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Everything posted by orb

  1. oops

    I say we go for it. Maybe it could answer our questions.
  2. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    R U SERIOUS ??????? I mean do you really wanna follow him and become like him ? 'Cause that's what he is going to teach you. All you need is a set of Moses clothes like he's got learn a few zen concepts from the tao of pooh and start making your own videos and don't forget the ever green bushes for the background. --- that's all his spirituality. A real teacher is not about words its about his "being". But if you don't see all that even after all the replies you got here on this thread - that's kinda scary.... might as well follow him. May GOD bless your soul.
  3. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    Hey I'm not a doctor, but this guy looks like he forgot to take his medication...
  4. Hellooo from Oregon

    Hi Jeremy and welcome, I'm very curious about the Spring Forest Qigong. Do you mind describing your practise? Thx, Orb
  5. Nei Gung

    Also, I'm a bit confused why are you asking the forum something that you should be asking your teacher. I mean that the main idea for getting a teacher is to ask him questions and learn whatever he is teaching you....
  6. SILAT WARRIOR Hurt'em & Heal'em CAMP 2008

    Hey Vaj if the training floor is still open can I try please? Gimme ur address Thx, Orb.
  7. Best book on taoist tantra

    One way to find out if the book is worthit buying is by looking at the e-book. And you can find a lot of e-books like that on any subject you can think of on the internet - among the websites I use the most are : http://www.scribd.com/ or http://www.esnips.com On scribd you create a free account and then download ebooks for free....
  8. I Liq Chuan

    Hi all, I ran into this video below by accident. I was curious if anybody was studying this style. I think they call it I Liq Chuan. What got my attention was the fact that these guys supposedly participated in some external kung-fu competition (full contact with full gear on) and kicked ass. The guy in the video says they got 12 golden medals. Personally I'm very critical and disaproving of most of the internal martial arts but this one looks a lot better then what I've seen so far. Also let me know if anybody needs translation. It's pretty interesting what they are saying....
  9. I Liq Chuan

    That sounds really impressive....
  10. I Liq Chuan

    Thx for your insight Jess and please don't take my comments as an intention to disrespect you or anybody else here on this forum. However I do have very strong opinions and I will stand by them until proven wrong. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong either. I have not met any of the IMA masters that you have mentioned so I cannot say anything about them. I am talking from my own experience and the MA practitionners that I have met. Since you mentioned Tank Abbot - I know people that can beat him and none of them is from IMA. I know a lot of people that practice IMA and can't fight, but they are under the illusion that they can - however they never test themselves against a MT fighter or a boxer or what have you... They do this "push hands" thing for years and have no clue of the real speed in a real fight, and I know guys that practiced just boxing for 3 months and can ko every single member in some taiji schools that I know. I'm sorry but it's smth that I've witnessed a few times. Now the fact that you have tryied your Bagua skills vs a MT fighter is awesome. I am looking forward to meeting serious IMA fighters. Keep it up and thank you for sharing your experience with us.
  11. I Liq Chuan

    Do you remember which IMA did they belong to ? Personally since I've never seen anybody from IMA being able to withstand an external MA attack I don't believe such a thing exists, but I'm very willing to check them out.
  12. John Changs 1st Westener Student

    Hi drew, I was reading your msg and from your description Chunyi Lin has pretty remarcable abilities, I've never seen anybody who can "shoot out energy balls from his hands". Are you sure about what you are saying? And another question, since he is so skilled why did you stop taking classes from him? If even a quarter of what you are saying about him is true I'll go over there next weekend to see him if possible...
  13. I Liq Chuan

    That's what this guy is saying. First time he had crossed hands with the guy that became his teacher he got smth like a strong headache and the feeling that he is about to colapse - his first thought was that it's because of his jet lag as he had just gotten off this big plane trip, but when he stepped out of it - the feeling was gone and the whole thing repeated a few times. He claims that they learn how to completely feel and control the center of gravity of the opponent just but a slight move of their eyes. The part that I like the most is that they practice against real kickboxing techniques not just push hands...
  14. need help please!

    my advice get a teacher - somebody that walked that path already.
  15. I Liq Chuan

    Well the guy says it's a "family style" and also that they don't study a specific form but rather learn how to adapt to any attack. Also one interesting thing that he says is that " even the fastest computer in the world that processes data and extreme speeds will not be ever able to be present....", "it can get very close to being present but never there never in reality...." and he says that's the practitioner's goal is to be completely in the moment... "that's the only way to access the energy...." '
  16. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    Hey, I found a quick way for you to get the money. All you have to do is accept this guy's challenge and he'll give you more then $800. Also a great way of using what you have learned so far and testing yourself. Or maybe if you are not ready one of the many taichi masters on this forum could do it for you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szVzylud6b4...feature=related
  17. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    Hi, can you at least mention anything that impressed you so much about him that you are willing to pay $800 for 3 days? I mean you would need a very good reason to ask smb for that amount of money that was earned in weeks and you are going to spend it in just a few days and nobody knows when and if you will pay it back. I wouldn't mind contributing to something of value but you gotta convince me first that it's worthit anything at all ....
  18. How about...

    Thx for the link, its very informative. Somewhere I read that supposedely the the theory of reincarnation was in the bible but removed at some point in time. I am curious if anybody knows anything about this...
  19. How about...

    Oh .... I get it now lol
  20. How about...

    In my opinion if you are going to discuss christianity on a taoist website you might as well get into the "esoteric christianity" and one of the most accessible aspects of it is the "prayer of the heart" which resembles in the end with qigong and indian meditation practises quite a bit. prayer of the heart link
  21. Returning to NY

    congrats for returning. It would be great to hear some personal views on the difference between chinese and american lifestyles as well as beliefs, maybe kinda like "lessons learned and things to keep in mind" .... thx Orb
  22. Water Power

    How about just air the air car
  23. Is your Taijiquan effective in combat?

    I couldn't agree more, but the key is that the two have to go together hand in hand. Taiji practise without the real fighting practise (and I don't mean push-hands or even sparring) it would be like practising swimming without ever going in the water.
  24. Teach in China

    it sounds pretty cool, can't wait...