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Everything posted by Miffymog

  1. World Cup 2022

    Morocco vs Spain - extra time! MOROCCO WIN ON PENS!
  2. World Cup 2022

    JJJJJJAAAAAPPPPPAAAAANNNNN!!!!! Noooooooooooo! Pens! Tough luck, Croatian penalties were too good.
  3. World Cup 2022

    USA pull one back 🙂 Oh, Netherlands now have 3 ... Netherlands through! USA has impressed this tournament, especially their fitness levels 👍
  4. World Cup 2022

    Last night was brilliant!!!
  5. World Cup 2022

    I've ended up missing quite a few of the games, but we're now approaching the end of the group stages where the last two games of each group play at the same time. A lot of the groups have played out where a number of different teams can go through on results, so it becomes a game of keeping track of what's going on in both games to see who makes it. Will all the big teams make it? It looked as though Germany might not when they lost to Japan in their first match, but some important games went there way yesterday so they should be okay now.
  6. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    I am sorry people have suffered due to his name.
  7. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    I am sorry if you feel any one has suffered because of him, or because of his name.
  8. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Thank you. It is interesting to see how he is perceived through different religions/philosophies/practices. Rather than his spiritual attainment being judged through more traditional lenses, there is a possibly different way of judging him. My own feeling is that he possibly saw his purpose as being like a finger pointing at the moon, he offered a path to access/approach god. How well he achieved this aim is, of course, subjective.
  9. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    1. Sorry for the mild derailing of the thread. 2. Sorry Dwai, I can't resist taking the bait 🙂 If Jesus is an example of someone who you agree is 'simply stuck at a middling level'. Then you must, of course, be familiar with what it is / it consists of to be at either a low, middle, or even high level. Care give some more details in regards to this 🙂🙂🙂
  10. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    🙂 There are apparently Christians who are 'taken by god', in that they achieve the full light body.
  11. Is Damo's Neigong Program for Me?

    I signed up for a month and decided it wasn't for me. But I have to admit it, I feel it is worth paying the £50 just to see what it offers.
  12. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    I quite like looking into different forms of Christianity. The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius have now opened another avenue for me, so thank you @Shadow_self.
  13. If you've picked up that point from @freeform 's post then I highly recommend watching this video. Here Damo alludes to it by means of attention and intention. What is the difference between them and, more importantly in regards to your post, what does each one carry?
  14. One of my favourite books is The Philokalia, and in that they mention the requirement to seal off the senses in order to make spiritual progression.
  15. Nathan Brine Revised Material

    As far as Damo goes, I signed up for it and quickly reached information overload where I realised that there were far too many things I could be getting slightly wrong, adding up to me going off course somewhat. But, as the weeks go by, now Covid is over, more and more of his schools are popping up offering in person and on line tuition. For pretty much the same price as his on line school, if I wanted to follow that tuition careful, the in person feedback is definitely the way I'd go.
  16. My logic goes like this. What I'm experiencing is only in the now, and all ideas I have about the past are again the only in the now. However, what I am experiencing in the now has not just come into existence out of nowhere, but is the consequence of events in the past. My pen, for example, did not just come out of nowhere, it has a history. Therefore, although I only experience the present, I'm absolutely certain there has been a past which came before. For me, this is enough evidence of there being a timeline. I can happy extend this time to before when I existed, and extend it further to before there was any conscious awareness anywhere in the universe. This results in my being able to define two universes, my universe and the universe. My universe is the universe I bring into existence by virtue of my own awareness, and the universe which gives me some understanding of how and why things are as they are in the moment. My pen has its own history, and would exist without me, only I would of course not know about it.
  17. Ars longa, vita brevis

    In my head I came up with a really, really long answer to your question. But I was then able to simplify it to something very short. Just try them out. The initial outlay isn't actually too much to 'dip your toe in the water', and it's the only real way to find one that resonates with you.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Started to experiment with mixing up my routines, and it does seem to make them a little bit more relaxing and enjoyable. There are a number of routine suggestions by Sifu Terry in this thread but they can be a bit tricky to find, however @Earl Grey has collated them all here. I've mentioned this before, but him doing this has again saved me so much time and effort I just thought I would thank him another time.
  19. Marquises and Kings (Chap 39)

    Damo Mitchell says something like the 'people' tends to refer to your own thoughts, and that when the DDJ refers to them it's actually giving advice with how to deal with the restless mind. But it can also mean whatever's best for you 🙂
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Monk Holding the Pearl 50-40-30-20-10 should be fine. I often do it lying in bed just before I go to sleep.
  21. Dreamt of having a lucid dream

    One way to maintain lucidity is to slowly spin round while in the dream, taking in everything you see.
  22. I have an inquisitive mind so find these videos fascinating, and I very much like passing the time wondering what I might do once I'm more experienced with Flying Phoenix Chi Kung. In this video Lama Glenn spends a little bit of time discussing karmic resonance, and what draws you to a particular practice. Something keeps bringing me back to Tibetan Buddhism, but having watched this it confirms I'm not quite ready for this particular path, yet.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    3 months ago I went on a diet and lost 5 kg. 2 months ago I cut down on caffeine and now only have two to three coffees a week. Last month I started Swimming Dragon exercises which have relaxed my back, and now for the first time I can feel Flying Phoenix energy in my static meditations. Just recently I've gone from alternating days of standing meditations and sitting meditations to mixing the two. This means I've just experienced doing a seated moving meditation after performing Monk Gazing at the Moon, and the energy I felt in the seated moving meditation was much stronger than usual. Very happy with how this practice is going 👍