Captain Mar-Vell

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Posts posted by Captain Mar-Vell

  1. ...


    I too thought those black knight images quite arresting, if genuine.


    I don't know whether I should mention this.


    When I was small, I had a "dream" about being visited by silver figures like the solway firth spaceman.


    In my "dream" I grew afraid and shouted at them to leave.


    They did so.


    I don't often speak of that.


    on edit: I just noticed the real time chat function on this site. Nice.



  2. ...


    I don't even want to read about such awfulness.


    The real illuminates are humble men who live quietly and anonymously on little means, and little thought for self.


    Well, probably.


    For the most part.


    I still don't want to read about the awfulness.


    I'm celibate to varying degrees.


    Sorry. I didn't read the thread, only the title.


    Certainly it reminds one of other stories, doesn't it?


    It doesn't bear thinking about.


    I bet there are some genuine adepts out there on welfare benefits just trying to er be of benefit.


    Who live like poor lonely hermits still.


    Vestal virgins on the radio.


    Turning a whiter shade of pale.



  3. ...


    My fave on smooth radio at the moment.


    Elton John - Rocket Man.


    I like to sing that on karaoke, sometimes.


    But I might try Son of a Preacher Man next time.


    We could turn it up a little, do a little staff twirling to this one...




  4. ...








    Kinaesthesia is it? Something like it. I'll look it up later maybe.


    The above are strange phenomena.


    Some of them indicative of psychic ability, I believe.


    And the Language of the Birds.


    Tweet tweet.



    • Like 2

  5. ...


    Perhaps experiences such as yours taomeow, and I share similar if not identical experiences with words and word meanings, are connected with, is it called the alchemical language of the birds, or somesuch?


    Perhaps it is just a general ability to look at information in a creative way.



    • Like 2

  6. ...


    I'd love to found a school for creative writing or something. Wouldn't that be nice?


    I thought of a name.


    No, not that!


    Ha ha ha.


    What about Universal College of the Illuminating Eye?




    U C I E


    You see!



    • Like 1

  7. ...


    Oh wow.


    I'm not used to that sort of thing!


    Your words mean everything to me.


    Every Thing.


    First of all many apologies if I say odd things, I am a naturally gifted shaman and things happen. Don't hesitate to let me know if my contributions are not welcome.




    I've not met you face to face,
    I know not what you look like
    And yet, because our souls communicate
    In an intimate way
    I am proud to call you
    My brother and my Friend.

    Love, Manitou


    You do now, kiddo!


    What fun this all is!



    • Like 2

  8. ...


    Yeah thas right.


    Whilst incarcerated in a mental hospital with some memory confusion, my brother brought me a book in which the opening scene the protagonist finds himself in exactly the same situation, which he extricates himself from with a mix of charm, deceit, cunning, and violent action.


    I decided I would just do what the staff told me to.


    It's not like I'm crazy or anything.


    I have no doubt my brother was oblivious to the connection.


    I didn't want to flabber his gast too much by pointing it out.


    Nine Princes.

