Captain Mar-Vell

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Posts posted by Captain Mar-Vell

  1. ...


    Many years ago it occurred to me quite forcefully that if I were indeed to become "enlightened," I would no longer be able to operate in society in quite the same way. In other words, that it would isolate me from the common run of humanity.


    I didn't like this idea.


    It really made me quite ambivalent about the prospect.


    I think from that time forward any "spiritual practice" I undertook, I did so without thought of the results.


    I just did it.


    I don't know why.


    I often don't know why I do the things I do.


    Sometimes I reget it.


    I'm fucked too.


    Can you face your complete destruction?



    ps Concurrent with my "kundalini" arising, a blazing golden sphere appeared above my head. Probably God or something. Ha ha.


  2. ...

    I can see where the "all or nothing deal" comes from.


    Everytime I go to describe my "kundalini/awakening/enlightenment" experience, I think - where to begin? And I would have to begin at the beginning of everything.


    It felt like I had solved a puzzle.


    Or made a sacrifice (and thereby won an unexpected boon, but a sacrifice nonetheless).


    Or seen truth with clarity.


    My feeling is that the kundalini energy rose (and other unbelievable things happened) subsequent and in response to these meditative/contemplative events.


    After a burst of energy and the strangest experiences, I was bedridden for two or three days experiencing spasms, strange bodily stiffness and other things. I felt my body was changing rapidly.


    But since that first month or so, I have not had any debilitating or bothersome effects.


    Other than going crazy, of course.


    My take on that, is that it is all relative.


    I could say a lot more, of course.


    ps Hi to Kubba.


    • Like 1

  3. ...


    Those microbes rule everything, and have been the only real lifeform on this planet for billions of years. Human form is simply the most effecient vehicle they've developed to date to get them where they feel compelled to go. But they evolve and adapt and drop less efficient models over time, like little engineers in the auto industry, always finding ways of getting more performance out of the basic design.


    The video doesn't mention that every cell with a nucleus can store about 30Mb of data. Every cell. Thirty megabytes. Every living cell on this planet. It's one unbroken stream of information, and history. Everything that's ever happened on this planet is stored in there, organically. It's such an awesome realisation that I just don't have the vocabulary to describe it.




  4. ...


    Songtsan learning balance and composure?


    I guess it could happen...






    I won't dispute anything Maldor or other sceptics have to say about self selection and so on.


    But I used to get this a lot.


    One day the counter on my washer dryer read 111 (it only had 3 digits). It made me wonder, so I immediately turned around and of course the time on the kitchen clock read 11.11. I kinda liked that one.


    And my "event" happened on 11.11.11.


    I wish it hadn't, it's too strange.


    No, don't ask.



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  5. ...


    Hyperventilation and/or hypoventilation can be a problem.


    The respiratory system, and its various compensatory mechanisms, are extremely complex.


    I don't understand it at all, I am no medical expert.


    In extreme cases though, mini strokes or psychosis can result.


    Although we might of course quibble over exactly what a "mini stroke" or "psychosis" constitute.


    I had a kundalini awakening that was precipitated at least in part specifically to breath retention.


    It was a powerful experience that neither I, nor much moreso my family, were able to understand.


    And nor did the psychiatric community, for that matter.


    Anyway, that's quite enough of that.


    I'm trying to keep my mouth shut!



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  6. ...


    Not exactly different things, there is breathwork in qi gong as well as yoga and so on.


    Pranayama of one kind or another is common to spiritual/yogic practices.


    Just be careful.


    You don't have a wife, or dependents, do you?


    It might send you crazy if you overdo it.



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  7. ...

    No need for a special, secret and private room.


    What's the matter? Afraid you gonna miss out on something?


    Besides, sometimes I'd rather my words weren't recorded for posterity.


    And I might just like a chat, not a debate or some detailed discussion or analysis.


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