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Everything posted by lino

  1. I figured that every path that involves man-made equipment is installed inside the body is discredited. If you ever installed new equipment of any kind on a person and later remove it, you will see that the brand new finish from the equipment is gone. That indicated that while the equipment has been losing microscopic metal shavings into the body. The body becomes polluted.
  2. Jesus was not the son of Elohim. The greek word for "God" has roots in the greek word "teacher". Elohim was not a teacher;Elohim is a snake oil salesman. The face of Jesus is not like Elohim. Elohim created a lot of issues on this planet. Jesus was actually a person that went from the heavenly system surveillance office (lifetime memory device reading office) to the baby program. Every clone of Jesus usually holds 10th rank higher clergy rank after 140 years(140 good consecutive years on the evaluation). He doesn't get violations on his evaluation. Jesus was remotely killed by Julius Ceasar. The Ceasar operation that the Illusion office has on the server. Julius Ceasar killed Jesus so he could have a month named after himself. There were two months named after a person, July and August. The former Chancellor of North America from 700 million years ago was killed by Augustus Ceasar. The Chancellor was killed, not a clone. Did you verify with your clones or copies?
  3. Installing the dream state device on a person is illegal. A person usually gets a violation for installing it. After you die and go underground, throw the person in jail. Every path that involves dream state is a false path. Check with your clones. The dream state device hits the brain for 40% for it's performance. You have dream state installed if when you are awake, you see a black background. Dream state is not installed if you see veins in your eyelids when your eyes are closed.
  4. Dan tiens, chakras, dream state, and the like are equipment manufactured at a corporation underground. Black hoods don't use these items for their superpowers. Black hoods require 32 consecutive good years for entrance. Black hoods have to always maintain the 32 years. A person will lose their standing if they get a violation. Most of the people that I have seen that have chakras and dantiens don't look too healthy and are low on muscle mass. Dream state takes 40% away from the mental faculties. The black background that a person sees when they close their eyes is dream state. Dream state is a device that keeps half the brain asleep. A person without dream state sees the veins on their eyelids when they close their eyes. People who put the dream state device on another person get violations. Dream state is not a route to enlightenment or liberation. Clear light indicates a heart problem. On edit: the third eye is also garbage.
  5. God is garbage

    Getting 85 years of life is an issue.
  6. The origin of mankind

    The only difference in between you and angels is a school. This school was 2 weeks long. Most angels had to do an additional distance learning school of 5 or 9 weeks. The people who are in your house have had a 20 year classroom course in underground Greece. You need to have 1011 years without one 30% builtin body hit and without 10 other bad hits. These people that have a cloud body give bad hits. It can take anywhere from 39% of healing to 100%. The people on a cloud body are in every house. Does this clarify anything?
  7. The origin of mankind

    Angels are in a ghost body. There is no such thing as an angelic being.
  8. The origin of mankind

    Jupiter. People got here because lifetimes were millions of years when on Jupiter it was hundreds of thousands of years.
  9. The origin of mankind

    The "real body" may not be superior. It depends on a person's tastes. A person reaches the "real body" after death. Black Tara/Kali has a section of copies underground that stay in the yellow-eyed lands. Her copies prefer the visible body without all of the garbage, devices, and apparatuses getting put on the body. Go underground after death. The "baby program" could take you there. The "visible" shot triples bodyweight.
  10. The origin of mankind

    Everything has science behind it. People came off of another planet. I can't discount that another civilization is richer or is a lot more advanced. True history is trillions of years old. "Angelic beings" don't exist; they aren't different from anybody else. The ghost body is what I call the "real body".
  11. No-Thought-State / Two Questions

    People usually have more than 92% no thought. That is without even trying. Every single thing is a dead end. All of this trash leads to nothing. Spirituality is not how the world works.
  12. I do not like the use of words "salvation", "enlightenment", or "realization". "Salvation" is accomplished after death by getting to your local pick up and drop-off spot and leaving to go to an advantageous underground level that has a longer life expectancy.
  13. You cannot have a higher health state if you have "chakras". A "chakra" is a foreign object; so is a "dantien" and "third eye".
  14. The word "samadhi" is not accurate. It is not a "pleasant concentration". It is a higher health state. Visible people do not ever go through these states. Life expectancy has been 30 years for visible people for so many thousands of years. A recent global increase of 65 years was noted by the C.I.A. world book. There are 12 consciousness levels. If you have a two percent DNA hit for abusive actions;you will have a 35 percent hit on consciousness and a 2 percent hit on healing of the body and brain. What I mentioned before is a hit for a first time issue. I don't like what was mentioned. Romantizing it and not describing body confirmation signs is an issue. It is not productive to go into the higher health state after you make it to the highest level. It is only good to make a brief check to see if you are fully healthy.
  15. Demon Mara

    I realized that problems with schizophrenia are problems with Demon Mara. They are not as powerful as people might think. They use advanced invisible communication and three dimensional projectors for "illusions". I started vajra fisting them.
  16. I found out rebirth is manmade. you get hit by an injection, then you die and assume a body 6 to 8 inches tall and get thrown into the belly of a woman that has had an injection of something else. The Theravada path does not get people out of rebirth. Only taking careful measures keep people out of rebirth. Going into somebody else's house in the afterlife is very risky. If you have to go into somebody else's house in the afterlife, make sure that it is an older person's house. I plan to try to go underground to one of the tunnel realms in the afterlife. Black Tara has a realm underground and I plan to go there.
  17. I found out some things. I am truly 42 or 40 year old. 40 years according to memory devices programs that white haired angels have. 42 years old by the birth certificate. I have zero memory of Chicago and Puerto Rico. My birth certificate states Chicago. After death, I am going to Black Tara's lands underground. I figured out certain things. They might have an integration/reception program. I figured out that people take very advanced aircraft underground. I'm going to ask at the underground entrance where Black Tara's lands are. Dying is too expensive on what is bodyweight. I was told that I only have 24 percent of mass after dying. I had to get preparation with a heavy duty gym. It might take 15 years to work up to a rebirth body in the afterlife body. I want to stay out of rebirth. I figured out it was a dosage at a bodyweight. It is an injection. I figured out that I could reduced everything to one particular attack. I figured out it would be just the collagen reducing shot. I figured out what thin lips are. I lost almost all of the vertical ceases on my lips. Schizophrenia is a death ritual. People put invisible communications on the head and they talk to you. I figured out certain things. Having to move because these new angels are attacking people is an issue. Having to move very often on the surface of the planet is not something that I like. I figured out it can't hurt to explore underground. I figured out asking people underground if they take in new people won't hurt
  18. anything that you think might be helpful.
  19. The feet sweat to get rid of the garbage.
  20. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    This is false. These things are not magical. Rebirth as an animal only happens if you pissed off the wrong people. Since 5,000 years ago these resources for gene therapy of that kind have not been available. The incident with Moses stopped all of these issues.
  21. these are not descendants. These people are clones. The elimination of a melanin dumping device makes people browner skinned. Stuff like this is done regionally.
  22. Spotless Thread on the 3rd Eye?

    Stay away from the third eye is bad. Anything getting added on to the body is bad.
  23. Torn etheric double

    People in your house probably don't like getting foot traffic from strangers so it is wise for them to do a birth checklist for you. This should take care of the problem. You didn't end up on a database underground and that is part of the issue. I know of only two people that had protection. That is how rare getting protected is. The person was a clone from the Leda/White Tara line. She stripped the hair white to be identified as an Old Angel before the fourth grade. She wasn't under her usual reserved name which is Mary or Maria. The second person is an Angel and he was getting help from his clones. If things don't change then only two people that I know of are going to be long lived.