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Posts posted by zenyogi

  1. Hello Everyone,


    I have been thinking a lot lately about the pure spiritual side of Qigong, how it can help purify the mind and reach higher states of consciousness. Before it has mentioned that this certainly happens through Flying Phoenix Qigong and many have experienced that as well.


    Anyone wants to elaborate on that more or share their thoughts and experiences with this?

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  2. I'd like to get a book n the I Ching and make it a part of my life. Any recommendations as which are some good books?


    Also, some people prefer sticks and others coins. Is one better? Or are coins just more convenient?


    Would love to hear everyone's thoughts in this.



  3. Back Pain


    Millions upon millions of dollars are spent each year on "managing" back pain. Huh.. Yes, sometimes managing is the only thing that can be done. But mostly, there is always a source of back pain.


    I see the "mental - emotional" connection mentioned. And yes, it certainly can be a cause. Emotional trauma is just like physical trauma - it embeds itself as sick qi.


    But what I found in my 35 years of running a pain clinic where I specialized in the elimination of pain, is that the majority of back pain usually is a palpable - traced to old or new injury - physical problem. Of course here is the "problem" in recognizing the problem - very few practitioners are trained in the art of palpation and have no idea as to how to get at the source of said problem.


    A person can go to any of the schools of physical medicine and study their tails off, make high grades, graduate, and still have no freakin idea of how to palpate, how to find the source of the injury.


    I see stretching mentioned. Yes, in some cases this can help immensely. But in others it actually aggravates the problem. If I had a dollar for every session I have done on a yoga teacher who has come to me for back relief, I would be able to take a vacation in the Bahamas and pay for all my beer and goombay smashes.


    I used to bundle and sell as a "kit" a combination of herbs and nutraceuticals that really helped a lot. I called it something like "Pane-EL". I have actually recently thought about re-doing this and putting it back out there.


    The Chinese Taoist medicine that I practice and teach has been most effective at pain elimination. We don't do "pain management". This form of therapy is what took me from a person who could not function in society to a person who could walk, work, and enjoy life. This form of therapeutics is one that all physical medicine folks should look at learning.


    The individual practice of Qigong has been immensely effective in helping to eliminate pain in may people. And of course medical qigong therapy, wai qi liao fa, ranks up there as one of the single most effective forms of pain elimination that exists.


    I personally have been to and hung around over an estimated 150-200 practitioners of manipulation and I found only about less than 5 who could actually manipulate properly. So I suggest to be very careful about selection of such a practitioner. That said, it can be most effective if done by a practitioner who knows how to palpate and who actually has the sensitivity to be able to manipulate correctly. If you want to see some amazing forms of this, find a good Tu Na hospital in China and watch some of those guys.


    Elimination of toxins is always a good thing to do. Cigarette smoking is probably one of the worst offenders where pain is concerned. The last several years of my practice I refused to work on people unless they were willing to quit. I personally have not seen the miraculous back pain elimination in folks who just gave up caffeine. In some instances I thought it did help.


    I guess my main advice is to do something about it. Don't sit around and hurt. Investigate and find something that works.

    Excellent post Ya Mu,

    Thanks for sharing your insights and experiences with everyone.



  4. I just read the introduction page to Flying Phoenix Qigong on Sifu Terry's site again and it's really a wonderful read. I felt inspired to share it once more.


    Here is an excerpt:


    "The sublime and salient benefits of Flying Phoenix practice are repeatable and verifiable, and makes this Qigong method as much a proven science as it is a yogic art. Regular practice of just 15 to 20 minutes per day creates a super-abundance of the distinctive (and unmistakable) Flying Phoenix healing energy (qi) that besides inducing the deepest calm, comfort and relaxation on a cellular level, also transforms human consciousness by integrating mind and body to such a high level of "structural sensitivity" that physical existence can be experienced as an energy process continuous with all life. For thousands of years in Asian and Near Eastern cultures, high yogas such as the Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Chi Meditations have been used to promote perfect health in the process of conditioning and empowering the practitioner to maintain this samadhic state--and experience the ever-present reality of union within form."


    Read the whole article here


    Enjoy :)

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  5. Hi all,


    Having done Flying Phoenix Qigong on and off over the last 9 months due to back pain and other issues that come up in life I have felt sad for not having been consistent with it. I decided to start a 100 Day FPQG challenge no matter what! I'm sharing my daily progress and thoughts here in my personal practice journal. I'll start tomorrow, the 16th of January 2015.


    I encourage anyone who has felt the same way to join me on a journey of 100 days and through that inspire yourself and inspire others to build a solid foundation in this wonderful practice.


    Cheers everyone.


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  6. Cant wait to get many more days , weeks , months and years of FP energy practice as I can only imagine where it takes you !


    hmmm ... curb your enthusiasm ... can't wait? Yes the long term is what we invest our practice in.


    qi gong implies a long term 'practice' not a hurry up get 'er dun


    when thinking about FPCH it helps to have a long term commitment. Your early perceptions certainly agree with my experience over the last 4 with the qi gong FPCK.


    if I might suggest a frame to consider might more likely be a commitment to practice daily for 100 days. Take your time to engage deeply with each meditation Sifu Dunn has presented.


    The journey is more important than the objective in many respects. Cultivate qi with each practice. However, do not be surprised by occasional 'plateaus' or even declines in progress. Every day just practice. Make the time. The rewards are there.




    Nice words, Ridingthrox.


    It's been a blessing to have you here.



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  7. Hi Sifu Terry and the rest of the FP crowd :)


    So , I have tried FP before but always dithered between vartious systems and never really give it a fair chance.

    I have been doing FP for the last week and WOW !

    I dont know what it is but things are oepning up so quickly it is unreal , feels like the time was just right to finally start.

    orbits and channels are opening very rapidly , for instance today the arm raises from vol 2 had the energetic pathways of the arms opening right up and the standing monk holds pearl had the leg channels not to mention various other pathways opening really strongly.

    It has also boosted my tantra practice :)

    Cant wait to get many more days , weeks , months and years of FP energy practice as I can only imagine where it takes you !


    Forgot to mention , after my practice I do one run through of the long form following sifu Terry on the dvd and after about 5 days I am now starting to feel the effects strongly of this form , last week I could not feel much but it is starting to quickly change , can't wait to finally learn it from memory so I can stay in the FP zone when I am doing it with eyes shut.


    Excellent Bruce Qi!


    Please take your time to read through all 200 pages of this thread. There is so much advice and guidance in it. It's packed with inspirational advice from Sifu Terry and others.


    This Qigong is definitely a keeper. This could be very well the best and most powerful Qigong available commercially that you can learn from DVD. Stick to it and more results will come.


    And a warm welcome to the forum :0



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  8. I'm quite a heavy coffee drinker, too... I'll try to stop "doing" coffee this month and report back if I notice any improvements. There's still a lingering ache in my lower back which comes and goes, stemming (I think) from a problem slightly lower down. Thanks for the thread ;)


    Silent Answers,


    Sounds like a great experiment to do. After the first week I gave up coffee and sugar I noticed a big shift I'm going to PM you something if you don't mind.



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  9. I was able to get rid of chronic back pain with two methods -

    1. Recognizing the connection between my back pain and repressed/suppressed emotion - primarily anger. Thanks to Dr. John Sarno's work.

    2. Hamstring stretching, by the time I could easily relax into a stretch with my palms flat on the ground and my knees fully extended, my pain was gone


    The change was remarkable. Wonderful to hear you also found a solution.


    Thanks for sharing the things that helped your back pain.


    Stretching the right muscles certainly is an excellent and almost necessary way of healing / preventing back pain.

  10. Back pain,


    Why am I'm going to share this? Everyone is going to go though it at some point in their lives. It can become an obstacle to our Qigong or Tai Chi practice and so many other things of course. I read before that some members have had back issues also so I decided to share.


    Long story short, I had lower back pain and sciatica for over 6 months. I tried many things and eventually my back got healed.


    I wanted to share with you guys what had helped me. Having back pain for such a long time for sure was my karma, I don't doubt that. But I feel I should share with you guys the things I did that worked and that healed my back.



    1 - Diet - Having an anti inflammatory diet is a must. The main two things I completely cut out of my diet were sugar and caffeine, especially coffee. Both of those things create more inflammation and slow down the healing process tremendously. Sugar and caffeine do much more damage beyond that but in the scope of this little post I like to keep it to the point.


    2 - Exercise - Twists, leg raises and other exercises that strengthen the core muscles is really important. Once the corse muscles get trained properly and become stronger it's easier for you body to keep things in place.


    3 - Correct sitting posture - No more sloughing on chairs and couches, always sitting straight without leaning against something really helps strengthen core muscles and keeps you alert also. Sitting on the ground is best.


    4 - Chiropractic adjustments - I had a friend give me chiropractic adjustments, mainly my neck and back. My atlas kept going out of place, what created a strain on my back, my lower back being the weakest point, that's where the trouble started. After 5 sessions things stayed in place and my body was adjusting to the original postion of the spine again.


    5 - Inversion Table - At some point along the road I was very desperate to heal my back so I decided to buy an inversion table. In that way I could hang upside down with no strain anywhere and that allowed my spine to relax, create space and align. This made a huge difference! It completely removed my sciatica (pinched nerve). I still hang upside down twice daily to keep my spine in excellent shape and of course inversion has many other great benefits. After a long day it's the ultimate way to de-stress.


    6 - Prayer - Prayer is powerful. It never hurts to pray for the right thing. If you have back issues, pray, pray that you may be healed and keep having faith that one day you will heal your back. The right circumstances will happen one day to let that happen.


    7 - Herbs - There are great herbs that you can take to reduce inflammation and assist the body in healing itself. One of them is a herb called "Sallaki" There are other herb also, either Ayurvedic, Chinese or other that can assist you but really depends on the individual.


    8 - Acupuncture - Everyone knows this. It is always helpful. Can help greatly with reducing inflammation and clearing out the pathways for the energy to flow better to heal yourself faster.


    9 - Qigong - For the little Qigong I was doing during this time I feel it has helped a bit. Specifically I was doing Flying Phoenix Qigong learned from Sifu Terry Dunn. I wasn't able to do much but when I did I feel it helped.


    If at least one person has drawn inspiration from my little post here then it was already totally worth it. If you have back pain, may it heal fast for you and may you continue to do great things in life.




    PS: I'd like to encourage everyone reading this to share their ways of getting rid of their back pain.

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  11. i have been doing long form for 3 years, when I met Sifu Dunn we did it together in the Goose Egg park he led the breathing as 90 60 5 50 40 ... I had been doing it that way for over a year and surely would have noticed the change ??


    as to the breath I notice lots of concern about lengths and counts I suggest a metronome or as a beginning effort just an old fashioned clock that ticks loudly. That helps to maintain the rhythm and timing of the counts.


    Over the years I have worked on slowing and deepening the breathing during TCC and QC exercises. The rate of performance of any of the meditations I let the breath guide me. The more I can meditate (concentrate) on the breath the more intense the feeling of qi and the more cultivation of qi in dan tien.


    Doing the forms too slowly at first when not associated with deep natural breathing has always seemed to miss the mark. The whole point being to cultivate qi, to cultivate awareness of one's own qi.






    You alway contribute excellent information and share very valuable experiences. You inspire me and I'm sure many other. Thanks for being here, thanks for being real.



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  12. To the FP Qigong community:

    After teaching a fun and dynamic Qigong class to 18 students tonight--one in which I taught one hour of (some of) the Tao Tan Pai Basic 31 Qigong exercises ("Cloud Hands") and one hour of Flying Phoenix Qigong, and taught the basics of energy healing using TTP methods, I was inspired to elaborate further about the qualities of the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy and its manifestion on/to some practitioners as a blue aura/blue light--in response to Dr. Rene Salazar's questions posted a few days back (Post #3090) by posting an excerpt from my copyrighted manuscript titled "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Qi Meditations of Ehrmeishan" (the paragraph in bold below in answer to Rene's two questions):


    Q: 1. Once the blue light starts to accumulate, are there any other signposts to look out for besides this light possibly showing up on video? Would this light show up better is we use a thermal camera, even though this is more subtle than mere heat?


    A: The blue light is the concentrated Flying Phoenix Healing Energy--i.e. concentrated past a certain threshold where it becomes visible in one's aura. The observable blue light is indicates that the FP Healing Energy has been generated, established, cultivated, and concentrated to a certain level throughout one's body--and most importantly, that one's energy body and consciousness has become consecrated. At whatever such time that one is able to see one's aura as a fluorescent-like blue internally, in a mirrored image of oneself, and on a video recording of one's meditation, one's health, vitality, will be at a highly developed level (which I've described as subsuming a state of allostasis), that there also exists the tangible superabundance of the FP energy and the certain knowledge that it is always accessible for healing purposes.


    • No, I don't believe that it matters that one uses a thermal camera to record visible images of the blue light. The videotape that I used in 1991 that first captured the blue aura and blue light phenomena around Grandmaster Doo Wai was SVHS. Remember that ancient format?


    [Also, in anticipation of requests by beginning FP practitioners and other enthusiasts, as well as skeptics, I will state here and now that I will NOT post on the internet any of the 1991 and later video footage of GM Doo Wai's visibly blue aura or that of anyone else's--because the ensuing debate will only be a waste of time and energy and distract one from the business of furthering one's practice.


    • Oddly enough, unlike other healing energies associated with Kundalini yogas, the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy, is not a heat energy. Naturally and obviously not because its frequency is blue on spectrum. Every time I have experienced it, it occurred as having a neutral and unnoticeable temperature.


    **To all FP Practitioners: Please chime in with accounts your experiences of the FP energy as to its temperature if you've experience it.**


    • It is not my custom nor intent to disclose the "signposts" or benchmarks of the Flying Phoenix Qigong's healing energy becoming visible in one's aura (on video) because doing so will take away some of the exuberant joy and natural elation that comes with the surprise when it happens. But I have described the conditions accompanying its onset the best that I can. I will also foreshadow this: When the visible blue aura manifests, one will also at some point be able to "see" the blue light internally during one's closed-eyes meditation. Besides one's own ability to see it, other people--and not even necessarily other FP practitioners--will sometimes see a FP Practitioner's internal and/or the auric blue light when they come into close proximity.


    Sifu Terry Dunn




    Very Inspiring Sifu Terry, as always love reading your comments and thoughts :)


    I have not been able to practice much in the last 6 months due to having had issues with my lower back and other distractions we have in life sometimes. Finally after a lot of work and changes my back is starting to feel great again and I'm able to start and hopefully continue for the rest of my life with FPQG. Very excited to get back on track and work my way up to the more advanced forms.


    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. It's so nice to have a place for everyone to share and learn.


    Happy practicing everyone :)



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  13. Dear Sifu Terry,


    I had a question for me and maybe other FP practitioners about not being able to do DVD 3 & 4 due to back issues.


    For myself, I've had lower back issues for the last 6 months, went away but came back after doing too much forward bending.


    I don't know when my back is going to be perfectly fine again but only being able to practise DVD 1, 2, 5 & 7 for now how much could I progress with this system?


    As well, I believe I read somewhere that the healing energy generated by this system goes wherever its needed. I assume it could do wonders for lower back problems with diligent practise?


    Have a great day everyone,


  14. All the exercises are special meditations . They developed my subtle senses so that after a while I started perceiving and diffrentiating the different chimes and ringings arising from my heart and brain. These sounds convert to bluish whitish or golden light and become a real good symphony with a light show during the exercises. Each exercise has a different theme and song from a sunny hot beach to dark blue moon lighted mountain top to indigo abyss.Each form activates a different group of chakras, which tone the energy body and physical stuff within. I had lots of insights as to who i am not, while relaxing my intellect and observing everything within. I also tried other Doo Family arts, there is especially one 9 mudra set done in stillness with a breath percentage which dazzles golden light within, it one time overrided my intellectual perceptions, slowed the time, and in this overclocked state revealed two electron blue oblong headed entities who seemed rather concerned , in a fraction of time. This is what I meant by the spiritual aspects of FPCK, all my experience. I am of course just a novice, but these are my experiences, I don't want to speculate on.

    Best of everything,




    Sounds like your're very perceptive and experiencing deeper layers of this wonderful system.


    Excellent and thanks for sharing, very inspiring!


    Enjoy your practise,


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  15. Sifu Terry,


    Just ordered dvd 4, 5 & 7 from you. Excited to get started with them :)


    I was wondering if you could share some more on how the production of new DVDs is going in the FP system and others because I believe you mentioned before you were working on some more advanced DVDs, please correct me if I'm wrong.


    Also about the private Skype lessons you offer, how long in advance should they be booked and could you share a little of how much they have helped other students practising FP and how much of corrections and teachings you can exchange over Skype?


    Thanks again for being here,



  16. Hello Robb,


    Thanks for you kind reply. Yeah back issues are really a pain to deal with.


    In my case it seems to be a pinched nerve that is hard to get rid of. Sciatica comes and goes and sitting for longer periods is difficult but it's slowly improving.


    I don't ever want to deal with this again so once my back is better I will take very good care of it so my practise never has to suffer again.


    Many of the FP exercises really help train the right muscles for a strong and healthy back and do seem to help a lot with the alignment of the body so you can't really go wrong with them :)


    I'm really excited to start learning Tai Chi as well in the near future when I'm able to.


    Thanks again for the encouragement and whoever else is reading this : enjoy your day and don't forget to smile :)



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  17. Dear Cihan,


    Thanks for the kind words. Under no circumstances would I ever give up this great system and I agree with everything you said. It's such a gem!


    I truly enjoy this forum and the wonderful posts made here by so many great practitioners.


    Thanks Cihan for chiming in and the encouragement.


    Enjoy your blessed day,


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  18. Sifu Terry,


    Thanks for the answers, they really help a lot.


    Unfortunately I have to stop most of the exercises for some time because and old back problem has come to the surface due to too much strain on my back. I'm quite sad about that but don't have another choice than taking proper rest.


    I hope to pick up FP as soon as possible again and keep going.


    Thanks again for all the insightful answers and your time spend here on the forums.


    Enjoy your day,
