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Everything posted by markern

  1. Asking a girl out at yoga class....

    Not really sure. I have never done that myself but I have flirted with girls in yoga classes through the way I have looked at them and they have looked at me. So in my experience at least it is not like all girls want everything to be asexual when they are in a yoga studio. What I think would be a safe option would be just to engage in conversation after class (or before if possible) in a casual manner and take it from there. After a five minute convo I am sure you have both landed and most girls would be back in a mind space where they are open to being asked out. You could also look online specifically for girls with such interests. I should even thing there are specifically spiritual dating sites. Anyway, there are way more girls than guys into such things so your market position will be beneficial once you start dating such girls. They know very well it is harder for them to find a spiritual man than for you to find a spiritual girl.
  2. Recovering yuan qi

    Very interesting, and kind of amusing.
  3. In this video a well known Norwegian psychic/medium claims to get deep life changing spiritual experiences from a crop circle. A crop circle made by the BBC in the shape of the logo of its tv show Quite Interesting: Apparently the spiritual energies generated by the BBC are amazing. You have to get a minute or two into the video for them to start speaking in English.
  4. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Thanks for the replies all of you but for the most part you have only said that you do standing meditation and like it etc. No one seems to answer the questions I asked such as do you get more flexible as you would from stretching (I understand that must be a very limited effect but I am guessing the energy could soften on up): I am also wondering about the type of strength built. WHen I was doing it I felt very strong in my legs but as technique gets better one doesn`t use so much strength and when the holds are long you train a type of strength that is the exact opposite of maximum strength training. So I was wondering how you experience those kinds of strength gains and how they feel useful. I know from experience what yoga gives me and what weights give me and was trying to get a picture in my head of what standing would give me long term but it`s a bit difficult for me to pin down based on my limited experience with it. To be very specific: 20 minutes a day in wuji or hold the ball just focusing on standing relaxed with good posture and correcting posture no extra focus on training muscles and keeping them active during standing.
  5. Nauli

    A firend of mine has PCOS and some diffuse problems and sometimes pain in the stomach and genital area. I am considering recomending she do Nauli as it is suposed to be great for all sorts of problems in that area. She alreay does yoga for 1-2 hours almost everyday and recently started meditating daily on the breath so I am thinking that covers her general development well enough to incorporate a specific practice such as Nauli. I have read previously that Nauli is a very powerfull practice and can stimulate kundalini quite strongly. DOes anyone with knowledge or experience with Nauli have any input about this? Thanks in advance:)
  6. Nauli

  7. You could try the aneros also. It helps you to achieve orgasms through relaxation as otherwise they won`t easily come through the aneros. Anyway, try to be more relaxed when you are doing it and if you use fantasy when you are alone try out scenarious that are very loving in order to bring more heart energy into the equation and see if not some of the effects of the fire and water technique are already present when you are finished.
  8. If you go to this forum: you will find people who practice Karezza. It is a sort of western tantra light where you hardly move and you avoid conventional orgasm. That forum is not filled with people suffering the same problems as often is reported here. Rather it is filled with people who despite having sex almost everyday and often not spilling their load for months, report remarkable health benefits and increasing mental and relationship stability. THe reason in all likelyhood is that they keep the sexual energy cool and stay out of the multiple orgasm zone and keep within the zone were excitement is not so string and it is easier to relax and be aware. THis in turn leads to the tantric valey orgasm which is very different from multiple peak orgasms. Less clear begining and end, not so much an explosion as blissfull, more wave than earthquake. THis orgasm is experienced as more pleasurable and much more satisfying by those who regulary have them. It also has as a consequence that love and interest in ones partner is easier to keep alive/keeps itself alive by itself (sort of). The key seems to be that the energy needs to stay cool. DIane Richardson in her tantra books says the same thing. Coolness seems to be a factor of how much excitment there is in relation to the simultanious level of relaxation and mindfulness. THe more you meditate and cultivate the more you can move arround and generate intesity without making the neergy too hot because the ability to also relax and be mindfull at the same time cools down and transforms the energy. The degree to degree to which your heart is onvolved is also a factor. Search through my posts and look in threads about sex and you will find more about this.
  9. A year or two ago I noticed while getting a massage that I was receiving cool energy from the girl massaging me, and she was receiving hot energy from me. When I noticed it I also became aware of that it had been going on for quite some time before I noticed. It felt good and balancing. I doubt she could feel it but I guess she did recieve my energy as well since I could clearly feel it leaving me and going into her. Since then similar things happened many times, often on the subway sitting close to a girl. Because my practice is much less intese now I feel it a lot less. I also don`t feel much energy leaving me just me getting from her. This has raised some questions. It seems unlikely to me that girls normally notice this as I am no Drew Hempel when it comes to energyprojection. But girls are sensitive creatures so I guess occasionally some of them might feel it. Or they might feel some effects and changes while it goes on but not understand what is going on. When someone isen`t sensitive enough to feel it do they still receive energy at all? It feels like they do to me. Sometimes I have noticed this starting to happen and I have just let it paly itself out. A few times I have started it myself or amplified it a lot. Is this okay? I am not really sure I am comfortable with either the spontanious or the conciously induced version. After my cultivation went down I don`t se clearly feel energy leaving me to them. Does this mean I am vampiring on them? I wouldn`t want that. This almost always happen with young women as I feel their energy more powerfully. The difference between young and not too many years older really is quite pronounced. So they seem to be full of energy anyway but I still wouldn`t want to be a vampire. Today I conciously started such a process and had trouble getting a sensation going of giving energy. Despite trying this I felt selfish afterwards because I felt I did not succedd. It felt hording liek and selfish and no good even though I did not really intend it. In the modest version that I have experienced this so far it is mostly fascinating but I forsee that I will be anoyed and confused by all the energy exchanges going on in daily life and would rather it did not happen at all, too confusing. Only some times have I felt like I recieved peoples emotions. With the exchanges mentioned I just feel like I am getting Yin energy. WhY? Any perspectives on this would be much apreciated.
  10. Kundalini Juices

    When I was meditating before (I have a break now) a sweat and funny tasting liquid started dripping down my throat and into the back of my mouth. I knew about Amrit but I find it strange that I would get it so early because I had meditated little and not gotten far at all. So I am wondering if there can be precursors to the real thing or if it can actually start of early in ones practice. I am also curious about waht tantra books resources you recomend.
  11. Dispelling the Fog

    Eric Yudelove had some interesting tehories about the correspondance between different aspects of the air element in the western tradition and wood and metal in the chineese system. Something about dry and humid air or something similar. I think it is in the long thread about his teachings.
  12. Energy exchanges in daily life

    I`ll add some examples of the energetic exchange hell I am scared of eventually becoming something I have to deal with: After cultivating more I and female friends that also have cultivation practices start having energy exchanges that break the last boundary between friendship and some sort for sexual/romantic realtionship because the exchange of energy often tends to be of a slightly or very sexual nature or feelings of general love (often very strong in a cultivator) go between us and creates emotions or perceptions of emotions that aren`t really there or just creates tons of confusion. I remember an AYP poster had this problems. Her friends, guys and girls, would suddenly get strong sexual feelings or feelings of love around her and connect it to her without understanding it. I like friendships with girls to stay friendships for the most part. Lovers can become friends but for the most part I`d like t keep the friends only friends. And certainly not just because of energy stuff. Even worse, this type of exchange happens with a male friend . Another example: My friend introduces his new girlfriend and she picks up on my energy and experiences it sexually, have never experienced something like that beofre and gets very confused. A friend or family member has bad feelings towards another friend or family member and I pick it up and suddenly know way more than I could ever have understood through my other senses. I get angry and someone sensitive gets influenced by my anger either taking it as their own or feeling that I am angry at them when I am just angry at something I read in the paper.
  13. Lifting Weights

    I`ve experience exactly the same uplifting inflating feeling but most noticeably in my spine. It felt great. I noticed that this energy corrected my alignment better then I did. My teacher said to rest in it and let myself be moved into the correct position by it.
  14. Dispelling the Fog

    Mindfulness would be the exact oposite of your fog and mindfulness of everything that is experienced by you right now, including the fog, would be the most direct way of getting out of it but all the mentioned methods cultivate this to some degree and will help dispell the fog. Go and look in the articles section and read the articles about escaping INTO life, equanimity and a pain processing algorythm. Those will give valuable perspectives on all of this.
  15. Request For Advice

    Falun gong is a cult. That`s not just Chineese government propoganda. Look up webforums and anti cult sites were you can find former western Falun Gong students and you will find that their experience has been just as cultish as most other former cult members. Most people on this forum agree that Falun Gong is cultish and several ehre have had encounters with members or have done some training in Falun Gong themselves. Just go online and find former western students and you`ll find all the evidence you need. The leader is a megalomaniac that thinks he is the next Buddha and has tons of psycho ideas. With Falun Gong you get all teh classical religious extra unecessary beliefs in their worst form in addition to qigong. Not what you are looking for I believe. And Gauss, just look up former western students online yourself and see what they say. A very good book for you Alexander might be a Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield. It is about budhist psychology for westerners and clears up typical misunderstandings. Some of those misunderstandings it seems you have been bothered by. A Path with Heart by the same author is also an excellent book to read when getting into this stuff. Also go to and look on the article section and read the articles about equanimity, escaping into life and a pain processing algorythm. Those might be very clarifying for you.
  16. Request For Advice

    If you stop ejaculating you will be surprised how much more energy you start having and how beneficial this energy is for meditation practice and how much stronger you feel and more emotionally healthy. BUT if you start having sex in the ways taught within these traditions you will discover that you get even MORE energy than you get through celibacy and that it speads up your spiritual develoment even more. You will also find that your sex life gets spiritual and your love for your partner grows, is much, much easier to maintain, and gets a spiritual dimension it maybe did not have before. My teacher was a celibate budhist monk for 4 years and now practices this kind of sex and says he got a huige gain in energy from celibacy but that this kind of sex doubles that gain. To me this seems much more wholesome and beneficial. Search through my posts in the archive and look at those in threads that concern sexuality in some way. IN those posts I have written much more about this topic and the "how to" part. A good way to practice were you are right now would be standing meditation/zhan zhuan, inner smile and maybe also deep belly breathing. THe standing will ground you to the earth and get you into the body, the inner smile gives self love overal balance and a connection to the body and the breathing also sinks your energy to the dan tien. All three can be learnt ok without a teacher so you could do it right away. But find a teacher as soon as you can because that is important on this path. Michale winns primordial qigong is another practice you can learn from DVD and which I think could be good for you right now.
  17. My best friend has just moved to New York to take a yoga teacher training. She has no friends yet and would love to meet some people that share her interests in cultivation/spirituality. She is lovely, lots of fun and generally liked by everyone she meets. I thought maybe there are a bum or two that live in New York that would like to take a cup of coffe with her.
  18. Lifting Weights

    I think he mentioned doing it together with 5 point breathing, hair breathing, secret smile or stuff like that and I couldn`t really see how that would work but found it intriguing as it would be efficient to get a two in one. But maybe I just remember it wrong.
  19. Lifting Weights

    You mentioned once doing kettlebels combined with breathing practices. How does on do that? Not asking for precise instructions just a general idea.
  20. There no awakening for Kundalini

    People arround me, friends and family, have actually started getting things together more and more. It has been the same as well. But I have seen some people loose it online lately but can`t really say if that is more or less than before.
  21. There no awakening for Kundalini

    I relly like this
  22. Lifting Weights

    I have done one session of clubbels. It left me feeling stronger and strong in a fuller range of motion. It also left me feeling more flexible in my joints. It also left me feeling a smotther flow of chi. Weights training tend to leave me feeling like I have done good in some way and like my muscles are like sponges that have been squised witch is ggod for chi flow but also that I have created small damages that give a feeling of iiritability in the muscles, fascia etc. This iiritability seems bad for chi flow. Especially the harmony of chi flow. Based on this exepreince I`d say go with clubbels as oposed to weights. Myself I am going to sticjk to the weights for some time but that is only a matter of practical concerns. I am going over to clubbles eventually.