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Posts posted by kudos100

  1. I've had a similar issue as the result of an energetic practice going very badly wrong.


    Although people on here may have good intentions, the vast majority don't know what they are talking about as they A: haven't had the experience themselves and had to work through it, and B: are not qigong/negong/nei dan masters or doctors and don't have the skill to help you.


    In my experience, the only things that has really helped is working with people who is are very skilled qigong/nei gong practioners/masters in PERSON. I am still going through it and I have seem many people.


    Try and find someone who has experience in working with this kind of problem and has the skill to be able to diagnose what is going on internally with you themselves (not you telling them and them repeating it parrot fashion back to you) and see where it takes you. They need to be able to see or feel what is happening internally with you, not give you some general TCM diagnosis. 


     Unfortunately the percentage of people about who are skilled enough and have experience with the kinds of problems you are dealing with is tiny.


    As you are in Europe there might be a number of people may be able to help you. 


    Realistically it is unlikely that anyone will be able to 'cure' you, but the combination of working with someone who has experience with this kind of thing and an internal self practice that they suggest (once you are more stable) is the most likely solution.

  2. Narew who was member over on neigong forum got banned here, for something he said over there. This was openly presented as the reason for his Ban. That is just one of many many examples.  There is no conspiracy as they openly admit it.


    I feel for the mods that they have to endure this kind of nonsense for so long before stepping in. 


    On the majority of other forums, most of you would have been long gone, which gives testament to the fairness and tolerance of the moderation on this site. 

    • Like 6

  3. FWIW I believe the moderation here is pretty lax and the moderators are very tolerant.


    Recently, someone came onto the forum and racked up a huge number of posts, ramming their political and logic based ideology down everyone's throat with no real attempt to contribute to what this forum is about, and the mods seemed amazingly patient with this person.


    It's a similar situation with the Moi Pai crowd. Every so often a thread pops up and the Mo Pai zealots derail the thread and then cry conspiracy or some kind of vendetta. The mods tolerate a huge amount of total nonsense before stepping in.


    I think you are lucky they let you waffle on as much as you do. 

    • Like 4

  4. All the Qigong and TCM in the world isn't going to help you if you are drinking, consuming caffeine, smoking weed and watching tv/computer late at night, on top of being stressed and emotionally unbalanced. It's a bit chicken and egg, but you have to get these things sorted before looking into any qi stuff.


    Start with the basics of sleep hygiene https://sleepfoundation.org/ask-the-expert/sleep-hygiene


    If you are struggling with practice I suggest some guided body meditations like the body scan from mindfulness. Something to occupy the mind while you are lying down. Sometimes it is just not realistic to be sitting up in bed and practising zazen or some kind of formal practice. A meditation tape that focuses on the the body can really help.


    Once you have your sleep hygiene down and have found some sort of practice that relaxes you while you try and drift ofF, if you are still having problems then look at working with Qi gong/Tai chi/TCM etc.


    It can be hard to stop all of the things that distract you from your problems (self medicating, watching tv/internet) so maybe start with a couple and see how you go.


    Starting slowly with something like no caffeine after lunch, no more than one beer and no tv/internet after 12 will give you a better chance of succeeding that trying to give up everything at once.


    I don't know a huge much about Daoism and the internal arts, but I know insomnia inside out having suffered with it for 7 years constantly.


    Send me a PM if you want any more info. I'm pretty sure your sleep can be sorted with a few new habits :)

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  5. Also, what energetic practices were you doing at the time? Would getting your MCO going in the forward direction help?


    The main thing here is that you've had it for so long. All the sensible ideas you tried a long time ago, this means it's most likely something you may have to continue living with.


    It's a long story. I've had this for many years and have seen some very advanced practitioners.


    I cannot continue to live with it as it stops me from practising cultivation. 

  6. Place the bottom of your thumbs above each eye - on the eye socket - the thumbs should press on the space in the bone with the tips of your thumbs not far from the eye next to the nose. Push both up and in so that the thumbs are also pressing on the eyeball. Do this whenever it occurs to you to do it because of eye pressure. This technique works well for many eye issues and it can restore you to optimal sight if your sight is vacillating. I have not had quite what you are experiencing but I think it will help. 


    I do this quite often, but it only relieves the pressure slightly. I have had the Qi Sensation in my eyes, 24/7 for 7 years.  

  7. I have had energy stuck in my head, but also the feeling of energy stuck in my eyes for many years, as the result of an energetic practice going wrong.


    I've heard of other people having the former, but not of anyone having the latter.


    It is as if my eyeballs and totally full of Qi and I feel awake all the time (which had caused chronic insomnia for years) I also see patterns and waves from time to time, when I close my eyes. 


    Has anyone had a similar sensation? If so what did you do to relieve it? 



  8. I have had back pain since my early teens and have suffered with sciatica for the last year and a half. I have two herniated discs in my lumbar spine and a vertebrae that is out of place in my thoracic spine. I also have neck problems.   


    I have tried many things over the years, but IMO the best approach (depending on the cause) is a combination of eastern and western ideas and treatments. 


    In terms of western treatments, the combination of core stability exercises, combined with a movement practice that helps to release patterns of muscular tension and self myofascial release has helped best.


    Stuart McGill and Grey Cook are both good for core stability and functional movement stuff:




    Thomas Hanna and Moshe Feldenkrais are the go to teachers for releasing patterns of muscular tension:




    For self Myofascial release/trigger point therapy, Clair Davies is very good:





    Eastern methods I am not so familar with, but the things that have helped me are tai chi, qi gong and some exercises from Damo mitchell's book, Daoist Nei Gong. 


    In particular the spinal wave exercise is good for realigning the spine and is something I have been experimenting with recently. 


    For sciatica, my suggestion is a core stability program (strengthening the multifidus and transverse abdominis) combined with and internal practice like tai chi or qi gong.


    You want to strengthen your core stabilizing muscles as much as possible to support your spine and give the discs a chance to heal, while doing an energetic practice which will also help facilitate healing.


    I am not the best at keeping to a routine, but I have tried most things and these are what work for me when I do them consistently. 

    • Like 3

  9. Perhaps Apech should rename this thread: Karl, Brian and Marblehead discuss why socialism doesn't work, or maybe the K.B.M Like/Thank you circle jerk?  :D


    Thank you. No my dear fellow, thank you. No I insist, thank you......................... :P

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  10. Since being a member here I have come across some great conversations and real gems while browsing the forum. 


    The 'most liked' section has some great posts that I have revised a number of times. 


    That being said, i've found that threads that have not made the top 'likes' or views section often offer great value and wisdom. 


    What are some of your favourite posts and threads on the forum? Perhaps things that have resonated with you (not necessarily the most popular) that you might like to share  :)

    • Like 1

  11. The man is a god ... it's a bit long but the first half hour is his address.  But the whole thing shows something I haven't seen for a long time - real people discussing real issues and being listened to ...


    Thanks for posting, I'll check it out, I enjoyed the first video. 

  12. You affirm my point. Jogging may help but it won't make you a star runner or make you win a marathon, both of which are high attainments, just like being a celestial through meditation is higher attainment compared to meditating with minimal gain and probably neither confirming higher birth in neither celestial nor lower realms such as human so you're just stuck in the middle. That's my take on it.


    And you affirm mine by saying jogging helps. Same with meditation. You don't need to escape to the mountain top and renounce society to get the benefits. 


    5 minutes a day is better than nothing, similar to jogging round the block is better than nothing.


    You talk about minimal gain, but I know plenty of people whose lives have been changed by so called 'minimal gain' 


    Not everyone aspires to enlightenment or olympic gold. Peace of mind, health and living harmoniously with one's surroundings are worthy goals.   

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  13. I think that meditation is for those who want to escape the sensual delights of the world, in the process becoming Gods or adjoining the High Divinity or even completely abandoning the cosmos(by becoming immortals). If you're meditating without that purpose then it's useless. You should be cultivating worldly skills instead so you can delight in sensual stuff.

    Sounds a bit like throwing the baby out with the bath water. 
    Is there no point jogging, unless you are going to win olympic gold? 
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  14. Capitalism isn't a political system. And yes, every political system will fail. However some political systems have proved themselves to offer more stability than others. Communism Corbyn style isn't one of those. Yet you seemed to support him ?


    No you are correct it is more of an economic system like socialism. 


     I find it interesting to try and take into account different points of view and try put myself in the other persons shoes. Give it a try you might find it helpful.  I was a staunch capitalist 15 years ago and my views have altered so I don't see things as black and white any more. 


    Enjoy the rest of the debate/argument. 

  15. Anyone extolling socialism need only look at history to know it is not just unviable it is positively destructive and violent. If you carry on carrying the red flag regardless of histories lessons I suggest you are either ignorant or a totalitarian tyrant in the making. 


    Carry on carrying the red flag? Put down the crack pipe man.


    I am not carrying any flag, from this thread it seems that you are the main flag bearer. 


    My opinion is that ANY political/economic system is doomed to fail in the end due those who get into power being corrupted and serving the elite rather than the people. 


    Capitalism, Socialism take your pick. 

  16. I believe Lenin stuck to his beliefs as did Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Chavez, Mao. It all went well. 


    IMO getting into power and telling the truth/sticking to your beliefs are pretty much mutuality exclusive. Perhaps some of the current leaders started out with good intentions. Then they realise they have to bullshit and lie and go against their original beliefs to get anywhere in politics and become corrupt. 


    Which is why the only politicians worth listening to are generally the one's who don't stand any chance of getting into power.

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  17. Oh no we've had enough of that subject :)


    I was only joking. Just amusing that a thread on socialism should reach over 500 replies on here.


    Generally I try and stay away from politics, as the vast majority of politicians are as bad as each other, serving the elite, establishment and themselves and screwing everyone else. Doesn't matter a great deal which economic system is in place. 


    Jeremy Corbyn is a breath of fresh air and seems like he is following in the footsteps of Tony Benn. He will never win or get the Labour party elected, but it is great to see someone who sticks to what they believe in and is not just telling people what they want to hear. 

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  18. Time to start a new thread I reckon.  (since any objective observer would agree that I won all the substantive points).


    What next I wonder.


    Is John Chang low level? Should get a similar response to this thread.