Captain Mar-Vell

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Posts posted by Captain Mar-Vell

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    A very great many thanks to Zhongyongdaoist for the above material. Plenty of stuff to keep me busy.


    Reading through some of your other material I was surprised to find that few know of Plato's mysticism. It's quite clear, I would have thought. And of course, Socrates and Pythagoras too. Did they get their knowledge from Egypt or India? Or Persia? I guess this kind of stuff was disseminated throughout the ancient world. I wonder where it originated?


    I seem to have had the experience which demonstrates the truth of the most ancient Pythagorean doctrine of transmigration of soul(s).


    I think I also encountered my "HGA," which entered into me.


    Its a very long story.



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    It sure feels like it at the time :). You feel 100% and completely connected with your HGA, the divine and all things in the universe. Also you feel this vast sense of freedom, as if you have released all things.


    Is there such things as being enlightened for a few hours? ;) I think enlightenment would be perhaps being in that state 24x7, if it is even akin to that. I haven't really read any books about what enlightenment is, so I have no idea. However, I can most definitely say that I am not enlightened, but that I have united with my HGA.


    Thank you very much for your insights. Could you describe at all the event you refer to as "uniting" with your HGA?


    As to the rest of the recent posts, I see I have some reading to do.


    I have had some experiences myself, that I am seeking to understand more fully.



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    Thank you very much Nungali for your contributions on this subject.


    I for one would appreciate any more on topic discussion.


    Someone mentioned above, forgive me if I mangle this idea, that the HGA could be seen as a personal "higher self" or "daemon," an "independent" entity or even some over soul or perhaps perfect future unified soul of humanity, ie "it is the same avatara that descends" etc.


    Perhaps it combines the nature of all three.


    I wonder if anyone has any comments to make regarding any possible connections between encountering the HGA and the moment of sudden "enlightenment" as described in so many traditions.



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    Marvellous work deci belle!


    You comin' in loud an' clear!


    Thank you for your time and effort in providing this material.


    "In In Action Art all Things done!"

    Said Satyr to Hyperion.

