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Posts posted by woodcarver

  1. I would ask you the same question. What do you mean by 'the need for obliteration in America' ?

    Some American are Confuscianist and others are not. Some Americans eat at tables and others do not. Does that mean you judge Americans as needing to be obliterated (which they don't), or that you think all Americans are trying to obliterate themselves (which they aren't)?

    Sounds pretty twisted up to me, but, as I said, I'm not Daoist.

    I actually wanted to clear that up, thank you. I mean America may be a special environment where extremes are more necessary. Let me give you an examples so we can relate... You should be banned.

  2. LOL!


    Yes, same problem in Australia, a country where very few people sit down and honours food and mother Earth for nourishing us humans and the way it insults the Earth (the minister of Agriculture, the Cook). The Earth creates Qi and blood, Imagine how important this is!!!!!!! :(


    Then we have the diet aspect, which deserves another thread.


    Maybe they all could learn from the Chinese and how even some have trained their dogs to give grace before eating their meal:




    Thanks for the link.

    I try to live my life proactively and avoid living a reactive life as much as possible.


    But there are times when I just get too pissed off to let it go.  That's when I react.


    I enjoy linking up with the Spirit of the Valley.  She brings peace and restivity into my life.

    I'm really trying to be careful with being reactive but the minds of others thing is a real drag.

    Yeah, reading this thread gets me like that, but then I'm not a Daoist so I can't think in such a twisted manner.

    What the fuck is this shit

  3. Well, sure, the middle path is best. Moderation. We don't see that too much in America any more.


    And yes, I try to stay home as much as possible.


    American government and its people have become mostly reactive. And the reaction is far too often to the extreme.

    I try to stay home, too.


    I may be picking up reactive tendencies from the people around me naturally but I also find myself second guessing my behavior to the point where it no longer benefits me. Looking at the situation ultimately has brought up some questions.


    We have become incredibly careless in our thinking because we have not seen first hand the death and destruction of war and particularly civil war for a long time.


    We hire out our Oil wars and drug wars to those we can bribe and those that often buy into the Patriotism spirit - and we have even made it illegal to show the body bags arriving during the "wars".


    We also have another crowed that is simply aching for Armageddon - they have been embarrassed again and again and really need / want Armageddon and other pin-headed and selfish prideful desires in order to validate their cemented and rediculous beliefs based on ancient concoctions and enforced by the totally addictive "intermittent positive reinforcement".


    Whole sections of the USA are now "nuts" off the chart - wanting "anything" but what we have now - not realizing just how far from reality hate radio and Fox news has taken them. We have laborers and workers voting for lower wages and greater income disparity in the name of Freedom. People hating group cooperation. Whole media empires owned by single persons and the everyday Joe fighting for their right to rig everything.


    Nearly every so called Anarchist is simply wearing the fashion of the day and are as enterprising and original as toe jam. Yet they blast out a litany of general revulsion and quick easy answers that historicallly have never once been close to the mark.

    Typical guy crap that gets lots of people dead and the tears flowing from all who are left to pick among the rubble.


    Puffery is cheap and easy and the earmark of simple minded fashion - in reality - great things are on the march right here in the USA - it is in our midsection - what those who live there call "the heart of America" - it has never been the heart of America - it is at this time a cancer upon America - the hearts have always been on the East and West Coast where change and diversity is welcome. We have a midsection that is increasingly being radicalized - and armchair twits everywhere that play along with the ideas of apocalypse on the cleaner premise of leveling the playing field, with no idea what they are actually talking about.


    Ridiculous ideas like self-regulation among businesses - you will only ever find good self regulation in a dictatorship - otherwise it is a mad rush to the bottom of the cookie bowl until the people rise up and want reason and law again.

    I am happy you are feeling your emotions.

    • Like 2

  4. In Daoism, something like total obliteration or extremes in general is something to be avoided and almost never done. Americans are not Confucianists and I'm finding it difficult to find the right balance in a place where people don't eat meals at a table.


    Has anyone else experienced these same feelings?

  5. Yeah, I have been criticized for not following the trends in Rock music but I stopped trying to follow the trends back in the late 1970s.  I have so much music I enjoy listening to I have no need to follow trends.


    But then too, there are certain styles of music that, in the most part, stay true to their origin so its not like I am ignoring the artists of today.  I'm just selective.  Ah!  Making choices.

    No quality control these days. I laughed when you said you stopped at the 80s.

  6. True, Zydeco is beer drinking music.


    I have been out there many times mainly for the music but yeah, for the food too.


    I used to be a member of the Cajun French Music Association but have let my membership expire.  Those folks were mainly Traditional French/Cajun and Country/Cajun people.  Nice folks though.  Always had a nice time when I went to their functions.


    Swamp Pop music is Louisiana grown but mostly it is re-arrangements of 1950s Rock'n'Roll music.

    I may have to look at your posts on here to catch up on my Cajun music, then. :)

    • Like 1

  7. Disco evolution.


    I'm listening to some Zydeco music right now.




    3rd wave disco. Zydeco is beer music and I'm drinking wine right now ;)


    My family is from Louisiana but I didn't grow up on Zydeco unfortunately. I did grow up eating the food though.

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  8. Nice post.


    Sure, the eternal sleep will be very peaceful indeed.  No more pains or worries.  There we will find absolute nothingness.


    But why go there sooner than we need to?  I mean, the big sleep is forever.  That can wait a little while longer.


    I really do wish I could say that I believe in reincarnation.  Just think!  The chance to do it all over again!


    I have never wanted to die.  (But then, there have been a few who have wished I would.)


    Immortality would be too long for me.

    I think the real point is that being in the state of absolute nothing, it doesn't matter if you come back again... and that's better than knowing. Mystery solved ;)

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  9. Except you never wake up.

    We all go to bed expecting to wake up the next day but when we're asleep we don't exist and all of that is gone. We don't have any anchor to hold on to. I've slept just about every day and it hasn't been so bad.


    In ultimate reality we close our eyes and open them again only to find all the clocks showing a different time and some of the things in different places.

  10. Time to live up to my username, at last. You can do sleep paralysis stuff but it leaves you super maladjusted and creates problems. Same with sensory deprivation tanks. This is why they do walking meditation in Zen and still you have to adjust to living naturally after that. All of these situations are not natural for your body.


    Sleep is only effective when your brain is asleep, anyways. What's wrong with regular sleep?