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Everything posted by markern

  1. There no awakening for Kundalini

    JK, it seems obvious to me from the posts you have been making for some time now that you are loosing your mental stability. I mean that not in a hostile way as a critique of what you have been arguing as I haven`t been very engaged in those debates or care too much about them. I say it out of concern for a fellow human being. Seriously man you are loosing it. Wake up and take a look at what you need to do to get back to when you were more stable and balanced. Maybe you should seek out both a reputable taoist or budhist teacher in your area and a therapist with understanding of cultivation. Hope things work out for you markern
  2. There no awakening for Kundalini

    Never herd of these different orbits before. Maybe the same type of thing as when eternal student talked about nine levels of the orbit in wudang? Which book (by Johnson?) should I read to learn about this? And could you elaborate a bit about it? Very interesting.
  3. I`ll pass on the tip. Thanks:)
  4. Becoming Multi-Orgasmic

    If you have a partner the simplest way is to follow Diane Richardsons instructions or the karezza instructions you can find on Then it just happens because of deep relaxation. But you will have valley orgasms not multiple peak orgasms. On reuniting they talk about not having orgasms but really mean not having peak orgasms and having valley orgasms instead. I have written about this several times before and you can find stuff about it if you check my old posts in threads about sex. What was said about having the foundational stuff in order I also believe is absolutely key. As I don`t have the foundation in order I stopped experimenting with this stuff until I do as I think it is essential. And much easier as well.
  5. OBE

    More PIe Guy, Daniel Ingram has your exact same attitude in most ways and his book and forum has been incredibly sucessful in leading people to the first levels of budhist enlightenment and quite a bit beyond that as well. Vipassana done according to good maps is VERY fast. If you want to maximize your chances of escaping rebirth what I would do is this: PRacticing Vipassana accroding to Ingrams principples like your hair is on fire and combine it with some energywork you have faith in. Use that to get a fairly high level of attainment. THen go find the most enlightened Tibetan Lamas you can dig up. Once you already have a high level of realization they will teach you the most high level stuff. If you start out from the beginning you will have to wait in line for this sort of teaching for VERY long and might not have time to get there.
  6. OBE

    You might like Damos Cave meditation. You can find it in Dr. Glenn Morris` Path Notes book (amazon). THe book also has a lot about encounters with various beings and deities from otehr dimensions. It has some chapters focused aminly on martial arts but you can skip them if you like and only read about kundalini, healing, encounters with hindu godesses etc. Yoga nidra also might be something you`d like. Your body fals asleep but your mind does not.
  7. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    I have only done the beginners stuff. HAven`t felt any need to get to the more advanded levels yet. I don`t think I will for quite some time. The beginner level, practiced over a long time, achieves A LOT of good things for your body. So doing more advanced levels is not necessary, but I think at some point it becomes natural to advance and little use only doing the basics when you could get more from the advanced.
  8. The neck movements at the beginning of intuflow are very good. My neck is much better now than before. You can find them for free in the first part of the intuflow begginers series on youtube.
  9. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    My chinaman isen`t actually a chinaman he`s just in china and he comes back in three weeks so I get to continue. THe joint movement stuff felt very good and usefull. You feel more open and able to move afterwards as opposed to the feeling of being tightened and rigid that can come from ordinary weights. You also get the benefit that many of the moves also incorporate movements of the legs and whole body so they get simultanious workouts as your arms do. So that way its also very effectivfe. Intuflow is also very nice. I do it almost every day. Ya Mu and Bill Bodri both say jumping on a rebounder is TEH best form of physical workout.
  10. What causes sexual desire?

    Check out Trunks turtle breathing in his practice blog and at He has found it very effective in sublimating sexual desire. Headstand. the sixth tibetan rite and superbrain yoga all also help.
  11. Testicle Breathing / Big Draw

    I noticed Dirk Al (Ajhaan Al), which is an instructor in CHias system in addition to quite acomplished in Buddhist meditation, wrote a lot of very specific replies about these types of practices on his facebook page. Maybe you can add him on facebook, read through what he has written about it and maybe ask a question if you need to. You could ask on MIchale Winns forum also if it is still operating. For staying in full lotus longer, how about yin yoga. Stretches for five minutes or longer in each pose. Suposed to be possibly the fastest way to get stretching results. Meridian stretching is also supoosed to be quicker then most other stretching systems.
  12. Mundane Reality

    Her is a version of standing meditation that specifically adresses prosperity: I am looking forward to the day I can look up in in the oxford english dictionary and find uncrapify I once saw a book called how to deal with difficult people. There is actually litterature on social and psychological strategies to handling all sorts of challenging social situations. ONe way you can get your wife into spirituality or at least closer to what you are doing is to start having karezza or tantra sex with her. Once she experiences the more blissfull internal valey orgasms as oposed to the regular ones she will have had a taste of spiritual bliss and might be open to more. She will probably also start to feel your energy more. has some interesting info about karezza Back when I was meditating regularily I had a lot of bliss streaming out of my root chakra. I sort of figured that was were most or all the bliss came from. As for mundane reality I am in a similar situation as you are. What I have found is taht learning to move from teh dan tien is absolute key. When movements are initiated from the periphery of your body you are more in your head and disconnected from your body and life. When you move from the dan tien your mind is quite stilled just by not having to be so concerned with moving your body as this becomes even more delegated to intuition. You will also be much more rooted and physicallised (maybe thats not a word either?). I also experienced much more connection to daily life and materiality when I did standing meditation. The root chakra really does work like that. Get back into it somehow and keep on doing it. It will feel very good and is all round very good for any person I think to be connected to mundane reality in addtion to more spiritual realites. Bridging the gap would be the key task I suppose. You could also check out the Maori warrior dance "the Haka". It only takes a minute or two and is very grounding and makes you ready for fighting and winning. Are there any fields of work you can get into that would both interest you AND make you good money?
  13. Micro Cosmic orbit

    Would just doing Vipassana for many years eventually open all these orbits? What effect would a kundalini awkening in the sense many her have experienced it, not fully mastering every aspect of kundalini etc, affect these orbits and their opening?
  14. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    I am not very experienced in these matters but my clubbels experience was sooooo much more harmonious, gave me a feeling of being much more functionally strong and strong all over and of increasing my health much and of developing by controll over my body more and increasing my range of motion. So for most people I can see VERY little reason to do weights when one can do clubbels instead. Conventional weights are probably somewhat better for building muscle size than clubbels, it might be better for maximum strength in one exertion and a few other things most people don`t really need. Probably better for sculpting muscle as well. THat said I am going of to the gym to do some lifting now because my clubbels teacher left for China after only one lesson but eventually I`ll make the shift.
  15. Is it the Heat or the size?

    Dr. Glenn Morris wrote that after his kundalini awoke women he slept with would complain of feeling burnt in their vaginas after sex. Maybe too much of a good thing?
  16. Secret smile

    Maybe if you do a simpler version it will work better. Eric Yudelove has a version that seems much simpler, at least in its beginner form, than Mantaks. Andrew Fretwell also teaches a much simpler way to do it. You can add on the complexity once you master the essence.
  17. Secret smile

    Has anyone got any experience doing the fusion meditations. I did it once and crappy organ energy just completely neutralized. I also sort of stumbled upon the same mechanism once in meditation and could just instantly make any crappy energy or emotions vanish. It was awesome. I want to do fusion again later on but its not the right time now. I do healing sounds which is very good for me but just can not compare to fusion.
  18. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    It apears to me that when I get the endorphin rush after jogging it is connected to the heart energy. At elast my heart feels much better afterwards. I have also found that lifting weights, although making me feel good in many ways, give me a sense og subtle injuries being made to my body that obstruct chi flow and make it less harmonious. I found clubbels gave me strength in a much more harmopnious way that did not give these smal subtle injruies. I guess maybe my technique in lifting weaights just isen`t good enough but I think it is quite comon that it creates tiny rifts in muscle and facia that are not good. Even if not enough for actual injury I think these are unhealthy for chi flow so be extremely precise in weight lifting and build up to heavier weights very slowly.
  19. Increasing Jing

    I took a look at it and it seemed very promising. Thanks for the tip:) But it seems very expensive per kg but I am not sure how that translates in to the cost of actual use like in how much would a portion suitable for a meal cost and how often should it be consumed to get the beneficial effects? Does it taste good? Would I most likely have to order it online or can it sometimes be found in western health stores or asian stores in western countries?
  20. Penis Size

    How about girth. What kind of gains is possible with regards to girth? THe tantra teacher Dianne Richardson claims that for tantric purposes a smaller penis is better as the vagina needs to be able to relax and not be tightened and also to feel open and receptive. Not sure if that`s true but sort of makes sense. For more common types of humping bigger is definitively better as long as the girl can take it without discomfort. But then again superior technique and sensuality clearly beats size, unless you are very very small.
  21. Physical Qigong

    I haven`t really understood the meridian stretching thing very well but it seems to me that in yoga one relaxes and brings awareness to the area being stretched and that is different from the meridian stretching where you also tense or activate the muscles together with relaxing them and bringing awareness. Right or not?
  22. Physical Qigong

    It seems to me that qigong and tai chi is much much better at getting you in contact with chi and then helping you move it.
  23. She wants me to cum

    So how do women respond to men whose skin smells like sperm? Instant hornyness or repulsion?
  24. She wants me to cum

    By her this book: It will teach her how she also can have an internal climax/valley orgasm as opposed to her normal peak orgasms. She will find these to be much more satisfying. THat will make her understand your situation. And you she will get on the same page as you in terms of how to have sex and the goals of the sex and probably be pulled into spirituality through this.