The Prisoner

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Posts posted by The Prisoner

  1. first there are the chaotic spirits

    they are a projection of your mind

    then there are the balanced spirits

    they are a projection of your mind

    then there are the bright white light

    and it is too a projection of your mind.

    when you realize this, next step is peace


    turn on the receiver and I make you a believer.

    • Like 1

  2. they do not have a wrist watch, or what?? :)


    and they breath kind a slow.


    and they treat nature as if God "himself"


    and they don't run around to tell


    and if you saw one, you wouldn't believe him/her


    cause mortals are so fucking stressed- out, annoying and insecure.



    • Like 2

  3. i am nature!


    1.marsh represents joy - life among other things

    2.thunder is movement - nerve system are sound.

    3.Wind, is like dream or mind moving the trees

    4.Mountains - stops, hindrance.


    wind moves clouds to mountain and thunder rolls, lightning strikes mash and creates life. (when lightning strikes water amino acid occur - smallest form of life)


    sorry maybe bad English, but I am Norwegian..... and we have Viking tales of Thor eternally battles Trolls. Thor is thunder and Trolls (Jotun, Rise and Dwarfs represents mountains, often specific mountains) same, same but different.


    As all know!!! :D Tai Chi Chuan translates Supreme Ultimate Fist or pole, or post, or position.

    many who train T.C.C are just doing Chi Chuan without the Tai. And that is good.. cause reaching central equilibrium, is a very taxing assignment to life.


    understanding the order of change is one way

    to improve your cultivating

    then pay attention, behave

    and take care!! :wub:

    • Like 1

  4. I guess you are guessing, right on the God part

    God is inn all - when you feel this its like infinite feedback - sense of time dissolves - love energy space out - like you are in Eden every were you this plane there are spirits and dissonances too...

    .. the world isn't ready for the energized human he/see needs to isolate -

    the frequencies don't resonate in wester modern society (heaven/ hell, angel/demon, Sane/insane).


    We get every thing we want from our father (source) We have the power of will. visualization, prayer, magick even have our own messiah, but still we wont get turn on to see, our self this call and response system...


    bla.. bla.. bla... :D

  5. A Nei Yeh Chevallier is hard to find


    I have Learned

    That there are Good people around

    battling for there soul and integrity


    I have sworn to tell the truth

    so I am mostly alone :P I live in a very remote area -

    I ALWAYS get emotional sickness I urban realms

    and I have Lucifer's syndrome (closest to god, small g here caused its intension and not a person)

    I cry of joy in nature, and anger mankind for their rampage on earth


    And I have sworn to not burden anyone with this truth

    so I am mostly keeping my words

    (dual meaning; I am proud :D)


    When I changed my energy, theoretical tao

    to practical tao, I had a ride out of hell

    good to see other have the same problems and solutions


    lots of things to learn and to unlearn


    but I just want to learn to be sweet :wub:



    ''''I don't think Lucifer's syndrome exists I have made that up''''

    and that is what rebel angels do - I have yelled at the boss twice to day)))

    • Like 1

  6. Tronfjell. Norway (Mount Tron) 1.666 m.o.h


    I love the soul of the mountain.


    And hiking around in "wild" harmonious parts of Norway


    I am walking up an old forest path close to my house

    lastly named: Friarveien ( Wooway ) (shit I, translated this now, an need I say wu wei )

    it connects to Viking graves

    and strangely goes pretty much straight line east -west

    this pattern of walking I learn on Mt.Tron

    I took it home ...


    And I have no fucking, idea on what I am doing - I have no occupation or education (I am Devil on guitar, and a wind in Tai Chi)

    But Tao has showed me ... some connection


    Shit I realise

    my life wouldn't have been such a mess

    if I listened to what my mother have said

    she wanted me to be a Plummer


    "and all I want her to be was sober".

    • Like 1

  7. He's teaching is good, inexpencive and simpel

    basic qi gong

    and he takes (you) towards enlightment

    ..a little to fast for society and politics :)


    But I don't think it worked out the way he planned.


    But it is strange how the world is so silent

    when in fact they are being tortured (in china) for meditating

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