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Everything posted by 小梦想

  1. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Ill reply one last time as I feel this conversation will go on forever. You don't believe this is possible and that is fine, you are entitled to your opinions even if you get a lot of facts wrong and don't seem to have sufficient knowledge of physiology or physics or electrical engineering to understand why this is possible. I mentioned a doctor who uses a machine to charge up his body and them emit it. The thai master you are speaking about is Master Luo, someone that Constantino studied with who openly uses a machine for both treatment and to enhance/speed up their training. We are not talking about the same person and I have never met Master Luo or used the machine that they use to enhance their training. We have discussed this many times in our monthly meetings with students and I have always been honest with them regarding the existence of these machines to help training. I just have never used them but have spoken about their uses and benefits with Constantino multiple times. It does seem to help open channels and speed up development but doesn't give you the ability to absorb and emit qi, that requires actual meditation in our system where the use of such devices isn't part of the practice. Constantino can emit qi without the assistance of a machine beforehand because of his meditation and practice, they just use the machine to speed things along but the machine can never get to you his level of development on it's own. He is a fantastic, honest, kind and caring person who I really like a lot. Maybe if you leave you house, travel around, meet some teachers, visit the ones who openly uses machines, visits ones who don't and then you will realize there is a pretty big difference in how it feels. Sitting in your warrior chair doesn't give you the required experience to be able to discern the difference.
  2. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    I somehow replied twice, so I deleted this one. See the reply below.
  3. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    We do actually have plans to do controlled demonstrations with various people present, including stage magicians to rule out some trick. Covid lockdowns pushed our plans back by a lot. Honestly, I think the james randi challenge is a scam. Just google it and you will see many peoples experiences who were able to demonstrate things outside the normal who constantly had the criteria altered to the point where they couldn't anymore. I don't think that challenge was ever designed to be won, it was just a publicity stunt. They don't even have the cash, it's scattered all over in investments. I would happily take their money if I actually believed they would pay out. This i don't understand at all. What known law of physics? I know of doctors in thailand who use a machine to charge themselves up, then emit the electricity into people as we do with faqi. The store the energy in their gut and use intention, breath and muscle activation to push the energy out. When they are empty they go back to the machine to charge themselves back up again. Our bodies function on electricity, your nerves, your muscles, almost every single cell in your body functions because of electrical potential. Just as that doctor in asia who charges himself up and holds onto the electrons in his gut. Can our neigong breathing which activates the production of energy and releases tons of electrons not do the same. Where we are simply syphoning of a small percentage of this energy and storing in the gut???? We do not produce the electricity from nothing, we use what is stored in out gut (lower dantian) and emit it. You guys keep talking about the laws of physics because it was mentioned in the ring of fire documentary yet it's a completely false statement. As a living creature, we constantly produce electrical potential in our bodies, every cell, every second. Is it that unthinkable that with the correct training you can harness some of these electrons/photons/energy and store them, not needing an external device for the energy. This is what I do every day if i am using qi, I do meditation with specific breathing and then relocate that heat/energy into my gut which is stored and can be used later. Possibly, will see what the new year brings. I do not even know what that is but I cannot affect things in this way. The thing is, you guys want someone to do a demo showing electric qi. The above mentioned doctor can do that, you will not find an electrical device on him and he can hold onto that charge for weeks and run a current for quite some time. We use specific breathing to achieve what he does with a machine. How would you tell the difference? Does it make a difference to the amazed onlooker. NONE of what we do is hypnotism, it's a genuine, measurable electrical current. Do you believe this can be achieved by "syphoning off" electrons from cell activity through specific breathing methods or not. I don't care to convince people or be a monkey in a zoo doing demonstrations to non believers with criteria that just become more and more ridiculous to the point where you refuse. "yeah we can't find anything in your room, or my room, or in your clothes, so we should go outside in the public square, you can strip down completely naked and emit qi then, if you do that then I will believe it's real." Sure, ok, i'll get right on that. Last point, the only real place to learn these practices is in china. What costs more, a flight to china, hotels, travel, visas, meals, a translator, the charge you need to pay to learn, leaving your family and friends behind for years, the years you have to spend building a relationship before they teach you anything worth while, the misery when you realize they won't, finding a new teacher who turns out to be a scammer a few years in, finding another new one who won't actually teach you passed the first level of practices again wasting a few years of your life, etc, etc. Or joining my course which isn't 1000 btw, it's 400 for the group seminars. I am not trying to convince anyone to join my course, just pointing out that it is in fact super cheap when you consider the alternative. Hope this clears things up for those who needed it.
  4. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    There is no conspiracy here. I go by the name Rudi because I don't want random strangers showing up at my house. Some privacy is nice, I do post quite a lot of pics of my time in china and include pictures of me working in hospitals for my degree during the initial seminar. Anyone who took it can confirm it and I am sure some will. I graduated from the Shanghai university of traditional chinese medicine, but I am not offering medical consultation on my website, I am teaching neigong so don't see why I should post my degree. While I was studying in shanghai I needed an income, so set up the company to sell ion generators back in 2016 I believe. I did that for as long as it was needed, then closed the company down in 2021 when I started teaching. I am not going to be paying for a domain or website hosting that I don't use so closed it down. Also, covid pushed up the cost of international shipping so much that the business just wasn't viable anymore. I studied with various teachers, the more well known ones are Master Jiang Feng, after his passing I studied with various other teachers who aren't known in the west so no point mentioning them and now I study with Master Zhou Gan Sheng. Anything else you wana know just ask.
  5. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I don't know many on daobums who claim to be able to emit qi as an electric current so this statement could give people doubts about my authenticity. If you don't want disclose who it was, can you at the very least make it very clear that this is not referring to me.
  6. Nei Kung Master

    This is 100% true. The only issue is this. If you are going to be spending years, decades even doing a practice, don't you want to know you are doing the correct practice? You have to put in the work, day by day on your own yes, but you need to know how to practice, which practice to devote your time too. You can easily waste a decade doing something which brings no results, or, as is often the case based on all the daobums "please help me threads", mess yourself up really badly. There are some here who claim to be in authentic neidan schools practicing internal alchemy. Ask them how many books or online videos or posts contain actual neidan practices or give them in the correct order and for the correct duration so they can be practiced SAFELY. If you don't know how to practice, how can you practice? It's pretty hard to learn in person too and significantly more expensive unless you are local to such a teacher. For most it means an airline ticket, stay in a hotel which costs way more than most people charge for online teaching which is adequate for beginner neigong/neidan practices. None of my students live in Istanbul, so even if I taught for free and in person, just to get to me would have cost MOST of them more than I charge for 3 years online teaching. And they would have to make this trip every single year at least once, though multiple trips would be better. Teaching online saves people money, gives almost everyone access and the ability to review monthly, ask questions directly and get guidance as required when needed. It's got just as many pros as it has cons.
  7. Nei Kung Master

    I did not ask to get dragged into this thread but this really is something which gets to me. When is the last time you went to the supermarket and it was free, or filled your car and it was free, or if you don't have a car, took the bus and it was free. The internet I use to teach, the computer, the electricity, the webcam, the zoom account, the house/apartment I teach from, that all needs to be paid for. I don't live in a monastery, I have to pay rent/mortgage, i have to look after my family and ensure they are clothed, warm, fed and safe. Charging to teach what I myself paid and sacrificed 9 years of my life for is nothing to do with authenticity or moral character, it's to do with life being expensive and having to pay for things just like everyone else does. Please do not insinuate that I am immoral, I do my best to help others while also trying to survive in a world that is increasingly expensive, charging a cost that is reasonable for most people and a monthly cost which for most people is less than the cost of filling your car once or a meal for two people at a restaurant. But there are some for whom this amount is a lot, and they speak to me and I do help with a reduced cost when possible. We have a medical seminar (with some teaching) this coming January. The average cost for an airline ticket is over $2000, the hotel $400 for the duration not to mention the treatment costs or taxi costs, or loss of income due to not working during this time or cost of food for the trip. Haven't even met the doctor yet, not received treatment or learned any neigong and already the cost is well over $3000. My cost to teach what you can only learn from these kinds of doctors normally, isn't so expensive when you consider the only other way to learn it is to travel and find a teacher like this, who isn't free either.
  8. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    I thought it might be best if I reply directly. Maybe send me a private message regarding cost, I can't help everyone, but a percentage of students can be helped out a bit if they genuinely need it. 1. You cannot live an unhealthy lifestyle and make progress in these arts. The healthier your lifestyle, the more progress you make and the less likely deviations can occur. That being said, I do promote balance and moderation but they key factors that will impede progress are diet, sleep, ability to deal with stress and limiting sex and alcohol. Not complete abstention but mostly healthy and in balance with nature and what is natural. 2. There is nothing out of books that will have develop the required channels and activate the natural dantian as it happens during the level 1 practices I teach. There is no way to shorten it and no way around it unless you have already visited someone like Master Jiang who has the ability to emit this level of qi and helped to alter channels so the natural dantian can be "filled". 3. Most sport/exercise benefits what we do. Hope this answers your immediate questions. PS. Toaist text is right, don't suffer financially to get something that you think you need. I wouldn't be happy knowing someone learning from me is facing hardship just to afford what I teach. If there are deviations, health issues, sit in stillness every day, leave the neigong alone for a few months/years and just focus on healthy living and allow your body to naturally heal itself. Save up and join a bit later when you are hopefully in a better position.
  9. Teaching authentic neigong

    Hi guys, I haven't been on here for a long time but thought i would pop in and get some opinions. Many of you know that I have been in china for a long time, searching out authentic practices and schools and learning all i can from these masters/places. Many of them not known in the west and all of them only speaking chinese. I am considering teaching some authentic practices for the first time. The real methods for activating the dantian and cultivating qi that is tangible and in my opinion the fuel source for all higher qigong/neigong/neidan practices. All the time i have been here the one thing that bothered me was the secrecy and costs involved to learn these practices. I have always wanted to do things in a way that made them accessible to everyone without gimmicks, without secrecy and without worrying that you are wasting your time with someone who isn't intending on ever teaching you all the way. This unfortunately happens way too often with a basic outdoor practice being taught for years while milking people for cash. This happens most of the time. So, i was thinking of doing a zoom meeting, teaching 4-6 hours over 2 days and teaching the actual practices that I myself did and still do to this day. They are real, authentic practices for developing the dantian and filling it with highly refined qi. The next stage of teaching will cost the same, I won't be increasing prices over time as you get to the higher practices. I also want to create a monthly subscription for those who wish to keep practicing with me with easy access to ask questions. Only those who attended either a zoom meeting/in person meeting and are part of the monthly payment group will be allowed to come for the second, third and fourth level practices, but I think this would make sense as you cannot skip the first practice. It will take a good 5-10 years of practice to develop the dantian and qi to the level where you can start to emit it by yourself so please do not expect a new practice and level every few weeks of having finished the first stage in a few weeks ready to move onto the next. What you will learn i still practice every day and is the main method for replenishing dantian qi if you have been emitting it all day (mostly for treatment, I am a TCM doctor). There will also come a time when meeting in person will be required to adjust and open channels for students who made good progress but these meetings will also be reasonably priced. For the zoom meeting and teaching I was thinking $300 a person and those who wish to keep practicing with me and have access to a group I was thinking $50 a month (something like a wattsapp group). This means the following stages will also cost $300 and if we are meeting in person once corona is finished will keep prices as close to $300 as possible with increases only to cover expenses. """"" After some consideration and feedback I think it would be better to just charge $500 per seminar, no monthly fee but the wechat group will be made and kept for a while to allow questions and review and will be completely optional. This way people can learn to whichever level they want without any long term commitement. """"" I am only offering to teach up to the level where you develop the ability to emit qi (the wonderful electric qi everyone either wants or thinks is fake). I can also comfortably say that most won't get there because lets be honest, how many non chinese/asian in the whole world do you know who can do it? Then again, no one who could do it ever offered to teach it in this way so who knows. So, there are 4 stages of practice that will be taught, 1-3 within the first 2 years and the last one when you dantian is brimming with qi and you are ready to learn to emit it out of your body. Health will be the deciding factor in how well you develop, however, I don't plan on offering any treatment because this is the main complaint about how Dr Jiang Feng did things. I really wanted to ask peoples opinion on here because many here have practiced with many different schools, different teachers and I want to do things differently, do them right. PS. I would discourage people who do reiki or similar practices from doing neigong like this, they aren't compatible. If you do wish to learn neigong, you have to stick to it and leave reiki/similar practices behind. I injured myself really badly because this wasn't ever explained.
  10. Teaching authentic neigong

    No problem, can't hurt to show a bit more can it. But, you have got to love the comments. Apparently I am using an electric touch plus static generator and that is all it can be, just a machine and a trick. It's sad that so few lineages lead to basic qi ability that most people cannot even accept the possibility that these things can be done without needing some gimmick or faking it. Anyway, for what it's worth, I am not using some machine, just years of hard work and the correct practices.
  11. Teaching authentic neigong

    I finally decided to upload some videos showing basic direct contact qi emission. It's the most basic form of qi emission with an electric quality and it was done in chronological order to see the changes over time as the dantian and qi levels develop pushing channels more and more open. Not something that happens in a few weeks or months, but development that happens over years and years for practice. There are more advanced levels of qi emission which I don't show here but maybe later will do some videos showing them. As the channels open and the MCO develops, moving qi around in the body becomes easier and becomes the fuel required for higher level practices.
  12. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    It seems there is some interest in a April 9 seminar so I have added the details to my website. It is live now and people can book their spots at a reduced cost. You can book straight away as it's a one off payment does does not automatically add you to the monthly subscriptions. Please share so we can have as many people as possible take advantage of this rate as possible, I honestly don't think I will be doing it again at such a low cost. Place to book your spot is half way down the homepage in the events section.
  13. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    I would consider another reduced cost seminar on April 9-10 is there is enough interest. Please share and if I get enough people enquiring will make it official.
  14. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    There is no point to argue. I didn't even read the word lying, in my head it was replaced with misunderstanding. Which of you is misunderstanding. I just stated my experience and background so that he knows where my explanation comes from. There is so little understanding about Daoist terms and what they actually mean because people always quote the ancient scripts and never get to the point where cultivation passes what they studied. A point where they can look back on it and go, oh, that what that is referring to. Neidan theory isn't instructions, it's metaphors explaining a process and I think we all know how creative people can get when using metaphors and similes to explain something. Pick any poem. I think some people like that because it makes them feel important or they are perfectionists or that's just their personality type. At university many students tried so hard to use the correct medical/anatomical/body spacing terms because they are doctors and should sound like doctors. I have never had that desire, I use simple words, explain things in simple ways. My worth as a doctor isn't about trying to sound clever, sound like or even look like a doctor, it's from being successful in treating my patients. My worth as a teacher isn't about creating a persona of wearing the right clothes and posting selfies of myself meditating every day or explaining neidan in the normal terms that are confusing or going on about theory for hours so I sound impressive, it's about students making progress. In that progress, when they read the theory, it will be crystal clear how simple things actually are. Until they reach the required milestones, the theory is just random words that in truth have no meaning. In reality, until you start using your qi, needing to replenish it, understanding the effects it has on your body when you are drained or tired, knowing which health situations results in slower cultivation, how to refine lower quality qi into higher quality qi etc. it's just guessing really. They don't really have any direct experience with the effects and mechanisms at hand so how could they possibly do anything other than parrot the same theory they read in books.
  15. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    A lot of TCM is metaphors, using abstract language to convey phenomena not understood scientifically thousands of years ago. Think of the curses for opening pharaohs tombs that turned out to be fungal spores. Or areas of the devil that kill anyone who goes there that show levels of toxic underground gasses. There are easier ways to describe some tcm theories and terms and what is the route that I have taken. Most people define Jing as a vital substance because that is their understanding of it and in most cases, they are just parroting theory they themselves were taught (they don't actually understand it well enough to explain it in any way other than parroting). My understanding is based on a degree in tcm (including all the normal western medicine courses) and studying with masters such as Master Jiang, Master Wang, Master Wu, Master Cheng and Master Zhou. I am a doctor myself and a long term student of masters who all have very demonstrable levels of qi. I myself can demonstrate my qi levels to any non believer in the same way these masters can. I have assisted in the treatment and teaching of thousands of patients and students over the years. My understanding and chosen way to explain comes from personal experience and cultivation to a degree that very few western teachers and authors can compete with. But if you prefer the explanation that jing is some magical substance and the dantian is some magical reactor outside the bounds of regular bodily functions then you are welcome to it. We are talking about the same thing, I just use easier to understand terms to explain them and don't consider them magical or outside the bounds of normal bodily function and reactions. You can choose the scholarly explanation if you wish, but it's not helpful for both patients and students in my experience. I explain these things in a way that people know how to affect them, how it affects them and how they can improve their chances of being successful in neidan/neigong and their overall health in general.
  16. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Anger is effectively choosing fight in the fight or flight response, meaning the sympathetic nervous system takes over. Being angry constantly is the same as constantly being stressed, even if the mechanism and eventual damage isn't exactly the same. Sex has a draining effect on the body passively. But here we more mean excessive sex, too much of a good thing right. Your body will prioritize reproduction above most other things, meaning, excessive sexual habits will have your body redirecting vital resources to replenishing lost reproductive fluids constantly. You are effectively limiting the resources for the rest of your body. It takes about 3 days for normal homeostasis to be restored. Cold is extremely damaging to the body, think of it terms of viscosity and rate of reaction. What happens to the fat in a frying pan when it cools down, what happens to most things when they cool down, chemical reactions slow down as temperature goes does, blood becomes thicker and flows less readily. Your body is just a extremely complicated chain of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions in exposed cells slow down, localized blood stasis or a reduction in blood flow follow which then results in homeostasis being impacted. Constantly exposing yourself to cold can have short term health benefits if done correctly, but long term, especially when done incorrectly can have a severe impact on overall homeostasis and general health. Most things, even those perceived as being healthy, if done too much, can drastically affect overall health negatively. Think of exercising without rest days. It takes time for your body to repair, replenish and restore normal function. Sweating even though healthy and beneficial, can be extremely draining and taxing on the blood if it's constant. Luckily, the body does compensate for many things by becoming more efficient, but there are limits and considerations for most things and does require some basic knowledge to get right. Everything must be done in balance.
  17. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Jing isn't a thing or a substance, not one thing or substance anyway. If you think of jing as an indication of your current health and homeostasis then it becomes easier to understand. The bodies ability to perform the functions it needs to perform. Sex and anger greatly affect the kidneys and liver respectively, which in a very big way throws the body out of balance (both affect the homeostasis of the blood in a big way), which reduces your jing. It's not like a liquid of a set quantity that is lost, but a reduction in the bodies homeostasis, resulting it in functioning at a less optimal state, less effective at performing the basic functions that need performing. Think of internal heat building up, phlegm build up, reduction in blood flow, less oxygen to cells, more toxicity build up in cells, intra/extracellular fluid concentrations being out of whack. Different organs that affect the function of another as in the 5 element theory which results in an overall less efficient body because everything in the body affects everything else. Too much of this or too little of that has a systemwide effect. In the case of the holocaust survivors, we can see the huge impact mental stability, being positive and kind has on the homeostasis of the body. During the malnourishment, jing levels would have been fairly low, but because of the way some people can remain positive, the effects don't linger in them. They recover and due to their exceptional ability to be positive, health quickly returns to them. There is more and more evidence to support how our thinking affects gene activation, which has a huge impact on the homeostasis of the body and in turn overall health.
  18. Teaching authentic neigong

    My next seminar I have reduced the cost to only £50, but it's in 2 days, so if you want to jump on this offer please don't wait. If anyone has been on the fence or just want to come and see what it is that I teach, now is the perfect opportunity. Authenticneigong.com for anyone interested. The seminar dates and method to book your spot is halfway down the home page.
  19. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    There is a ton of amazing feedback in both telegram and discord. Maybe if they see this message they might come give some more feedback. But to clarify, for me amazing feedback is health improvement, feeling more energetic, having yearly medicals come back better than ever, not having the horrific energy deviations some had when they started, feeling more positive in life, happier and more calm in stressful situations. As health improves so does the benefit and speed at which you cultivate. I am doing a new seminar on this saturday 26 February, and I am willing to reduce the cost to £50 for anyone who wishes to join, message me privately on here for a link or email at [email protected] or go to my website to sign up: authenticneigong.com. It's a monthly membership after the seminar but can be cancelled at any time.
  20. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    You attempt to claim what I do isn't the alchemical method, where I stand firmly that it is. But hey, fantasy sells, people want cultivation to be magical, mysterious, unknowing. This unfortunately allows random methods, random ofset schools to be able to say what they do is valid too, regardless of the lack of reasonable and expected abilities that should develop naturally as a result of correct practice. Worse still it allows people to get away with pretending they know what they are talking about when they have no actual cultivation behind them. Just need to study neidan theory and create their online persona. Enjoy the conversation, I'll be taking my leave from it now.
  21. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    They are not dumb questions at all. Masters of old used metaphors to explain the process, used terminology to explain phenomena that we now have normal words for. The issue comes in when those who haven't cultivated properly misinterpret these explanations to be something more than what they really are. 1. Jing refers to the substances required to generate qi, qi is energy. Our bodies produce energy for our cells every single day. There is very little difference in the requirement for generating qi and generating ATP as far as resources are concerned. You don't drain your jing through cultivation any more than you would by exercising. This also means that exercising (some types better than others) can increase your ability to regulate jing. Fitness and correct diet come into play. 2. Jing is the substances required to generate energy, whether it be qi or ATP. So, your body naturally generates jing every single day all on it's own. The healthier you are, the better quality life you live, the better your body functions, the more efficiently it converts food into jing which is then used to generate qi. This happens every single day in your body regardless of meditation. Cultivation just uses this natural process to accumulate energy in a slightly different way and a slightly different location. Think of a runner just starting out vs a person who has been running for a year. The person just starting will have a significantly less efficient body and tire much quicker compared to the person running a while already. The new runners ability to replenish the jing used for energy production is not efficient. His lungs will burn because they aren't used to running at such a capacity, his sides will get crapms, his legs will run out of strength, his body will get exhausted quickly. be careful though, over exercising without proper rest is just as damaging as not exercising, a balance must be found and maintained. An unhealthy, overweight, take away eating daily drinker, smoker and porn addict will never be a good runner or have an efficient body for running and in turn for cultivation. First they must fix their health, diet, habits to ensure their body functions at a better capacity. Neigong/neidan/cultivation is the exact same thing. The healthier your body, the quicker it will adapt to this new "stress" and become more efficient at regulating "jing". These things are way simpler than they are made out to be online and in books. Sadly, you take away some of the magical nature of it too when you explain it in this way.
  22. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    The simplest explanation, without all the jargon is, you are storing a voltage potential. Potential energy to be used for health or higher cultivation. The scholars will soon come and make this very complicated, but it's truly simple. It's an energy source that can be used by every single cell, organ and system in your body. It's simply an excess of the energy that normally courses through your body in tiny amounts, stored in large amounts. Most people refer to this as qi (chi). This energy can be stored at different levels of refinement depending on your cultivation level and development of your MCO, which sadly means, the usage/benefit is dependant on the level of refinement. Coarse, dense qi barely benefits the person who has it and is very difficult to move or use, highly refined qi takes on the quality of plasma, resulting in a dense qi field that benefits those around you just because they are in close proximity to you and is required for higher level cultivation. Most people barely scratch the surface of dantian/qi development though and by doing this, shoot themselves squarely in the foot for any higher cultivation. Hope this answer is helpful.
  23. Teaching authentic neigong

    I can definitely understand wanting something like this but it's very very unlikely I will ever put out a PDF or written instructions for anything that I teach, sorry. I am happy to do one on one instructions every now and again at a time that is suitable for some who have very busy lives and are completely unable to join any of the seminar dates. This is more a special circumstance kind of thing rather than something I want to make the norm. Just PM me and we can see.
  24. Teaching authentic neigong

    You are very welcome. Yeah Master zhou coming to visit for a few days was a nice little surprize. Whenever he is in shanghai he pops round, i didn't know beforehand he would be here but it was great that the free seminar lined up with his visit.
  25. Teaching authentic neigong

    The cost is the same as it was for the first seminar, just noted in £ instead of $ and the option to pay either a full year (with discount) or pay monthly. It won't change for the foreseeable future but I might reduce the base seminars to once every six months instead of every 3 months. Once I have a certain amount of students I will likely reduce it even more to ensure I have enough time to adequately help students as required.