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Everything posted by alchemystical

  1. Anti-aging Sages

    Wonderful share, the man raises many cogent points. A well used door never squeaks. Most decay that people experience is due to lack of insight into their form along with apathy to change anyway as watching daytime TV is so much more rewarding(!). I met this Chinese dude many moons ago who was literally brimming with energy and we struck up a conversation as I'd often see him out and about. Turns out this guy I thought was 40 was actually 70 so I asked his secret: "Eat two mouthfuls less than your hunger, brush your teeth after every meal and go for a long walk straight after" That it. So simple, direct and effective. Granted as I learned he also knew a lot about the five elements, their presence in his makeup and how best to balance them but his core argument still stands as very good advice as just doing that whilst changing nothing else will make one a heck of a lot better than the alternative.
  2. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    @Trunk yes, I would agree with your last point wholeheartedly. It certainly appears that the more one is aware of the entire scenario the easier it is to become depressed which is why I've met so many bliss junkies on the path that sit, isolated in their own energetic bubble preaching this and that when in reality its the psychospiritual equivalent of "I'm alright Jack!" as its akin to closing your eyes to make the world go away. Underneath the self delusion nothing has changed even though your judicious attempts at hacking your mindbody into producing happy happy endorphins may lead you to think as everyone else is still in a rough space. Your friends perspective on the first noble truth correlates quite well with what a very wise man once said "Everybody is dead but they refuse to realize it and instead walk around pretending to be alive and this is why everything is so messed up because its all built on lies". Quite possibly the most profound thing ever heard because, depending on your philosophical bent, it is simple and elegant which are often both hallmarks of the truth. Its also quite unpalatable to most which is, surprise, also something that the truth tends to do. The only sane response to grasping the entire picture of reality is insanity because it is just so mad on so many levels. Why? Well thats another conversation in and of itself but it really does make you think what this thing called "reality" is and thus the implications it generates for actually being here and being able to generate this insight in the first place....
  3. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    Thank you for your responses. Rather than quote everyone and reply I’ll just monologue my contributions as I read what you said, you can decipher the rest: Without a doubt we’ve got it better than we ever have had it as a race and because of that we can hear more whiny little bitches louder than ever before as entitlement rears its ugly head, yet again. So few actually stop to appreciate the splendour with which they’ve been gifted… Worse still they expect others to do for them what they simply won’t do for self and that never ends well. As for greed, are we corrupted into believing in this artificial scarcity in order to make us run the wheel of fiscal slavery so we can, laughably, attempt to purchase our freedom or is that just truly the nature of man. To be a [word removed by system], in other words? I wonder… Damn it feels good to be a bankster! Or is it simply a case of the banksters are actually dammed and this is why they carry on in such a manner? This is a very interest tangent that I would like to hear more about because money definitely is a big part of it all. The school theorem I’ve heard before and when you take it hand in hand with its long term playmate reincarnation it seems to make little to no sense to keep putting you in for tests with no revision, no prior recall and so many variations as any thinking man would say its rigged and therefore choose not to participate. You are free to seek diamonds in the shit. Myself I wonder who doused the jewels in excrement and why because that is most certainly not their natural habitat and one that should set alarm bells ringing. Smaller brains eh? I like where you’re coming from on this as its a facet I hadn’t considered. Society as an ill is also quite excellent. I would like to hear more of what you think as it sure seems a lot more grounded in whats real than so many bliss ninnies on the path would have you believe as they attempt to deceive another as they were themselves. You can easily see that all religious/spiritual movements - even if they were began with true intent to help and lead - have been bastardized into something akin to a weapon that promotes in group thinking whilst seeing everyone else as enemies. Plus those within the folds are often the largest hypocrites, totally blind to their conduct and how it goes against their tenants. Simple fact is that everyone to some degree or another gets the short end of the stick. Rich, famous, beautiful, poor, ugly, sick. Everyone. All across the board. Well at least thats one thing thats fair eh? As for the children, that is a topic in and of itself. A very ugly glimpse at the true nature of the world which evidently seems to feast on innocence. All of the pithy platitudes and pseudo wisdom that pours out of folks digital cake holes can’t soothe the souls of those who know that pain so save your smarmy bollocks for elsewhere as it gets no golf claps here as only a true fool with no empathy would even dare say such a thing. Percentages, figures, 10,000 can make a difference? Surely this number has been eclipsed by the true devotees at some point in our history and yet the world has steadily been going to shit for eons. Once again, nice words that have naught to do with reality beyond wishful thinking. That being the trick as hope is what keeps you hanging on so they exploit it any opportunity they can. One thing you learn in the streets is that there is strong and weak and when the strong are hungry the weak are something to eat. This extends out all over the place, Africa being an example of a perennial hoe that is pimped for others to eat well whilst Wandanga Muntambu has the same flies on his face as he did a generation ago except now he has a wind up laptop and free wifi so he can see up close and personal what he’s missing in the world. Ironic, no? All in all some interesting answers, a lot of what I expected with a few that think different. Thanks for your participation in the digital equivalent of a having a cold thermometer placed in your rectum as nothing shows your internal temperature better than how you respond to this question. To make it more interesting, would a lot of you stop pretending to be wiser than you actually are and speak, maybe for the first time in a long time, from the heart instead of trying to impress strangers online with how advanced you are because its evident a lot of you should have devoted the time it took to earn thousands of posts looking deeper inside than simply talking about it.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar effect on urine and UTI

    Are you sure about that? I remember reading that ACV is acidic when consumed buts its ash/residual effect on the body is that of alkanization? Also you mentioned that infection thrives in alkaline environments when I'm certain its the exact opposite as they need acids to do what they do and alkaline is a no go for them plus its a state that really helps the immune system.
  5. I asked for a Baklava and got a Bhavacakra instead...

    Fantastic @MooNiNite I shall check out the book. The imagery certainly is overflowing in this picture so any more insights would be appreciated.
  6. But I suppose thats what happens when you talk Greek to a Buddhist Folks, I know not much about the Buddhists and their ways but I saw one of these the other day: And was told this is to provide outsiders with answers to the way these cropped hair and saffron robe chaps view the world and it actually left me more confused than when I started. Did a quick bit of searching but thought I'd turn to you lot for "real deal insider scoop". Questions: Why is there a three eyed demon holding the world? Is this symbolic or literal? Whats the deal with the 5 smiling skull clowns in its head? Could anyone illuminate the meaning of the hungry ghost realm and how it connects with those in this realm? What are your general thoughts on this imagery and what is the most powerful thing it says to you? Many thanks
  7. I heard this the other day: "In China everyone pays a monthly stipend to their doctor whos job it is to keep them well. People go in for regular checkups where any changes noted and preventive measures prescribed before things go awry which in contrast to the west where people go when push has came to shove and the doctor prescribes a remedy that often just masks the symptoms instead of alleviating the cause and as such it reflects in cultural thinking for in China the best doctor is one that keeps you healthy and in the west its one that fixes you when you're sick and therein lies a key difference in their ways and means of dealing with the problem" Is that true or just some starry eyed shtick?
  8. Natural way to cure seizure

    Something I've heard before that may help is that you can prevent a seizure or bring someone back by pressing on their philtrum. Given its position on the central meridian and how it can be used to knock someone out it makes sense that it also disrupts whatever is causing the seizure. If you do try it out could you please message me and let me know if it worked? Also it is well worth looking into lavender oil because seizures start as an overload like a standing wave from the limbic system up and due to the way smell is processed here it also helps prevent them if you catch it at the aura stage and inhale deep. Once again more theory so please update if you try them as I would like to know if it works in practice. Thanks
  9. I've just been reading up on some fascinating "quirks" that have been associated with organ transplants before and was wondering what you lot thought of this and why its occurring? I know that from the TCM perspective organs do a heck of a lot more, mainly emotional processing, than their western equivalent whose doctors brush off these events as delusions in their patients minds which is crazy considering how often its reported but hey! This woman had a kidney transplant and after found herself sporting much more brain power and was drawn toward intellectual pastimes as opposed to watching soaps on TV as she did before. The Sonny Graham case listed here is mind boggling and a few others listed here for your consideration. Any insight you can share into this area from your perspective?
  10. Organ transplants - your thoughts?

    @Jessup2 - Wow, thanks for sharing that. Very interesting and it confirmed a lot of what I suspected as each being has their own energy/frequency and the introduction of anothers aspect has to have some effect. I asked on this forum for the reason that folks here are often better equipped to discern them vs not them as you just illustrated. @Gerard - My question was just out of curiosity on the whole energetic implications of organ donation, purely theoretical.
  11. Is it true you pay a doctor to keep you healthy in China?

    Thank you. I had a feeling that the reference was to "back in the day" China and not current China for the reasons other posters have outlined but was curious as to how factual this perspective actually was as I couldn't find anywhere else that mentioned it working like this, specifically the point you stated about prevention rather than cure. Also fully agree with the comments that the U.S expects someone else to pick up all the pieces whereas other places the people are much more proactive with their life choices.
  12. I've lived a life thus far that has been pretty heavy on the stress, caffeine, work and other noxious substances as I kept my foot on the pedal for 84 hours a week in my previous role which was quite physically demanding in bursts and in the down time I used to study heavily for around a decade with no time off as I was working and PhDing at the same time. Wrapped all that in a couple of years ago because I could feel that I was about to overload everything so I walked away and stripped everything back down to basics. Now I used to really really enjoy my caffeine and hammered it in immense amounts daily (along with double shots of hyper stimulating preworkouts - back before all the fun ingredients got banned - that were loaded with stuff that made your body jump straight into full on fight/flight mode for a high intensity daily weights routine) and generally did a lot of stuff that I now realize was detrimental to my body. The other week I decided to have a regular cup of tea instead of my usual decaff as I thought that one cuppa couldn't make that much of a difference and boy was I wrong, I was stimmed to the max like I'd never been before and didn't sleep that night at all along with feeling my kidney region start to throb. Quite strange but in the interests of science I thought I'd try again yesterday just to make sure it wasn't due to desensitization or similar and once again exactly the same result. Now if I'm right this along with my previous lifestyle point to kidney jing depletion and I'm wondering if I'm correct with that statement? Next thing I'm wondering is if its possible to replenish this resource as I've read contradictory views with some saying its inherited from your mother and once its gone its gone and others saying it can be regenerated (how?). Any perspectives or advice for my situation would be much appreciated as I can't think of any other reason for my uber caffeine sensitivity. I had all of my bloods come in and they are perfect and apparently in terms of health/weight/blood pressure and all the rest I'm biologically much younger than my chronological age so thats nice but I know that energetically that isn't so. Thanks for reading.
  13. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Thank you, I had a feeling it was astrological.
  14. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    @9th - what is that please? A bit more info/detail on the three if you can.
  15. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Many thanks. I too feel that my current herbalist is on the money first healing later path. Thankfully I've been intuitively avoiding the food types that are no good but the sheer level of caffeine sensitivity is what got me wondering. What do you make of the idea of using a natural diuretic combo like dandelion, hawthorn, horsetail for the interim as removing the excess water should in turn reduce the damp according to my thinking whilst I seek out another practitioner. We are all but reflections of each other, that which we cannot accept in self we see in others and I have learned much during the course of our initial interaction. Good fortune and well wishes for your journey.
  16. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Deflection instead of introspection, staring into the abyss and all that but you already know that well, my shell of a friend The origin of the linked quote however is quite an interesting site, tell me which of the four types do you hail from? I'll write down my guess and lets see if I'm right.
  17. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Thank you. Damp is notoriously hard to clear out and my TCM believes it was due to my previous working environment (which I'm no longer in). I appreciate the pointers, do you know any methods of clearing damp effectively in a holistic fashion? I'm actually Batman but you on the other hand are quick to talk and slow to listen so you may wish to turn your fount of wisdom around and invest in the parched lands of the self (there I did something) for those that run around attempting to project onto others often have a fear of looking into their own depths. Now if you go back and actually read what I said instead of reeling of pop psych cliche after pop psych cliche you'd see that I walked away from all of that a few years ago and now live a totally different lifestyle. In many ways I preempted your word salad with "Share something worthwhile please" as I had a feeling that you'd just spout platitudes like the above and you certainly didn't disappoint.
  18. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Thank you, have you used that site before and can you confirm the quality? At the moment I'm not working, do yoga a couple of times a week along with a much lighter more cardio based gym routine a couple of times a week also. All "badness" is out of the window simply because I cannot abide how it makes my bodymind feel. Am looking for a good gong to start in order to help the energetic process, am familiar with 18 hands and 8 brocade but haven't practiced them for a while so am a bit rusty. Thank you for that in depth response, I'm glad I caught it before it became a major issue as my aim is to make my current lifestyle as nurturing as possible. I did see a TCM doctor and they stated my issue was due to damp heat (the place I used to work was very very cold) and recommend some herbs and acupuncture. Now I only have a grasp of the basics of TCM myself but I also know my own life and feel that the consultant was trying too hard to hock more services/generate profit and helping me was a secondary concern as after a year of treatment I was no further on until I looked into the kidneys and all of a sudden things became a lot clearer. Could you share any more info on heart blood deficiency as I don't know much about that area. My parents are dead and I inherited their debts so I could either whine like a bitch about my fate or accept it and double down to help those that remain and use what I've got to remedy the situation. What are these classic symptoms you speak of? Share something worthwhile please.
  19. Greetings folks, I've recently been introduced to the world of Qigong by a Tai Chi instructor, we tried a few pieces of Brocade in class and I was hooked so I've turned up here to see what your thoughts are on the best home study course. Having done some extensive searching before signing up I see that a lot of people really like Sifu Terry Dunns approach with the Flying Phoenix and it seems that the abundance of energy that people generate from this form is just what I'm after. On the other hand I've seen the Falun Gong form is totally free on the net and people also report that has loads of energy but there are a few posts on here that put me off that form as they bring up a few points that made me go hmm.. So, what are your thoughts? Or to put it a simpler way "What do you wish you knew then that you know now?"
  20. Has anyone experienced this before? If so what does it mean as its a fairly recent experience for me that just appeared one day randomly. Whole body feels super dense and heavy and to even move it a mm feels like it would take a huge amount of energy and attention. Aside from that I'm still aware of my body, it feels no different bar the weight increase. Thanks
  21. No doubt, all is superb but I'm a curious kind of chap and wish to know what this is/if others have experienced it as after many years of meditating this is a new one on me.
  22. Qigong; eating a bland diet

    Would it be possible for you to share that eating plan here? I've recently been looking into the whole food/mood thing and believe there really is something to this and searching through here lead me to your thread which proves the same thing. Very interested if you feel like sharing more information and your experience please.
  23. Are there any DVDs or books in English to be able to learn this form? I've been seeking a qi gong to dedicate myself to learning and this certainly seems to tick all of the boxes.
  24. Greetings folks, been having some digestive issues of late and a swift TCM appraisal suggested that along with damp heat I have some stagnant/sluggish liver qi. How would one go about mobilzing it? Any recommendations in generally improving digestive health would also be appreciated. Thanks
  25. Liver Qi - Stagnant/Sluggish, How To Move It?

    The beauty of synchronicity, eh dawei? I was just looking in to the healing sounds at this very moment and came on here to search about them when you'd replied. Please allow me to browse what you've linked and I shall get back to you in a few, many thanks.