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Everything posted by lino

  1. How about blocking out somebody else's thoughts? I'd like to know that one.
  2. KAP

    Thanks. Did you turn Bingham/Robert towards the Koran and Sufi teachings?
  3. KAP

    Thanks brother. I need all the prayers I can get.
  4. retention contest

    As far as retention goes, if not the "transmuting myth"...which is true to a point (but not quite the way people expect). Having stagnation in the sexual organs is not good either. Putting a temporary stop on sexual stuff can be used for redirecting energies to restore the rest of the body.
  5. KAP

    I consider you and Santi to be masters so we have to. Exoteric plus esoteric like Dr.Morris said.
  6. I got a cheat code to the 10 fetters of Buddhism and breaking the cycle. Santi, some HuJinn (new and old) and some very nice people helped me with the new body thing.
  7. Today I tried to live simply and frugally

    The chemicals in diet soda attack the thymus gland. From my assumptions, the thymus gland is controlled by the throat chakra, which is the chakra of purification.
  8. Ping Smile

    Can you open up PMs?
  9. breaking out of anonymity

    the humble immortal guy definitely has nothing on you. Are you sure you are 49?
  10. Coming out of a one-parent home where there were some bad times with "means" in general, along with joining the military and seeing couple STAY together because they HAVE TO because of economic necessity. In one instance, the husband out of one of the military couples was rumored to have cheated on his wife (with somebody that was a CLEAR AND SIGNIFICANT downgrade from his wife). I thought that the wife could have clearly found someone better, even if she put her hands over her eyes, put a hand with a finger pointing, and spinned around and stopped. Thing is that on the surface, the husband didn't appear to be a bad guy.
  11. "there is such a self"

    No they are not. There are four meditation postures: sitting standing walking lying down
  12. The Error of the Buddha

    If it was based on denial of the World, it would be a completely monastic "religion". When are Compassion and Loving-kindness not Feminine Principles? It is based on the stripping of the 10 fetters from the Human Soul.
  13. D00D Stop bothering Mr.Chang and his school. They don't want anything to do with the rest of the world.
  14. KAP

    Ain't nothing wrong with Santi telling it like it is and then wishing somebody well. Also, maybe the typos indicate that it isn't a "canned" response.
  15. KAP

    Hey man A human's true origins are so unbelievable and extraordinary that the "Establishment" gave us stuff like "Creationism" and "Evolution" in order to put self-perceived limitations on people.
  16. Kunlun and Demons

    Those "reptiles" may, in fact, not be "reptiles"...may just be an appearance a ghost manufactures out of somebody's fears. On the universal scale, even a weak human could be powerful. It may be possible that a lot of the astral wildlife are out to knock humans down a notch, simply because humans attain in a very short time, whether 15, 30, or 100 years. Even 100 years is a short time on the universal scale.
  17. Okay If he does have so-called "drama" maybe it is so that people will ratchet up their concentration and learn something good.
  18. I lost a link yesterday to a site that featured what points are supposed to be pressed in order to clear or get over unwholesome emotions by activating organs, conception vessel, and governing vessel. The pressure points were all over the outside the eyes, bridge of nose, over the top lip, under the bottom lip, all over the underside of the collar bone, and somewhere under the arms. It maybe as simple as washing the face, exercise, and meditation.
  19. Serious question

    I'm asking Santi, Mr.Lomax, 5elementtao or anybody that would know. About accessing "real time", what I get is an object reflecting "light" into the eyes so we never really access "real time" because of the lag for light to travel. Is there anything besides this "light" where "real time" is accessed?
  20. Meditation driving me nuts

    Drew, Could you meditate without using the lotus just ONE TIME. Even if it is just walking across the street. Please?
  21. Pain around Rib cage/Liver

    GOOD SIGN Anger (and related emotions) is getting pushed out of the liver. If your family disturbs you during meditation, just use mindfulness and don't get angry or frustrated. It'll get you into training mode faster.