Bruce Qi

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Posts posted by Bruce Qi

  1. I am in no way questioning sifu garrys abilities but there just seems like a massive inconsistency in teaching the syg methods.

    This latest release really made me aware of it , but it also seems that a lot of practitioners who would like to study this system cant take it forward due to lack of help from the people who are supposed to be the representatives of SYG.

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  2. The new DVD is Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gung - Seated 13 & 14. I'm not sure how it relates to levels one and two that have already been released. If anyone could elaborate that would be helpful.

    This is the one I mentioned in the above post.

    Only 18 mins long and they are charging full price which is pretty shocking.

    They could have easily put the full set of last meds on for that price.

    13 and 14 are the meds following the earlier series which together with the last unreleased few

    make up the total of all the sitting meds in the levels.

    SO they would be the seated meds for level 13 and 14.

    Would have been much better releasing level 3.

  3. First I am really saddened to hear of the GM's health problems, it must be really hard for him living such a physical life then to end up in a situation like this but it has really got my mind thinking.

    In the flat downstairs to me is an auld fella , he is 83 , he is lively as you can get , out evey day with his dog who is 13 ! haha, , driving out and about in his car not to mention all the shouting he seems to enjoy first thing in the morning !

    He looks like he has enjoyed a drink in his lifetime and doesnt seem to follow any healthy diets yet he is doing great for his age ?

    Makes me think does qi gong really help or is it down to genetics and general "luck" maybe with a bit of karma in ?

    Hmm, my mind is a ponder

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  4. After having some crazy type of astral type dream I woke up in mid pelvic spasm and my dan tien hot.

    Once the spasms had subsided I was simply lying in my bed with my arm lying out of the side when my fingers began to make a wave motion, hmmm I thought , lets see whats going on now , so I lay observing them .

    The motion then went into my hand which began to make circles, after some time this went into my arm and this too from elbow upward began to make circles. Every now and again gentle pelvic rocking would happen.


    After a while it subsided and I lay on my other side, not long after it started on this side in the same order but this time it ended up going all the way to my shoulder blade.


    I assumed it was some kind of energy pattern that needed to release itself ?

  5. I am familiar with multi-dimensional dream time experience
    but would love any opinions on this event that happened last night.

    I had trouble sleeping and drifted off about 5 am
    where I found myself in a dark space, barely lit and smoky.
    The souls here were lost and full of hopelessness and despair.
    A male tried to have sexual contact with me then a woman appeared who had died from cancer. She had been an attractice woman when she was alive but now her bones showed where once there had been flesh and where the cancer had been was black tendrills coming in and out of her body , it almost looked like a giger painting. It was as if She still seemed to think she was that attractice living lady.

    A dog was wandering round with its skin looking like dried hide and parts of its bones showing. The poor thing held one of its dead pups in its mouth.

    Various other characters wandered in and out of the space.
    They were not malevolent at all but total lost souls.
    I got the feeling that these are the type of souls that feed off people drinking and engaging in sexual activities.

    It got too much for me so I said that I was leaving and woke myself up. When I woke up I could feel energy all round me and knew I had to try and help and bring some light in.
    I am not to familiar with this kind of technique so did the best I could in my own way. I could feel shifts in the energy as I did this.

    Once I felt I had done all I could the presence of 2 light beings appeared in my mind, one a female to my left and the other a male to my right who I had actually encountered only a few days before. They radiated purity and light and without words made me feel like I had done right and this was what we should be doing to help. The difference in energy was amazing but It broke my heart and I could not help cry tears of sorrow for all these lost souls.

    A brief description of these beings would be , very pure , gold and white , white skin , blond hair , very beautiful, almost greek in dress with white robes and maybe gold adorments, sitting on thrones. They appear very big in stature at either side of me.

    So , was this an actual experience or am I just having very lucid dreams ? It puzzles me as I have had dreamtime experiences before that I know for sure were not dreams but multi-dimensional experiences and contact with the light beings have always been when I am awake.



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  6. I've ordered the book this week.

    I've read another book today - Love Satisfies by Keepitup Johnson. It contains 95% of what I already new. It's very simple and I think I won't read it again.


    Looking forward to read "Bliss Energetics".

    I have not heard of him but what a name !

    The book is not about making love with a partner , it is a means of solo cultivation ;)


    While directly implying it, I didn't necessarily mean your partner has to be a human.

    Well this is actually covered but in relation to multi-dimensional beings.

    Also the book was not meant as a lesson in spirituality or mysticism but as a practical and down to earth method to experience bliss and multi-inner orgasm leading  you to have your own  experience which can teach you much more than any intellectual discussion.

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