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Posts posted by NazunaFlower

  1. Hi NF,

    Sorry, it's taken me a few days to get this in order..

    Kriya Yoga is sort of one flavour of Kundalini yoga and there are many flavours. Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, etc. In one way or another, their main purpose is to cleanse and open the central channel (sushumna) and accompanying nadis.


    To answer your question specifically, about the effects of working with the various chakras and what to expect, there certainly is allot of information all over the web about it.


    While I did practice SRF for 3 years (including the Energization Exercises), I did not log those experiences. I did, however, log a major part of my experiences with 'kundalini yoga' and AYP's customized/bastardized practices here:



    While I don't recommend following AYP's practices and advice because there is much misinformation there and a poor understanding of Patanjali's 9 limbs of yoga and the fact that you shouldn't mix TM with kundalini practices, I did document some of my experiences there. I also documented my eventual understanding that TM is not Patanjali's method of dhyana, dharana, samadhi. So, if you decide to examine AYP, examine the many posts about overload and the fact that AYP (Yogani) does not ever bring the practitioner beyond a most rudimentary understanding.


    However, you wanted to know about what to expect in your Kriya Yoga practices.

    The first source that comes to mind is Ennio Nemis. He has written about his practices and experiences.



    On that site you will find a link to his book(s) Part 1, 2 and 3. The book is an interesting read and will help to give an understanding from one point of view.



    As well, since Yogananda's patent ran out on the main Kriya Yoga practices, it is now for sale on Amazon..




    Other sources, which I have found to be so wonderful are these:

    Gurudeva, my favorite Guru!!!


    His book called "Merging With Shiva" is the best. (While this is not kriya yoga but raja yoga, it is still very relevant and is a treasure chest of information about the chakras, kundalini, meditation, etc).




    This is Gurudeva. What a wonderful aura.. !!




    Also, Sri Anandi Ma is my kundalini guru, from whom I received shaktipat in absentia. I wrote about the ten day initiation's experiences in the first link's thread that I posted from AYP.



    I assume that you've read "Autobiography of a Yogi - Yogananda", and "Kundalini - Gopi Krishna".. You might also want to get a copy of the Bhagavadgita, if so inclined.


    Not sure if this helps, but hopefully it will give you a better idea of some things to explore.


    I will also add this. Ajna, the point between the eyebrows is the gateway into subconscious. When ida and pingala are balanced (the air flows evenly in both left and right nostrils), it is easy to activate this gate. From here, you can go deep into the subconscious, or outwards into other planes. Most of the practices involving Anja (third eye) involve maintaining consciousness in order to train the consciousness to remain active while exploring/entering the deeper realms. The practices help establish and maintain a link so that the deeper realms (subconscious) can be seen and brought to the light of consciousness. When you start to succeed at maintaining a connection while 'deep diving', you will start to see images, hear sounds and lights and have any of a number of experiences (clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition augmentation..etc) It is important to realize that the experiences are a by product of deep-diving and serve as sign posts along the way. Don't fixate on them nor seek them. They will arise naturally if you follow the practices.




    Wow!! Thanks a lot, that's really a lot of information and very interesting stuff!!! It'll take me a week only to have a look at all this material...I'm really excited because that's just was I was hoping for!!

    Tomorrow I'll begin the integrated chakras practice and I'll begin to read the Ennio Nimis's Kriya Yoga book. Hope to have some new experiences to share soon :-)

    I'm also interested in your shaktipat experience, so I'll definitely have a look at the link you posted...I came across a site called kundalini awakening system mantained by Chrism who gives a shaktipat in absentia and I was wondering if this really worked and how it connects with the individual practice of kriya yoga...

  2. Hi NF,

    Is this the book you are following?



    Have you done the monthly sections of practices in order?


    These are very powerful practices and it would be good to have a guru or someone to consult about the effects.


    Just the first month's practices are worthy of mastery.


    Not feeling the prana moving can be a good thing because it is said that when you feel it, it is because of obstructions or blockages. Kind of like having dirty pipes. When the pipes are clean, there is less resistance.


    Is there an ashram close to where you live?


    Can you describe your daily routine?



    Yes, the book is the one you posted...I've done the practices following the order of the book, doing only the main ones for all the chakras: during the last period I've split the routine in two parts, one in the morning and one before going to bed because it would take too much time to do all the excercises at one time (it takes me about an hour in the morning and 45 minutes at night).

    Unfortunately there are no ashrams near the place I live, and my schedele is quite busy so I doubt I would be able to stay there for a suitable period of time even if there was one... :-)

  3. Hy everyone! I've followed the introductory practices described in the first part of the book for five months; they consist of exercises aimed to open the chackras which are preparatory for the integrated chackra awareness and the beginning of the kriya yoga practice.

    I've gained more awareness of the chakras but I don't feel anymore the prana flowing which I used to fell months ago while doing other tipes of meditation. I wonder if anyone has followed the practices of this book in order to share experiences about what to expect in the next phases of kriya yoga practice.

  4. From a Taoist perspective, all the horizontal strata of the rocks in the gorge and the red colour would create a very potent masculine Yang chi. Conversely the sole vertical shard, due to its Yin orientation and the water in the rock pool next to it, would concentrate, by virtue of polarity, a powerful Yin feminine force."

    So it seems all is related to the 'structure' of the site, his composition in terms of horizontal and vertical patterns and element composition. Do you know of the existence of such sites in Europe and if there are resources (books, internet sites, etc) in which it's possible to find more about these sites?

  5. I really never tought about this topic but a week ago I returned to a church near my hometown which I placed on a dominant position on the the top of a hill facing the sea and I felt very strange: it was a sensation of being pervaded by a strong energy, my head began pulsating and I felt a strong pressure on the middle of my forehead. I spent an hour there and I was really recharged for the rest of the day and the day after.

    This place was known to be an energy spot; it is said that for this reason the catholic church was erected there and, in the woods surronding the church, many black magic symbols could be found before the police began patrolling the area extensively.

    After this experience I tried to look up on the net if I could find something interesting on the subject, but I came across contrastating theories and opinions. I found an author, Ljubisa Stojanovic, who spoke about 'places of power' filled by luminous entities (amog the others mount Olympus, the Sistine chapel, Westminster Abbey, the Great Pyramis) but to me it seems a little too imaginative and I couldn't find anyone else to coroborate his opinions.

    I found something on Earth chakras and vortex (Robert Coon, Jaap Van Etten - Gifts of mother Earth), but even on these subject there was no unanimous agreement: the energy spots and even the Earth chakras were different from one author to the other and even the theretical basis differed. I wonder if someone has had analogous experiences and if you know some good material on the matter, particularly on the effects of these places on meditaion and spiritual evolution...

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  6. Are you disciplined?


    Have you practiced Asana, Pranayama yet? How are your Savasana skills? If you can't relax your being entirely, then don't awaken the kundalini until you have learned to completely limit all efferent signals to the nervous system. If you awaken her and you get in her way, you will experience some backlash...

    I was attracted to Osho work because the practices he suggests don't force the body and mind to stay still but instead they make them want to stand still after intense activity. So I haven't practiced asana and pranayama because I felt these practices belong to another approach to meditation and I din't want to mix up different things... I also thought that Bruce energy work could be complementary to Osho kundaini since the spinal bounce and chakra stimulation could be useful to clean the meridians and facilitate prana flowing: what do you think about it?

  7. for now, yes, I think that would be a good idea (but that's just my feeling). In your situation, I would try to be more gentle and allow the level of intensity to increase gradually over a period of many months. It sounds to me like you're experiencing what we call in the barefoot running world "TMTS" which means "Too Much Too Soon". And the only countermeasure that really works is lowering the mileage i.e. intensity of the practice.


    I should mention that I am generally against this appproach to meditation because of the high risk of a) false positives and b ) real negatives. So, I'm biased to begin with.


    And I would really be interested to see how you react to a totally different approach, something like Zhan Zhuang.


    edit: just learned that you can't write b and ) next to each other -- it makes the sunglass smiley! :-)

    I'll try to slow down a bit the vibrations and dancing... Zhan Zhuang seems interesting but I don't want to mix too many things at the same time: Osho, energy work - also on the phisical part I go rock climbing, which I think is good for staying somewhat 'down to earth' since I have constant touch with the earth.

    however, as I said in my previous post, I think this low energy could derive probably from Bruce energy work, since I felt a little drained before beginning Osho kundalini. Bruce says that energy levels should reequilibrate after two weeks or so but this doesn't seem to happen...

    When you wrote of false positives were you referring to Osho kundalini? or active meditations in general?

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  8. Thanks for your replies!

    Yes, soaring crane, the Osho kundalini meditation is shaking/dancing/stillness/lying; I do it perhaps a little more 'shaking' than it's meant to be but I feel like 'I should follow the music' which is quite frenetic... also during the dancing part I move a lot, but it feel liberating: do you think it's better to be a little more restrained?

    cheya, I use the Osho's music cd but I do it in the morning because it's really difficult for me to find a suitable time during other periods of the day..

    All in all I feel like my energy low is caused by the energy work following Bruce's practices because it was a problem I began to feel something like a month ago and I began doing Osho kundalini meditation only two weeks ago... but I think that practice also had some positive results because, when I began Osho meditation, I could feel, already from the first session, my prana rising through the chackras from the belly to the top of the head

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  9. I've been doing some energy work for almost two months following the advice of Robert Bruce (aproximately 1 hour a day of spinal bouncing, chackra stimulation, etc) and I've started the Osho kundalini meditation a week ago. I feel more centered and relaxed, a lot more stressed than before but I've also noticed that I feel I have low energy: I sleep more and feel a little less energy and enthusiasm in my daily matters. Robert Bruce advises in his books that low energy could happen as a result of increased energy usage but this effect is supposed to be only temporary and cease after a couple of weeks - in my case nearly two months have passed...

    Anyone had similar experiences or can offer some advice?

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  10. Hi, I came across this forum some weeks ago searching for kundalini related stuff; I'd like it a lot so now I've decided to join to take and active part into it. I'm interested in kundalini, tantra and energy work in general (I've done some practice following Robert Bruce works).

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