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Posts posted by nantogph

  1. 1. Don't make a big production. Shrug it off. Let the student figure it out for himself.

    2. Instruct the student to thank the spirits -- unless the student has a way of knowing whose money it is, in which case it should be returned to the owner.

    3. Depends on the culture. Some cultures encourage ratting out the cheater. Some never side with the institution against the individual, regardless of the extent of the individual's transgression, and despise the snitch more than the cheater. Some punish the cheater too severely, some punish the snitch too severely. Ask the student to figure out what type of culture he's in, and whether he likes its general approach to these matters. If he does, encourage him to follow his culture's expectations. If he does not, encourage him to choose his battles wisely.

    4. Don't.

    I like it.....

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  2. What are some of the supernatural powers that you can acquire through Taoist Mystical practices?


    I am just curious, do these abilities have to do with the psyche or are they physical? I have heard that physical flight and the ability to appear places by willpower are a couple. Is this true? Master Li, the head of Falun Gong has claims of being able to speak with extraterrestrials who are fighting over whether or not to "harvest" humanity, along with being able to fly and appear anywhere he wants in an instant. And those are just the simplest of his abilities supposedly. Please do not answer if you are just going to ask for proof or ridicule the question. If you need proof of where I got the info about falun gong, just google "falun gong".

  3. I do find the ideas beautiful and wise and they soothe me. I am not a strict sexual moralist or even monogamist. I do like the odd drink, no drugs. Very little drink though. I like my footy, and irrevernce and can have a temper, not be too earnest, bit arrogant at times, a lot of westerners like me.Am I to western/arrogant to be a Taoist, do I need to be more saintly, or is it just enough to feel a lot of the teaching wise and profound anf feel them deep.

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  4. It's been said that when a Buddhist is angry, he knows he's angry! So what about Taoists?
    What is this like? How do you feel? How does your anger affect you? Is your thinking affected, e.g. can you think clearly? How are you able to handle your anger? How does this compare with before you became Taoist?

    • Like 2

  5. Acording to Taoist teachings, one's purpose should be to reach a state where all earthly attachements are gonne, to become a void. If so, after reaching said state, what's left? Just peace? How is someone who has done it?

  6. The five colors blind the eyes of man;
    The five musical notes deafen the ears of man;
    The five flavors dull the taste of man;
    Horse-racing, hunting and chasing madden the minds of man;
    Rare, valuable goods keep their owners awake at night.

    Therefore the Sage:
    Provides for thebelly and not the eye.
    Hence, he rejects the one and accepts the other.

    What is the point of this verse? What is Lau Tzu implying by "he rejects the one and accepts the other?"

  7. I am giving a report on taoism and i would like to know what the basic philosophy of taoism is from someone who is a practicing taoist. For example, what are the right and wrongs in your religion? Do you worship or meditate? How did the world come to be? What happens after you die?

  8. Don’t ever give up.
    Even when it seems impossible,
    Something will always
    pull you through.
    The hardest times get even
    worse when you lose hope.
    As long as you believe you can do it, You can.

    But When you give up,
    You lose !

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