
Junior Bum
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Everything posted by Jace

  1. The Center has no Location

    I would like to apologize in advance for using terms taken from multiple locations. Descriptors for the ultimately undescribable are poor at best but seem to have the only method for objective evaluation. The concept of center is not inherently related to a fixed point. This appears to be self-evident. As we move through the universe spatially and through time there is always a relative center. This is a basic principle of science as well as a philosophical construct. I believe this is what, to me, the definition of the Dharma is. It has nothing to do with being a righteous or holy but rather following the center path. Will have things put in our way that causes to deviate from the center; occasionally small and occasionally quite large to spin us off completely. The beauty is… There is always a new center no matter how far off the path you've wandered. Knowing that, to what end? If all things are equal then why bother? If you follow a traditional Daoist construct that in general you will be happier doing so, that may be enough. Some other mystical philosophies postulate that the path to enlightenment can be achieved in two ways: aim for it directly or suffer so greatly that you are passively pushed there. Both end up in the same place. The difference is how much you have to be in pain along the Way.
  2. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    There is wisdom everywhere. I don't think that there is one superior system over another. What we call philosophical Taoism is a precursor to Buddhism. I admire The taoist idea of frameless frame and destroying ones paradigms. Buddhism seems to speak more towards how to walk the righteous path or the Dharma in the face of the inevitable truths: suffering, impermanence. Kabbalah speaks clearly about your souls progression and how the devil is not an individual but rather the opposition trying to pull you off of the righteous path. The devil is not trying to win, it's trying to make you lose and the devil always wants to dance. I'll try to say that there is a pattern and a meter and a timber to the universe and try to help the wandering soul how to understand that to the best of our limited ability. To me, almost every religion sends the same message: we all want to live in God's light or the tao or achieve enlightenment. The name is unimportant, it's the objective that counts. It's important not to let systems cloud your judgment. They are tools and nothing more. They are clearly not the answer by and of themselves. Drink deeply from all and move on.
  3. Taoist Parallels

    My take would be that from all things comes that which are equal and opposite. And that the equal and opposite make up all things.
  4. But I do not understand the nature of it. And whether I understand or not does not change the fact of it's existence or how it operates. Having originally started martial arts when I was nine, I began reading what I would eventually find out is Daoist at probably around age 12. Considering I'm in my 50s, that's a long time to study without reaching definitive conclusions. But the path is long, and the fog lifts slowly. Unfortunately, the path is usually solitary as well and it's good to have people along the way that, like me, are attempting to get it. In almost every religion, there appears to be a base universal truth which attempts to describe how the universe operates. To paraphrase Lao Tzu, for lack of a better term, I call it Tao. I try to rely heavily to it, not judging, not becoming wrapped up in the mundane, clinging to icons or locked in paradigms or useless frames and definitions. Some days are better than others. The road to enlightenment is beset on all sides by forces attempting to pull us off the righteous path. Thanks for your time.