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About NewGoldMountain

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Greetings from southern Australia

    New to Tao Bums so I'm just saying my hello. I look forward to discussions and I hope I can make a constructive and useful contribution to the community. About me: I've taught comparative religion for 25+ years at University level, including units on Taoism and I Ching (although I'm not a "scholar" of either since I don't have Classical Chinese.) I live in an old gold mining city with a Chinese community going back to the 1850s - in fact my house is where the old Chinese market gardens were, not far from the Joss House and the local dragon (Sun Loong). I like the local Chinese history and these Chinese connections. I'm semi-retired now, so there is more time to pursue my real interests. Taoism is one of them. I'd especially like to hear from other Australians in these forums. Cheers.