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Everything posted by orb

  1. New Interview With Kostas Danaos

    Good stuff... Kosta sounds so smart, practical and down to earth and it's a great pleasure listening to him. It was good to get a few first hand facts also. My favorite: "...Sean ? which Sean? I don't know anyone name Sean ..." Lol The interviewers sound lame and stoned as usual...
  2. I used to think that some religions are better or cleaner then others, but seems like they are all the same just a difference in semantics....WTF Just ran into this art. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2011/jul/01/lama-sex-abuse-sogyal-rinpoche-buddhist It's all about money, sex, drugs..........................
  3. Sounds to me like a breakthrough in the ancient art of masturbation...
  4. Christian missionary converted by tribe

    I highly recommend his book. That is a very rare culture that somehow didn't get destroyed yet by the modern world...
  5. Yi Gong Seminar in Australia

    Could you please ask her if she can demonstrate her chi - in which case I would definitely sign up. Thank you.
  6. Cmmon now, how can u compare and old tradition like that to a miserable life of a rock star or a politician and you are saying lets get on with our practice ? Practice what ? Your imaginary Dantien? You need a real teacher in order to learn anything (because a lot of serious mistakes can be made) and the best way of teaching is by example. And what if your teacher turns out to be a weak, pathetic useless jerk off who just knows the theory and can give a speech but in reality has the level of being of a hookworm? Wouldn't that concern you at all if you found out? These monks (or whatever they are) were supposed to carry the sacred flame and instead they "vaginalized" the most pure aspect of humanity. IMO they should have to pay somehow and never be allowed to represent a certain tradition (or any tradition for that matter)
  7. I am not seeking anything... I just didn't expect smb that's a "Lama" to be so weak and cheap, that's all. I know that the catholic church is full of sex abuse scandals but as a contrast in my experience I've met quite a few tibetan lamas that seemed to be very remarcable people - an impression that I've never gotten from a representative of any other religion. But now this just taught me to be more careful about my "labels". And I am sure other people will find the article interesting.
  8. Master Clyman's PPT Workshop

    LittlePie!!!!!!!!!!! You are full of surprises man! Look how short and nice your post was! I knew you can do it. Congrats. See! That was easy! Oh and don't be sad for me please. I can't be a master even if I wanted to, I have very low IQ (and I am a junior high dropout )
  9. Master Clyman's PPT Workshop

    WOW "genius I.Q" LMFAO I think u r so totally on the wrong forum Mr PHD "my Sh#T don't stink" LittlePie! You are way beyond anybody's level of comprehension around here.' You should join David Verdessi's site 'cause that dude has a GENIUS I.Q X 10... and can sell u more crap... Let me guess I bet u already signed up for Gary's amazing Gas Savings Card Scam that he advertises on his Chi Kung website didn't you ?????????????? GTFO!!! I love Thetaobums!!!!!!!!!!!! it's just like the famous box of chocolates ... Where else would you encounter specimen like these............ FUN FUN FUN
  10. Master Clyman's PPT Workshop

    I had exactly the same thought. Cause if you look at Gary's webiste - it's exactly the same style of selling that system. Very hype with prepared prelearned answers to all possible questions and flooding you with a never ending chat. I recognize that type of energy The Gypsies in Europe act like that when they are trying to get your money - all they need to do is get your attention, after that you get sucked into their trip and you will give them everything you have and even thank them at the end. They do have a certain skill but it's not what you think ....
  11. Master Clyman's PPT Workshop

    question.... You said "After lunch, Gary jinged me into a fence." Could you elaborate on that pls. What exactly did he do? What did you do? How big are you compared to him? What's your martial art background? etc.... Thank you.
  12. Stillness-Movement Neigong Review

    @Ya Mu. Question. Do you have any experience with Taichi ? And if yes what do you think of it. Is it good for anything ?(I don't care about its martial art application).... Thank you.
  13. What is the best religion?

    Lol, pls don't change that !!!.... u r the only one left on with a good impression about me, even my own mom hates me since I was born.....
  14. What is the best religion?

    'cause he is on the "TRUTH" side - not on the "COMPASIONATE" path like the buddhists...
  15. Can the taosit faith heal you?

    Any strong faith can heal you. You can call it Taoism, Jesus, Steve or Joe Pesci. It's about strengthening your mind and spirit. If you concentrate on one thing for a long time (I mean years) your mind will become stronger - that doesn't mean that you will know how to use it in the right way though...you still have to learn qigong. For example a champion weightlifter is superstrong, yet he can still hurt his back while carrying a piano
  16. Need help getting started.

    If you need help to really get started - find a teacher not a book.
  17. Nobody will discredit and ridicule you here for no reason. You sound honest and genuine and speak from your own experience(a rare thing on this forum). Thank you for sharing your succesful story with the rest of the readers.
  18. 我需要帮助翻译一篇重要的书

    WTF, I just saw ur cockblocking reply now. I don't pretend I know chinese, Gaxtal. Of course it's a translation software, genius. I was interested to see if the manual has any good info and doing my best to get a copy of it. That's all. I was suspecting and now I know for a fact that it was a scam. And I couldn't care less if it's written in mandarin, cantonese or motherf@#$ing swahili. You can keep your "most beautiful writing" to yourself.
  19. Wu Liu Pai

    Does your school have a teacher ?
  20. Master Yang

    So all these new users as soon as they join TTB with an honest desire to learn and/or contribute to the taoist way of life - 3 different users they all make a first post about the misterious Master Young who has a very nice smile and just can't wait to share his abundant chi with other people. Also all 3 posts use exactly the same style of writing - probably due to the essay writing skill transmission that Master Young included as a bonus during the free session of unlimited Chi giveaway. I mean the guy didn't even bother changing the title. All 3 posts have the same title! Or I'm just bloody paranoid!!!
  21. I am afraid I have to disagree with you on that one. If you learn something only for yourself and for your own benefit then you are not going to get anywhere - guaranteed. It HAS to benefit others as well. And then, also there's an old esoteric law that states that for a person to move to the next level - first he has to put somebody else on his level. You can't move up without putting somebody else in your place. That's why most of the times you can judge a master by his students. If he can't teach a certain level - then he didn't master it yet. So a master totally needs at least one student even more then the student needs the master.
  22. With those 2 it's harder to prove their BS because they are both asians and they can show u some neat tricks if u r willing to pay.
  23. Here's exactly the same ability made simple:
  24. So true.... every single word. People would rather believe anything they hear then test it. It should be the other way around. Don't be afraid to test your masters, people. It might help them out too. Some of them are just too naive.