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Everything posted by lino

  1. Okay Even if not enlightened, awakened, realized, or stream-winner A serious cultivator that is far enough done the line could probably read a 500-600 page book in 15-30 minutes and turn the pages in his or her visualizations afterwards. Also, think through detailed reasoning in maybe 1/10th the time or less than the average person.
  2. I wonder if criminals see that they are being used as "tools". Also, after they turn "bad", they are kept in that role by society.
  3. I see "gun laws" differently. People have the "rights" that they can "buy" in a court and the "rights" that their "friends" afford to them.
  4. They shouldn't. You said most people are stupid, I think otherwise. I'm starting to figure that I may "lose" money donating to a charity but it gives a lot, lot less to the govt in order to buy guns or just speed up the process to mount up the debt so people will realize further what is going on. Even if it doesn't produce anything, the problems are going to be further up front and more pronounced. A lot of people blame the baby boomers for what's going on. Thing is that it is not them.
  5. Doh! I knew about it before but I didn't really internalize it. They play both sides of the field. Forgot about Bloomberg...but they still have roughly similar behavior.
  6. Is there an objective world?

    That depends on what you call an "objective world". I prefer to call it experiencing existence by getting as close to "real time" as possible by concentrating, the three trainings, and using the three characteristics. Shakyamuni advocated "wholesome indifference" as an emotional state, which I think is stripping all negative emotions and the heavier positive emotions in order to not disturb concentration.
  7. You keep calling it "something-for-nothing" or corruption. I call it design. The govt was designed to be that way. The "standard method" that you describe has been implemented since "government" was created by man. Corporations were not meant to serve the public good in the first place. If it took a charter then the same rich had to pull strings and grease palms for it. Sorry but the USSR was "communist" in name only. It set up a lower class and an upper class. True capitalism at its truest nature is Social Darwinism. You take what little you gained in imaginary "rights" and give it away and what you get is a lot of employers firing people at the drop of a hat in order to hire a lower wage worker <--- that will get repeated for a few cycles until the worker is being paid next-to-nothing for 18-20 hours a day...or is going to get done during this recession/depression <--- notice that I'm not calling it a recession/depression cycle because the significant drop in quality of life for a huge chunk of Americans is permanent. The "middle class" is, at best, imaginary. Many people have already found that they were one medical catastrophe or one job loss (maybe both combined) away from being homeless...after the fact. The "middle class" isn't doing it right. The "middle class" isn't setting up "charities" and "foundations"...which I think might be worth investigation by some of the more prominent members at thetaobums since they serve the public good anyway.
  8. I am not arguing about a something-for-nothing mentality. And you DAMN WELL proved my point because you are calling the average "Joe Blow" an idiot. I am from what is considered a ghetto and the last thing I want to do is enter a court. Also, something for almost NOTHING is being gained by a moneyed class when it could put in appeal after appeal and set an undercover precedent. The next guy on the street will see it and may do nothing about it or just pick his spot and put a bullet in the offender. Would you like to be attritioned out of your imaginary "rights" simply because the other guy has more money than you? Sorry but your version of "history" doesn't hold up. An imaginary "middle class" didn't exist until FDR's time. Before that we have Company towns, Hoovervilles, children working in factories for 18-20 hours a day, Bonus Army, Gilded 20s, and nonwhites getting kicked down along with blacks getting lynched in order to steal a black's property. From my observations, your perfect world is one where the majority of people just struggle to work 18-20 hours a day to put scraps and crumblings of food on the table in a barely livable mud hut or cockroach-infested tenement while a tiny few enjoy extreme excess. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Add in when a student runs into trouble, really needs a lot of help, and it takes a lot of the teacher's time. The teacher should be well compensated.
  10. I'm sorry but I don't feel that you are being observant enough. At first, the constitution was supposed to protect white land owners. Then nonwhites and non-landowners were supposedly given "equal protection". The guy that runs the other guy out of money by putting in appeal after appeal wins...PERIOD. People that don't have the huge amount of money in order to support themselves in a courtroom HAVE NO RIGHTS. THIS IS HOW GOVERNMENT IS DESIGNED. I'm not arguing whether teachers should be compensated because I think that they should be well compensated simply for the fact that it could be the difference in between heaven and hell. I call it like I see'em. You want to buy into the brainwashing that school gave you then that is your problem. Good Luck to you
  11. retention makes you gay

    Also Try this to see if that "fantasy" may be yours. When you see the scene, if you are in the first person, fix your concentration on an might help you either go lucid or take you into another dream.
  12. Corruption? Nope That is the way this government was designed to be. And you think that in capitalism it would be any different? The person that has the most money wins in capitalism simply because the other guy is going to run out of money. BTW...I have to change what I said before. This system is a mutant strain of DEBTISM and undercover FEUDALISM.
  13. I truly doubt that he is getting negative energy. If a person is closed off then there is really nothing that will nourish them. Even with free powerful teachings, a person may pay a lot more than they can afford. Dr.Ingram has expressed before that his state is very unstable. I doubt that anybody would want that in their life. Also, I'm the kind of person that draws the line. ZERO bleedthrough from the zafu, walking, or any kind of practice into my meat life.
  14. "Socialist and fascist"? If there was TRUE capitalism, everybody would starve, including today's neo-barons and neo-"noble"-men. Even with what we have now, I'm going to label as "unsatisfactoriness" and I sure hope that it is "IMPERMANENT". What we got is a mutant strain of feudalism. If you don't have money, you don't have rights. Look in Brooklyn, a developer was able to kick out a whole community for private purposes and he had the Govt do it with "Imminent Domain". Sometimes I wonder if it is any good to own anything. For the sake of everybody, I hope things get better but I'm definitely not counting on it. What you call "True Capitalism" was actually a racist caste.
  15. If you go through some literature you will find that Satan or "Shaitan" means "adversary". Some new "adversary" had been created for every age to keep people in fear and in distraction ...the "Emmanuel Goldstein tactic" in the book "1984".
  16. Also, he is attacking his own "Heaven" by hating "Heaven". He is closing it off. If he is attacking Earth, Human, and Heaven... what energy source does he have? If all of them are closed, then what does he have to exchange energy with? What does he have to cleanse him? Through all of his hate, even his body has to defend itself against him. This is how there is further division in his being. The "Establishment" (have compassion for them too) survives and thrives off of fear, hate, and distraction from the truth. Worst yet, he wants to mimic the worst parts of the "Establishment". The fact of the matter is that a Truthseeker will pay any price to get at the heart of the Truth to include life and lifetime after lifetime...but doesn't have to because through reasoning, feel, and heart he or she will find the truth with what is freely available. I found that "ugliness" isn't supposed to be cut out, removed, or moved away from. It is transmuted or the seeds are planted in order for the transmutation to occur. On edit: The better part of his spirit is going to win, even if it takes lifetimes, it is inevitable.
  17. retention makes you gay

    Yo The less you have a reaction to what you are experiencing, the better. The more you run away from it, the more it haunts you and you don't end up finding the real truth that probably has nothing to do with it. Aversion and fear is part of what keeps us here. What makes us sad and powerless. The Buddha became the Buddha by UNLEARNING every single thing that he learned BOTH SO-CALLED GOOD AND BAD so that he could get to the truth. Gay or not, either way, have compassion for yourself. If you have compassion for yourself, you'll start having compassion for others.
  18. It goes even further because I've traveled that road. It closes the heart center. The heart center is connected to the palm hearts and the bubbling springs points on the feet. I'm wondering if the heart center, with all of it's contractions, directs the constant exchange of energy with the environment. If it is, no amount of "rooting" or "grounding" is going to happen if the heart isn't open. If you hate your environment then you are going to hate exchanging energy with it and everything closes down. Everything is an exchange, even if it is just an exchange for a smile. Have compassion for your environment, even if it is hostile. If you don't then emotion is a double edged sword.
  19. Rebuke: Pali Canons and Mahayana literature Dr.Morris and Itzhak Bentov already confirmed that some of the phenomena is the same across all traditions.
  20. Promoted

    Thru the strength of my insights... I have promoted myself from "Maha Butthead" to "Super Maha Butthead". To all, Thank you for helping me
  21. Promoted

    Thank you _/\_
  22. At this point, only you can help yourself. I wish you the best of luck.
  23. Promoted

    Thank you _/\_

    Might want to find an USB external enclosure so that you could put the hard drive of the problem computer INTO the USB external enclosure. Attach the external enclosure to your netbook and see if you can use scandisk on it. Could you look deeper into what you are saying or assuming?