Captain Mar-Vell

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Posts posted by Captain Mar-Vell

  1. ...


    Well some has to be held back but the basics shouldnt be held back.


    When a student is accepted he should be taught the herbs the lineage given an empowerment and taught about the history of the school or sect. Then taught the complete basics for what is needed to advance.


    For the opposite is a student who knows nothing of the sect the lineage the herbs or the basics needed to advance and the dishonor of the instructor is exposed....


    So many fall out to the way side and never make it....There are secrets in kung fu and kung fu sects.


    I was on the phone with my sifu today who was telling me about a kicking form for wing chun.


    And breathing while stretching and a stretching lineament.


    An a bunch of other stuff.


    If you change ship too many times you never make it to the good stuff.








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  2. ...

    God is all things.


    Therefore he/she/it is both/neither Personal and/nor Impersonal.


    I don't feel like me. and i know that's probably due to egoistic wants, but having that degree of emotional stability amongst other things is a recipe for cognitive dissonance within this american society.


    I cured my cognitive dissonance.


    I couldn't cure my wife's.


    I tried.


    No matter.


    Keep on keepin' on.


    Dat'z all.




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  3. ...


    If there is a thing you consider not yourself,
    It is obvious you do not see the empty kalpa.


    Deci is the only one I don't butt headz wid!


    Ha ha ha!


    Luv ya gUrl.








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  4. ...


    I maintain, I don't think secrecy is ever a good thing, unless it is to protect someone from harm.




    This is an initial stage of U-Turn.




    To repeat. Teachers are GREAT and important, but I don't think that secrecy is ever a good thing.




    I don't think monopoliez (except for the board game) or secrecy are ever a good thing.




    Ha ha ha!


    I will consider efforts such as these as being plagiariZm pure and simple.


    Great artists steal!


    X Act Lea.




    • Like 3

  5. ...

    It's truly ashame, how the term "Kundalini" is abused.. no one knows what it is anymore. All I see these days is "CHAKRA FREQUENCY HEALING THROUGH KUNDALINI", "BEST SEX WITH ACTIVATED KUNDALINI TANTRIK MAGICK HEALING", "EMOTIONAL BALANCE WITH KUNDALINI", "LOVE WITH KUNDALINI", all of these other bullshit.


    God delusional people everywhere..









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  6. ...

    Aiwass shocked ta find out der wuz gamblin' going on at the back of Rick's!


    You have to understand that retention is a controversial subject. Within Taoist classics there is a difference of opinion (see Yellow Emperor and plain woman text). So certainly you'd get people here who disagree.


    It doesn't help that you have people relating there own real world experience and coming up with different results too.


    Nothing wrong with some experimentation but don't obsess or think there is only one way.




    I waz SHOCKED AYE tellz yer!


    Butt I am sure we can agree to disagree.


    There is at least some agreement in dat.


    And I like agreement.


    I'm a joiner.


    Not a divider.






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  7. ...



    You do have to work with The RaelWORLD!


    But don't be mean to Deci.




    Even sudden mystic illumination is categorically cryptic, at best, in terms of something that could be even remotely distinguished as imagery.


    Coz she right.
















    Brevity be Soul of Wit.






    ps don't take the pith


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  8. ...

    Thank you very much for your contributions here, Satya.


    I can say they are quite helpful to me.


    You are doing the mentally ill and the entire mental health community, and indeed the UK nation, a service.


    I shall help as much as I am able.


    It seems, to me, that you are highly intelligent, and already have a thorough grounding in these matters.


    I wish you the very best of luck in your endeavours.




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  9. ...

    I never even heard of people aquiring magical powers from taoist practices before i came on here, i found taoism as an attractive vision of humanity and the world when i was in my teens and grew up in a catholic context that never ever suited me.

    Now, about fifteen years later, i claim no supernatural powers and however cool it would be, it sounds like a nuisance and a further complication of life. I do practice qigong and taiji and kung fu because its a fun way to know myself and invest in the future of my body and mind.

    I consider qi not a supernatural thing but rather a refined skill. Same with sensing it, improving it and using it in a more focused way. I always thought immortality and magic and such were metaphorical and allegorical in the texts, even humoristic at times, ways to describe something by not pointing at it directly.

    I have had some weird and epic visions and experiences during meditation and in the land between sleeping and waking, but a zen-man once andvised me to not listen more to the flashy stuff screaming once in a while than heeding to the grey everyday whispers, it kinda stuck


    That is close to my own experience.


    Although I do hav zum xperience ov siddhi's.




    My name iZ LEGION!




    ha ha ha!




    ps ride like the wind!


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