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Posts posted by Pyramidalcow

  1. On 1/26/2024 at 5:33 PM, Mana conduit said:

    I actually have tangible proof that my methods work though as I have increased my strength and durability but other ways you can check progress is remote viewing I had a friend more trained in remote viewing than me check neirong and the others here their energy sucks tons of false positive energy and imagining along with feeling IS a viable training method as it strengthens your ability to move energy and clear blockages

    Can your friend remote view me please?

  2. On 7/1/2020 at 2:45 AM, sambista2002 said:

    I'm not sure how current the page is, FWIW, CTMAA lists the SFQG8 form on its site here:


         At CTMAA, regular weekly classes and summer workshops on the following qigong methods will be given:

    • Sword-Finger Qigong in Eight Forms
    • Zhineng Qigong
    • Five-Dragon School Inner Alchemy Qigong


     They will be described in more detail in the following sections.


    1. Sword-Finger Qigong in Eight Forms 

        This qigong method, passed down by Master Wang Xiang-Dang, is one of the most complete qigong methods transmitted in secrecy from master to disciple through many generations.  In the past, the method could only be taught to disciples of the Tao and was otherwise reserved to royalty for their use in the preservation of health.


    Qigong (Qi Gong or Chi Kung) Master Wang Xiang Dang

    Qigong Master Wang Xiang Dang


         The Sword-Finger Qigong incorporates the essence of mystical union of the individual with heaven and earth.  It teaches the ways of gathering the energies of heaven and earth to circulate them in the human body as the means of maintaining good health and developing potential special abilities.  In centuries past, there was no single complete set of deep-penetrating sword-finger exercises for internal organs; only single sword-finger and double sword-finger exercises.  This Sword-Finger Qigong in Eight Forms is probably the first complete set of deep-penetrating qigong for training the qi which has been made available to the general public.

        Although the method consists of very simple movements and is very easy to learn, it is very effective in healing or recovering from fatigue.  In average, it takes about three to four sessions (or hours) to learn this method.  In other words, after attending the Wednesday's class three to four times, you should be able to practice it by yourself at any time.   The total time to practice the whole eight sections in this method is about half hour.


    Sword Finger Qigong (Qi Gong or Chi Kung) workshop at CTMAA

    Sword Finger Qigong workshop at CTMAA

    Can you move stuff with your fingers from a distance? An expert of one finger zen can.

  3. On 9/22/2011 at 1:16 PM, spiraltao said:

    Ok, I must start this story in 2008, I was diagnosed with a liver disease that I don't care to name and the last stage of cirrohsis. The doctors done two different biopsi, but told me my liver was already too bad to take interfuron/riboviran combo. So I decide to go back to what had helped me get through the toughest times of my life, MARTIAL ARTS.


    My old sifu had moved back after seventeen years and I seen him on youtube, so I called and told him my situation. I remember telling him "I am at rock bottom, teacher." He said, "THAT IS WONDERFUL! There is only one way to go and that is UP." This gave me some hope.


    He introduced me to circle walking. I started to feel a bit less lethargic and my anger issues began to subside. I kept getting hepatic panels ran on a monthly basis and my enzymes and billirubin levels began to drop. The doctor at the University of KY told me that my liver tests would NEVER be normal again. He said that I might be able to lower them, but would never read as a healthy liver.


    To make a long story a bit less long, I stuck to my training. I learned the eight mother palms and my inside and outside changes. In Feb I met Zerostao and he introduced me to some bagua qigong. Until this I had only been doing ZZ standing as chi kung. Zerostao introduced me to the iron shirt form and the single and double palm changes among other things that I have covered in my training log.


    I made sure to play my bagua every day and actually think I know what song means!


    Well, fast forward to last Friday, I had another hepatic panel done.



    My sister is a AARNP (nursing practitioner) and she simply couldn't believe what she seen. She at first thought that my labs had gotten mixed up. They were the labs of a man with a healthy liver!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! I NOW HAVE THE PROOF IN BLACK AND WHITE!


    I AM PROOF THAT CHI KUNG IS REAL AND IT WORKS! I never had any doubt, but others were skeptical in the family but being that kung fu has been a passion of mine since I was four they were used to the combat part, but had never heard of learning to fight to improve your health, as my dad puts it.




    THIS POST GOES OUT TO THE EVERY TAO BUM THAT HAS HELPED ME. ...and to Zerostao for leading me to this wonderful place. I feel at home now.


    I can do ANYTHING with proper guidance and this is only the beginning. Where as before I really wondered if I would live to see my daughter graduate high school.


    I am not being arrogant, but I feel better than I have since I was in my early twenties and I just slapped a cap block with no warm up to see if my metal element was still in order. Yeah, it broke with ease and my friend said the slap looked nearly effortless.



    There is no way to hide my excitement and express the joy in my heart with words.


    I must thank my god, my sifu, Zerostao, Lao Xie, Ray Carbullido, Kent Howard, Kenneth Cohen and Dr. Yang Jwing Ming and Master Liang Shou Yu. Not mention Frank Allen. Each person listed above played a pivotal role in my transformation.

    Could you list in 1 paragraph with dotted points what you did (inlcuding the sifus) to reverse liver damage? I got stuck at the bagua part.

  4. On 6/8/2023 at 5:33 PM, zen-bear said:


                               JUNE 23 to 25  -- ZOOMABLE !!


    To all Flying Phoenix Qigong practitioners and followers of this thread:


    On June 23, 24 and 25, I will be conducting a 14-hour immersive workshop in Ehrmei Mountain Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Qigong that's very suitable for beginners but will be focussed on the intermediate and advanced practices of our art.   This will be my first FPCK workshop of  2023 and sixth workshop at the beautiful "Tao Retreat" (Han Chinese Culture Assoc.) at 33 Tao Road in Catskill, NY.  The seven 2-hour sessions of this workshop are Zoom-able where all remote attendees will get interactive feedback and corrections just the same as in-person attendees, as I will have a large monitor with everyone's Zoom frames displayed.



    This new video recently posted on this thread shows the FP Qigong material that I will be teaching at this workshop, including one of the 10,000 Buddha Ascends to Heaven meditations.  Pour yourself a cup of tea, sit back, and view this video as my latest reference to correct your form--in order to refine your practice and further experience how elegant, sophisticated, sublime and powerful  Feng Do Duks' Flying Phoenix Qigong ("Fei Feng San Gung") system is in its performance and delivery of supreme good health:



    There's qigong and there's qigong.  Then there's Flying Phoenix Qigong that differs from all other Yogic arts created in China or India or anywhere else in the world in the way that it so remarkably fulfills the 5 essential functional criteria of any authentic Qigong system--as defined by the late great Master R.K. Shih (elaborations by me are in italics):

    (1) prevents disease by elevating immune levels  (which I hope to get proven by medical science in the near future)

    (2) cures (some) diseases  by inducing allostasis without adding stress to the system;

    (3) strengthens the body--by, in the words of GM Doo Wai, "bringing all the organ functions under the regulation of the subconscious mind";

    (4) improves intelligence and thereby increases longevity (for starters, by developing the mental function of visualization like no other Qigong art); and

    (5) develops latent powers (e.g., clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, remote healing, advanced kung fu, psychokinesis, seeing all forms of energy that go unseen by the consensus reality, etc.) --i.e.  If a so-called "qigong" does not develop latent powers, then it is NOT qigong!!!)


    Astonishing and revelatory for most beginners is the common Flying Phoenix Qi phenomenon where the tangibly energizing and rejuvenating effects experienced during a practice session set on again several hours later in an unexpected total-body Qi-envelopment of the most pleasant and sublimely healing nature.  This was echoed by a western physician and professor of public health at Yale School of Public Health in December, 2020, after I she took one two-hour beginner's FP Qigong lesson with me:

    "Flying Phoenix Qigong practice significantly elevates parasympathetic tone.  90 minutes of practice of this Qigong is restorative in real time and over time afterwards."                                                                                                                                                  - Yetsa A. Tuakli-Wosornu, M.D., M.P.H., IOC Dip. Sp. Med.  Assistant Clinical Professor, Yale School of Public Health Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology.  December, 2020



    The 3-day immersive workshop on June 23, 24 and 25 consists  of 7 two-hour sessions with 2 sessions on Friday, 3 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday at these times (EST):

    Friday: 3pm - 5pm; 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST
    Saturday: 10am - noon; 2:30pm - 4:30pm; 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST
    Sunday: 10am - noon; 2:00pm - 4:00pm EST



    The goal of this workshop is to help beginning and intermediate FP practitioners reach proficiency in the Long Form Standing Meditation and to introduce them to some of the Advanced Flying Phoenix Meditations—a set of 9 standing moving meditations and to some of other 16 advanced seated “Monk Serves Wine” meditations that I have not yet published.

    A.  Thus each session will review of the  Flying Phoenix Qigong meditations presented in the Chi Kung For Health DVD series, with special focus on perfecting the "Moonbeam Splashes On Water" in Volume 3 and the Capstone Long Form Standing Meditation (Vol.4), mastering the five powerful 90-second meditations on Volume 5, and all memorizing the 5 advanced seated meditations on Volume 7 of the DVD series. 

     All participants are encouraged to practice to the Volumes 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the DVD series prior to the workshop.


    B. In addition to reviewing the basic level of the FP Qigong system, I will also teach:
    1. Excerpts from Advanced Flying Phoenix Qigong Meditations (9 standing moving meditations).

    2. Excerpts from Advanced Long Form Seated (Monk Serves Wine) Meditation — consisting of 22 postures.  Not that difficult-- twice as long as the MSW meditation on Volume 7 that has the breath-control sequence (70  50 20 10)--plus 2 more movements.

    3.  Selections from the 10,000 Buddhas Ascend To Heaven Meditations System  a highly esoteric system of martial and healing Qigong consisting of 54 meditations organized into 3 sets of 18.  

    4. Advanced “Monk Serves Wine” seated Meditations not taught in the DVD series, such as this  self-applied acupressure facial massage, repeated 7 times:


    C.  A 15-minute warm-up module at the start of every class will include:  "The Silkweaver’s Exercise" (unaffiliated with any martial art or Taoist tradition but immensely valuable for beginners in almost any internal art); excerpts from Master George Xu's Qing Dynasty Imperial Guard Exercises;  the "Short Form Power Yoga" of the Taoist Elixir Method Basic 31 Meditations--all of which have catalyzing and accelerative effects on the Flying Phoenix Qigong cultivation.



    $350 early registration
    $385 day of workshop
    $55 for each of the seven 2-hour sessions 


    $40 per 2-hour session or $250 / all 7 sessions [Zoom log-on links will be emailed to registrants the day before the workshop begins]


    •• Please send payment via Paypal (to [email protected]) or via Zelle (to [email protected] ••



    See postscript below or my Newsletter:


    If you have any questions about the workshop, please post here or write to me at:  [email protected]

    ** Please also see recent reviews of my last workshop (Sept. 30) posted on this thread by David Lloyd Hastings on October 8 and by Tao Now on October 16. **


    I hope to see many, many of you at this post-summer solstice Flying Phoenix Workshop to tune y'all up to be in sync for a most sunny, alchemic, and victorious summer.


    mitakuye oyasin,


    Sifu Terry Dunn



    A. There are 3 rentable rooms at the main event hall at Tao Retreat: One room with bathroom: $350 / day* Two rooms with a shared bathroom: $248 / day*

    B. Ten floor beds in the main tea house / event hall: $60 / night*

    C. 4 new comfortable trailer rooms with sofa-beds for up to 4 people: $250/night*; $50 for additional person.*

    *Room or floor bed rent includes each day’s meals.



    2 excellent meals each day (authentic Xichuan cuisine for lunch and dinner) plus one smoothie or light soup before sleep. • Meals are included with room or floor bed rentals • Meal plan for non-residents: $50 per day.





    TO MAKE ROOM AND/OR MEAL PLAN RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT Yurong 豫容 Julia Li 李 at: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: (917) 828-0731

    PLEASE NOTE: The town of Catskill is convenient 14 minutes away by car (8.5 miles) has plenty of comfortable bed & breakfast inns, motels and resorts in and around the nearby town of Catskill such as Wolff's Maple Breeze Resort:


    looks like a great way to go for a holiday and socialise and get out there. i love that stuff, especially the yum cha at the end. i doubt it would heal my mopai mixing health problems unless there is testimony that someone has .

  5. On 4/19/2023 at 8:24 AM, almaxy said:



    I've been reading Voidisyinyang(Drew) content and he talks a lot about how does attraction from the opposite sex happens and  how girls and also males can drain our jing.


    I have so many questions on this subject, maybe you guys can help me, so:


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    1 - How exactly does women drain our jing?


    They will do sexual poses trying to attract you to get you an erection. Ie. they will feel their privates or yank up their butt. When we look at it (apparently third eye supposed to shoot) you squeeze perinium like you are ejaculating. they will make a huuuutt sound like a dog yelping.



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    2 - Did they just need to look at us or there needs to be eye contact(I need to look at her too)?yes u can look at her. Just dont stare it could become awkward


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    3 - Did they need to look at us or by simply being next to us they are already draining our jing? the closer the better. same goes with qi transmission . its exponential.


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    4 - If I just look at a girl will I lose jing to her or I need to look at her with sexual desire? when the transmission o at a d is successful you will lose jing. both parties wil benefit


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    5 - Do I really LOSE jing in these scenarios or it's JUST CONVERTED from Jing to sexual fluid and then there's the need to reconvert it back to jing?

    you lose jin. it does get converted to jing (sexual fluid). you can try to convert it back to energy gas. move it from your lower dt to mdt. or condense the jing at the ldt.





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    6 - If I talk to a girl she will drain my jing, correct? What about talking to other males?


    Males can drain chi too. if thei have low testosterone. this is the reason some people become same sex attractiveness.



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    7 - How exactly males drain our jing? Drew talks about Male pervs who drains jing, so only male pervs can take jing from another male? yes. even make you cause an erection.


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    8 - Is that why people isolate themselves from society so that they can conserve the maximum amount of jing without people draining them?


    yes. ie. becoming celibate and monkhood.




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    9 - So, someone who retains his seed for 30 days away from society will have a lot more jing than someone who retained his seed for 30 days but is still living among society, correct? yup. but if you can control your jing they can be the same


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    10 - What role qigong, neigong, etc.. takes in this scenario? So now let's use an example of two people living among society: They both retains their seeds for 30 days, but one of the practices a form of qigong and the other doesn't. So that means the one who practices qigong will have more jing than the one who doesn't, correct? Considering they both have a good diet, good sleep, etc.. the only change is the practice or not of qigong. qigong builds and maintains balance in shen qi and jing. neigong condenses the jing and mixes it with the yin energy of the earth a well as yang chi of the heavens. neigong causes kan and li (mdt plus ldt) to happen. The one who practies qigong will have more jing than the one who doesnt. there are qigong masters who are able to influence another via mind control . They simply have more chi and jing.


    this is my experience and what I learned from drew hempel.

    Thanks in advance!:lol:


    • Thanks 1

  6. On 1/3/2023 at 10:08 AM, Stars said:

    Greetings, Senior Dao Bums! Now that I've gone through this site, it's time for me to sign up. 

    Canadian teenager, age 16, here. I am on a goal to eliminate all distractions so that I could concentrate more on myself and improve myself. On this journey, I also want to control my sexual urges and other things. 

    So I did some research and learned about Energy Work, Qigong, Mopai, Neigong, Tai Chi, etc. I must admit that listening it feel very overpowered by all the various systems, viewpoints, and perspectives and since I have no idea where to begin, I turned to the internet and found this wonderful place. I ask the Senior Dao Bums around here for advice. I am aware that it will probably take me a lifetime to master something, but I don't want to waste time on activities that will not help me achieve my goal. 

    I have zero experience in this and have no idea where to begin and certain systems overlap quite a bit, I occasionally find it difficult to distinguish between them. 

    For a complete newbie like me, may the Senior Dao Bums here possibly have more information?
    Some guidance on how I can initially connect with my energy and myself without the aid of a master?
    Is it a good idea to practice qigong, or are there better techniques to master first? 

    I'm really hoping for some responses.

    Some suggestions to fill the dantien as a level 2 mopai guy.


    1. Do mopai level 1. It's great for health.

    2. Some master suggested this: sit in the lotus and focus on the dantien. You can achieve enlightenment this way too as legends say.

    3. Learn from a master/teacher who has had their dantien filled.


    - do at least 1600 hours of only that. no qigong. tai chi ok. but no energy manipulation.

    - microcosmic orbit and diet helps with any dangers of side effects. avoid excess carbs.


    100 percent dantien means you are stronger than shaolin iron head, arm and most tai chi perormers and even martial artists.


    • Thanks 1

  7. On 31/08/2021 at 12:02 AM, Michael Sternbach said:

    Referring to the OP, the way the serpent heads are shown from the side makes each of them resemble a single human eye. ;)


    The Hermes staff ending in a pair of eyes also seems in keeping with its attribution to the planets in their respective signs in the zodiac. On top of this scheme you find the Sun and the Moon, which are traditionally considered analogous to the eyes.




    This is basically an abbreviated version of the latter from an alchemical book:




    This view essentially regards the caduceus as a Hermetic equivalent to the shushumna, with ida and pingala being represented by the two serpents. 




    Now if the serpent heads are meant to represent eyes, then perhaps their "beards" should be seen in connection with a feature which the Eye of Horus is often depicted with.



    Anatomy of the pineal gland

    • Like 1

  8. Same as the medicine symbol and kundalini. Medicine mocking you for giving out money to make your health worse. Also symbol of biblical serpeant. Thats symbol for level 4 mopai. But it does not go up to the head. It first goes along the arms and legs rumour says.

  9. On 1/7/2021 at 4:21 PM, Scholar said:

    I dont care about englithment or anything like that, I seek power and dominance over those around me. Im gonna get every single secret of the most powerful daoist practices so I can get near my goal of power. Im summoning all daoist masters to teach me this art so I can flourish over my enemies and destroy(physically and/or mentally) those who DARE to oppose me. 


    Ps: I cant pay so teach me for free. Thanks

    They say knowledge is power. why those who have it seems powerful.

  10. On 1/5/2019 at 4:49 AM, uselis said:

    Hello folks,


    I have 0 hope but deep down I want escape this for my mother. She suffers so much due to my spiritual quest failure with her own health taking hit and tears taking over. Pethaps somebody will notice this and offer some hope - direction.


    30 years male living in the middle of nowhere (Lithuania, Eastern Europe). For three years kept celibacy and meditated daily for several hours with premature intention to have Kundalini. Thought it's going to make me better person and those around me. No drugs been involved nor manipulative intentions to use energy for evil purposes. 


    Did mostly Vippasana and concentration practices.


    One month ago I had erection and massive amount of energy flooded to my head. Since then every day became proggresively worse to the point that currently:


    Living in perpetual state that is mix of fear, anxiety, terror, suicidal deppresion. I call it agony which at times so intense. No positive feelings, no pleasure from anything. Can't do much physical activity yet staying stationary so unbearable as I feel energy is ripping me apart. 


    Cognitive abilities going down each day. I can't read, watch or even have conversation for long time. No concentration nor ability to understand. 


    I am becoming monster. By that I mean that it feels like only body left which concerned about food only and survival in general. No person inside left. Anytime I can cry (which is rare) I welcome it. It makes me feel like human again. I hug my mom yet I feel nothing.


    Can't sleep without strong pills and even with those it's 5h.


    My nervous system can't handle anything.


    Mostly I feel energy as a hot discomfort in my head yet I can't bring it down.


    Visited psychiatric which suspect psychosis yet I don't see anything or hear voices. I don't behave irrationally but I can't function being gripped by this energy. Other psychiatric diagnosed me depressed and gave SSRI's and anti anxiety pills.


    Worst part my family don't believe in Kundalini or whatever I have here.


    Guys, I am so desperate and I keep thinking that there is only way out. I don't want to expierence this walking dead life. I told my thoughts to psychiatrist and my family. I don't hide anything cause I am desperate for help yet any meds I've been given makes me suffer more.


    Did I put myself in permanent hell state and nothing will help now? 



    see a psychiatrist


  11. On 4/4/2020 at 3:05 PM, GSmaster said:


    I can easily capture your soul after it leaves the body, and put it inside the stone in my magic underground basement lab.


    You will be my guest for next 1000 years, and mb you will also learn something, but I will never let you back into "free" life.


    I might allow you to reincarnate in some of my lab rats.



    Its so clear, that Ralis, Starjumper, Nature Beeeeing and other people all love the divine truth, but you dont.


    I can guess its because you are full of dirt and blind, so you cannot see the Truth.

    So how do I capture a jinn. I'm at a critical point in my life. It's do or death.