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Everything posted by LeoViridis

  1. Nei Gong Forum?

    Depending on the forum, I might be interested as well.
  2. Who is this guy? He sure hates TTB

    Fair enough.
  3. Who is this guy? He sure hates TTB

    I guess every last one of us here is a lizard-in-disguise or some other kind bloodthirsty aliens, bent on world domination and enslaving the human kind. I only watched the first 3 seconds of the video, but I'm guessing it's something along those lines. EDIT: After sparing a few minutes to look through their site a bit, it seems I was mistaken about the alien thing (but who can blame me, since that is one of the most popular conspiracy theories right now). Looks like TTB are just a plain evil, brainwashing, scamming organization...
  4. Seems like you're on your way to attain the anuttara-samyak-sambodhi... heh. Jokes aside, it really depends on what technique you were using. About cracking the dantien, you shouldn't be to worried about that, as the dantien can crack with only a few techniques, if using them after sexual activity. I think the kundalini can also be pretty much discounted. If you would raise your kundalini, you wouldn't be able to mistake the feeling for anything else, plus your symptoms don't really match kundalini raising that much. That being said, I don't really know what you're experiencing, or why... possible placebo effect?
  5. I see. In that case we clearly had a misunderstanding, and I agree with your warning. Without proper teaching and development, one should not try to expose themselves to extreme cold, especially if one only has some video or text as a guide. I am glad we cleared that up.
  6. Regarding experience, I know someone, who can do it. He is a friend of my mother, a 42 year old man with a lot of experience in different meditation techniques under his belt. It isn't exactly personal and intimate experience, but I've seen him do it years ago, so I don't believe what I say is just speculative talk. Mind you, what he demonstrated is what I believe gtummo is, but he might have been using a different, albeit a very similar technique. Here's a 20 minute clip on YouTube, of a guy demonstrating gtummo meditation. In the video, you can hear the wind blow while he meditates. I hope it will at least slightly prove my point.
  7. First of all, even if they are Chinese masters, do they obligatorily have to practice without their shirts on? Even if you would reached the level where you can sit outside in -10 degrees in nothing but your underwear, that doesn't mean you then HAVE to go around town without your shirt on, in the middle of winter, just to show everyone who's boss. Second, yes, I indeed understand that excessive wind exposure is bad for you normally, however, I have my doubts whether it is as bad for someone, who can bathe themselves in a frozen lake, then sit on the snow completely still and practically nude, and put a wet towel on their back, while it is winter and -25 degrees. YOU may not understand, but at these temperatures, you would normally have far greater worries than wind. At these temperatures, the said towel on your back and the water still remaining on your body from your previous dip in the lake would freeze quite rapidly, and normally would lead to a severe case of pneumonia, if you are lucky. More often than not though, you'd have to have your fingers or limbs amputated, or you would simply die due to freezing.
  8. Best Neigong Teachers

    It would be quite humorous if John Chang would offer distance learning... haha
  9. I think gtummo is a good practice, and there is not much to argue about whether it is real or not... it has been pretty much proven by Harvard researchers. Still, as with most things, there is a lot of scamming in this field. A lot of teachers in the west claim to teach gtummo, but are nothing but frauds... or so I've heard. Regarding the debate that went on on the second page of this topic, I have to say I agree with Dorian Black's opinion... someone who has a good grasp of gtummo won't really be bothered by some wind. All in all, gtummo is great, but unfortunately, getting a good teacher can apparently be quite hard.
  10. would this strange grounding technique work ?

    My advice is, that if you've thought this up by yourself and haven't confirmed it with someone who has experience with kundalini and stuff like this, than don't do it. You can cause great damage to yourself not just mentaly but physically as well. It'd be best to seek help from someone who knows their way around in this field. If you have kundalini illness then you without a doubt know the power or kundalini, and you know it's not really something you'd want to mess around with.
  11. True enough, but I don't think that just his brow bones or a sustion-type effect could support those object - they were pretty heavy. And he washed his hands and all that, so I don't think he could've faked it, they would have likely notice it. Even that neuroscientist said his vital signs change while he does that.
  12. This guy is incredible. I've read somewhere before that qi can be used like that, although I've never seen it until now. Stan Lee sure didn't want to comment on it though, like you said. But I bet he and the guys from the show were really baffeled. I've seen one episode some time ago, where a guy they dubbed "Mind Force" demonstrated a telekinesis-like ability, which allowed him to make objects stick to his body. He said that he discovered he could do this after experimenting with yoga and meditations a decade or so before the show. They even mesured the guy in some university, with the help of some neuroscientist doctor. An interesting thing to see.
  13. I agree on the importance of bodhicitta. Actually, there isn't much to disagree about. Being capable of such compassion, on the other hand, is a feat in itself.
  14. Longchenpa on the Avatars of Vishnu

    So that's how it is. I admit, I don't know to much about Krishna, although I do know a few people that worship him.
  15. The Bible and Hermetics

    I think that you're probably trying to connect the dots too hard, and pointed out some connections that aren't there. Even though hermetics are not my strong point I do realize though, that hermetics have some connection to the bible. Here's a quote from an old book, to illustrate what I mean: Here, the author ties much of his alchemical knowledge to the bible, and attempts to back up his claims with quotes from the bible. Whether these quotes are really alchemical, as the author claims I don't know, but it's interesting to think about it.
  16. The Underworld

    Since you mention Odin, I've heard of a certain group that call themselves the "Odin's Brotherhood". They apparently do not worship Odin or any of these deities, since they say that worshipping and kneeling is for weak slaves, but they percieve themselves as equals to these deities, and their place is sitting and feasting with them at Valhalla. Apparently they don't really meet-up and you cannot be manualy initiated by another member - initiation is supposed to be spontaneus and intense (much like shamanic initiations are said to be), the initiatee having to perform a certain ritual and live in the wild for some time. Afterwards he is a fullfledged member. They allegedly recognize each other by the fiercness in their eyes, and showing weakness is the greatest taboo - members of this group will even in the greatest crisis not ask or accept help and they'd rather steal than to do so. Not really related to the topic, just something I remembered reading about some time back.
  17. A sovereign God question

    If there is a God, what would be the point of him involving himself directly with human lives? It would take away all the meaning of living in my opinion.
  18. That is one hardcore nun, even if there was no real security.
  19. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    Oh, in that case you probably mean John Chang's master, Liao.
  20. It's always very interesting to see these tribes, which most people never even heard about. Especially in high quality photos like these. Very good post.
  21. The Tao that can be discussed is not the Eternal Tao... haha. But seriously, I think that visual representations of qi or any of the three bodies won't do much good. I think that rather than "seeing" these energies by visualization or visual representation, the point is to feel them. Also, trying to bring such things to visual representation would create certain difficulites, similar to trying to describe or portray a colour outside of the visible spectrum using computer gaphics.
  22. Anyone still talking about Dec 21st 2012?

    Seems like every year there is a new prophecy of the end. It's always "this culture said so, and they were highly advanced" or "this prophet said so, and he/she was never wrong before". Thankfully, none of them came true. 2012 was probably the biggest hype since 2000. I don't think any of these prophecies should be taken as real or undeniable though...
  23. Longchenpa on the Avatars of Vishnu

    I've read somewhere that Gautama Buddha is sometimes considered an avatar of Vishnu. However, as I perceive it, buddhism is more of working on yourself, instead of worshiping deities like in hinduism.
  24. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    Just asking, but from where did you draw that conclusion, just by reading his simple sentence?
  25. Reiki Tummo

    I'm not too sure about this tummo reiki. It seems to me that these days any phenomena or energy has a reiki attunement comming with it (e.g. kundalini reiki, tummo reiki,...). I think that if you're working with reiki, it's best to stick with the good ol' "original" reiki, as it was when first invented/discovered.