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Everything posted by vonkrankenhaus

  1. Video 5: moving lines and a way to deal with them (1)

    YinYang is not about balance or stasis. WuJi is "No Polarity". That's what "Balance" is - no polarity. TaiJi is "Extreme Polarity" - so this is about polarity and difference, even as exhibited by a single thing. Moving happens in polarities, not in Stasis or Balance or Nothing. Qi is that Movement, any Movement in any Polarity. Balance = No Movement, No Qi. Not understanding TaiJi and YinYang is not understanding the 4 Emblems, which is not understanding Bagua, which is not understanding I Ching. Also Wu Xing. -VonKrankenhaus
  2. Video 5: moving lines and a way to deal with them (1)

    When you see "Sillness" or "Movement" - this is YinYang. "The stillness and movement will react so,,," means YinYang. YinYang means "Polarity". No Polarity = No Movement. What is the movement? Qi is movement between the poles in any polarity. This is what the lines are about, and the reversal at the extreme, etc. -VonKrankenhaus
  3. Video 5: moving lines and a way to deal with them (1)

    I'm not meaning the specific book, but the subject matter. I mean ability to use the book to understand the subjects detailed in it. This one book is missing stuff that one would need to understand in order to understand this book. This effects the translation and interpretation. I hope that is more clear. Those aspects I mentioned are necessary to understand topics of that book, but are not in it. -VonKrankenhaus
  4. Video 5: moving lines and a way to deal with them (1)

    Sure. Workings of YinYang is not detailed. That is primary to everything else. What is Qi? Book doesn't really show. Source of Wu Xing is not detailed. Source of Bagua is not detailed. Working of Wu Xing in Bagua is not really detailed. Without details, reader is making "leaps" without facts. And so some mistaken statements do scatter here and there throughout. -VonKrankenhaus
  5. Video 5: moving lines and a way to deal with them (1)

    Typical western stuff. That book isn't really accurate. The generalizations it produces are the issue with further understanding change in I Ching. Look back at parts about the Bagua, and about Wu Xing. Stuff is missing. -VonKrankenhaus
  6. Video 5: moving lines and a way to deal with them (1)

    Important to know changes in terms of YinYang. Yang is movement, Yin is stasis. This means all growth and movement is Yang. And look at changes in the Bagua. I Ching people see is based on Later Heaven Bagua - Lo Shu. Lo Shu is based on the movements of the stars in the Big Dipper around ecliptic pole. And has Wu Xing changes "retrofit" into it. So study reversals and changes in Wu Xing first. So these movements must be understood and kept in mind looking at I Ching changes. If full understanding of these is missing, then I Ching is more "mysterious". -VonKrankenhaus
  7. What happens to suicides?

    You didn't invent savings, transportation, relationships, society, circles, homes, community, metrics, or spirituality. They are actually all the inventions of other people and groups, and all created to satisfy their own agendas. So you have no inherent responsibility to these things. No need to feel bad if you don't do them the way someone else intended, or at all. Your life never had those limits, and doesn't now. You are already free from all of it, and always have been. Nobody has to die to realize this and move on from it. Which way then to go? You are free to see and go and do whatever is truly important and appropriate to you, as always. -VonKrankenhaus
  8. App Developer looking foor Daoist Creatives

    Might want to include some other sources besides or in addition to DaoDeJing. Westerners especially view DDJ as "the" "manual of" Taoism. That's because of Western academia. DDJ is not showing a philosophy in any detail. Just how to apply it to one large task - running a municipality of people. There are MANY other aspects of Taoism to study and understand besides this one thing. But in popular media culture and the related educations available - nobody would know. Best is to study overall first, before concentration on one specific item or source. Wishing you best luck in making Taoist phone "app", and I do think is a good idea generally. -VonKrankenhaus
  9. What is Light? What is a human body? Light is a vibration. "Electromagnetic" vibration. Body is matter. Dark is the absence of Light. And Light is an action, a movement. Consider what Light and the Body are - one is action, the other is materials. This body has formed by actions on materials. Without the materials, the actions just keep moving and do not encounter materials, and many of the actions do not happen. When sunlight hits materials there is heat. If the sunlight hits no materials - no heat. Hot air is a material. So be careful breathing someone else's hot air about Light and Bodies. Light is often visible. So wait until you actually see the Light. When you see it, you have found it. -VonKrankenhaus
  10. YinYang just means "Polarity". And we can say there is YinYang of YinYang - the "4 Emblems". And a YinYang of those - the "Bagua". And a YinYang of those - 64 hexagrams - "I Ching". WuJi is "No Polarity" TaiJi is "Extreme Polarity" TaiJi Diagram people know is "TaiJiTu" - this shows Polarity using stylized versions of the trigrams for Fire and Water. _VonKrankehaus
  11. Question about breath retention

    Yes. Generally, this is safer and in some techniques is required, or technique is not effective. Retention of breath increases internal pressure otherwise. There are techniques to use this pressure to facilitate various internal movements (Qi in a human). In other instances, you want to reduce this pressure - also facilitating different internal movements (Qi), or even reversing some, etc. This is working with polarities (YinYang) in the body (Jing) to cause changes or movements (Qi) -VonKrankenhaus
  12. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    I don't know. I though we were discussing "some thoughts about the neutral quality of the tao". I didn't see sex discussions. -VonKrankenhaus
  13. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    Yeah, just like you are. And now we are friends in that, online even. -VonKrankenhaus
  14. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    I not so concerned with Randomness. Random is a just a "concept" when applied to actual phenomena. Not an actual fact. Things I see are happening perfectly according to what is causing them. I personally never see "random" occurrences. -VonKrankenhaus
  15. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    I see and understand it. Had to love it to do that. I love everything same way. -VonKrankenhaus
  16. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    That's just a bunch of ad-hominem junk - speculations. Motivated by what? I never wrote any of these conclusions you are posit on me. -VonKrankenhaus
  17. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    Nobody suggested suppressing anything. Quite the opposite. Nobody claimed, I hope, that the "human element" does not include facts. It's interesting to see modern people, THE most brainwashed populations in history, so concerned with their psychology and feelings and emotions. And so upset by plain facts. That is merely because they are running on beliefs and favored constructs. While not being aware of many many facts about these. -VonKrankenhaus
  18. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    I was just suggesting facts. How people understand or feel about them is not so important as the actual facts and what other facts they connect to. For example, we can find that about 70% of people in America are now on some form of medication. So - does one then get busy with feelings over this fact? Or do they try to find out what this means and how it happens? Whatever one practices most, that is what one will be good at. Lots of people have feelings about cancer. All kind of feelings and emotions they have. Very few have good understanding of it and can cure it. But with that, so-called feelings and emotions - not so necessary. Not even likely to be enacted. -VonKrankenhaus
  19. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    This is true. One's response is not so important as true understanding of what one is responding to. Choosing any response is fine - but without fully understanding, in this example "slavery", and without recognizing "who" is doing that, and exactly "how" - then it REALLY wouldn't matter so much what the response is. -VonKrankenhaus
  20. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    The facts I showed were not "random", but coherent, true, and about one subject matter. The words you are using - I wonder if they are actually descriptive of your response to what I wrote. Maybe it's difficult to know how to apply those facts in relation to existing beliefs they seem to contradict in serious ways. Maybe in response to the facts it is difficult to see exactly what to do about them. But the nature of civilization of human beings is not a random or meaningless subject. It is, for example, the main subject of DaoDeJing. -VonKrankenhaus
  21. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    I am looking at the truth and reality of life. The things I pointed out are true. Regardless of your intentions or perceived "experience". This isn't about who is doomed or believed it or any of that. That is ideas of weak people. I am merely write about facts. No emotion is written. No additions. Facts are the Tao. Reality. They don't "wash off". To try is to admit ignorance or "lie". Facing Reality is beginning of Cultivation, and End of Cultivation, and Middle. -VonKrankenhaus
  22. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    They say "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth". Worth thinking about. -VonKrankenhaus
  23. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    Consult medical news items, and degenerative disease statistics. Then look at the results of Agriculture on human structure by looking at archaeology. Look at fertility stats right now. Look at mental illness stats right now. -VonKrankenhaus
  24. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    I somewhat disagree with the modern interpretations of Early Heaven and Late Heaven sequences. He Tu is showing the Ecliptic Pole using Heaven and Earth, which is that axis, and showing natural energetic cycle such as can see in one day, and shows the interaction of polarity, which is asymmetrical, by tracking movement. All movement is Yang. Lo Shu has that structure, but shows the Pole AFTER the early one. Early state was Draco as the Pole constellation, and now it is Big Dipper. Lo Shu is showing the stars of the Big Dipper revolving around that same axis previously depicted using just Heaven and Earth. Also, use of Fire and Water in Lo Shu is a more complex philosophical statement about polarity - YinYang, showing "true" Yin and Yang, etc. I do not think this is about what people today think it is. Basically, this is about making a "Calendar". Empirical observations using a calendar is what produces Wu Xing, Medicine, and so on. Wu Xing is also just observing the 5 visible planets rising times and relationships. -VonKrankenhaus
  25. Some Thoughts about the Neutral Quality of the Tao

    So, I will remind you, are birth defects. Look into what "Civilization" actually is. -VonKrankenhaus