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Everything posted by orb

  1. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    I don't know if you are addressing me but if you are then I would love to come and see that.
  2. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    I have no idea how they fight in China but I guarantee you that in US none of these techniques would work on the streets. And for some reason people around here assume that all your attackers are going to be slow, weak, stupid and out of balance. Unless you are learning self-defense against zombies - all these taichi applications are useless and the people that teach them are clueless.
  3. Reflections on Masturbating This Morning

    Here some thoughts: Stop masturbating now. Masturbation has nothing to do with meditation or any chi work. In fact the more you masturbate the more you distance yourself from a true spiritual path. Mantak Chia is a total moron and all his sexual kung-fu is garbage. He teaches you smth that he never attained and he didn't attain simply because it's not real. But it sells because it's a convenient approach for weak people. Things don't work that way. The theory is wrong. Sorry. Masturbation reflects the big mess that's in your head - so the most dangerous part is the actual mental masturbation that occurs constantly inside you. Think about this and understand it - get rid of your sexual imagination and your life will be much better. Continue to play with your penis like a crazy monkey and you'll get nowhere at best. Peace, I'm out
  4. impotent or watered down mantras?

    Great topic. Mantra are great if you have received it from somebody that really "knows it". Although there are different kinds of mantras most of them are like a formula that carry out a certain type of information and is capable of creating a certain type of effect in your body. For example you can spend a lot of time educating yourself about energetic channels in your body and the way to control them or you can just get a certain mantra from a good teacher which would help you achieve the same effect but a lot faster (however you will be quite ignorant on how and why does the mantra work). A lot of mantras are to be practiced with a certain position as well as a certain breathing exercise, mental representation and/or a particular mudra. A correct mantra will generate a very strong vibration of a certain kind in one part of your body or in the whole body but it takes a lot to learn it. One teacher that I know of will sit with you for 3-5 days for about 4-5 hours per day "singing" this mantra with you until you are tuned to that particular sound and he can tell for sure that you got it and can use it. It's like a singer that has to practice a lot before he/she is capable of reproducing somebody else's song. Most of the time though, the right kind of transmission has been neglected or forgotten over time and all that is left is an empty word that has no effect and nobody knows how to use it. It's still being transmitted from generation to generation by different practices but it's totally useless now it's like a plastic flower that looks exactly like a real one but is very different at the same time and the followers keep using it for their rituals and they wil never know what that flower is supposed to smell like. For example the healing sounds - there are a lot of teachers out there that think they know the healing sounds - but they just don't have it because they forgot a few little details. And you can't just "guess" this sound either if you've never heard the original one.
  5. I have a great method that helped a lot of souls so far - I eat lots of steak and in this way I liberate the poor souls trapped in the cow's body and give it a chance to reincarnate into something better! (goes well with a good mushroom-onion topping, by the way...)
  6. Is meditation necessary for self realization?

    I am pretty sure I already covered everything that you have asked. I was addressing exactly your kind of approach. In my understanding you got into this internal infinite loop - master such and such said this and that and it took "him" so long ..... and then he understood this and that ..... so you are stuck in all these theories and there's no way out of it. You will never be able to get to the end. You have to separate from all that - don't try to stop it just separate from it. Let it go. Don't be afraid. That's why I said what I said about the big burning pile and you even made it bigger ...Take Yundon Dorje Bal and Krishnamurty and tell them to go home and leave you alone. You already seem to know way too much for your own good and you are not using any of it. You are caring all that load on your back for so long that you forgot even why you have it. Also, I never said that Adyashanti thinks meditation isn't necessary he just said that it's not for everybody - who knows - maybe it is for you or maybe it's not - but guess what - you are the only one in this world that would know that ! At the same time I might not make too much sense to you (although I tried) but I guarantee that if you go to one of Adyashanti's seminars he will answer all your questions in a much better way - he is very opened-minded and also very clever and he will show you the state that you need, but only if you let him. Good luck.
  7. Is meditation necessary for self realization?

    Adyashanti - my favorite teacher - by far, says that he meditated for a couple of decades until he understood what he needed to understand but also he will be the first one to tell you that meditation is not for everybody. After all that time wasted on meditation he became aware of smth that was already there from the beginning and he will tell you that you already have everything you need and you don't have to go anywhere or see anyone. When you go to see him he will answer all your questions in such a way that you might even ask yourself the question "why the hell am I here, I don't even have any real questions...". It's been said for a long time 1000 monks = 1000 religions - to each his own path. Some might require 20 years, others a life time - while everything can be accomplished in 1 sec right here and right now, be present of yourself of your body/feelings and thoughts, observe everything and observe the observer at the same time. One frequent problem is that people expect this to be far more complicated then it is, we get addicted to "searching" for teachers and methods and theories..., we get obsessed with "trying to understand things" when everything is very simple and straight forward, all you have to do is "do it" always and everywhere, but don't do anything sofisticated and complicated, just be aware. We have all kind of stories and theories of what things should be like and what they shouldn't be like. Just let go of everything in your head - don't try stoping it, just don't identify with it...... and take all your favorite theories and beliefs and all the books in the world and all the teachers (even Adyashanti and Buddha and Jessus and all the taobums with all their posts on this forums ) and put them together in a big pile and set it on fire and just let it burn completely and let the wind scatter all the ashes and ...that's it... you just observe your own breathing
  8. I have noticed that too, also forgot to mention that it works faster then any killer workout that you can find on the market because it's instantaneous! It happened on several occasions - I have visited a few popular places in my town but a lot of the females appeared to be older and rather hefty looking, well to my big surprise, literally after only a few shots of my magic/ taoist potion and all those homely ladies around me transformed into super models and I mean all of them! In the morning, however ....well, different story...
  9. I have started with the Johnnie Walker method and after trying different qigong/taichi methods went back to Mr. Walker - which I strongly recommend to all the taobums. Start with the red one and work your way up slowly. It is extremely efficient and very recommended if you have - stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic feeling of Idon'tgiveafuckness or lifeisfullofidiotsandthere'snothingwecandoaboutitness.... By the time you reach the blue level you would have understood all the misteries of this world and attained the highest degree of consciousness. People might tell you that it can get a little bit pricey - but I guarantee you it's nothing compare to all these qigong/taichi experts around here (i.e. Davide Verdessi).... and you don't even need teachers(although it does help).....
  10. Spring Forest/Alchemy Correllation

    Yeah you gotta smoke the same shit as Drew and you'll get to even experience unicorns !!!
  11. High level skills in martial arts.

    very well said, my friend
  12. What languages do you speak?

    Saya tertarik pada sebuah forum dalam bahasa Indonesia
  13. Hey this rapamycin thing - that's the same substance from this other article about the primates! http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachus...ope_for_humans/ So they found a bacteria in the soil gave it to the mice and then to the primates and it worked!!! So now they have to include it in our drinks with 0 calories, 0 fats and 0 sugar and then we r all set. Yay! We r saved !!! We r gonna live foreva!!! I am going outside right now to get a piece of dirt for dinner !!!
  14. 6 healing sounds

    The 6 healing sounds are like mantras - they represent a certain vibration. Only a master of the mantra can transmit that sound in order for it to be efficient. The practitioner spends days at a time tuning into the master's way of making the sound. Also there is a certain mental representation that goes along with the sound and some other details. If you don't follow the whole recipe - the result is very close to zero. You cannot learn the 6 healing sounds properly just like you cannot learn a mantra from a book - because it's a sound !!!
  15. Ok I want the truth

    Wow that's smth new for this forum. You actually dared to use your own judgement and see things the way they are. Congratulations! That's a first one. That should be the step one for any practice to learn how to see the simple raw truth. You'll be surprised but it's a very difficult thing to do. Once again good job! You actually have learned and understood smth.
  16. New one finger chan master?

    Really fascinating stuff, thank you very much for posting this. Also could anybody translate what is the guy saying, please. Also very cool around 4:37 you can see a cellphone on the monks desk ! Now that's progressive !
  17. Ok I want the truth

    Since you are answering questions with questions I can answer with one question to you: Why not? Do you have anything more interesting then that ? Let me know 'cause I'm curious. I don't care about deep reasons for desires and I don't believe you looked in the right place either, there are people that died searching and there are people that found within months miraculous things...
  18. Ok I want the truth

    I think u r in the wrong forum buddy. If u wanna c powers u gotta look for Mr. Verdessi !!! - that's a different forum http://foundation73.proboards.com/ Supposedely he has a whole bunch of achievements including skills involving his genitals (u never know u might like it....) On our forum the highest we have achieved so far would be smth like this: One person stands without moving, with his forearm extended, while the initiated person concentrates hard and brings the entire power of the Universe into his palm and then ***WACK!!!*** slaps the victim's forearm and voila! all of a sudden a gorgeous red spot appears out of nowhere on the victim's previously white arm (I don't know what happens if the victim is a non caucasian race though...) Now the above info si for reference only don't ever try to use it anywhere without permission 'cause smb might come looking for u ...
  19. Burning Palm System

    It's not complete until you learn how to hunt down and spank all the disrespectfull students until 4 AM !!! Personally after reading the SST's previous post I think I changed my mind about becomming a ninja and instead will switch to basket weaving asap!
  20. Burning Palm System

    I hope yall understand that the burning palm is a ninja skill that can actually kill !!! here's the proof: Ca9e3sePyUw
  21. Cold Water Therapy (Fascinating!)

    u don't have to poor ice water on you, but rather slowly lower the temperature while giving enough time for your body to adjust. Also the first few months after starting one should get only to a "cool" temperature level and only later try to get to the "cold" level
  22. Cold Water Therapy (Fascinating!)

    This is an old practice but simple and efficient and it does require a little bit of preparation - please don't just start randomly diving into cold rivers because if you are not prepared you can have a heart atack. Daily cold showers at home are a great way to start preparing for this....