Captain Mar-Vell

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Posts posted by Captain Mar-Vell

  1. ...

    In which case I promise to be on my best behaviour!


    Oh, and seriously, to all those lovely folk who enquired about me, I'm fine, for the most part.


  2. ...

    Some folks who stopped chatting in there might come back now...


    Don't be mean, you can go off a person you know.


    Besides, I bet barely a soul has been in the chat room since I left.


    But I'm feelin' kinda chatty again.


  3. ...

    Oh dear.


    More self incrimination.


    I shouldn't post this...


    But I have a lot of sympathy for nikolai's pov, which is perhaps more subtle than folk realise. Notions such as "collective or even cosmic (sub)consciousness", placebo/nocebo, "consensus reality," the primacy of mind over matter and so on, however unlikely they may seem, may have some substance. I have had insights concerning this that I really cannot put into words. It's difficult to conceive of such a thing on a universal level.




    Faith moves mountains. The mustard seed is planted.


    Now, cigarette packets carry powerful nocebo mantras, so some years ago, I decided to try a little self hypnosis. I carefully cut letters from spare packets and using cellotape and as much care and time as I could muster, I changed the messages whilst still making them look authentic. These boxes I would decant my cigarettes into and use all the time. I called them my box cantrips. Now my boxes carried nice, positive messages!


    eg "Smoking Skills", "Smoking seriously heals you and others" and so on.


    I'll edit this later. I don't want folk thinking I'm crazy. I know, I know, it's way too late for that.


    • Like 1

  4. ...

    The Kundalini actually heals the body and transforms it into a properly working organism.


    My own experience physically healed me and made me stronger.


    That ain't no delusion.


    Psychically and emotionally and intellectually very disorientating though.


    But anything that can be done on purpose can be done by accident.


    Yet maybe there are no accidents.


    Mostly these days I don't want to talk about it.


  5. ...

    T S Eliot's powers of prophecy are in poor repute.


    Otherwise he would have foreseen Lloyd Weber and "Cats," and never written the thing.


    Magnetic shift?


    Solar radiation?


    Background radiation?


    Sounds like a bumpy ride...


    • Like 2

  6. ...

    More seriously, here are some more that have occurred to me over the years;


    To be.


    To do.




    To serve others.


    To serve God.


    To serve Man ( ;)).


    To achieve self realisation.


    To have a good time, whilst harming none.


    To make it through 'till tomorrow morning.


    To Love.


    To procreate.


    To encourage the conscious Evolution of Mankind.


    And so on.


    I will say the last one rather chose me.


  7. ...

    Leave a rainbow body note, 'My name is Clyde, I've been doing x for y numbers of years with Rinpoche Z. So long suckers, I'm going rainbow.' It just seems polite, if its hard to do and you're not triggering it accidentally, you leave a note behind to honor your teacher and provide a pathway for your fellow hardcore practitioners. Heck, why not do it infront of others to inspire and perhaps allow them to replicate the feat easier.


    One day. You ain't ready yet, suckers!


    But isnt this rainbow body thing about dying?


    It's been said before, it seems a bit pointless, but I sense some confusion around this term "rainbow body."


    But I can think of more important things than leaving behind a peculiar corpse.


    • Like 1

  8. ...

    Jetsun wrote;


    So the more time you spend at the cliff edge the greater chance of being blown over the edge by grace, which is why up to a certain point efforts can be helpful but after that its up to God or will of the Tao.


    Perhaps Faith and Love can also help.


    Or maybe Faith in Love.


    The Power of Love.


    • Like 1

  9. ...

    Great post by 9th, thanks man! I want to hear your "Tathagata" theory...


    dustyb wrote:

    Yes to the bold, but I'm still not sure that, apart from a propensity for producing pretty things, Catholicism contains any real spiritual jewels.


    Thomas Aquinas?


    Yes, I was raised Catholic.
