Silent Answers

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Everything posted by Silent Answers

  1. Electric Qigong School

  2. Found the way to open the heart

    If you're usually hunched over, like a lot of people today, then you'll definitely benefit from being more aware of your posture. Raising the chest, relaxing the shoulders and pulling the shoulder blades back will give you a refreshing feeling of relief, compared to the usual fatigue and insecureness of a hunched back and shoulders. That said, I personally wouldn't advise to go forcing that as much as you can all day. You'll likely develop back pains. This posture is foundational in most yoga stretches, so I'd recommend first building it up as an exercise until it becomes a more natural posture for you to hold. Also as a sidenote for back pain sufferers, a hunched posture will leave a person lacking abdominal muscles, especially if you've been practacing reverse breathing as this tends to relax that area. This adds to back pain and tension. As for opening the heart, there's a bit more to it than posture...but this *is* just as essential in leading a happy, healthy life.
  3. What happened to Humanity?

    ^^ love this stuff.
  4. Don't view it as dark and's satire. The verse pokes fun at the labels others give him, while at the end of each stanza he alludes to the beauty and truth behind those labels...that in reality what he has, is what they actually seek but can't see it when it's right under their noses.
  5. I guess rather than blockages as it's often called, these issues are more akin to being tensed up/gripped by attention. When you let them go, or allow yourself to ease off/out of them, there's a sudden clarity and sense of coming home...what seemed urgent before, then seems like a joke. Stopping self from flowing back down those old waterways is the trick.
  6. Full moon thread

    Taiyang if it's this 太阳 simply means Sun. Hue is an English word. The gravity of the moon doesn't depend on how much light hits its surface. It's as connected to us as it is every night, and day.
  7. Full moon thread

    The moon is always full. It's more a symbol of cycle/wave motion, present in all; as well as an important marker of time passed. The energy people talk of comes from here on Earth, as we all tend to notice and marvel at the full moon, more so in ancient times. When we all focus on the same point, we share in that collective intent.
  8. We don't have to believe it, but we also don't need to get worked up about every post. You have a similar opinion to TI on this, and no doubt a few others too, but is it worth being so opposed over matters that are almost impossible to prove and even harder to pin down in words? The way we receive those words also affects our acceptance of them. Perhaps it seems to be a bragging ground...or maybe it's just a public diary. I'm not here to defend Spotless, I'm sure he'd be against that idea, but he never said he was perfect. I'm yet to meet any spiritual teacher/student that didn't have flaws behind the scenes. I know, me getting involved is somewhat hypocritical to the advice I'm giving. I just think that TI would be better off not caring about it, and others reading the posts can make up their own minds. Of course, this *is* area for discussion... I guess what I'm really saying whatever you want, as long as it's in our best interests and not just becoming a draining habit reaction.
  9. So shouldn't you know when to drop it? Whether he is or isn't, doesn't affect you or I. Nothing personal and I'm not taking sides....but it is getting a bit annoying/predictable that every time Spotless posts, you're there to critique his legitimacy. It's not even the critique that's the issue, it's the hate/frustration in your words.
  10. Really good job, Otis. I liked the holodeck idea, relevant and great way to put the interviews together. I also like that the graphics are home grown.
  11. What means Yin Yang?

    Pass that doobie on down!
  12. This experience of deeper and fresh wounds on my return

    There are always options out there if you just look around. You only feel like you can't climb out of that hole because you're too busy thinking about how high the walls seem to be. Get climbing and really set your mind on achieving goal after goal, then before you know it, the hole will have been filled in with your own success. I know how hard it is in that mindset, feeling hopeless, useless, defeated, exhuasted, in need of help and like the world has let you down. But at the same time you probably know that nobody else can help you, often pushing help away, because only you can get yourself off of your own ass. Finding that motivation is the hardest step, and then keeping it going. It takes plenty of practice before it feels less stressful/opposed to who you are. Also, although we often complain of the world and being forced into work for a system we want no part truth, while it's far from perfect, we've got it pretty easy right now. You're not IN the food chain for starters. Trust that everything works itself out in the end, and that it's ok to feel like shit sometimes. Not everything is for everyone, but don't give up on trying.
  13. Please help

    Happy to hear you solved the issue! Enjoy some good rest.
  14. mystical poetry thread

    City Meditation Beyond the cheers of children A demanding infant screams Music in the square And basketball dreams Teasing through the traffic And the guy that's lost his cool The Distant birds banter With crickets out for school Being beautifully aware Sun kisses clouds goodnight They blush back a rosey gold Almost redy, but not quite I'm waiting for the symbols My cue to parachute Punctualy piercing paradise Final freight train crashes through
  15. Please help

    Here we go...
  16. Fresh Red Dates (Jujube fruit)

    Your asshole is going to feel somewhat similar, my friend.
  17. Any wisdom on boredom?

    Therein lies the problem, your taste in tv shows sucks. More seriously, you're probably bored because you're looking in the wrong places, or with the wrong filter.
  18. Not damaging the body

    I have a fairly big tribal tatt that I had done at 15. It doesn't look really bad, but I've always wanted to upgrade it to a full sleeve...mainly because now I sort of regret that spontaneous teenage decision. But...I never go ahead with it, because as a modern white guy (it's not part of my culture) who would I be doing the sleeve for? Then also there's the causing further damage to my body. This isn't for the sake of my parents, but for the community that I host. I care about them all quite a bit.
  19. Nasa, astroid 86666 warning, (666?)

    When they start saying it's not a threat this early on, that's the time to start worrying! Haha. I can't remember where I first heard about it, but I'm sure Neil deGrasse Tyson has discussed it, too. Although he's an official stage puppet, used to defend the mainstream agenda. Whatever happens, should be interesting!
  20. Nasa, astroid 86666 warning, (666?)

    It's the one in 2036 you have to watch for, that's a close call. That one I'm sure we'll all be watching as it reportedly is going to pass under our satellites (in 2025)!? If it happens to pass through an area dubbed "the keyhole", it's game over in 2036 when it takes a second swing at us. Well, perhaps not game over...but a major set back in the evolution of life on Earth.
  21. Please help

    Here are a few things to try: Change your matress and pillow, sterilize your sheets. You may be allergic to mites/mite poop. Buy grounding bed sheets, some people swear by them. Try some anti-allergy pills, if you haven't already. Make peace with the situation, these things are usually part mental.
  22. I just cant help but wonder what a real life conversation with you would be like.
  23. Would you want to come to Earth again?

    Grass is always greener on the other side