don't think the Japanese pottery rule really applies...


    Well it's just a theory like all of them.


    But it states clearly that most of the art is not designed like that - but only a few. Supposedly the builders of the Sphinx carried a very useful type of knowledge that was important to be transmitted to humanity but it was hard because of the lack of consistency in people's mentality. Most of the art just happened by imitation and misinterpretation without any esoteric background.


    Just like let's say a lot of paintings of tibetan religion. There are many westerners that reproduce those painting and they do even a better job then the tibetans themselves but they rarely can grasp the true meaning of them.


    But what about the Japanese pottery that you mentioned. Did they do that as well ?

  9. There's a theory that the Sphinx was originally a statue of Anubis...





    There's also the theory that it was designed from the beginning with a flaw because that's the only way to show the key to it's message.

    Just imagine had it been a statue of a lion or some mythical creature it would have been treated as a simple art piece.

    However if there's the feeling that it caries a message then it will be studied in depth in the attempt to understand it. And the old civilizations were counting on it.


    Over time cultures and languages change and the orginial meaning of the symbols is always getting lost.

    Even people that can speak an old language, because of their different mind set - most of the time they don't understand and misinterpret the old message.

    So many of these ancient monuments were created to transcend this unfortunate process.

    These are not simple art pieces - these are very well designed sources of ancient wisdom that we are unable to comprehend yet.

  10. A closed door seminar in switzerland :lol: Again if its not Mo-Pai related i have no interest in anything kosta is offering.


    Years back There used to be a jimi hendrix impersonator named randy hanson. He even wore an afro wig and played note for note all the signature tunes. One night on stage however he tore off the wig and told the fans he was sick of being a wind-me-up jimi doll and started playing his own music, being himself.


    Sadly the people didnt want to hear randy hansons music, they only wanted to hear jimi's.


    Its the same here with kosta.


    The only thing which gave him fame was his association with mopai. I cant see many people being interested in pamachon,knife disarms and self defence techniques you can learn anywhere online.



    I just don't get it. What exactly did Kosta do to you? I've never met the guy and I am not asociated with any of his followers. All I know about him is from his books and his inverview. I am pretty certain your experience is very similar to mine so my question again: What did he do to you or if you hate him so much why even bother writing in this thread?

  11. Pankration the art of fighting used by the ancient greeks goes back to 776BC, it was taught to the Indians by Alexander the great and was later taught to Bhuddist monks who became Shaolin monks, this is just a theory I have read but supported by martial arts historians..



    There was another theory here on the forum stating that Jesus was trained by Taoists, so right now I'm not sure which theory is best


    1. Alexander Makedonski was a kung-fu grandmaster


    2. Jesus was a Ninja.


    I digg 'em both though....

  12. This sounds like a plausible explanation and you're getting at the heart of the matter I think.


    Imagine if Taijiquan practitioners routinely joined MMA bouts and routinely demonstrated all manner of strange abilities. Would this conversation be here? No, of course not. We would then just accept Taijiquan for what it is and none of its abilities would seem strange or controversial after a while. We'd get acclimated to it.


    The situation now though is that 1) very amazing claims are made by the taiji people and 2) we don't see those claims tested in a real bout, but instead we have youtube videos demonstrating against passive opponents who resist in a very specific manner prescribed to them. So basically the demonstration is a setup and it's not an honest demonstration because these special conditions are not disclosed at the beginning of the video.


    Imagine a video that starts off like this, "What you are about to see is a taijiquan demonstration. The demonstration is performed against opponents who are taught to resist in a specific way. Namely the opponents are asked to be still and stiff, simultaneously. Because this is the case, what you observe in this demonstration is a very exaggerated effect of taiji training which is not observable in a real bout against a skilled opponent. We do these types of demonstrations for practice to get the hang of the skills explained in our martial art."


    Imagine??? Would controversies still exist? Would Stig want to travel around the world in that case?



  13. Hi Stig. I clearly didn't say "your inquiry was disrespectful". I said that declaring teachers fakes without so much as even meeting with them and spending some time with them is very disrespectful. I'll say it again. In my opinion, internal skill is not obvious from just viewing a video demo, so passing judgement on internal skill based on a video doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. At lower levels fajin may use more obvious force, but at higher levels it is not so obvious. I think you do understand what I am saying though because I think it is a straight forward enough concept. :)



    To me internal skill is very obvious from the videos with John Chang. And I never met the guy but I've never had any doubt in my mind that he is real 100%.

    The problem is he won't teach you.


    By comparison the other guys from the videos they will teach you a lot of things and forever and they all look fake!


    Now ain't that smth?

  14. So Feng Ziqiang, Huang Sheng Shyan (deceased now, I believe) and Zhu Datong are all fakes? Seriously? All three of these masters are/were highly respected internal martial arts masters. BTW, for traditional teachers, if one approaches them very respectfully and asks them politely if they can find some time to demonstrate some of their skills on you, if you are respectful enough and they think you are have achieved enough martial arts ability to know how to fall without getting hurt too easily they might ask a senior student to show you some things, or if they are not too busy and they find you likeable and respectful enough they might even personally show you some things themselves as well. Some may wait till they get to know you better first, so you may have to hanfg around for some time before they are comfortable enough wioth you to show you something. :) Traditionally one might not even be given the opportunity to approach the master directly without first being introduced by a close student to the master. Nowadays things have started to become less formal however with some of the newer gerneration teachers. However, most anyone may not respond too cordially if they see that someone is not really sincere or if they are disrespectful. A person who is disrespectful may well just end up causing trouble one way or the other even if the teacher tries to be polite and accomodate them. I can fully understand why some teachers might not respond too cordially to a disrespectful person. If someone is serious about trying to get a teacher to demonstrate some techniques to them, being very respectful and polite and friendly would probably be a good start. :)


    So when did you ask Mr. Phillips if he would be willing to show you some of his techniques?


    Regarding videos. I think one can't really judge a master's level by such things as most masters really hold back when demonstrating on students and guests, as people could easily get hurt if the master really released their force. The videos you see on the net are mostly just for demonstration purposes to give the general idea of what can be done, and the master will often demonstrate the way they want the student to practice the movement and not necessarily the way the master would actually do the movement themself, which may well contain much less obvious movement. Just thought I'd add that as an aside as trying to judge a teacher's level of attainment from demonstrations or instructional videos with students or associates doesn't really make sense to me.



    You know I would rather get hurt for real then praticipate in this exchange of fairy-tale online forever. Is there a master that is willing to hurt me with his fajin because I would pay him for that!

    And don't get me wrong just because a guy is fake it doesn't mean that he is necessarily evil. Some people don't even know they are fakes and they really believe in their own BS.

    I believe Max Christensen is a very good example. He is a very nice individual that is serious about his practice and doesn't even charge much for his teaching - but in my opinion he convinced himself of something that he never really tested himself of and really believes in it. He is a victim of his own imagination - kinda like Michael Jackson.

    Check it out...

    I find this fascinating!



    And I believe the other "masters" in the videos are all the same they just didn't take the time to stage it as much...

  15. To be honest to the 11th page request, although stated before and many comments before, let us bring an end to this; Neither Michael Phillips nor another of the many dozen Youtube examples you post are going to be flocking to your test lab. So it may be best to stop hurling questions about their coming to your test protocol.


    I already offered to go as a part of evaluation tests, but you ignored any reply on that.


    I think it is time to put up or... you decide. Let's visit Michael Phillips and test him. I will go with you. Just name a few dates that work for you. After that, we decide who is next to visit and test.


    Added: There is a small chance I could bring someone who can truly test him and put him to shame... but again... it is up to you to schedule this.


    Please take me with you to M Phillips, I will even pay for your trip and I will be respectfull to the guy even if he is a fake!. Please let me know how can I get a demo from M Phillips.


    Thank you.

  16. Hi Stig. Rather than slinging mud at various people from your computer desk chair, why not contact Mr. Phillips and others you have implied are fakes here and ask if they would mind if you visited them in person for some friendly skills comparison? Then you can report back here and speak from real experience on how good or poor their skills are? Make sure to video tape the events fully without editing so we can see the actual results for ourselves. :)


    All I see all over the net is various people calling various teachers fakes and such but these same computer desk masters often never seem to be willing to get up out of their desk chairs and go respectfully compare skills in person with the other teachers/students they are putting down or making snide comments about. What ever happened to common courtesy and respect...? Sorry but this needed to be said, IMO. Real internal skill is hidden. If you want to test someone's internal skill you really need to go and meet them and at least push hands with them or maybe do some friendly sparring to see what internal skill they really have. If someone has real internal skill it shouldn't take long to find that out. You don't have to conduct a scientific experiment as anyone who is really interested in finding out the truth can just go and visit various teachers and experience the truth for themself. Sure it takes some effort and may cost a bit of money, but at least then one will be speaking from real knowledge and experience instead of just idle speculation...



    I've done that effort and spent that money already. Don't even bother. They are fakes all these guys in the videos in this thread at least and a whole bunch of others. Some of them (the smart ones, I guess) just don't want to be tested (like Mr Phillips). Of course they have classic excuses like: Oh I practice only for health reason, oh you can ask such and such if you don't believe me or you can watch my videos etc....) None of them make any sense.


    Why would you call yourself a "martial" artist if you are scared to show your fighting skill? You don't have to go any competition or anything like that all you have to do is a demo on a non-believer.


    Oh no! but the grandmaster is already tired of proving to the nonbelievers and he is retired now. They are all tired and retired but there is not one single recorded proof of a "fajin" guy knocking out a regular boxer or smb like that.

    But when it comes to film cheap tricks like the "spear in the throat" or break the stick against my chi belly - no problem - hundreds of hours of footage. Hundreds of useless "fajin" video demos on the internet and none of them against a non-student.

    Oh and give me a break with the argument "closed door/big family secret" hidden dragon crouching tiger junk that's soooooo cheap and outdated

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  17. I don't question his authority as much as I do his writing ability; his book with John Chang was nothing less than an awkward read in many parts. He came across as a novice to me. I would never of guessed he wrote something of value previously.


    And his absolute surprise at some things made me wonder if he studied martial arts in a vacuum somewhere. I could not figure out why he seemed so surprised and shocked; but I see that Chang seemed to have some of the same impressions.


    Anyways, I like listening to the interview and I think he has grown since writing that book.

    "Writing ability" "He came across as a novice to me"- why would you even care about writing style in this case? This book is more like a documentation of what his experience was and I couldn't care less if it was written in ebonics!!! Most Americans didn't even know that Indonesia is a country(most still don't,probably...) Kosta revolutionized the whole "Internal Arts" concept for the westerners. Just take the term neikung. Before Kosta everything was Qigong or Chi Kung etc and only rarely a few schools made the difference. Now everybody out of the blue is a neikung expert because it sounds more genuine or smth. How did that happen? If it wasn't for Kosta - westerners would still be masturbating following Mantak Chia's book and thinking they are being spiritual.......

    "And his absolute surprise... made me wonder" - Please tell me how many people like Pak John have you met in your life? I guarantee you that NONE! Otherwise you wouldn't be talking like that and would show more respect.

  18. What do you want to see 'fajin' for, I wonder

    'Fajin' means nothing in a confrontation, totally nothing, it has just become a fashionable items sold to the gullible. And by the way some kinds of 'jin' are totally invisible thou of course can ben felt


    Much if not all 'fajin' that you see on the web is just people shaking

    Ask them to mesure the impact force of their strikes and compare to those of a beginner (western) boxer ... you will be surprised :)



    Well I totally agree with you there, but I am curious about your opinion on these kind of demos



    This guy call it fajin!

  19. There are dozen types of 'jin', which is simply a 'trained/integrated' kind of power which has also different characteristics in different martial arts (Taijiquan does not have exclusivity of 'jin').

    The different 'jin' can be 'fa(ed)' (issued) in many ways, resulting in a huge number of combinations.


    Chen Yanlin lists, I seem to remember, a couple of dozen 'jins' in his Taijiquan book published in the '40.


    Anyway, I see the logic expressed in the method and stipulations describes in the original post has having very, very little to do with actual 'fajin' ... if any :)




    So my question is to you then, What kind of fajin (if any) can you demonstrate? I don't need book references - I can use google and amazon for that. I want to see a practical demonstration please.