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Posts posted by lino

  1. The complete National Geographic documentary: Dragons of Wudang has finally been posted on youtube. They say the master shown at the start of part 2 is named Wang Li Ping. Is this the actual master depicted in Opening the Dragon gate?



    Depends on when the Documentary was filmed.


    According to the book, Sifu Wang Li Ping is right on the underside of 60 years old right now. I wouldn't rule out the lineage holder of the Six Major Dao having some training before he met the three wise men.

  2. My two cents? In a way I think women reach enlightenment through a process of endarkenment, sort of upside-down what men do. And I think for that a woman needs to be physically awakened, with a lot of sexual stimulation and high libido. I am sure this will be a very unpopular opinion on this board, but that's what I think might be true.


    I see, that explains the comments like "if you're riding my ass, you better be pulling my hair" on myspace.

  3. Since we are on the topic, I want to share this video:

    How does a PUA handles rejection:


    Don't miss it. I showed it to some of my collegues in the office and they laughed so much they needed to send it to all their friends.




    The real question is...was her mom good?




    It seems to be a good thing that such a serious discussion insued from this video- Or maybe it is out of place for such a simple 4 minutes of supposedly NON-serious video...


    but I am lost with the jargon of PUA etc -what the hell are those letters representing?

    Did anyone just watch the footage for a laugh... as suggested?


    It's something that you would be a high level master and full-fledged expert.

  4. I dunno


    I think that going without meat can be possible but only when a person is sufficiently healthy enough. Hell, I think that William Bodri should classify it as a stage in cultivation, since it requires that the body be able to produce a lot of things that normally it wouldn't do in a less than optimal condition.

  5. "Meat eating only began with ranching?" Tell it to the mammoth, hunted to extinction by our very own species. Perhaps prehistoric cavemen had their special mammoth ranches and herded mammoths there for the purpose. :D


    Not only have we hunted for as long as we've existed (I'm told "vegetarian" is the Native American for "bad hunter"), but if you study paleoanthropology (like I did), you might discover something interesting:

    man always went after the largest and fattest animal in his environment. On the North Pole, it will be whale and seal. On the plainlands, it will be buffalo (after the mammoth is gone). Only running out of luck with these will indigenous man eat "white meat!"


    ...eyes are bigger than the stomach :blink:

  6. 5-htp will fight against the fish oil effect. If you are female I recommend against daily consumption of hot pepper. Dr. Beverly Whipple has done research showing this can lead to desensitizing of the genitals, leading to a decrease in sexual pleasure.


    It doesn't matter how much fish oil you take. There are some really diluted lousy brands out there. What matters is how much EPA and DHA you take.


    Can't really drop the cayenne pepper. I think the stuff burned everything bad in almost every single artery and recovered me almost completely from the frostbite that I suffered to the feet almost 13 years ago.


    The 5-htp reduces libido but that is probably due to the boosting of the internal time clock and seasonal clock (pineal gland). I'll be glad to take a reduction in the libido if it means getting a fully functioning brain that can get closer to producing self-induced bliss.


    I'm not looking to trump nature, I'm seeking how to best take advantage in these times.

  7. Fish oil increases nitric oxide--in a healthy way.


    I already do take it once a day in a 3-4 gram amount. I'm going to start taking it every three to four hours while I'm awake along with 5-htp, cayenne pepper, and aloe vera (to reduce the irritation that cayenne pepper causes on the way out :ph34r: ) along with a lot of water and cardiovascular exercise. I did this before for almost two months, and I think that it might have opened the central channel considerably. From the experience, I saw what Bill Bodri wrote about when he paraphrased Confucius about the body feeling like "springtime" or ching-an.

  8. By N.O You are talking about nitric oxide? Also was the feeling more like someone was stepping on your throat or it felt like you had less room for air in your throat?


    Yes, nitric oxide.


    A lot, lot less room for air in the throat.

  9. So I got a copy of Witch's "Orgasmic Diet" available on amazon. It got some killer reviews and I appreciated her book tour here at taobums, so I decided to check it out.


    Haven't read it all yet, but I've enjoyed it. It's all about upping dopamine levels by increasing fish oil intake and dark chocolate, reducing caffeine and junk carbs and antidepressants.


    It contrasts with "Peace Between the Sheets" by Robinson which tries to lower dopamine and raise oxytocin the companionship neurotransmitter.


    Here's a quote from a woman who has tried the diet: "I was 48 when I started (now 50). I have always had a high libido and enjoyed sex. I only ever climaxed through clitoral stimulation and never during intercourse, but it never bothered me... over the previous couple of years though I discovered that I was gradually losing clitoral sensitivity. I believed it was related to perimenopause. After some time on the Orgasmic Diet, I began to regain a little clitoral sensitivity, the the more remarkable thing was that I started having vaginal/g-spot orgasms including ejaculatory and spontaneous ones. This was entirely new for me. I can tell in the morning if I forgot to take the fish oil the night before--I miss my usual morning libido surge!"


    I'm not a huge fan of the recommended Zone diet, and the book is geared for women, but I think the recommendations can be adapted for men. For instance, doing tailbone contractions instead of using a gyneflex, porn instead of chocolate, etc. :)


    Dark Chocolate is higher in antioxidants than blueberries.


    I've experimented with a collagen supplement called "aminosculpt" which is marketed for weightloss. I think that it is stronger and more effective than N.O., at the same time it doesn't congest my throat that NO causes me.

  10. Lama Tsering (Sifu Max Christensen)


    Sifu Philip Toledo, a student of the above mentioned <--- ordered a few of his DVDs and something noticeably wierd happened.


    Guru Santiago Dobles and Guru Tao Semko from <--- attended a weekend long 16 hour class with them, what they do is pretty subtle but you'll really notice the effects 4 hours into it. Kind of like very quietly slipping in a supercharger in a car.

  11. Keith, have you listened to Sifu Max's stories about his adventures and becoming a lama? I've got most of his tapes and they are well worth the money.

    While writing this post, I was looking for a link to his tapes but found he is well and alive and teaching. The last time I check he had a rainbow body experience for the 4th time and didn't come back.

    Here is his website...


    Thanks for mentioning him :)


    The "rising red phoenix" name is interesting. The name is interesting because I'm wondering if the secret Heavenly Pool of legend for selecting a Chinese Emperor is true.

  12. There is a theme here I have seen before.

    Does a "Master" deserve to charge what the market will bear to make a living?

    Should Robert Peng dress in sackcloth and charge by donation only?

    I think not.

    On the other hand, is Robert Peng the man who will finally answer all our questions about Chi , the universe and everything?

    I think not.



    He is accomplished by reputation. And seems to be able to deliver what he promises in the treatment room.


    Next question - Is he a good teacher? i.e. can he transmit what he knows?

    This is an entirely seperate question.

    My hard style MA teacher would often say, "just because you are a good fighter doesn't say at all whether you are or can be a good teacher." I think this applies equally well to this arena as well.


    Not all accomplished people are interested in teaching, or are necessarily good at it.




    For what he charges, it is still a very BIG bargain. Take my situation for instance. I was seeing red and green tinges all over everything <--- this is a sign of an impending heart attack. The bills that I would have run up for a heart attack would have been upwards of 50 times of that $200.

  13. In William Bodri's "How to meditate" ebook, he quotes Confucius as saying that "right knowing" is one of the outcomes of meditation.


    off topic:

    I receive e-mail from a neurofeedback yahoo group (braintrainer). I saw on there that slipping into theta is how the brain "defrags".

  14. What exactly is a cave lama?


    Leaning more towards practice rather than the "ornate" part. Sort of like a Forest Dwelling Taoist, an emergency room surgeon, or what I call a "field soldier" or "combat proven soldier".

    Sifu Max Christensen has the "cave lama" term on his redrisingphoenix page.

  15. What jumped out at me the most while reading through the Talmud of Jmmanuel were the spiritual aspects described and their relations to much of Eastern philosophy. After reading this post, I looked into how widely available this translation is. It seems that in just about every copy of the translation available, the main focus is on the extraterrestrial beings that are mentioned in the text. People care much more about that than the significance of this as the true, unabridged teachings of Jesus. I think the majority of people who may be interested in it would not necessarily be as inclined to read a book with a flying saucer on the cover that talks about the translator's relationship with aliens, as a more legitimate spiritual text. I believe people have focused on the wrong message here.

    As a stand-alone text with no misleading and interpretive introductions, the Talmud of Jmmanuel is brilliant. I have always been a tentative member of the Christian faith, but certain aspects of the Bible and the Church seem a bit off to me. If this is a legitimate document it would fill in those gaps for me, and probably for many people who feel the same way I do. Having a copy of Jesus' teachings that has been in no way tampered with by the Church or politicians throughout history, like the Bible has, would be amazing. It is that tampering and manipulating that has disillusioned so many people in the past, and this could undo that if people accepted it.


    Is there a translation on Amazon?


    Was there an description of an "air chariot" or the like?


    The beings that Zeev Kolman was kidnapped by had a humanoid resemblance with no hair, no nose, a big head, and a translucent body. I've seen a lot of little figurines of taoist immortals with big heads. The nasal cavity and hair is supposed to be left behind once attainment is high enough. The translucent body is supposed to be an attainment too.

  16. On the top 5 thread, Yoda mentioned that Jesus doesn't get much coverage here.


    I get put out off by so many institutionalised religious connotations surrounding Jesus, 'cause it's pretty apparent that the bible has been tampered with for centuries to serve the interests of the christian politicians


    The Talmud of Jmmanuel is purported to be an unaltered account of the man known as Jesus and is the basis from which the subsequent gospels were written.


    In terms of whether it was a first-hand account of Jesus' teachings or not is still being debated.


    When i read it, the power of the words hit my heart. That's the only authetication i need.


    This link


    has a full version in pdf with some background to it's discovery and a great peice at the end by John Grau. (which incidently reminded me of Yen Hui's post about the cat and the minds' power to create the universe)


    this link has a 6 chapters from the Talmud with a nice introductory chapter.


    Interestingly, the chapter titled 'creation' reminded me of LAO TZU, and the great taiji symbolising creation embodying yin-yang as a complimentary whole


    Quote from chapter 34:


    44. "Only human thinking can be incorrect, not the laws of Creation.


    45. "For this reason, it is said that everything emanates from a unity, and a duality seems apparent only because humans, in their limited thinking, cannot grasp the truth.


    46. "Since everything is a unity and everything emanates from it, no duality or trinity whatsoever can exist because it would violate the laws of Creation.


    47. "Therefore people should make the two or three into one and think and act according to the laws of Creation


    and, further ........


    57. "A unity always consists of two parts, which are one in themselves and are a duality only in appearance.


    58. "Since a person is a unity of two parts, the spirit is a unity of two parts, but both are one in themselves and one together.


    59. "The body cannot live without the spirit and conversely, because spirit and body are a unity despite their seeming duality.


    60. "The spirit, however, lives according to the same law, because in itself it also consists of two parts and is one in each part; thus it is one in itself.


    61. "The two parts of the spirit are wisdom and power.


    62. "Without wisdom of the spirit, its power cannot be utilized, nor can any wisdom emerge without spiritual power.


    63. "Hence, two things are always required that are one within themselves, so there is a oneness within the unity but not a duality.


    64. "Thus the law says that a human being is a unity in itself, which consists of two equal parts that form a unity, both within themselves and also together.


    Have you checked out ?


    It's cool to believe that superpowers are a must. I just asked why. Asking questions is a pretty good way to learn, and I believe your assertion that there is much to learn here. It's also cool if an answer is not provided.


    I understood it quite differently from other sources.


    Samadhi must be strengthened and the body must be transformed in order to attain a higher level. The abilities are supposed to facilitate gaining the merit involved for attaining the next level.