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Posts posted by thamosh

  1. Awesome story.


    Thx man.


    I posted this for this reason.


    That all one needs is authentic practice and dedication.


    An that some sects have amazing power but all they will ever talk about is realization health awakening and bliss. They do this to keep the power hungry away. But if you have a wise eye and a little tact you may be able to see past this and see the power in this sects.


    So let me put this out there with enlightenment and realization there comes spiritual power as well they go hand in hand.


    So dont get fooled by this.


    Just be an honest seeker :) looking for spiritual realization.

    • Like 2

  2. Check it


    Quoted from here



    "Mozhi Rinpoche had a contest of realization power in tummo concentration with all my fellow brothers who practice tummo concentration. With the exceptions of Kaichu Rinpoche and a rinpoche from the Office of H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who has the realization of vajra power at the level of causing great movement of a vajra pill in public, the rest of us, including dharna kings and venerable ones, were no match for him. So, in the end, it was decided to let him be the chief master to produce the heat of tummo. Other rinpoches would be his dharma-protecting assistants. He stated that the purpose of his coming here was not to compare his realization power with others and was not for making Kazhuo Ande pills. It was a coincidence that he met this cause. He regards it as his duty to do something for living beings. His wish was to use the rare merit from this practice to persuade H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to conduct an initiation on him for the dharma of Vajra Body Substitution Meditation.

    However, H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III told him, “I am not able to conduct initiation of state practice. I have illnesses all over my body. I don’t have good health. I would like to ask you to give me a treatment with the heat of tummo. I recommend you learn from the master of Kaichu Rinpoche, who is named King Rinpoche. Without using his belly, his fourth-step tummo power can use just one finger to get you burnt and leave a scar on you.”

    Thus, Mozhi Rinpoche respectively visited King Rinpoche and stated his request. Upon listening to what he said, King Rinpoche immediately prostrated toward the visage of H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and said, “Good heavens! My Buddha Master over-praised me. What kind of being am I? You, as a yogi, do not adhere to continuing your journey of searching for treasure in the vast ocean and now come to a lake to look for a pearl instead. Your boat is going the wrong way. Go quickly to beseech the Buddha! With the small ability you have, how can you contest with others? You should go quickly to repent yourself and beseech the dharma.”

    Mozhi Rinpoche said, “Isn’t the Buddha Master ill?”

    King Rinpoche laughed heartily and said, “The illness of Holy Venerable Vimalakirti was more serious! I will pray for your receiving the dharma of Vajra Body Substitution Meditation early.”

    Mozhi Rinpoche regrettably mentioned that the Buddha Master did not teach him the dharma of Vajra Body Substitution Meditation and he did not know what to do. However, he said, “I have made my iron-clad determination, just like having swallowed a sliding weight of a steelyard. I will not leave until I learn the dharma Vajra Body Substitution Meditation. I will just stay here shamelessly until I learn the dharma. I came here to learn the dharma for the benefit of living beings.”

    At the dharma assembly, Mozhi Rinpoche lay on the dharma board and had his head covered up so people would not know who was practicing tummo concentration. This great holy virtuous one with true realization of power and abilities never wanted to boast or praise himself. Everyone attending the dharma assembly was greatly moved and felt ashamed by such holy and pure style of humble self-cultivation.

    When the great holy virtuous one was conducting the dharma, a porcelain pot for frying the medicine was laid on his belly. The high-temperature heat of tummo was strong and vicious and directly penetrated the thick porcelain pot. Rinpoches who used a finger to test the temperature were all scalded badly. They had to throw the medicine powder into the pot and get away quickly to protect their fingers from getting injured."


    More to come.........

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  3. Another thing is one one have the choice to exercise many things.

    If one has a plate of foods one has the choice to take what one wants.

    If there is no choice one takes what one can gets


    In old times the teachings are guarded and so one get only to know as

    much as the teacher wants and one keep the knowledge guarded against other schools.

    Using and exercising teachings of others "can" be used to expell a student when the teacher

    is strict in thise manner also this counts if one learns from the older students which both get

    punished... except one learns it correctly and it increase the growth and the student is else

    is faring well with.


    Else if one is rich one can afford to learn from many teachers but well traveling was more expensive

    and troublesome and timeconsuming.

    And so some let people just stand Horsestance, Santi, sit there still for some hours and naturally filter out the students

    for the art and hitting while shouting "You need stronger foundation! If your are bored - leave"

    Actually the teachers at times go around for scouting and one can expect when they choose they want see growth and invest

    time to observe the growth.



    Yes I understand this.


    When I first asked my teacher about learning his neidan he said no infact he said no to me twice. Then he said yes and then after that changed his mind and tried to offer me some other training he had.


    Then one day out of the blue he said yes.


    When I first came across my teacher after speaking with him I kept seeing his face in my head like he was checking me out.


    For that whole first year anything sifu needed I did any extra cash I had went to sifu I lived like a bum no hair cuts and all of that stuff.


    Sometimes its worth the sacrifice.


    I still have my hat from when I lived liked that.


    Finding alchemy that is worth giving everything for is something special.


    When I started what I knew to be real authentic alchemy I just wanted to leave everything behind I could careless about the outer world.


    When I was in my training at that time I learned to sit and listen and learned things about the people around me that i didnt want to know. Which just pushed me further into my seclusive mode.


    With the right practice and hard work results came.


    I remember I was at walmart waiting for a friend at the register. I focused my mind to see if I could sense and see the people in the store from with in my mind. The slowly I started to see the people from all over the store in electronics furniture and aisles and departments from all over the store.


    So there was cool stuff like that and other things.

    • Like 1

  4. Most traditional taoist training always included exposure to other systems. Taoism is not to be confused with modalities we are more closely familiar with, ones that discourage contact with slightly, let alone massively, different modalities, seeing them as competition at best, as inferior or "wrong" obligatorily, and as the enemy often enough. A Protestant priest may be frowned upon by his congregation (at the very least) if he routinely goes to Catholic confession, and you can't even enter a mosque if you are not Muslim, so some Westerners extend this habitual state of their spiritual affairs to taoism. A Western scientist will be disqualified if he engages in alchemy (although Isaac Newton's example should have taught them that this can be quite scientifically fruitful), but a taoist alchemist is not precluded from studying Western science. As Dawei mentioned quoting the great Sima Qian, taoists "exemplify the best of every school by assimilating any teaching."


    My own teachers had several teachers of their own, are spectacularly well-educated and skillful in many endeavors, and do not object to explorations. To do otherwise is only justified when the goal is to recruit to a cult and have the followers adhere to the ironclad party line or else be accused of thought-crime and disowned or punished. Our religious institutions and our scientific ones alike (the latter having been modeled on the former) may be such cults, but taoism is not.


    Well id say yes that taoists are inclusive when it comes to exploring and researching the phenomenon of the natural law and forces.




    Taoists can be exclusive with learning or teaching alchemic practices that come from outside their sect.


    Part of the exclusivity could be due to politics.


    Not to get side tracked but im talking about acheiving a high spiritual attainment in ones own alchemic training.

    • Like 1

  5. Mixing systems seems to have more of the spirit of cleverness than the spirit of true wisdom.


    Your heart is the heart of your body.


    Sometimes being clever isnt honest and sometimes being honest isnt clever.


    Being sincere is what matters. Sincerity of the heart shields and redeems you.




    Avoid cleverness......for it is the opposite of truth for it is deception masked by self righteousness.

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  6. My point is how can you mix to different types of alchemy practice at the same time?


    And if your current alchemy is deep authentic valid and leads to high attainment why would you waste your time with another system


    Yes there is bruce and famous alchemists in the past who have mixed stuff to create something new.


    But let me offer these points.


    Everyone is not bruce lee he was a rare talent. To bank on you or others doing the same isnt to secure...everyone isnt a genius in thier field....


    Secondly bruce and the others studied one system for years.


    Finally alchemy isnt the same as martial arts some energies and some types of alchemy are not compatible.


    To mix systems just because you think your system is lacking is just ignorant. Not every system develops things at the same time.


    The spiritual attainment in your school or sect could be very powerful more powerful than what you ever thought possible. Some things are reserved for the indoor the most sincere hard working students.


    And masters do put them thru various tests.


    Ive had friends give up on authentic alchemy just to go back to being a seeker and still to this day attained nothing......


    It happens.

    • Like 4

  7. Well ill tell you more about my exp and then maybe you will see where im coming from.


    I head sifu talk about the Jinshen(golden spirit) and buddha belly(internal power generated at the ldt.(sifu always uses terms that others dont)


    Anywho I got an empowerment from sifu. Sifu told me to get up at 6am to do a particular med. So i got up at 6am did the med and went back to bed. During my sleep I had a dream that i was in my apt and sifu was there. He touched my forehead and all of a sudden a felt this electric energy going thru building and somehow it felt a little golden(best way i can describe it). Then suddenly everything went black and I saw the indigo glow of my third eye and threw the indigo glow I say i grassy field and then I was standing in that field. I heard the masters voice and he said "this the empowerment they would give to the monks at shaolin" and I looked behind me and I seen the shaolin temple. Then I was back in my apt sifu told me i should dress and eat better and then I woke up. I immediately called sifu told him about what happened and all he said was "How did you like it?"


    My jaw hit the floor.


    That was one exp.


    One time i was on the phone talking to someone and i said some good things about sifu and then he beeped in on the other line and said "I like what you just said about me."


    Another time I was talking to someone on the phone who belonged to another sect and during the phone at sporadic momments i kept seeing sifu's face in my head. Then I just told the person i was talking to that whatever they were doing just to stop. I told them about seeing my masters face in my head. At one point during the convo he saw it too. Later he contacted me again thanking me for warning him because the sect he was part of turned to be not such a good sect and ill leave it at that.


    Another exp I had happened when I was walking as I like to do. An I passed a church and when I did my shen activated. I contacted sifu who told me that anything with spiritual power will activate my shen. An that you could actually tell how developed someones spiritual power was just by saying their name. Also that there are such objects in this world that hold spiritual that will only activate around someone who's shen power is developed.


    So when the sun thing happened and sifu explained it and I thought back to the empowerment and what he said about the jinshen it made perfect sense to me.


    Now to say that I am so great that i can mix 2 powerful systems of cultivation correctly and with success seems a bit incorrect..

    • Like 2

  8. Why not go to the source of all the fragmented "sunlight" practitices? The one true source of sunlight: The sun itself. Is there a greater, a purer practice? No text source to decode. No humans by which to pass through. Just the pure qi of the sun itself.




    Im not a sun practitioner.


    Let me explain.


    I was at work and the sun was setting the sunlight can thru the blinds and when the light hit me my shen activated and I started to buzz. Not knowing what to think of this I just let it go. Till it happened again but this time I went outside to experience it directly.


    I felt centered grounded and was charging at the same time.


    At this point i decided to call my teacher.


    Who told me that it was a speical type of sunlight that only happens once a day.


    Of course i tried to test this by getting up and watching the sunrise.... nothing then I tried it again at a different time of the day and nothing still. It was and is during that specific that sifu said.


    So this is something I wasnt expecting but either was healing words with proper shen development.

  9. One of the best pieces of advice from my teacher was to start a daily journal and log anything noteworthy after practice.

    It's become part of my practice and has been invaluable being able to go back and have a clear record of things that have transpired years and months ago.


    Its something that documents the path within that system and its a good thing for a master to pass on his training journal to his student.

  10. I agree completely.


    This temptation is something I fight myself.


    I recently spoke to my teacher about something I was going thru who told me that our training kind of makes us like solar cells ready to be charged by a certain type of sunlight.




    So this is something new to me and just acts as a reminder that it takes a bunch of time and hard work to fully understand the system that your training in.

    • Like 4

  11. Well, I don't like to repeat myself, but like i said earlier. I saw what John can do, and I've seen and felt what my teacher can do (including telpathic communication with me both before and after he died) that it's just a whole nuther level of advancement. Of course, real masters only show you like 1% of what they can do, so either one could have been sandbagging more than the other (I assume John is also a real master ... but maybe he's just an adept?)


    Well thats interesting my sifu can do amazing things as well.




    I cant speak about the head master of another system that I never trained in like an expert.


    I find it better just to respect these masters for who and what they are instead of trying to compare.


    During my first year of training I lived almost like a begger I went with out hair cuts and so on. Plus I trained for hours a day everyday.


    I trained hard and learned a lot.


    I learned that I am nothing and that life moves on no matter what.


    And that we are all the sons and daughters of mankind. Everything we have from our shoes, food, homes, roads and so on came from the invention of some man or woman who sacrificed their time to build and innovate for the better of all mankind and generations to come.


    The truth is that you or I cant bow deep enough to say thanks or repay what we inherited.


    With proper authentic alchemy you learn that truth about everything in time. ;)


    The main thing is just to listen and observe. The master always listens first.


    oh btw check this out. To keep in line with the thread title.




    MAGIC Thunderbolt is a thunderbolt associations of various knowledge learned from the universities and the paranormal in Java, especially around the area of Waterford (Weleri, Magelang, Wonosobo, salatiga.semarang, Jogjakarta, etc.) are all combined into one and forming a compound / new colleges named "University of thunder MAGIC Power Within". Though the college is still very young, but hopefully it is useful for the community around particular areas Kranggan Waterford.


    Thunderbolt Way has 4 levels including

    1. Level I called Banyu / identified with blue armbands

    2. Level II is called Weak / identified with red armbands

    3. Level III called Bayu (Coach) / at identical with orange armbands

    4. Level IV is called Heaven (Master) / synonymous with black armbands

    Each level will have a practice and strength / power are different, the distance is determined by the teacher tingkatpun rise by considering the seriousness of the berlatih.jadi not everyone can ride level with ease.


    In this case, the University has 8 sacred guidelines that must obey and be obeyed by citizens of member, namely

    1. Steer clear of activities that are prohibited by religion, especially drunk, gambling and adultery.
    2.Tidak be brave and not rebel against parents
    3. Observance of all regulations mainly run Pancasila.
    4. Not applicable to arbitrarily against people or oppress others.
    5. Running ethics and manners, especially during exercise.
    6. Defend themselves only when attacked / we should not be starting.
    7. Brave as true, because of fear.
    8. Not cocky and arrogant.

    When residents members who violate the sacred Guidelines btersebut the Master is entitled to sanction / or dismissal of members.


    Training personnel in diperguruan Lightning Way include respiratory training, training Immunity against sharp objects (digolok, stabbed, disilet / slashed, stabbed) and blunt objects (strangled and beaten). Outline of the exercises this power in harness energy in human beings by means of cultivate breath and put on a particular practice (appropriate levels). practice is to use the science of rights that do not conflict with religious shari'ah.

    • Like 4

  12. Unknown, or he was before he died. The best way for you to know of him, and the way most people who DO know about him think of him, was that he was Bruce Lee's primary kung fu teacher, guide, and mentor (NOT Ip Man, who was Bruce's high school teacher) What many fewer know is that he was one of the five most powerful chi kung masters from china.


    Ok why do you think he was more powerful than john?

  13. To me its about being honest with yourself and having authentic practice.


    I was at the work the other day. Going thru the latest email to hit engineering dept about another iphone problem that I had to look into solving. As i was working a beam of sun light shined thru a crack from the window blinds. When this ray hit me it activated my shen and It started to heal me and I was getting a charge from it. I looked out the window and realized the sun was setting. When I realized what was happening I went outside to bath and charge up in this light.


    This is something I noticed that only happens as the sun rises and sets and no other time of the day.


    This made me understand that there is something more to sunlight and that there is different types.


    This is something that i wasnt told about beforehand but it is something I learned thru true practice.


    Teaching is about mercy. The mercy the master has to accept the student and teach then the truth and the mercy that student will show when he passes that truth on.


    Note: (This happens everytime this type of sunlight hits me.)

    • Like 2

  14. Good point!



    Dan Tian is first a "place" then, when created, a field. Hence Dan Tian.

    I look at it as "place where energy storage and transmutation occurs".


    When a person does authentic neigong true seers see the dan tian getting denser and denser, brighter and brighter. The "denser" is the storage aspect. The "brighter" is the amplitude & frequency. As the person cultivates the energy "spills over" into the entire energy distribution system of the body, opening gates, channels, and then centers. The energy eventually rises up opening up all the centers of the body-energy body and connects us with source OR, in some systems, other specific vibratory planes; this depends on the quality of the energetic system. If it is more for martial art then it is going to be more dense. If it is for awareness it is going to be a higher frequency OR source. All this eventually raises the energy body vibration rate. The morals of a person does influence this vibration and, in many systems, if a person is not a "good and moral person" they cannot sustain the higher vibratory rates. In fact, these higher vibrations cannot be sustained unless 1) person practices daily 2) The person stays calm (inward calmness) 3) is a good and moral person where moral is defined more as the Taoist "virtue" concept but certainly does overlap with many religious "moral" definitions. This "moral" also is what is expressed as one's true nature when dancing in wu wei, and in some cases differs greatly from strictly religious "moral" definitions.


    Lower dan tian cultivation is crucial to assisting a straight forward natural progression in awareness without developing many of the pitfalls associated with starting somewhere else. The key is to get the field going to a point where it opens all the channels and gates and is of a particular vibratory nature. This helps one to deal with emotional aspects and other physical aspects BEFORE attempting things like heart centered (how can one be "heart centered if they don't deal with their own emotional aspects first?), seeing or "3rd eye" type phenomena (how can one truly "see" before they burn through their own filters? The "seeing" would be illusion.). Once this is done then the next energy center opens and then we deal with that particular aspect. To bypass this progression can certainly be done but we have seen many problems associated with this.


    IMO a person most definitely should start with LDT, create a field and go from there. The "transmission" many of you refer to can help a person create that field as well as give it a starting point in vibration that is of the particular vibration of the associated lineage, versus a person having to arrive at that point themselves. It is not a "short cut" as the person HAS to practice daily to maintain it, but it can save quite a bit of time in reaching a particular point of awareness IF a person practices. IME this appears to be 3 years versus 10-15 of cultivation of reaching the same point in awareness. If a person doesn't practice then all they are doing is speaking of a concept which they personally cannot understand as all this IS experiential and is totally meaningless without the practice.


    If i could like this post more than one time I would.....


    What I like about this post was the fact that he wasnt quoting a book or theory.


    What he says matches alot of my own personal experience.


    I recently tried to explain this to a friend of mine.



    if a person is not a "good and moral person" they cannot sustain the higher vibratory rates. In fact, these higher vibrations cannot be sustained unless 1) person practices daily 2) The person stays calm (inward calmness) 3) is a good and moral person where moral is defined more as the Taoist "virtue" concept but certainly does overlap with many religious "moral" definitions. This "moral" also is what is expressed as one's true nature when dancing in wu wei, and in some cases differs greatly from strictly religious "moral" definitions.


    So so so tru......


    When your training for ascension thru alchemy you have to leave the darker parts of your self behind in the past where they belong.


    I know when I was training to develop my dan and thus the tian I was puting in about 7hrs a day of practice.

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