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Everything posted by allinone

  1. Internal energy

    and before final take off make a stop there
  2. Internal energy

    i think i come out of closet and say i hope a spacecraft come and take me away.
  3. Internal energy

    I heard that when you go to sleep then its not really your decision to wake up and come back to body instead you are allowed to do so. I don't know why i fear. There is so many reasons. Like if you are stuck with something and feel pain then i beg help, but i don't get any help, its too late. So i have learned through pain to fear make mistakes. If i do i repent.
  4. Internal energy

    ok, i just fear God and punishment. suffering is developed. Its not so easy to come by.
  5. Internal energy

    wiggle wiggle bum bum wishshs
  6. Internal energy

    You seem suffer, you are searching so i hope you find faster solution to your problem, unless you are trying to combat me, so are you try to combat me?
  7. Internal energy

    you don't fear God and punishment?
  8. Internal energy

    just don't take any medicine if you get sick.
  9. Goodbye

    But it could mean that you are aware of the thing what your eyes are showing to you. Eyes are showing to you something. You are not seeing but you are aware what eyes are showing to you. "Seeing" that isn't happening, seeing is a language derivation or something.
  10. Internal energy

    basically i can afford x amount of things but can choose only one thing, so the decision making, calculating pros and cons etc well it does the meditation for me. So i choose so long time and it pisses me off that i have no time at all.
  11. Internal energy

    It just makes sense to me so i don't bother to understand it. I suffer. But that suffering isn't a bad suffering. If i won't suffer then i won't do any progress. like getting more poor and can't buy anymore the things could before and now i suffer because of it. That kind of suffering liberates. Burning till there is anymore left to burn.
  12. Meaning? Old text

    i listened some Muslim stuff. So there guess is that Jinn was created before man.
  13. The brightness thing can be done with eyes only too. if i were you i would find the one who is leading all You go find who created you, Allah.
  14. guessing, heart switches accordingly what is the balance of CO and O in you. Stress, boredom, pain, depression is when heart is on CO. Basically you need to stay in CO as much you could, that is doing WORK. If heart is switched to O then you are on a reward center. That means you have goal in mind and working is unconscious. Internal breath is forcing the tip of the nose the bone part, not the skin flaps and cartilage what is stimulated by normal breathing. ------- While on CO, there is something happen too but it takes a lot longer and more work than running after reward center.
  15. Science is enlightenment

    Laws are dharma. I think the gist of this thread is gotten.
  16. Science is enlightenment

    ok, i am cute and harmless.
  17. lack of love is illusion

    You have words like "lack" and "Love", so you put them together into one sentence you get another word "lack of love". It is same as lack of money to buy a bread. So you equate it with illusion. That means the object is still there but you just lack love to obtain it. So what you imply is that absence of money is illusion and you can just take the bread without paying.
  18. lack of love is illusion

    The sense organ what sees an object is real but the object what you see from a sense organ is not the object what is in the world. The object itself what is in the world is real.
  19. This world is not real

    There is no stationary self what is part of this world. You might not even have any control over what you think you have control over.
  20. This world is not real

    i now think that i can use food to induce the water. And in future i can think about food and induce water.
  21. Science is enlightenment

    Ok, i think i know what way i am not allowed to talk. Yes my bad. So only one who is going to learn is me here. I can recon teachers who have 7 times more experience who know that i am doing wrong but i don't see it myself and therefore they call me all sorts of names an eventually i get it oh right what as dumbass i were.
  22. Science is enlightenment

    if you recognize me as authority then bow down before me.
  23. Science is enlightenment

    hmm maybe glands are for to extract raw data and make it abstract. hehe
  24. Science is enlightenment

    postulate is, Glands can be stimulated by colors, therefore also sounds or any other sensory consciousness input. Consciousness is important because i need to be aware of it, so also know the source of the problem too, so that type of practice is not for raw nervous system but wet what is honeyd. But the colors aren't just yellow, blue, it has to be wet too
  25. Thoughts on this; i will quit my activity and return to what is already taking in place, so you can't go and do practice. Extra move where you going to practice is for to empty things out, to exhaust. So what you do is exhausting no different from regular running if you practice breathing as separate thing. You get from exhausting pleasant, nice "runners high"(i think it is that) feelings, but you will need to go to sleep and don't notice the crucial feeling what is needed to cultivate. When you quit your activity and abide that difficult boring place then you start build up similar thing what is gathered during sleeping, but because you are awake then you build up warmth instead of cold. You will recon the drowsiness and can stay awake and not fall asleep otherwise you go to sleep and the warmth will gather into balls or those areas and get a nightly release what will happen anyway unless you already can wake up automatically(your body knows) can recon that warmth and cultivate it back. ----------------- the energetical effects are cold energy for to keep you awake and interested in living and not think about death what is warmth. When not getting the effects then you start suffer and body comes cold and that is what is needed because you eventually notice the dark warmth. ----- pain, it is the warmth energetical effects to keep you awake. When you get past that war pain, you body will get fever, nausea and rotty. //emptying out with extra moves is needed too. But it is after you have noticed death after being cold. (there is a logic somewhere, it has to accord with biology, science)