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Posts posted by thamosh

  1. I bet that either one of us could use a paper to wave around right now, because this distrust is exactly what I mean.


    Meh......With real ability certification is not required.


    If you can manifest your power then you manifest your power......

  2. You have a horrible attitude. I disagree with almost everything you typed.


    First of all, you've fallen into a spiritual trap. It's easy to just say "Give up wanting. Give up typing. Don't post. Shut up." in every situation, because that means you don't have to think about problems, and can always provide a copy-paste solution, but in this case that means a will from *your* end for any would be future students of mine to suffer. By stopping me, you're not stopping ten other people. Your copy-paste solution doesn't apply here. It's not impossible for me to give up wanting to teach, but that's up to me.


    You say that it's impossible to enlighten someone, because you want me to give up. Still you admit that progress can be made if teacher and student is aligned. I want to align myself, and I want to use a material means to do so. Just thinking that everything is up to chance and fate, sounds very naïve to me. We can arrange the material world, to align material students into leaving the material world.


    Again and again I hear this cynical "You're only doing this to be praised, get rich, and get status.", as if everybody coming here is just faking a spiritual call. I'm not from India. My only status will probably just be "That weird hippie guy.".

  you have a horrible "holier than thou" cop-out, that you can get away with most of the time, but not right now.




    Please don't be hurt by my post. I mean the above in a firm but a most respectful manner.



    Wow that was a completely ignorant response.......And you want to teach people about enlightenment? :blink:


    You didnt even understand what I posted. You instead responded to what you think I said instead of what I was actually talking about....


    So yes get the piece of paper you are going to need it........ ;)

  3. Is wanting to be listened to not part of the tao?

    I thought that was part of most of tao.


    However, I doubt that I act in accordance with the tao. A tao master out looking to enlight people, doesn't act in accordance with the tao. He chooses his own direction and speed, and he's out to stop people. I doubt that such an act of tao terrorism, is a natural flow of the tao.


    The wanting is not tao at some point you have to let go and let tao.


    The truth is you cant enlighten someone. You can not control when someone awakens. You can only help do so when the spirit of the student is inline for this and the teacher's spirit is inline for this as well. The timing of this is out of your hands.


    Spiritual teaching should not come from motivations of pride or money or status but only when the spiritual call to teach should the teacher come forth.


    The tao is very real....its no just philosophy....


    When the time is right the tao will call you forth.

    • Like 1

  4. Wanting people to listen to you?


    Thats just wrong in general its not you that they are listening to its the truth that comes thru you that they will listen to.


    But enlightenment is paradoxial but the truth of it isnt.


    Meaning that if you did bump into someone and the tao spoke thru you to tell them something. That person would only remember part of what you said at that time which they felt was relevant to them at that time.


    Wise words dont always come from wise is the spirit of truth that is conveyed in the message.


    Whether its the sound of a bird gong or just someone saying hello to you that can light up your day or make you reflect on things.


    Its the tao reaching out to us.


    We only act in accordance with the spirit and energy of the tao.

  5. Ya know what I love it when people talk.


    Jim also said that being accepted as a student by john was the happiest momment in his life next to his kids being born.


    Jim from what I could tell was hurt.


    I didnt know Jim long we started talking about a year before his death.



    Jim and I would talk for hours he came across as an honest seeker.


    Man you guys just dont know ....I even tried to get Jim to practice flying phoenix chi kung and sent the link to the thread a few times. He simply refused to give mopai up.


    Jim died of kidney issues and cancer if he had practiced flying phoenix he might still be alive.


    Then I got the phone number of a thunder magic taoist priest of lunghushan and gave it to jim. Then this eventually lead to Dr Jerry Alan Johnson who was a friend of this priest and when Jim and JAJ spoke it wasnt a pleasent conversation........


    My only regret is that I didnt come across Jim sooner to change his heart on certain beliefs.


    Jim had his mindset on getting that book from john or yang. When he told me this I thought that this wont end good for him. So then and only then I decided to help him on his neikung search. An put in some serious work on searching for neikung like the mo pai.


    Now the week of jim's death I came across some important info. I called him and the number was disconnected. I emailed him and got no response. A few days later I read on here that Jim was dead....


    I now continue to look into mopai well because my friend is dead now. Jim to me was outside the regular chinese internal martial arts. I knew of things like masters giving people cancer and so on.......


    Basically if your going to insult a real master publiclly you better know some shit.....

    • Like 5

  6. Neikung is chikung with purpose.


    Martial, spiritual, or medical



    For neikung is the inner skill and manipulation of chi for these various purposes.



    Whether its alchemical martial or medical.



    You can not seperate an art and its meditations.



    Gong fu is a very deep science....


    Enlightenment thru martial art is a real thing.


    I remember onetime I was doing my taichi form. An all of a sudden I felt this big all open up above my crown chakra and I felt this spinning vortex around me and I felt this almost unlimited electrical energy building in me.


    When you learn gong fu you are learning the art and expression of the energies that the particular art works with meaning.


    So if the art works with particular light element then the movements of that gong fu art teaching you how to channel and express that element for healing and kung fu.


    In kung fu there is


    the shape

    the stances

    the ging

    the element

    the range

    the spirit


    This is just the basics...


    There is also


    Heaven man and earth


    The sun moon and stars

    Yin Yang

    and so on.


    In kung fu there is the power of life and death. Yin and Yang


    The meds and the kung fu are paired...... Can not be seperated.....


    Learn the art love the art and complete your self.

  7. Ive got good results from my training.


    Every time i focus on my hands they buzz and feel like they are surrounded by a ball of energy. My ldt feels like there is raw current there.


    But its nothing like my sifu who says his dantian vibrates like a cell phone on a wooden table. :)


    Plus some cool shen stuff.

    • Like 2

  8. It is the most common new-age misconception in the world that a "dense" energy has a low vibrational frequency!

    On the exact contrary, nothing could be farther from the truth:

    The higher the frequency, the "harder" the energy! B)


    No thats not correct ging is a slower freq than chi. Normal chi is too fast for the tissues bones and cells to be affected so all one feels is heat or warmth or a magnetic field.


    Ging on the other hand is a slower more dense freq. So it can be felt physically.

    • Like 1

  9. Battle of the egos!!!


    Ya know going thru stuff like can at times be difficult and lonely.


    I remember talking to sifu about my sunlight experiences. He told me to put my hands over my eyes and 3rd eye. An I did and the charging sensation i got from the sun stopped.


    Sifu told me that the sunlight enters thru the third eye to the pineal gland and stimulates and charges the endocrine system.


    later I was training and I decided to explore one of the moving meditations in the system. I noticed that it created a powerful energy field around the body.


    I told sifu about it.


    He said different moving meds do different things and to keep going ;)


    Now I can create that energy field upon thought.


    Going thru things like this just makes it hard to relate to others who dont exp the same.


    I can stand out side right before the sun sets and feel nothing and then all of a sudden when the sun starts to set everything in my head goes brrrm and my body starts to vibrate.


    Train attain and keep moving.


    This is spiritual progress. A lot of people forget that.

    • Like 3

  10. Wise? Whats wise?


    Those who are wise know to do good for goodness sake because you never know.....


    Power real power isnt the power of death its the power of life.


    For life is perfect for life is virtue and the continuing of the awakening and the development there of and thus enlightenment actualized.


    For what is immortality without life?


    What is power without love? It is self destruction expressed to others. The power became a coffin for the physical and spiritual death and killed your life awakening and enlightenment.


    and thus the virtue left you....


    Listen many many many talk but few actually understand.

    • Like 3

  11. Jenny Lamb and max both have spiritual power.


    Now there are 3 different types of ging


    1. physical

    2. energetic

    3. spiritual


    Physical ging would be the li.


    Energetic ging would be the electro vibration that circulates thru the body.


    Spiritual ging is shen power and is more likened to empty force, blessings, cursing, and so on.


    A good kung fu master has all 3.


    If the kung fu master has spiritual power you can sense or partially invoke it by just saying there name.


    So in kung fu matches there is usually an introduction between the 2 parties. Each one testing each other.


    So one can not just judge the enemy by vibration alone the enemies energetic power maybe rooted in the the spirit or the enemy may enter stillness before striking. An all one may sense from them is nothing but when the enemy strikes they have amazing internal power.


    A good kung fu master listens.....

  12. I looked a little more closely into this. An i noticed that even though is a great domain name it has an alexa ranking of 11 million and that it has no meta data or h1 tags.


    If this website was to get


    a meta tag

    a site map

    and some h1 tags


    Then this site will grow in google and thus the awareness of it will grow as well.


    If this is done right anytime someone would google kung fu panda the first thing they would see is ;)

    • Like 2

  13. Should make a thread called does anyone know what they are taking about.


    Now there are kung fu forms for the vibrating palm ike the chris matsuo's and there are forms for the burning palm like what we have seen garry hearfield demonstrated.


    Now there also kung fu forms that compress the chi into the ldt.


    So why woudnt there be a kung fu form that combines the vibrating palm the burning palm and compresses chi into the ldt. ;)


    Sometimes you have to ask yourself the hard questions and put 2 and 2 together so you know what to look for and what to ask your sifu about.


    Critical thinking I cant speak highly enough of it.

  14. the Red Eyebrows ;), the Yellow Turbans, the “Five Pecks of Rice,” the Red Turbans, the White Lotus, and the Eight Trigrams all caused immeasurable destruction and loss of life, but were still readily embraced by the common people.


    Now the yellow turban sect was found the Zhang family members Zhang Liang and Zhang Jue. Zhang Liang is the grandson of Zhang Daoling.


    Quoted from here

    Zhang Liang (died 184) was a Yellow Turban rebel leader during the late Han Dynasty period of Chinese history. He was a younger brother of Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao, the other two key leaders of the rebellion.


    Zhang Liang is the grandson of Zhang Daoling.


    Now Zhang Daoling is the founder of the Celestial Master sect.


    Quoted from here

    Zhang Ling (simplified Chinese: 张陵; traditional Chinese: 張陵; pinyin: Zhāng Líng; Wade–Giles: Chang Ling; 34–156), courtesy name Fuhan (simplified Chinese: 辅汉; traditional Chinese: 輔漢), was an Eastern Han Dynasty Taoist figure credited with founding the Way of the Celestial Masters sect of Taoism, which is also known as the Way of the Five Pecks of Rice.


    So this means that there is a direct connection between the yellow turbans and the tianshi sect.

    • Like 1

  15. Quoted from here


    the Red Eyebrows ;), the Yellow Turbans, the Five Pecks of Rice, the Red Turbans, the White Lotus, and the Eight Trigrams all caused immeasurable destruction and loss of life, but were still readily embraced by the common people.


    So breaking rocks with your hand iron shirt setting things on fire with your hand is just kung fu good kung fu but just kung fu.


    Authentic kung fu has been so broken up and put into other compartments. That just teaching the meds for kung fu is now considered advance super secret neikung just because it works when that wasnt always the case it just use to be the standard. A student with no ging no iron vest and didnt know how to express his ging wasnt much of a kung fu student at all.....Let alone a master.


    The gong fu masters of the old world were much more powerful than the ones out now.


    All kung fu from shaolin is powerful there is no such thing as weak shaolin kung fu.


    Spiritual enlightenment thru kung fu is a real thing.

  16. added this to my above post.


    Quoted from here

    • The Mohists, want justice in this life, not the next and thus are not opposed to violence as a last resort.Mozi had a well armed, highly trained army at his disposal. The army would only fight defensive battles on behalf of small kingdoms that were being attacked by larger kingdoms. Usually, the mere presence of his army was enough to prevent war. If attacked, their resistance was fanatical. Their view was that "if we are going to die anyway, we will take as many of them with us as possible."
    • Mozi developed many new types of armament and fortification. He was not just a philosopher but also a general, an engineer and an inventor among many other things.
    • According to Western scholars Mohism vanished without a trace in the 2nd century BC.
    • It is true the Qin emperor, who ended the warring states era by unifying China brutally suppressed the Mohists and burned their books.
    • However, they did not vanish, they merely went underground and became secret societies. After Mozi died his disciples split into three factions. Today, their spiritual descendants are known as the triads.
    • The triads are not the same a crime gangs. Most of their members are engaged in legitimate business. However, whenever they perceive that government has become evil and is excessively exploiting the common people, they make secret preparations for revolt. As the Chinese proverb has it: "all it takes is a single spark to start a prairie fire." Time and time again in the history of China they have started peasant revolts. Most recently we saw the Taiping rebellion of the 1800's and the Boxer rebellion of 1900. Their big success was in overthrowing the last Emperor in 1911 and installing Sun Yat Sen. They also threw the Soviets out of China in 1967 and freed China from the last vestiges of colonial domination.
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