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Everything posted by orb

  1. Is your Taijiquan effective in combat?

    Lol, I grew up on a farm as well and our horses were very well taken care of. This particular one used to be a racing horse and after retirement was brought to us. It was a huge horse actually and would attack unexpectedely - I don't know what had happened to him before he got there, but we were feeding the horses apples from our hands that day while the big one decided to bite and you probably know that if they get to bite you it's gonna be bad. I heard of a guy who almost died because of such a bite...
  2. Is your Taijiquan effective in combat?

    To those of you who would just want to learn the most simple and yet the most effective fighting basics I highly recommend the following videos. They are free on youtube and are by far the fastest way to learn how to fight. I personally know somebody who was in a situation to punch a horse in the face with a jab like this, as the horse was trying to bite him and that little jab determined the horse to turn around and take off while still dizzy and confused from that hit. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=85...PDIDA&hl=en http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0nz9BBFvLk...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohH37Q8pBGs&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDFKf0ydjtg...feature=related
  3. Teach in China

    Hi again Lin, I can't do it now but in a about 18 months when my present contract is over I'm definitely going to look into smth like that, I hope they are still going to offer these deals. How much longer are you there for and also what kind of chinese are you using - mandarine or cantonese ?
  4. Is your Taijiquan effective in combat?

    great example of taiji's benefits
  5. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Thx for keeping your feet on the ground, mythmaker. I couldn't agree more. Stay in your body, cause your body is yours just like your mind and your soul, so feel it and feel everything around you at the same time, maximize your feelings. Be present, be here, be now, stop dreaming and keep it real.
  6. Teach in China

    Thx v much 4 sharing, Lin I was just thinking about that...
  7. Is your Taijiquan effective in combat?

    From what I have read so far about the internal martial arts, all of them were "invented" after a certain individual already had a very high level in EXTERNAL martial arts. Masters like Zhang Sanfeng, Morihei Ueshiba etc. used to get into real bear knuckle fights for years and years before they would come to an understanding of certain principles and rules that would allow them to relax and use the minimum amount of energy and completely control a confrontation and encrypt all that into a system like Taiji, Aikido, Bagua and so on. So Taiji seem to have been like a post PHD level almost. In our days however, somehow we got to skip the primary school, highschool, college, masters, phd of the external martial arts and jump straight to a very high level of mastership in internal matters, hence this kind of books in our society: CLICK HERE or ANOTHER ONE Anyway, in my opinion the modern Taiji is very effective in combat when you are 85 years old and up and I'm already planning to get into it when I'll be in my 80s and my kids are going to kindly send me to live in a nice retirement community where I'll have to survive and defend myself against the bloody pudding thieves. here's a little demonstration Taiji in combat also using traditional weapons Traditional Weapons
  8. Is KunLun Bogus?

    My goal changed over time, right now I want to find a system that works step by step like Mo Pai. In Mo Pai apparently they know quite clearly what's going to happen from step to step. For example the teacher can tell you that at the end of level 2 you will be able to move a box of matches from 5 feet away and at the same time he should be able to show you immediately what he means 'because he should be able to do it at any time, because he is the master. Also he "must" test you all the time and even "graduate you" from one level to another. Without that it's a complete chaos and confusion, I don't like statements like "levitation happens to some students sometimes.....bla bla bla" I think its very possible to study Chi in a very controlled measurable environment like studying math: prealgebra, algebra, algebra II, precalculus etc..... For example I had a teacher once for like a year and the guy would tell us to do our meditation for many hours a day, everyday etc. Then at the end of the week he would "test our chi level" - for which he would do some abracadabra like: He would move his hand up and down along your body his fingers trembling fast for like 30 sec with his eyes closed and then he would "determine your level of chi for the week " Anyway, every month my level would "increase dramatically" and somehow (maybe 'cause I was always talking crap about his system) but somehow I always had among the highest chi level in the class. Well after a year of practicing like a fanatic the following were the effects from my practice: Tingling in different parts in my body, sometimes dizziness, a lot of overheating of the body etc... But after talking to him over and over I realised that my teacher had exactly the same symptoms whenever he would practice and he had over 25 years of practice, and that was all he could do. Well I tried teaching other people to see if they would get the same effects and after figuring out how to explain it to them - they would get the same symptoms in one session. So I abandoned his school at once after "self-graduating and self-proclaming myself" a MASTER OF TINGLING. Here's what I learned though and I'm not going to call it "chi" but I'll use only the word "attention". If I put my attention anywhere in my body I become aware of that area and I can relax it or contract it or just keep the attention their for as long as possible blood rushes into that area and our blood is an amazing thing. It brings oxygen, carries away CO2 , feeds our cells with proteins and sugars etc so its extremely efficient and powerful and by putting your attention and relaxing an area and bringing more blood in that spot you can accelerate some processes in your body and therefore - yes you can get rid of a headache or accelerate your recovering process from some inbalance that you have caused because of a wrong habit, a very negative emotion or whatever else might have you. All that and a lot more can be done without any dantien involvement whatsoever or thunderbreath etc. And then there's that "crazy idea" of that very cell that develops right after conception. Supposedly that cell is very different from any other cell in the body. What I never thought of is that the very initial cell is still preserved in our bodies at the end of the umbilical cord and somehow its related to Dantien or we activate it with our attention... I don't know....And then it is possible to create this physical thing in your body and can be seen during an X-Ray examination. Actually that should be the test for all these internal arts teachers especially the ones teaching you about dantien - put them in an X-Ray machine. And instead of their fancy chigong diplomas with dragons and fireballs on them they should have their dantien X-ray picture on their wall. And if you have a disk inside you are admitted, if not - "sorry buddy not yet" back to training. But that's what I'm after and so far - zero success, but maybe one day..... Actually I just talked to a "teacher" this last week, a chinese dude, and now I have to drive for like 10 hours and sleep overnight in my truck just to talk to him for like an hour and see what he knows ... but I guess, you never know.... he sounds pretty cool
  9. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Hi again guys , your comments are awesome, thanks a lot, now I feel that I get to know you all better, strong personalities, very strong opinions, no joke. I love this forum. Joeblast I'm very happy that you can get rid of headaches and back pain - that's awesome - . It's just that I don't usually get any headackes and back pain and I guess I was looking for smth else in Kunlun anyway, and one day I realised that it wasn't anything special about it, it's an incomplete system based on incomplete knowledge. One good thing that I learned during Kunlun practice is discipline but again that can be leaned doing smth more usefull like fixing your car or cleaning your house etc.
  10. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Unfortunately I am more then familiar with Kunlun and I met Max and he is pretty cool and that's about it. As for Kunlun practice it's almost as usefull as playing golf, however I would rather recommend golf because it's easier available and slightly cheaper and if you take it seriously I guarantee you will feel the amazing cooling magnetic energy flowing downward like the Niagara falls. I have never met Mantak Chia in person, but I have met one of his older students that used to run seminars for him in US and the experience was so terrible that I have stopped practicing qigong for almost 2 years. Also one of my good friends was very sick and she went to his center to get cured and he send her to a local hospital (which was surprisingly smart of him) and after she got the proper treatment and got better he took her to his center and showed her the six healing sounds and the inner smile and all his microcosmic orbit etc...( I should also mention that my friend is a very attractive female...) and to answer your comment Jedi777, I was reffering to "TAI CHI" as a martial art. I won't say that I know it but I'll say this again: " an average plumber would take down any tai chi grand master especially when you are messing with the plumber's "Premium Crispy Chicken Classic Sandwich" that he just purchased from McDonalds for his lunch break and was about to send it downwards along his Jen meridian all the way to his own personal Dan Tien level". Also if you know any Tai Chi master that is ready to test himself please let me know because I will happily provide you the perfect plumber. Actually I can show you how it usually ends just follow the link below that's a Kiai master, maybe you saw this already, but his impression of himself is very close to what Tai Chi or Aikido masters seem to have. John Chang is the only real master I have ever heard of (never met him though ). I don't know about Wang Liping and David and all those guys, but would really, really love to meet them. Again if you know a way to prove me wrong and I am reffering to taichi/gigong please don't hesitate to contact me - I would be very open and very willing to try it and if you are right I will beg for forgiveness for the rest of my life. As for Kunlun I've already tried it and I wish you good luck and no thanks!
  11. Is KunLun Bogus?

    There are clearly 2 kinds of teachers: Nr1 REAL MASTERS that can easily prove their extraordinary skills and can be scientifically measured at any time and filmed. Unfortunately they are very rare and very difficult to find and once you find them they can tell u to bog off easily as their expectations are very high and usually they don't need extra students simply because they find they can seek for the right students themselves if they really need him. Nr2 MASTERS WANNABEs these guys can't prove anything extraordinary but they have a very good knowledge about their art and a lot of other different arts - they "know" everything. Usually they charge you a fee which can be bigger or smaller, depending on his business skills and popularity. They usually don't teach anything too dangerous so you end up wasting your life in a friendly environment. Slowly you become just like your teacher: You are very knowledgeable in the most popular topics but without any particular depth and scientific precision. The only nr 1 kind that decided to go public is John Chang and then he realized that he made a mistake and should have listened to his teacher and went back to his hiding place - which doesn't make any sense to me but maybe we are just not good enough for him. The nr 2 kind is everybody else like Kunlun masters, Qigong masters, Thunder Breath Masters, Mantak Chia kinds etc. Nr 2 kind is not always completely useless. Sometimes accidentally they run into some piece of truth that can be quite valuable - like calming your mind or keeping everything around the middle path - no extremes and usually just a rule - for example to take responsibility in one's life. But these Nr 2 clowns never have the whole picture of a complete system like Mo Pai and if smth goes wrong they are clueless as to how to fix it. A lot of them talk about things like levitation but for some reason they can never show or let you film it. However, most of time in the past they used to frequently fly and supposedly other people even saw them. Another example of nr2 would be most of the Taiji teachers. Some think that Taiji is very healthy and it usually is, just like walking in the park everyday for 30 min is. It has a lot of excellent benefits, it will prevent arthritis, keep your heart rate stable and fill up your lungs with good healthy air if practiced in a good place etc, however there's no real practical knowledge of chi there. Other people think that Taiji is a martial art and unfortunately they don't dare to test it although it's a very simple test - any punk from the streets would be more then happy to show any grand master from any famous lineage that Taiji / Bagua / Xingyi has nothing to do with fight control or at least nothing compared to the ancient art of "ass whooping" that you can get on the streets of most of the cities for free. Unfortunately we can't accept such an explanation because we think that we deserve to study with the wisest master of the world and have access to all of the secrets in the world and since we can't get a nr 1 we will gladly accept a nr 2 without doubting him ever, especially when he talks so nice to you, is full of compassion, always smiles and loves you like a father (since most of the time they are too busy to raise their own kids...)and has read so many books that he is able to compile them together and come up with his own system - which is kinda like taking the universal laws of physics and modifying them a little bit to suit my own, home made, "ancient" system. This is just a very personal opinion, but if you think that you could prove me wrong I would love to hear from you. V/R Orb
  12. Hi all, I have just finished both books by Kosta Danaos "Magus of Java" and "Nei Kung" and would like to adopt the simple meditation techniques that are described in his books. I don't have a teacher for internal martial arts. Previously I had bad experience with Mantak Chia's techniques and I guess my question is if anybody knows about any side effects from a simple meditation like the one in the books. I will describe exactly what I'm trying to do and if anybody feels I'm missing something please let me know. I am doing my meditation twice a day early in the morning and late in the evening in half lotus position. Question: does it matter wich leg is on top ? also Does it really matter if my hands are facing downwards or upwards ? I am meditating for 15 min trying to work my way up to 45 min. Trying to keep my attention in Dantien the whole time. Question: is it ok during my usual activities throughout the day to try to keep my attention in Dantien for example when I'm working in the garden or when I'm cleaning the house ? Also I was wondering if it's ok to sit in the outside in the grass or am I prone to catching pneumonia and dying with all my attention in Dantien. I also have similar questions about the ma-bu position but I guess I'll wait to see what kind of answers I get here first. Thank you for all your help. V/R Orb.
  13. thank you for taking time to answer my questions.
  14. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    thx 4 sharing ur experience with us, mjjbecker. It's very motivating. Personally I've never met anybody even close to what the level of John Chang or your teacher is but rather charlatans. To give you an example once during a very expensive seminar a qigong "master" who had quite a few followers and is considered a big authority in the field, fell asleep right next to me during the meditation and was snorring so loud that I couldn't continue my meditation. I actually lost any hope of meeting a real teacher after 15 years of looking and limited my esoteric experience to growing vegetables in my garden which seems to provide me more peace of mind then all these qigong clowns that I have met, put together. But posts like yours help me still believe in the extistence of the real ancient wisdom. Just out of curiosity is your current teacher a neikung or a chikung master?
  15. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Hi I'm new here and not trying to change the subject and if there's a better place to ask for this or if I'm breaking the rules please let me know. I would really like to witness myself some of these people and the things they can do so if anybody tell me how can I get in touch with smb like John Chang or David or Kosta or whoever else is out there that is connected to a real neikung tradition please let me know. My e-mail is [email protected] Thank you.
  16. the magician of java

    Hi all, I'm very interested in Kosta's books and experiences. But I would like to talk to him directly. Does anybody know how to contact Kosta personally? Or have any links that would help ? Thx

    Hello everyone. I'm new so if there are any sugestions of any kind I'll be glad to hear from you guys. I don't have a religion of any kind and I don't believe in anything or anybody unless I see it or verify it. But so far I haven't seen or verified hardly anything...... Other then that - very interested in qigong that produces real results, however as I said earlier I've never met a person in my life that makes any sense in that regard so if you guys know anybody please let me know 'cause I'm very curious. Thank you.