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Everything posted by orb

  1. nor it is a "rare" opportunity, it seems like he has one every other month.
  2. ACNE

    Don't waste your time with acne products or "CHI perspective" stories. You gotta understand the simple mechanism behind this. Acne is the elimination of toxins. Our bodies have many methods of eliminating waste and one of the main ideas behind it is that you don't want your blood to get "dirty" it's just like putting bad gasoline in your car. Your kidneys, your liver, your lungs of course intestines, your peepee etc etc etc they all ultimately contribute to cleaning your blood. The skin is just one of the ways of getting rid of shit from our bodies and it is usually the last resort if one of your major organs is messed up. For example if your liver or your kidney doesn't do their job... even if you get seriously constipated you can get acne. Sometimes even stress can affect one of the major organs and cause them to function improperly, however the toxins need to be eliminated asap so the body uses the backup system which is your skin. So you can wash it and scrub it as much as you want - all you are doing is treating the skin when your acne is not caused by the skin. The bacteria infection bullshit that they talk about when they sell you a skin product is actually quite a rare cause of acne. Now the reason lemon and zinc can help is because they are both good purifying methods but you still won't eliminate the main cause. You have to learn how to troubleshoot your system, dude.
  3. Can't sit in lotus

    este mensaje se ha editado
  4. Thank you for the interesting explanation on the origin of the word "Checkmate". I found a very similar explanation on the following website http://www.krysstal.com/wordname.html Also, I am pretty sure that the Spanish "matar" and the english "murder" have different roots and sources.
  5. Hi Ed, I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I am very interested in what you are saying. And yes you are saying an obvious thing but that's a very good thing. For some reason we are not taught to see the obvious but we are taught fantastic stories about our existence and instead of us just observing what it is in front of us using our own perception mechanism we look for a teaching or a teacher to tell us what is in front of us. I think that's what you did, you just dared to open your eyes and see for yourself what exactly is out there.... Do you follow a certain system or school ? If you don't mind sharing of course...
  6. Wow. Did you actually understand this by yourself or somebody taught you that? I'm seriously interested in this. Thank you.
  7. Please don't take offence but my impression is that you live in a chinese dream. First of all you don't have a good teacher. Cause if you had a good teacher you wouldn't ask things like this on a forum. Also your teacher doesn't have anything that you want. You might want to develop powers but your teachers doesn't have them, however he has stories and you believe them and that's how you are able to continue your practice. Now the fact that you have a consistent practice is an accomplishment in itself, but you don't see it as such because you expect something different. So now you finally started asking yourself some real questions like (WTF am I doing? or WTF do I really want?) And you have 2 options: 1 you either wake up and stop wasting your time or 2 you can continue your dream or even borrow somebody else's dream from TTB - there are a lot of "dreamers" and teachers around here that are just as valuable as yours. And soon you'll find yourself talking about sensasions, 3rd eyes and heat in the belly and amazing orgasms over large distances.
  8. Is Capoeira the Supreme Martial Art?

    I second that. Facts are facts! BJJ marked the begining of the UFC and still holds up as a central method of training among all the MMA fighters. Of course Muay Thai and Judo and Boxing and definitely Wrestling / Grappling are very fine MA but they gotta be combined with BJJ to be complete. Fedor got taught a lesson twice and it wasn't pretty.
  9. So, what if we are not good people?

    Daaamn Twinner, not bad....not bad at all! Thank you. Very refreshing
  10. My Dantien is < 2% full

    Your explanations are very well documented and your quotes are very insightfull (except the Mantak Chia reference - please allow me to have my doubts about that clown...). Even the fact that you are replying to your own posts presents a certain charm. Now I have one question for you but please respond to me in simple terms with no quotes but rather with your own words: what exactly have you achieved through all these practices that a non-practitioner doesn't have? I'll give you an example. Let's say Mike Tyson punched a bag like a dumbass for 10 years and as a result developed an ability - he can now strike a man harder then anybody else on the planet (Or let's say he is in the top 100 best punchers in the world). So he can clearly demonstrate a result. Can you demonstrate anything? Or are you just practicing the way for practicing the way without a specific goal in mind?

    Well, he is almost as good and as famous as Chuck Norris
  12. Bronnikov Method

    I hate when these tibetans do this. They come out of nowhere and they are just dying to teach you an ancient chinese secret and then the bastards just vanish for ever. So now u r stuck with this superhuman ability and you r like: "WTF, the monk never told me what do I do with it?" So the first thing that comes to your mind could be along the lines: "Maybe I should become an ophthalmologist and cure the blind!!!" But noooooo that can't be the answer !!! - you realize that your mission is bigger then that and you should make your own website and put the secret onto 5 different DVDs and sell them better then the bloody Rosetta Stone!!!. Now you fulfill your spiritual mission.
  13. 我需要帮助翻译一篇重要的书

    不要翻译整本图书。 实在是太贵 我可以帮助支付水平排名第三和第四个层次
  14. You can experiment with feeling Qi

    Ok, I'll give you that one. People can feel this little tingling or little heat or little magnetism even and they really can't wait to call it Qi or Chi whatever. Now in my personal and overly-humble opinion - I would call it something more like: TOMI (a tiny, insignificant, open to a million interpretations manifestation of the body at the superficial sensation level and glorified by our total lack of understanding of a phenomena that has no practical purpose for our already short and useless life). So instead of saying politely "Hey, ssup dude?" one could ask: "Hey, man, what type of TOMI do you experience today?" and the answer could be something like " Oh brother, I am full of warm TOMI at ma beer gut level (or dantien) and a little bit of sweet tingling TOMI around my nutsac area. And to be a true TOMIist, I need to acknowledge that there's an active and a passive element within my TOMI(like Yin and Yang type...) so I think I'm gonna go ahead and perform some TOMI exchange (as prescribed by his holiness, Mantak Chia) with the dumb blonde chick who works at Blockbusters (and please God make her be 18)."
  15. You can experiment with feeling Qi

    Even if it's true you can't do anything practical with it. You cannot measure your level of Qi like John Chang can, simply because you don't have anything that he has! You have to get something extra - and that requires special knowledge and understanding. 2nd, you can believe anything you want to believe. There are people that believe that they can talk to Jesus and they can truly get their palms to bleed just by concentrating too much on the image of Jesus (that still has nothing to do with Christ, I do want to believe that Jesus himself is a bit more practical then just making people bleed).
  16. Tibetan Yoga meditation methods revealed

    You gotta be carefull with statements like this, bro. You are going to make a lot of enemies here. People don't like simple stuff. It has to be complicated and wrapped in magical words and also expensive and inaccessible.
  17. edited: due to the lack of Christmas spirit in this thread
  18. where did you get my pic from ?
  19. Hold your horses Scooby-doo we got questions for you. Why $72? Because of the 72 levels in Mopai ? Or is it just because of tax? How come you don't offer refunds? Can I get a 90-day free trial money back guarantee? Does it come with free drinks? Do I get a t-shirt? Do you offer a certification that is regionally and nationally accredited? Why not $79.99? Can you guarantee me that your training will teach me in 21 days how to beat up Chuck Norris ????
  20. So Kunlun Nei Gung

    It's very similar to the Hungarian Stew. You can put anything you want in it and nobody knows exactly what's gonna happen at the end. Romance, Passion, D E S I R E .... Overclock your meridians, quadruple your Qi, Standing, sitting, moving meditation, fascinating spontaneous movements that can be easily filmed and awesome sensations, cool energies going up your spine and of course for sure opening your third eye, How Cool is That!!! And if you are serious about it and lucky your entire arm will just dissipate and you might even become a R A I N B O W. And then there are a lot of secret things: Phoenixes and Golden Flowers and Five elements and of course you use the most updated terminology like: Nei Gung which is entirely different from Qigong but it might take you a while to understand the difference. But once you understand that it's like having a permanent and eternal orgasm. And if you want, but it's not mandatory, you could change your name a little bit, make it sound slightly tibetan but you don't always use it and you can wear a nice bathrobe instead of your normal clothes. And that's pretty much it. You can teach others if you want, because the main idea is of course to help others. And you smile and look at people with kindness, don't say much. Move slower, meditate, thank God for everything. Awareness. Kumbaya........yeah dude, Kumbayaaaaaa
  21. So Kunlun Nei Gung

    I was scared to click on this thread but to my surprise this turned out to be the most practical and realistic post about Kunlun practice yet. Thank you for keeping it real
  22. Orbs Fight Challenge!

    Like this ?
  23. Orbs Fight Challenge!

    Yes, muscles and conditioning are great and a system about leverage muscles is a good way to go but that is not IMA. You don't need to practice Bagua in Wudang to punch hard. You have to understand where I am coming from: I have a lot of respect for external martial arts. I have a lot of respect for Black Taoist's external skill. If you pay attention to his training description it includes Sanshou - which in my opinion is the most practical chinese martial art. It is actually among my top 5 favorite sports. One of my best friends is chinese and he takes a lot of pride for the Sanshou fighters when they go against the Muay-Thai fighters. Every year China goes against Thailand in a Sanshou vs Muay-Thai competition. Here's a sample Those guys are real fighters and I am not stupid trying to challenge one of them plus they are more then happy to fight anybody you don't have to ask them for too long and they don't care about their meridians or any other Qi-based concept. Again please try to understand who I am targeting here. I want to see a skill developed from practicing traditional Tai Chi or Bagua or Xingyiquan or any form of Qigong application in combat (or Tenaga Dalam for that matter) and can use their Qi to stop or counter a regular attack (not a prestaged, unrealistic Aiki-do type of girly strike). An ex-rugby player that quickly learned how to walk in circles and improvises the Single, Double or Eight Palm Changes is not an internal energy ability. His real skill is still derived from the efficient type of conditioning that you get from a Rugby type of practice and I strongly recommend Rugby over Bagua if you want to have more success in a bar-type of fight.