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Everything posted by iain

  1. what's left?

    What is left is knowledge of that which is not right ...
  2. Haiku Chain

    n'er mind, don't bother, the brush of sweet tongue, stand up; Be counted as one.
  3. Haiku Chain

    someone called the cops. The copse did not move as such. There was another ...
  4. Lucy 2014

    I love the little homage to "A Space Odyssey" at the end; the star like things on the surface of the black, usb brain drive thing that She turns into: "Oh my god, its full of stars!".
  5. Haiku Chain

    delete the obvi there, all done; no things remain, lets categorize.
  6. Haiku Chain

    these boots do not move; the world rotates benieth them; Where will they take me?
  7. creating

    Well yes, an ant hill is mother nature and by the same defanition so is spagheti junction or a knotted turn pike, for those of you from the US; Both are nature at differing stages of creative/social entropy, of a similar aspect. Calculated human creativity tends to lack someting, to my mind any how.
  8. Yes it can; Would require ther initiating the second partie; That the second partie be ready to recieve initiation. It has already been studied and fully described.
  9. Wow Anoesjka, thats some very physical manifestations, thank you for sharing that with us; a facinating link you draw with fibromyalgia. Have you found that it has brought posative aspects other than the sensations that are bliss full? I have been taught that how it manifests depends upon the inner desire of the native. What are your thoughts on the this, I would be interested to know?
  10. There is a post on saktipata here some where, let me see if I can't find it, this demonstrates how another society treads carefully about this occurrence ... http://thetaobums.com/topic/36257-kashmir-shaivism-the-nine-types-of-grace-of-siva/ Prana kundalini is surprisingly common in today's badly balanced Occidental worlds, I can't speak for other places that I know less of. The piercing of the 3rd chakra can be messy; most bounce around here never reaching the 4th; It must ideally be done gradually; Then paradoxically we barely know of Her existence, we have to trust. Spontaneous piercing of the 3rd does happen but then there is still a very long way to go; it can get very cold in your own perspective if you can't keep that lamp alight and have no doctrine upon which to lean, many don't make it or stay rather stuck in this state; bouncing back and forth or worse permanently stuck in another tala rather than loka (lower realm) down not up ...
  11. More Satanic Mischief

    Hmmm; I am out of this thread ...
  12. Make certain your sleep stays regular; do physical exercise to insure that this is so. Kundalini is never premature, it happens when it should; the practise is a preparation, it does not it's self provoke the awakening; It is to keep you from boiling over. This sounds like prana kundalini which is no big deal, you need to learn to harness the energy by doing something creative. If you can remain aware of your self and others and whilst this occurs, be humble; you will be all right. lose that and it could go very wrong. You might also like to ask your self why it is that you are doing this? It can be a very long and very painful path to be avoided if not really necessary. Best not experienced alone, for obvious health reasons. It is true that sometimes we have no choice. Be prepared for a very hard bump when you come down, perhaps even a crash.
  13. More Satanic Mischief

    Gypsy's of Romany origin, originate from the sindhu region of India, or rather Indus, and are thus "hinduesque" in that respect, what ever that means, hinudu referring to some one originating from Hindustan, a region of India; palm reading and fortune telling are very much a part of the culture; the man with the head of a goat refers to the aturvaveda, the 4th veda. I think in relation to agni the god of the fire and of sacrifice. The devil is arguably an auto acknowledgement that the Christian church was built upon certain tantra ... I refer of course to the rites and the science of the building of temples. Please don't quote me on that though; I am not a scholar. Though it is a fascinating facet of history.
  14. creating

    We are creating and are the creator, I have no doubt of that. Mother nature gives the inspiration for truly great work; you can tell when the ego gets too involved, is more the point of my debate. No disagreement, only different perspectives.
  15. creating

    Hello MooNiNite, You raise a very valid point, If I might add a perspective to your thought by rmoving the self from the equation. A thought for your consideration; in works that have that something divine, you know the ones that indefinable something, it is often said that the creator is able to obtain a state of mind in which their "self" is no longer doing the creating, their energy is flowing they have their muse. If this is the case; then who might we suppose is doing the creating; Is it the Human being or is it Mother nature?
  16. Hello Yasjua, It is the "belief" that love equates to sex that creates the biggest illusions. I hold back regularly, because I see that the person before me needs me to do so; that I need to do so; that we might communicate. This is not easy when one is enamoured with the universe. Beliefs are purely conjecture, it is better that we see the heavens; and not the finger.
  17. Haiku Chain

    manicure needed maṇi found only on dives, in the depths of time.
  18. This is your breath; observe it. Especially in that which pertains to the rhythm of you words, their cadence not their content. Try writing with out using "I", experiment with the use of another perspectives. Ignore the voice as a second person; it is you it is me, we are universal in regard to citta; listen to it but do not personify it; you might consider that you are listening to your own heart beat. Kind regards.
  19. Haiku Chain

    should smell the roses, there within lays the secret no secret at all ...
  20. Dear DreamBliss, I can only conclude two possible cause for your erratic shift of tone; either you are experiencing a rapid cycle of birth and deaths of ego, in which case I would humbly recommend that you consider studying some such vehicle as patanjali yoga aphorism's, and know that effects of this happening should be ignored so as to progress further upon your path of understanding. Or; The mood shift was intentional, for desired effect and premeditated; if this is the case, then I would recommend you reflect seriously upon the nature of "truth". Should you need to do such here are the 5 limbs of yama, its self one of the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga: aṣṭāġga means eight parts. Satya is used to stabilise the rapid cycle of birth and death ... Our translation of these notion are rather sketchy, perhaps due to the nature of our own language, which leaves rather a lot to interpretation. What did you want to know about manifestation exactly? I have presented a small part of a larger manifest to you, for your voyage; Have you lost anything?
  21. Haiku Chain

    cobwebs blown away, a new light another day; woven in silk thread.
  22. The Confessions of Nat Turner

    I am unsure as yet to what I think of teaching the population to fight individually so as to preserve their own integrity; using the very real advantage of foresight and speed; It would certainly insure that one is not enslaved. The jury for me is out on this at the moment.
  23. The Confessions of Nat Turner

    This model serves as an axiom, we find this flow in many aspects of life which are very tangible. The wave form created by the flow of prana/chi through time is that which give shape to events. Such as knee jerk reactions rising from the sub concious. Take Physics as an example of one wave form of this energy exchange. If those who hold the body of knowledge do not like a new idea it creates contention thus the śiva/rudra given for future. Rudra means red he who crys, śiva is the destroyer. Yet it is śiva that destroys ignorance ... it is the idea that descends into the minds of future generations when it is stimulated by the process; Thus it can be a future effecting the present. We can easily see that when this energy becomes blocked or does not flow or "breath" smoothly there is room for a lot of misdirection. When, for example, applied to the earth trine we see greed and slavery emerge rather than the flow of knowledge. Knowledge is of the same process that creates these pangs of intuitive fear, and can be harnessed to transfer knowledge though time; as we can clearly see in the verbal vedic tradition; this essentially is dharma. Something that is greatly lacking in a civilisation that enslaves others to reign; a sure sign of adharma, but the ways of karman are intangible.
  24. ereader recommendations?

    I paid 130 € for the reader or some thing like that. Its workings are a little klunky but it was the best for pdf's at the time as it has a re-flow pdf function which is nice. I have used it on the internet through wifi whilst traveling, can be frustrating as page functionality often does not work, though I didnt spend to much time testing, there is a wikipedia and dictionary searh option from words selected whilst reading, which I use a lot. http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Touchscreen-Digital-Technology-microSD/dp/B008UNSPO2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1416432552&sr=8-1&keywords=sony+e-reader
  25. ereader recommendations?

    Hello BaguaKicksAss I have a sony reader which is good. Not sure if they are still made as the sony store has closed and account passed to kobo (or whatever it is called). I chose the sony for pdf capability and also it was the only one capable of displaying UTF-8 fonts which is important for Sanskrit. It has a handy functionality with Evernote which sends automatically to the reader in a clear up format. Battery life is very good. Humm, doesn't look like they make them any more an the replacement is expensive, though it looks great ... http://store.sony.com/digital-paper/cat-27-catid-digital-paper;pgid=vxxo2vq_InRSRp4aIzyplUph0000fUq1XoL_;sid=ohv55dkUYCjQ5Y15qLqa4ekebnjHBrMAl0wDdXrn