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Everything posted by wilfred

  1. well seems like you are on the way to making progress, all the best to you. one thing though, you might be surprised at what getting in front of a teacher can do for you as transmission cuts right through the bullshit. w.
  2. no idea aside from it wasn't friendly. and through meditation.
  3. i hope you're able to resolve things Josama but I wouldn't expect much progress until the masturbation thing is under control and certainly not until you stop using visual stimulation for it. i know about this issue from personal experience - the energy you're experiencing in your head is directly related to the fact you've conditioned yourself to get off on certain imagery. sexual energy is travelling up hitting certain areas of the brain and around the eyes. it's a dopamine thing too, as you're aware. that's the most obvious part, but there's likely a whole load of incoherent energy throughout your energy structure associated with this behaviour (eg spleen, heart, liver, groin & hips area) that you're not yet mindful of. if you get to the stage where you're not masturbating but having wet dreams i believe that's a sign of good progress. it's all karmic and strong conditioning based off something that is already incredibly powerful (lust). my advice for going cold turkey would be to get into a retreat environment for several weeks or longer and avoid technology if that's a trigger. i actually think i may have attracted an entity through some of my behaviours in the past, much like you describe. funny thing is i was totally unaware of it until i went on a retreat and started being cleansed through the teachers energy field. i think this must have flushed it out because first night it sneaks into our bedroom and starts causing a hassle including attacking me. thankfully someone else told the teacher (i was pretty shaken up and we were in silence) and he quickly located it and told it to bugger off. i only found this out at the end when we broke silence and i while i can't be sure the entity was related to me, i have a feeling it was.
  4. i do believe you can attact entities from the kind of activities listed in your post, but at some level entities and incoherence (unwholesome karmic energy) can become interchangeable, bit of a chicken & egg scenario. internal sensations are imho going to be related to your own energy. have you fully dropped those activities and if so for how long? do you have practices that involve balancing energy through the entire body (ie are grounding)? afraid i can't help much with the healers thing if you're not over this side of the pond, but the factors above would be critical for moving past whatever you've accumulated. entity or not you might still have a lot of messy energy that needs to be dissolved. w.
  5. What are you listening to?

    new Breakbot, super groovy and awesome video!
  6. What are you listening to?

    something new, festive & funky
  7. Lust is not only experienced by male seekers

    welcome! personally i welcome anything women in-tune with this energy stuff can contribute on the lustful side of our existence. it would definitely be beneficial to myself and other male forum members to get a wider perspective on these driving forces. the more we share this commonailty the easier it should become to come to peace with ourselves. now i can't say whats already going on in the female sanctuary (though i fantasize about it daily) but would be great to see some stuff on the main boards. maybe as a balancing force to the abundance of semen retention, women scare me, want to suck my energy type threads. maybe you guys don't want to air out your dirty laundry as much as us, but if i could propose a 'lusty females' topic no only joking...or am i
  8. flouride - putting it in the water

    this has been my go-to toothpaste in recent years: http://uk.iherb.com/Jason-Natural-Sea-Fresh-Antiplaque-Strengthening-Paste-Deep-Sea-Spearmint-6-oz-170-g/3865 when going back to regular ones (the occasional sleep over etc) the shocking thing is how damn SWEET they are. it's crazy, tastes likes a mouth full of sugar or whatever they put in them... water i do about 50% distilled w/ ionic minerals and the rest bottled out of convenience of not needing to run the distiller all the time. then spun up in the double egg vortexer
  9. Supplements you use

    if i were to recommend one medicinal mushroom supplement, this would be the one. i generally put a good amount of it into my smoothies http://www.jingherbs.com/STR-12-powder-50-grams-p/312.htm 'STR-12 is a potent health and immune supporting and modulating formula crafted from twelve organic mushroom mycelium. Its name, STR-12 derives from the Chinese Fu Zheng philosophy of "supporting the righteous." This method of health and immune cultivation focuses on supporting the energies of the body that keep us strong and vital. This formula contains all the most effective immune mushrooms in a bio-available powder that is easily taken as a tea or in smoothies.'
  10. Beyond the spiritual heart

    i do sincerely hope that those speculating on the ins and outs of all this stuff are indeed living in alignment with what is being pointed to, are out there doing good in the world. otherwise, it all seems a bit pointless and may never bear any fruit.
  11. hi

    welcome and best with your cultivation! those pesky 'general health practioners', don't seem to have a clue whats going on
  12. not sure if this is of use to anyone, but thought I would put it out there anyway. as some of you may have seen from my posts, i'm quite interested in the whole tonic herbs thing. have been experimenting with various combinations of herbs/tinctures before bed time and seem to have narrowed it down to a formula that works every time. obviously mileage may vary and you'll need a decent amount of waking lucidity/awareness (namely a meditation practice) as a starting point, as with any method of trying to bring on lucid dreams. nonetheless i've found this to be very effective. two tinctures: dragon herbs supreme shen - lead herb asparagus root http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=015 dragon herbs purple reishi http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=039 you'll want about 2:1 reishi to supreme shen. good amount is 1 and 0.5 droppers, ranging up to 2:1 full droppers. for some reason the purple reishi is much more effective at bringing on lucid dreams than the red type. take just before going to bed, happy dreaming!
  13. Wilfred's Vivid/Lucid Dream Cocktail

    you can mix them in a drink or water if you want. but seeing as its before bed, the best method with these tinctures is to take them neat. i squeeze them onto a spoon before taking and hold the liquid in my mouth for a couple of minutes, under the tongue (starts to absorb sublingually) before swallowing.
  14. Wilfred's Vivid/Lucid Dream Cocktail

    googling brings up a red asparagus product, know if it's any good? seems like it's just the one product out there as far as this stuff goes... i don't know the company so would be dubious as to whether it's a fully active, quality produced extract ala dragon herbs. still, would probably order some sooner or later if there's no other options to try it. and are you sure the asparagus root used in the DH formulations isn't the red variety? this person seems to think so: http://thesupermandiet.com/asparagus-root/ 'I have found the wild red Chinese asaparagus root in the formulas sold by Dragon Herbs and Jing Herbs to have the most potent effect and be one of the most powerful and effective things I’ve ever taken for promoting deep sleep.'
  15. Greetings :o

  16. Wilfred's Vivid/Lucid Dream Cocktail

    yup that was the one that started me experimenting with more of these shen tonics. it's also in the supreme shen. nice to hear i'm not the only one feeling the benefits of purple reishi!
  17. the above is very reasonable. likewise, my eating philosophy is to try and cut down on sugars, get more protein (mainly eggs, fish & chicken), good fats and continually supplement with 'super' foods/herbs. jing is the name of the game as far as diet is concerned, trying to get as much bang for buck to raise ones base vitality level without things getting too pedantic. many fruits are good for jing while having fibre and providing ample sugars. supplementation - smoothies (fresh hemp/nut milk, probiotics, protein, green powder, etc), juicing, tonic herbs i do juicing once per week and make smoothies once per week (make enough milk to last two rounds) and take tonic herbs/tinctures every day. i try to be mindful of what i eat to the extent that anything going in my body needs to serve a purpose (is it boosting jing? providing yang? hydration? fuel to burn? citric acid to cut through fats? etc). example would be my regular juice is a dash of ginger cordial, pomegranate juice, 50% water with goji/schisandra drops and some ginseng extract. much better than a glass of squash or an orange juice. upon waking every day 1 pint of water w/ crystal salt followed by a green tea. start the day with hydration. just some examples. i believe you can afford to eat quite a bit of crap as long as you're supplementing high energy foods/herbs and your jing levels will still increase over time. obviously not optimal, but it works. herbs like he shou wu, rehmannia, schisandra and ginseng being some of the staples.
  18. my mind is full of shit

    just ignore the smell, lol. easier said than done
  19. a call to arms for all people practicing Asian health arts

    it's funny how the new 'religious fundamentalists' are the far liberal left. i think the majority of these people are suffering mental illness in the way they project their own insecurities and champion the 'oppressed' in order to take the moral high-ground over other people. they are strongly against free-speech and closer to fascist in the way they operate than any traditional notions of liberalism.
  20. to cut to the chase it sounds like the genie is out of the bottle, you have sexual desires, no problem, that's natural. try and find an outlet for this by forging positive relationships with the opposite sex. you won't go through your blockages by forced celibacy nor by doing practices that may one day lead to the relinquishing of these attachments. practices are great obviously, but lust is a deep one, it's not going away anytime soon and especially at your age. some type of moderation or 'middle way' is needed to live happily and progress smoothly. this seems to be a common type of thread popping up on these forums, people are uncomfortable with finding an outlet for their sexuality so have decided to become celibate very early on as the 'best course of action'. it's clearly not and it's just your ego speaking to prop up an existing set of bad views.
  21. Discussing Reincarnation

    from what i understand when the mind is clear enough you can see dependant origination for yourself and track back into past lives through direct knowing of all the casual links in your energetic/karmic history. i'm inclined to believe that it's possible and past lives are a thing that are knowable. things like regressions might hit some spots, but it might just be random or images generated by the subconscious, not the same process as knowing via the casual chain.
  22. if you're interested in the buddhist stuff, a couple of docs that might be worth having a look through http://www.paaukforestmonastery.org/books/teaching_training.pdf (overview of the system) http://www.paaukforestmonastery.org/books/knowing_and_seeing_rev_ed.pdf (long)
  23. Wilfred's Vivid/Lucid Dream Cocktail

    awesome, any ideas where i might be able to obtain some? have you had chance to try the purple reishi vs other varieties? it really gets dreams going for me vs other versions and i'm curious whether that applies universally.
  24. I ruined my moms life

    +1 on the egoscue method, a friend who specialized in it applied it to me and i use the sets of exercises to this day. very powerful stuff for posture/stretching and a brilliant accompaniment to energy practices, in the place of something like yoga. it really opens things up to release energy!
  25. Hello from London

    welcome fellow Brit