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Everything posted by lino


    Have you looked in "My Computer" to see if you have space for the netbook? online storage may take too long Press & hold F8 on boot up You should see a menu go to safe mode it may take a while to boot windows from there so be patient

    Do you have enough space on your netbook to fit what you are trying to save? If you do then you might want to ask around to see if you can borrow a hard drive enclosure from one of your friends. You can put the hard drive from the problem computer into an enclosure and attach it to your netbook. Save everything that you need. Then reinstall windows on the problem computer.
  3. BLADOW!!!

    Do you have an external enclosure (USB) lying around? Or your friends have one maybe? Have you tried spybot search & destroy? After you get what you need, it might be wise to blow away the old installation totally because: 1. it is going to take too many hours to repair 2. you don't know if the "old" virus installed something that is "new" or not covered under present virus definitions
  5. That is okay too. But try to help the person to get at the root of their karmic debts so that they can eventually get to having compassion for themselves. The desirable result is for them to go on to do something more productive...but please be patient with them. It took me 2 years of consciously looking for what I'm trying to decipher right now. It may have taken me 35 years (almost 36 years) of unconscious looking. On edit: Help people so that they can get to their "Aha!" moment and build up from that point.
  6. I agree with that. I can't really add anything to that. I'm still trying to decipher the fundamentals so that I can understand them thoroughly. Then I want to apply the fundamentals until I'm able to apply the whole process of the fundamentals in the flash of an instant without losing track of the whole ongoing process. On edit: Merry Christmas
  7. This is how I arrive to my truth. I'll give you an example. I got off the subway to get on a bus a week ago. A lady was asking people for money. Then I arrived to an unwholesome state. I gave her money anyway. My truth was that I thought that the lady may be giving me a fake story in order to get money. What I arrived at was cause and effect. She got to her position because of blind spots, neglect, installation of perceived limitations, and circumstances. I got to my unwholesome state because of blind spots, neglect, installation of perceived limitations, and circumstances. Understanding arose and compassion arose for myself and the lady. This will permit me to discard my prior unfruitful programming. I'm still trying to get all of the characteristics nailed down so I'm not going to get into what you are saying because I am still trying to investigate what you are trying to say. Thank you though.
  8. Maybe to you. I'm trying to establish myself in the truth of what is, not the fantasy of "what should be according to myself or somebody else". Creating the fantasy view of "what should be according to myself or somebody else" takes me away from finding the truth of what is. Read the Bible on forgiveness. When a teacher is trying to sell a practice, the practitioner has the choice of walking away with the loss of maybe a few seconds to here the selling spiel. When somebody is being stolen from, they have to make choices and choices that leads to losing a lot more than just a few seconds. If the practitioner loses time harping on complaining about it and complaining about it, then it is the practitioner's loss anyway. Now I'm starting to see the wisdom of somebody just saying "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Go sit on your zafu or do something productive!" I'll trust a teacher's wisdom over yours, even if I don't buy their practice. God will forgive if you steal anyway. I get the ideas from trying to look further into "what is" I am, that is why I am pointing things out to you. I AM ADMITTING THAT I SHOULD PRACTICE MORE. I am trying to establish in the truth of what is. Do you think that my uncultivated "view" matters much or your uncultivated "view"? No it doesn't
  9. You are a trip Ahem... quantifying starts A LOT SOONER than that. The first time that there is any level of frustration, there is quantifying involved. What a FUCKING trip You think God won't forgive a teacher for trying to put food on the table. I have blindspots and points that I neglect...AND I'LL ADMIT THAT READILY. From my observations, maybe you should apply insight training while you are not in meditation. You can find Insight Practices on Daniel Ingram's site, FOR FREE, so you don't have a leg to stand on. LATER
  10. BTW...the practices aren't "spiritual". All of the trial and error was already put out of the equation hundreds, if not, thousands of years ago. The practices are a valid and proven science due to results. Some people may not get results right away because they have to cleanse more. Do YOU pay for food to fill your stomach? Do YOU pay for an internet connection? Do YOU pay to watch TV?
  11. You do "against" with every single "view". Money and barter are necessary in order to just plain LIVE in society. Would you have to have taken a sort of "slaveship" hundreds of years ago and take years just to get one effective practice? Also, would you like to pay for something by discharging merit or by manifesting your own bad karma?
  12. And you PRESUME that you know what is up? Your word against the proven word of sages, saints, and cultivators? Don't kid yourself. You are not smarter than those from the past. There is hundreds of years worth of documentation that will tell you that you are smoking crack. You are running through the course of events that I ran through. I hope that fate is kinder to you. Maybe just have a little taste so that the veil is lifted then cease, which is still merciful.
  13. Okay You don't think it'll happen to you. I didn't think that it would happen to me either. Just check out all of the people in the forums at and check out the numbers on schizophrenics and their quality of life. BTW...some yogis DO QUANTIFY the amount of air exchanged.
  14. Try thinking of it as something being exchanged for something else. Things are being exchanged all the time. You exchange with the environment by breathing everyday. With all of the free teachings all over the internet, I don't know why you are complaining though. You are too similar to what I'm trying to change from, maybe cultivation is not for you. You may end up like me, where invisible entities are constantly talking to me in order to facilitate creating unwholesome states in my own "mind". Maybe it would be more beneficial to go to and follow some sort of workout. Just avoid the forums there.
  15. You aren't doing it right. You are supposed to call it "Economic Terrorism".
  16. If you take herbs, then rotate the herbs after a few weeks. It stops the body from getting accustomed. Take cayenne pepper, it'll burn through blockages. Make sure that you use aloe vera pills so that it won't give you a burning asshole and the runs. Taking the stuff helped me with recovering from a mild (didn't feel mild though) cold weather injury on the feet.
  17. KAP

    Observation that's off topic If that's a recent photo then you significantly aged backwards from a few years ago. Cultivation that paid off.
  18. KAP

    Siddhis and energies are NOT a distraction from the essence. Those siddhis and energies are given so that a person could give more to Earth, Human, and Heaven.
  19. Gurdjieff

    I'm not advanced and I'm still trudging through my own mud.
  20. KAP

    Has the person looked into the cause and effect of why? Have to feel compassion for all sides? Has the person seen the UK/US interference in the countries in the first place? Again, have to feel compassion for both sides. Is a rich person entitled to trespass on a poor person's property to take what little the poor person has? Again, have to feel compassion for both sides. A guy looks far enough into his own "stream" and he'll find out that at some point he was a murderer? I don't buy into this "terrorist" thing. Introduce enough of a lack of resources and you have people trying to compete for a vegetable or fruit. Susan, Please don't pay too much attention to the numbers. A lot of these "analysts" have bad habits of producing "fake numbers"...still gotta have compassion for them too since they are trying to produce fake filters to society.
  21. KAP

    Gimme me a while. I need to strip off the layers to get there. Thank you. Mandala out to you
  22. KAP

    If you look deeply into the 10 fetters and Five Elements Theory you find out that maybe there is no real distinction in between the body and mind. From the neck down, the body is one HUGE memory bank. As far as strongest physically energetic body, Shakyamuni was noted for a "golden hue". Good luck