Silent Answers

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Everything posted by Silent Answers

  1. Does the Earth Love Me?

    Isn't it arrogant to assume the Earth is happy with us living on her, and that this planet wants to help us? Help us how? Yes, in a way we are part of the Earth, avatars of its own mind...but here to serve a purpose. That purpose has long since been forgotten, but perhaps when we talk of "Earth raising its frequencies" and a new age for man, what we are really saying is that our purpose will be remembered. However, let us not forget how we treat our own bodies. Once we get passed the ego identity, is there any love to be felt? It seems to me to be much more systematic and mechanical. Do you shed a tear for the millions of cells being shed from your body right now? Do we blubber as we bubble away the bacteria from under our nails? Does the Earth love us during an ice age? Or when it spews ash and gasses into the atmosphere that choke us? When the ice turns into devestating floods, and the planet has cleansed its face from the accumulation of things we've piled on the surface, does she love us then? When she stretches her legs and thousands die, is it for her beloved humans? Are we not simply under the spell of our own false feelings? Of course, it all depends on our understanding of the L word. To me, I feel the love, yet I know my place as part of the process. When it's necessary for our numbers to dwindle, I shall not complain of how we have been forsaken. Striving to rebuild and carry on in spite of this is true unconditional love. I fear some will be disappointed when the warm embrace becomes a hard slap.
  2. Does the Earth Love Me?

    See, I personally do believe this. The same spirit is there when we put our selves in the backseat, and can be present in forms of spontaneous qigong. That warmth is what I would call true love...but it's not quite the same as our fickle human love. That said, I can't remember the last time I felt the longing, highly emotional, lustful, needing, lacking thing we call love. Of course our definition of love may be different...but this is the way I see it for the majority of people who get caught up in the love parade.
  3. Does the Earth Love Me?

    Totally agree.
  4. Does the Earth Love Me?

    Just want to point out that the OP was simply poetic pondering, rather than stating a fixed belief. My main points were that the Earth, whether you believe it to be living or not, has its own agenda/function. While we are a part of the planet, and our bodies are quite literally born of the earth, it loves us only as much as we love our own individual parts. We are a legion of cells and bacteria, yet we mostly feel completely separate from it all. If we expect love from this planet/God, we should start within ourselves first and foremost. The Karl's among us don't necessarily need to believe the Earth is sentient to appreciate our own personal connectivity to the building blocks which make us. Every stone of the pyramid goes towards supporting the whole, while the cap is seperated in its own world as reflection and observer to its wholeness. Doesn't each stone deserve equal recognition? At least within our own bodies we can agree that these stones are alive. Then, I guess I went on to the human idea of love and how confused this feeling often is. We can't help but project these ideas onto other things, getting carried away with our own (misguided) importance. I believe I have felt this love during meditation and work with nature, but it's not the love many others seem to talk about (others outside of TDB). If you're one who tends to go for the spreading of love and light, that the Earth is entering some new phase of love and harmony, or that we get bursts of love energy from the heart of our galaxy, you *may* be disappointed with how that love is dealt to you. Because as Nungali has said, she's a harsh mistress.

    Well, I'm not a voice coach..and I have zero natural talent, haha. It took a lot of practice when I had that motivation as a teen. To be a good singer, or good with your voice in general, you have to be a good actor (really get into the role). Confidence is key, do not feel disheartened when you listen back a week later and don't feel the same about the work. Also, the genre you're expressing yourself through is a hard one to get serious rap comes with a certain image to be portrayed. While working towards a dream is great, it's important that we find what we're more naturally inclined to. So finding your own style that suits your particular voice is crucial. Whereas it will be hard to go far in the hiphop world, I'd like to hear you using that unusual flow in some kind of spoken word. The emotion that youre putting into it will come out better this way (I feel). Don't let that stop you from rapping, but try to meet somewhere in the middle of rap and poetry..or a mix of both. As for the voice, it will relax and open with confidence and practice. Play around with different sounds and feel how they form via your throat/mouth/facial muscles. Find somewhere that youre able to blast it with 110% of your effort...until you literally have to stop because your chords are over strained. Even putting yourself into situations outside your comfort zone can help little by little...public speaking etc. Keep doing what youre doing. Write it, record it, perfect it...plan it thoroughly and above all BE in that moment with every word.
  6. 28 september 2015, blood moon prophecy

    Beijing time here...everyone is screaming their asses off, roads are in chaos and the sky is green...just another normal day.
  7. Black holes are Gods

    Sounds very agreeable with how I interpret it... Sacred geometry is the code of life, the foundation of reality, the assignment of order. It is activated through sound, a breath of life force. Each thing a song, made of verses, chords and single notes. Yet, each note is disectable, revealing itself to be an entire song in its own right; an ever evolving echo...leaving ripples that eventually fade. Then you've got dimensions outside of the time we know, where a whole song is played/available in an instant.
  8. Who would kiss the Queen's hand?

    These are not stupid people that rule over much as they'd like you to think so.
  9. Black holes are Gods

    Black holes probably aren't what most know them to be...we explain them with gravity and stars because they're the only forces people are allowed to work with. They continue to defy the laws that we force upon does dark matter.
  10. John Chang

    I wouldn't call it slander...but why do you even care?
  11. On second thoughts, I'm just going to let it be.
  12. This doesnt seem like much of a discussion...Maybe you'd be better off explaining what you're trying to achieve with this.
  13. How to attain Bliss?

    Bliss... I don't think I've ever felt it, besides from when I've consumed 'shrooms. General everyday happiness is far more practical. To achieve that is quite simple..slap yourself awake with all the amazing things surrounding us that we take for granted. Our subconscious blocks so much from getting through, we hardly see the world. Not to mention the relative stability we're enjoying...I know there's a lot of suffering in the world today...but every morning that's not an ice age, not underground, and where I'm not in the foodchain is an awesome start to my day!
  14. When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

    All suffering is shared by all. You've played it nicely, so far. In fact, maybe sieze this chance and go the extra mile to help them out if possible. It might tip the scales back in your favour during future dealings. Then again, your current position to just remove yourself from the situation is fine, too.
  15. Wudang Five Immortals Temple

    Looking back, I was being too picky.
  16. who is tired of all this crap?

    Good point about the right to revolt. As for the leaders who rise to take power, let's not forget those that place/allow/want them there. It's woven into human nature to find our place within the pyramid. There are those of us (in general) who figure it out and dominate, those that figure it out and wu wei, and those that never had a clue. Our mental state shines through our social structure. You are what you eat, ya reap what you sow, as above so below.
  17. Practical ways to let go of attachment?

    Most of that bondage is from judging yourself, and fear of the judgement of others (you're probably quite judgemental of others' faults, too). Save that energy up for something more useful. Stop standing in your own way, blocking your own path.

    Haha...that was a long time ago. I moved on from music and got more into voice acting. Haven't done any of that for a few years either.
  19. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    The Pyramidal hierarchy also has more than one meaning, extending to other areas of our society, and ourselves. In each of these hierarchies, the key is not to dominate but to accept the responsibilty, and honour. Although, domination may feel like it puts us in control, the rug is often pulled from under our feet.
  20. Practical ways to let go of attachment?

    Understand that life is like a play...we're all acting along, some playing roles that we just sort of fell into. Most of us in fact, we haven't a clue what we're doing. You just have to take a leap of faith. Do what it takes. Once you fully grasp how it all works, you can flip any situation around, if you truly want it. We often subconsciously choose to wallow, due to a certain set of experiences or lack of. These experiences can haunt us, but they don't necessarily have to impact who we are today. Develop your role. Live for the right now and push into tomorrow, instead of living in the land of what could have been.

    I asked myself if it was a freestyle, but thought it came together too well to be completely improvised...If that's the case, not bad at all!

    Haha SoundCloud! I was on there, a loooooooong time ago. I checked out your song. I thought it might go in a different direction until it'd finished loading up. My honest opinion, there were weak points if we want to take it as a serious piece of music, but as an outlet I thought it was pretty awesome. Some parts were really well written, and sometimes your flow would throw a little surprise in and make me grin. BTW did you wear a white top when you recorded this?
  23. You sir, are trippin' balls.
  24. Wave-particle duality is an illusion

    The double slit and quantum physics in general, along with spiritual views, all pretty much suggest we are an active holographic multi-dimensional projection of some sort.