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Posts posted by wilfred

  1. --DATELINE, Saturday the 29th: An FBI agent “has evidence that Huma Adebin has been spying for Saudi Arabia and passing DOS document to them.”


    DJ Lewis ‏@umpire43 Oct 29

    If voters elect Hillary, get ready for President Kaine. I am privy to information from old work friends that HRC will be indicted early 2017 {Emphasis added}


    --DATELINE, Sunday the 30th:


    DJ Lewis ‏@umpire43

    At 10.00AM EST a letter sent to SD by FBI to revoke Passport of Huma Abdin.


    And late Sunday night, CNN adds that the FBI has known about these emails for weeks:


    Updated 11:41 PM ET, Sun October 30, 2016

    (CNN) The FBI stumbled upon a trove of emails from one of Hillary Clinton's top aides weeks ago {Emphasis added}, law enforcement officials told CNN Sunday.

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  2. looking good for a trump win. the betting odds have significantly narrowed in the past week and trump seems to be comfortably ahead in the early voting, even in areas where dems typically win. big turnouts = trump voters. and hillary's email thing resurfacing is terrible optics for a candidate who people already associate with corruption, whether it amounts to anything or not.


    i'd expect polls to tighten in the coming week not because of much changing but because they've been so out of whack with reality and they'll want to regain credibility, especially if trump wins by a large margin. the biggest threat is the possibility of voter fraud, something the media have been adamant is conspiracy theory yet leaks have proven the opposite. so that's a concern, but if trump wins by enough it should be too much for them to overcome.

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  3. the email case truly is symbolic of all the corruption that hillary is embroiled in. this is why trump keeps bringing it to the forefront, it quite rightly associates hillary with corruption & lawlessness. just the mention of this new story is bad for clinton.

  4. Both, if I recall correctly. She's also been ordered by a federal judge to submit a written testimony, under oath, to explain her motivation for setting up that server in the first place -- curiously, the deadline was mid-October but the judge made clear that she didn't need to respond until AFTER the election.


    Just heard (although I haven't seen it yet) that the FBI announced today that the e-mail investigation is being reopened...


    lmao, i see libs aren't happy about this.

  5. there is evidence that the more productive contingent of elites is aware and been preparing for a global reset for a long time. FOFOA blog outlines global money history to this extent as it pertains to gold, which is the final fraud to be exposed when the paper gold market crashes. not a total collapse but a reconfiguring into a system where savers aren't perpetually robbed. obviously the western establishment has the most to lose in the short term and trump 'shaking things up' would be enough to press the button almost immediately. the sooner the better, in my view and if we can get some of the cheaters/thiefs in jail in the process all the better.


    the concern is if the cronies remain in charge and the bust becomes unavoidable we are dragged into war as cover, distracting attention from all the corruption, financial crimes etc. then who knows what happens before the dust settles.

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  6. the way debt has accumulated in the IMF$ system is largely based on structural imbalances in the global economy which in the physical layer translates to huge trade deficits. more debts/deficits, more fees, more derivatives, etc. this is the bankers (parasites) life blood.


    trump is essentially proposing a default by saying he wants to forcefully end the imbalanced flow of trade. i think this needs to be spelt out for people who don't understand economics. he speaks of the bubble, the debt, zero interest rates. this is the heart of the problem. this is also why he shrugs off claims of increasing the debt, it's imaginary and will be voided. taking the pain now (make no mistake it will be painful) and forcing a rebalancing is FAR preferable to the alternative of letting parasites leech until the host is almost dead. it should have happened in 08, if it doesn't happen soon we're gonna have real problems.

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  7. having an entire strategy for oversampling through media polling is something that was already obvious, but nice to have it confirmed. a lot of people have fallen for it but in reality it's still close and trump could well be ahead. he's winning the early voting in florida (dems typically always win early voting here) - another interesting, real world datapoint.

  8. "We have to win this thing regardless of ethics and laws"


    I have paraphrased, but this should be understood as the day democracy was shown as nothing but a path towards totalitarianism"


    If there are no laws and no morals applied to power, then we have power for the sake of power and that is totalitarianism pure and simple.


    modern day leftists believe that the ends justify the means, the right side of history etc. then they project their behaviour onto other people and hypothetical scenarios, the most flimsy justification for their illegal, unethical conduct. turns out they're the actual fascists and have infected the mainstream with their authoritarian, hateful ideology. they must be defeated.

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