Silent Answers

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Everything posted by Silent Answers

  1. Everyone Worships Saturn

    In China Saturday literally translates to "day 6". Not sure if/when that might have been changed to fit the international working market. We could also argue that it wasn't always, and perhaps still isn't necessarily the 6th planet...depending on what defines a planet, and how far back you're willing to look. Haha..anyway, like I said, I don't exactly hold all of this to be true...but what if, heh?
  2. Everyone Worships Saturn

    Saturday, otherwise known as Saturn's day, is also the 6th day of the week. The square (or black cube) often associated with Saturn can also be squashed into a hexagon...supposedly in honour of the hexagonal vortex on Saturn's north pole. The mark of the beast. I can't say that any of the above really means anything either...but there is an obvious trauma afflicting the human psyche. We all long for that golden age, whence we were at peace and one with nature. Since the event, whatever it was, we disconnected from that oneness. We felt betrayed and needed to start looking at ways to save our own asses, in case it happens again. I believe it to be a core reason subconsciously leading us down the path of technology, digitalization and disregard of mother Earth. The receptive female forces and mindset were replaced by our now yang dominated society, out of fear and spite for our loss. There's also good evidence to support a solar catastrophy..planets are in the wrong place, Uranus is on its side, Earth has a wobble etc...It's tough to give a real timeframe for any of this, when current methods rely on gravity to hold the universe together, which will hopefully be disproven within the next decade or two.
  3. Everyone Worships Saturn

    The guy in the video has likely misunderstood the association of Saturn and Satan to be an evil thing. But, as always, it depends on how you look at it. To some, there is no evil. Another major problem is that the original legends have been passed down and altered to fit the paradigm of the age. This means we can never really be sure as to what the true associations were. What we refer to the devil, is a representation the planet Saturn. However, before an event that rocked the solar system, the same diety gave us the golden age. The God that betrayed us, and so was demonized. It depends on how deep your willing to look into it with an open mind. One story often has a few different meanings. Saturn (like the devil of Genesis) is also associated with the (great) serpent, which in ancient times was a symbol of power and wisdom. Most ancient cultures feature the snake in some way or another. The phaerohs depicted them coming out of the third eye...and that pretty much is the Egyptian equivalent of Kundalini. I personally don't think that Kundalini can be evil, nor is it loving (though it can lead to that). It is more simply, great power, and power often corrupts our weak minds.
  4. Everyone Worships Saturn

    I cant see the videos, but I clicked in here for the Saturn worship. Anyone who's interested in discussing... Saturn as a failed star, its relationship to the golden age, connection to the serpent and "the devil", its role in mythology as Chronos-"father of time" and later the crippled "eater of children". The hexagonal vortex on its north pole, its electrical connection to Jupiter....etc. etc. I've tried to piece bits together over the years...I don't necesarily believe it's alllll true, but Saturn worship is quite fascinating.
  5. Real taoist semen retention practices

  6. Mystical Poetry thread for me:
  7. What is the Ego?

    *face palm* Karl, please ignore people that can't hold a debate/discussion, without letting their emotions blow off some steam. I can see why you might be grinding gears over some of our opinions, but I personally think it's awesome to have (even more) diversity in the community. There are a lot of things you say that I agree with, as well as those that I do not; but, you always present a good argument, and have grown to be a bit more understanding of our differences in terminology. Thanks for showing a decent amount of patience with the more fiesty among us. If the argument is plausable, it has to be considered...even if I *believe* otherwise.
  8. What is the Ego?

    Ego is the tip of the iceberg. The dictator that's hardly stepped foot in his own country. The spoiled brat whom inherited his father's company, and is now running it into the ground. Unless shown otherwise, the boss locks himself away in the overlooking office, stuffing his face on behalf of the many. Pocketing profits and draining company resources. I agree with Kyle when he says that ego is somewhat imaginary. It's part of self cornered of from, and seperated from the whole. A mirrage given off from an accumulation of software, loaded with adware and viruses...slowing down the processing power. Consciousness is the operating system/stage. Ego/self is the software we've installed. We download a lot of unnecessary crap, but ego is also not necessarily a bad thing, if you know the basics of maintaining your mind. A lot of what we are doing is uninstalling and improving our defense against possible trojans, malware and spam.
  9. What is the Ego?

    Isn't this version of you just a different name for the same thing? It's just that instead of judging it, you give it a free pass.
  10. Qiqong practice and storms / thunderstorms ?

    Good to have your input as reassurance. Old wive's tale
  11. Mushin

    I don't know about Samurai philosophy..but there's no way to rush into a state of peace. It's like trying to scoop something out of water by grabbing at it. It takes a slowing down and practice in softness to achieve. Then, you find there is even more speed in slowness.
  12. Ego and enlightenment

    You're experience isn't unique...I mean that in a positive sense. Once more we come to what is real...what seperates that feeling within and makes it less real than a feeling of the outside world? Some might argue that the inner feeling is far more important.
  13. Qiqong practice and storms / thunderstorms ?

    I don't want to make out like there's anything to my experience, in the face of traditional guidelines. I guess my definition of charged up is simply just 'energized'. Alive and sensative of more. And... in control of the moment...By this I mean 'in rhythm', to put it in basic terms. Connected. The expected results, really. However, I've always found levels higher after practice in big storms.
  14. Qiqong practice and storms / thunderstorms ?

    Wow... going against the grain then, I've had some truly awesome sessions during huge thunderstorms. Finished feeling charged up and in control of the moment.
  15. We have to look at social and individual psychology, too. The vast majority of us are confused about where these desires are rooted. The natural side of sexual pleasure comes from the ability and necessity to procreate, in the form of nerve sensitivity in certain areas. However, for the most part, sexual pleasure is mental. In this sensual state, we easily go into a type of meditative focus, shifting our awareness to individually preferred areas and inducing pleasure. With the Self often clogged by misunderstood impulse reactions and desires, we bring our demons into it. Many of us are trying to fill the void, the want to be needed and enjoyed. To prove that we are here, and can interact with the world...that we're not alone. But, on the positive side, this medatative focus can be a great tool when used correctly with a partner that you love, or a skilled equal. It's a shame that society discourages love, while advocating sex appeal and sluttiness.
  16. SQL error

    I cleared cookies and cache, and all is now fine for this bum. For those still having trouble, make sure you clean the cache as well. Thanks for the help folks.
  17. Poem for a bum

    When it's back where it belongs Form among forms And prior labels cease to exist Yet, from the formless New life insists
  18. SQL error

    It was all day for me across the entire site for 2 days, but is now only throwing it up for the general discusion main page. I can access the general discussion subforums, clicking from the homepage quick links.
  19. Is this pure yang?

    That's a step further than what I meant...I'll give that a search, though.
  20. Is this pure yang?

    Yang aside, what about changing the perceived colours of things?
  21. apocalypse confirmed by science

    Hope you all enjoyed the easy life.. good luck everyone!
  22. Perfect answer. As a side note, when you find out what the You phenomenon really is, it becomes easier to reconnect with oneness and eliminate the junk that stuck to you throughout your life. The pyramids and so called all seeing eye contain the lesson of true Self and body...a lesson which can be extrapolated to other areas of the human experience.
  23. Objective reality

    No grief I'm aware of how it sounds from your view point. Hey, I may well be proven wrong. Wouldn't be the first time I've had to rethink my opinion...although, it would take something incredible to warrant interest.
  24. Objective reality

    @Karl - I'll also confirm the exact same experience. If you're able to feel that full connection, where the You completely steps down from the stage, it's an undeniable experience...Especially if you're in the presence of somebody favourable to this kind of connection. It's not that there are 2 conscious's always just the one, devided within Its own infinite capacity.