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Posts posted by thamosh

  1. One does not give himself the title of guru or teacher unless it came from god the first awakened one.


    The teacher is suppose to be a representative of truth.


    Truth is that which connects you to the divine/god.


    So when a teacher comes to you he comes to you as the divine calling you back in accordance with heaven.


    That how its suppose to be.


    There is information in light this is why you can only see what you can understand or accept.


    If it blinds you then you werent ready for it.

    • Like 1

  2. Light all is light what bullshit.


    What is the nature of light its not what you think it that is just the reaction that the energy emitting has.


    Your not actually seeing the light for what it is....


    The actual nature of light is the ability to see.


    Being blind just mean you cant see..


    So when some guru says all is blinding light thats an oxymoron that just means you cant see whats actually there.


    Like starring at the sun its just to bright just because I see the light doesnt mean I actually see it for what it is or the energy its actually emitting. Nor why its there so how the f could one say there enlightened by seeing blinding light.


    Get it?


    There is a big difference between those who fake it and the real practitioners out there.


    God is the only one that is real.

    • Like 1

  3. that bit about africa is interesting.


    Well its been a personal interest to me.


    I figured that it was only natural that man flourished somewhere on earth that had the best. environment for man man to live and flourish.


    I used a method of taoist scrying to find the location. I did the method a few times and it kept taking me back to the same spot.


    When I looked into the location. It had the most spiritual power that ive ever seen.


    So it was interesting.....


    But what has me worried is even going to this place I might not have the rejuvening exp that id like to have.


    You see the earth is expanding.


    On the planet organism all living beings work to keep and add to the crust of the plant.


    Animals die and go back to the earth and part of the crust becomes part of the mantle which gets burned up by the core. Which feeds the magnetic field of the planet.


    And gravity keeps this going by the constant force in.


    The earth is a self maintaining organism.


    When the planet expands the magnetic field from the core of the planet has a less and a less affect on the mammals here.


    Which isnt good.


    Which also means that the life on this planet is limited.


    And the life of the planet might be limited by this.


    Then this might explain the rises, growth, and decline of life on the planet thru the years.


    To me it makes perfect sense for the planet to grow and increase in size all beings on the planet grow and die.


    The bigger question to me is can a planet live with no living beings actually feeding into it?

    • Like 1

  4. i can relate to the energy surge while reading spiritual texts, i don't think it was shen though :/ but during a time of intense cultivation last year my energy would go absolutely haywire whenever i tried reading through certain prayers/texts.


    The surge while reading spiritual or religious books can be due to 2 things it could be due to the spiritual power of the words themselves or by the spirits that follow one who reads that certain book.


    Ive seen and exp both.


    If you have spiritual power than the book can actually work as a charm warning you of a evil or negative presence on a spiritual nature.


    There are tales of muslims of buring pages of the koran and then eating the ashes there is some truth to this.


    Like writing, burning, and drinking the ashes of fu's in the taoist tradition.


    So let me say this having some books can be a blessing others not.


    The written word has power.

    • Like 1

  5. i believe you can/do reach a point on the spiritual path where the "I" is dissolved into the "All", there are many teachings/descriptions of the process available from an array of different paths/schools/religions.


    Well Ive never heard of any practitioner actually reaching this.


    As a practitioner you can have mommnets of great stillness and oneness.


    A practitioner can reach light body and so on or move on to another realm.


    But ive never heard of a practitioner disolving into nothingness with out going into some other realm or something to be honest i dont think its possible.


    Its like when Kosta tried to explain to john about wuchi and John said he, "never heard of it"


    I think that there is a lot of what people read and actually misunderstand....


    Look at Lama dore hes reached the golden dragon body which is a higher attainment than the rainbow body and he is still himself even if he would decided to leave this realm...I dont think you can actually literally and permanatly become the all.


    An yes I know the demo of wang li peng walking thru the door but he was before and after having tea with some one....


    As practitioners one has to be utterly honest with himself and ask yourself do I actually know someone that has literally attained nothingness to where they no longer exist or did they attain and are only able to hold on to it temporarily?


    There is a difference.....

    • Like 2

  6. I just listen to Max Christensen's radio interview posted in another thread and it made me think about a lot of things.


    It made me think about how many spiritual adepts do not share things with others on the path.


    And I thought about this and I didnt like how this thought tasted.


    So im going to start to open up more and share more.


    Ive still been having my exp with sunlight soaking it in and letting it charge me up. I figured naturally that i was storing this energy but really didnt know. So one day i decided to see if i could push this energy out and I felt this vibration and the sunlight energy I had absorbed started to come out.


    I called sifu.


    Who told me not to do that and to let it build.


    And Im like ok just another thing I have to keep to myself.


    So for the past year or so I cant read any spiritual or religous books that have spiritual power with feeling the spiritual energy from it and it making my shen go nuts.


    Cool thing is that some spiritual books actually make my aura puff up. An they react or activate your shen if you come across something that doesnt vibe with its spirit. Which can be a handy tool at times. ;)


    You learn a lot about people...


    I was just sitting at my desk at work a few weeks ago. An I decided to bring up my internal power. Which I havent nor thought about in months. I focused on my ldt and a very familar buzz and heat started to swell in my body. I thought this is cool and I should do this more often as I felt great.


    This reminds me of another point that when you reach a certain point in your training where you have to reach the point of where you were and then pass that to progress. So you train to progress not for leasuire.


    Meaning that I cant do one training session and just think its going to help my internal power. I have to meditate like a hermit to get to that point that took me a very long while to get to previously and pass it.


    But the reward is worth it.


    The wind there is something in the wind and how it blows that lets you know the condition of things or that can give you the answers to things. All of nature has a golden aura. (yes I know its weird)


    Im slowly becoming aware that a lot more happened in tibet than what I originally thought. An in my own personal pursuit I think that the garden of eden might have been in Ghana Africa as it is the most spiritually powerful place that ive seen.


    But thats stuff for another day. :blink:


    To be honest I took a break from training simply because I wanted to live life again.


    After my family's plea to get a haircut and "act like the rest of the world".


    One of the things I learned is that no matter how hard you meditate that you cant get rid of the "I"

    that even if you have some experience that makes you feel connected to all and over whelming bliss that it is still you experiencing it and no else is going to experience bliss or no mind from your perspective quite like you. That some things ordained by god can not be undone - you will always be you.


    Well im starting to ramble..brb

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  7. {Not posting as mod}

    Interesting that this appears on a thread that includes how teachers leave due to trolls. You've taken a post from SoG's PPF and rewritten the same argument you posted there. I think thats a little trolly. Maybe you've got a point and he should post a warning every now and then, but its his thread, his system, his thinking. If you don't agree with it. You can post a warning, then leave it alone and let him do his thing and you do yours.


    Personally I think SoG is a man with experience and some deep knowledge. I like his posts. Its interesting to learn about and try new techniques sometimes.



    I did he brought it up here.


    I was just replying to his response on here that referenced the discussion from the ppf.

    • Like 1

  8. Ok lets get this out and into the open.


    This a technique that you suggested.



    You will need:


    One Ink Marker


    One source of high pitch frequency such as the high note on a Harmonica, Hi-pitch whistle, etc



    If you are right handed, look at your left inside forearm:



    Draw a Circle in the middle of your left inside forearm with the ink marker-

    about the size of a half dollar.

    Google an Image of it if you don't know


    Look at the circle you just drew and become one with it-

    focus on your lower tan tien, while staring at it


    now slap it hard


    feel it sting


    inhale into your lower tan tien while absorbing that sting


    feel the sting fade as you exhale through that circle


    do that about 5 times



    Now stare at your circle, slap it- this time however, inhale while having the high pitched end of your harmonica to your pursed lips


    the inhale causes the reed to vibrate


    Feel that high note with the sting- while inhaling


    make it one


    The sting will start to resonate with the high pitch


    repeat that again 5 more times



    Now- Inhale and only recall to mind, the sting and high pitch resonating feeling from before, while staring at that circle


    Do this everyday AFTER your daily cultivation routine


    let us know what happened, results, etc


    Let us know what happens?


    Are you serious?!!


    Is this a valid technique or did you make it up?


    Are going to take the responsibility if someone hurts themselves by doing this?


    You should only suggest techniques that are authentic and that work and that comes from a valid system.


    I know saying as much might seem as trolling to you but i dont want to see anyone getting hurt by doing some concocted med that some guy on the internet made up.


    Excuse me.

    • Like 1

  9. YaMu is correct.


    This Forum would scare any sincere Teacher away due to the Troll factor.


    I deleted my past PPF due to it, and it still happens again with this new one.


    If you put someone on Ignore- will that stop them from posting/trolling on your PPF?


    Some extra functions are needed- like "Block individual from Posting on Your PPF"


    Basically I have to Lock it up at night so it isn't trolled while I am off line.


    Time wasted dealing with Trolls takes away time for students.



    the ppfs are self moderated.


    thats why they are ppfs and why you can edit as moderators.....

  10. Yeah a bit too harsh imo but when you get restricted, banned, etc. for expressing your opinion you tend to explode when you finally have the chance to speak your mind.


    No hes changed in his heart.


    He has become bitter..


    Look I posted on here where another master reached yin yang gong I posted about master Zhou I also posted about dian shen gong. I was also a personal friend of his teacher Jim Mcmillian the fact is mpg just didnt care about anything.


    He couldnt reckonize between friend or foe.


    Im sure michael lomax would agree with that.


    He fell more in luv with the mopai than actual progression if this was not true he would be traning under jiang or someone else.


    But this isnt what shocks me the most what really shocks me about him was the fact that he wasnt even slighted y the death of his teacher Jim Mcmillian....


    I was deeply hurt and he wasnt even my sifu....


    An yes I contacted Master Chen and there are higher levels of shen dian gong that he teaches....

    • Like 2

  11. Its easy.


    Take some of the ad revenue from here and pay some teachers to write articles on taoist related subjects on the forum.


    They could do it for free but you will get one hell of a better article filled with more info if you pay.


    Its becoming apparent that taoist and kung fu forums are taking over what the magazines use to do.


    But no forum has actually capitalized on this yet.............

    • Like 2

  12. Master Dunn,


    I was reading this thread and came across something you said about the sun and bak fu pai kung fu? Does the FP work with or affected by the sunlight and or sun positions?


    Also I remember being told by my previous kung fu teacher that the color blue wards off negative entities does the energy of FP do the same or something similar?

  13. Quoted from here


    Venerable Akou Lamo Rinpoche and H.E. Ciren Gyatso Gar Tongtsen Rinpoche together lifted a 4,260-pound tub filled with water used to bathe a statue of the Buddha. There are other examples that involve Venerable Dharma Teacher Long Hui, who is the chairperson of the International Buddhism Sangha Association, and Venerable Dharma Teacher Yong Ding. They used a dharma within the Vajra Fist Division called the Powerful Thunder True Dharma Palm to shatter an object and break a tree that were far away from them.

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  14. Hi Thamosh,


    My responses to your statements and questions are below in blue:


    as soon as he grabbed it I heard the wind from it even from small movements.

    Yes, that the type of sound made by his weapons work--made by even small or tiny movements--is a sign of a kung fu master.

    If you practice punching from a good distance at a lit candle for enough years--which is a training exercise I favor and strongly advocate, and have practiced myself for 40 yrs, btw-- you will know that the sound of the "wind" made by a kung fu master's chuan fa (i.e., hands) is not the wind. It is the chi.


    He told me part of it is to keep up the tradition, for physical exercise, and that weapons gives us a chance to further express and refine the li and ging.


    That is true in all traditional kung fu systems. And especially in the "internal schools". In Tai Chi Chuan, sword practice is said to cause the chi to permeate the bone marrow with profound transformative effects.


    So from your reply on the 8 sections combined I can tell that it would lead to high level refinement of the li and ging of the practitioner.


    As stated in Year One of this thread when I described "8 Sections Combined" to Sifu Hearfield, this art consists of 8 very elaborate internal kung fu forms and a complete body of preparatory exercises and 5 neikung exercises. Each of the 8 Sections cultivates a different type of jing, or ging. The first and the seventh Sections cultivate the Li as well. the rest in my opinion, cultivate a martial chi.


    My question about the FP weapons was to see if you teach FP not only as a medical qigong but also as a martial art.


    I only teaching the FP Chi Kung as a pure healing art. I am still practicing the Advanced FP Meditations as a martial art. When I feel I have mastered it sufficiently, or when GM Doo Wai, Chinese physical culture, or the Universe acknowledges that I have attained mastery, I may start teaching the FP martial art. But the FP Healing Art is incredibly advanced and sophisticated--even though I refer to it as a "basic level" relative to all other Qigong systems that have the name, "Flying Phoenix."


    Being such a gong fu enthusiast I was wondering if there was a FP fist and what it would look like.


    "The FP fist" or FP martiala art starts with 9 Advanced standing FP Meditations. The energy generated from this level of FP training builds upon the basic level of the healng Qigong exercises (in Volumes 1-5, and 7), but it is a completely different flavor of energy that definitely martial in nature and function. Sifu Hearfield and I, when we first saw the Advanced FP Meditations, we both agreed that it was a "spiritual martial art" or "san da" system. As I said many times on this thread, the FP Healing energy cultivated by the "basic level" as taught on my Chi Kung For Health dvd series, is a pure healing energy-light, sublime, penetrating, tangible, with a visible light-but-deep-blue (<<--almost like this) color, and that spontaneously targets disease, illness and energy weakness on its own--that cannot be used for martil art.


    Sorry for all the questions im just trying to get a handle on this.

    No problem, I don't mind describing the major difference between the "basic level" of FP Qigong which cultivates a complete and purely healing energy, and the Advanced FP Qigong system that is a spiritual martial art.


    Im going thru my own legal battle as well as I built a and got the company profitable and then was removed from the project.

    Sorry to hear about this. I hope you had a good contract in place when this happened and that you have legal recourse. If you do have recourse, I hope you can get a very good lawyer.



    Sifu Terry Dunn



    Thank you for your response.

  15. Hello Thamosh,

    3.) I described 8 Sections of Energy Combined in the thread to Sifu Hearfield. It is a rare and legendary martial art that cultivates and delivers a martial energy that can be conducted through natural fibers such as wood and cloth. It is the skill that the director of the movie, "Once Upon A Time in China, Part 2" alluded to through some of Jet Li's scenes in which his character duels or fights with Donnie Yen's character.

    Thanks for your inquiry.

    Sifu Terry Dunn



    That is very interesting.



    I use to take contemporary wushu. An I remember my coach telling me that "you can tell if a wushu master has power in his weapons by the amount of wind you can feel from his usage of it." An he grabbed the short staff from me and there was a world of difference between his usage of it and my usage and as soon as he grabbed it I heard the wind from it even from small movements. I also asked him why do modern wushu masters use weapons? He told me part of it is to keep up the tradition, for physical exercise, and that weapons gives us a chance to further express and refine the li and ging.


    So from your reply on the 8 sections combined I can tell that it would lead to high level refinement of the li and ging of the practitioner.


    My question about the FP weapons was to see if you teach FP not only as a medical qigong but also as a martial art.


    Being such a gong fu enthusiast I was wondering if there was a FP fist and what it would look like.


    Sorry for all the questions im just trying to get a handle on this.


    Im going thru my own legal battle as well as I built a and got the company profitable and then was removed from the project.

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  16. Hello Thamosh,


    Here are answers to your questions:


    1.) No, I am not presently accepting indoor students. Not that I don’t want to but--because my present business obligations are so extremely time-consuming that I cannot teach more than I am presently teaching—at least for the next year. But down the road, the answer is "yes."

    2.) 10,000 Buddhas Meditation is a high-level set of Qigong or health and martial power. There are 54 Meditations. Most of them moving mediations and most of them are standing. I do not teach this art to beginners--but only to my advanced students.

    3.) I described 8 Sections of Energy Combined in the thread to Sifu Hearfield. It is a rare and legendary martial art that cultivates and delivers a martial energy that can be conducted through natural fibers such as wood and cloth. It is the skill that the director of the movie, "Once Upon A Time in China, Part 2" alluded to through some of Jet Li's scenes in which his character duels or fights with Donnie Yen's character.

    4.) The FP Heavenly Healing Qigong system the way I was taught it does not have weapons. But within the White Tiger Kung Fu system, there are weapons forms that incorporate the name "Flying Phoenix". Sifu Hearfield knows an FP Sword set.

    5.) No, no further news or developments re the 690 Meds. Tao Stillness has a copy, I recall, but I have not seen it. Having not seen it, I cannot tell if it's the same material that Sifu Hearfield showed me, which we both agreed was something purposely ginned up by GMDW to misdirect and we suspect “punish” some especially wayward student.

    Thanks for your inquiry.

    Sifu Terry Dunn


    Thank you for the reply. :)

  17. Master Dunn,


    After reading this thread I think the flying phoenix is pretty cool.


    There is a few questions.I wanted to ask.


    1.) Do you accept bai shee? (indoor students)


    2.) What is 10,000 buddhas (martial or medical) and do you teach it same question goes for 8 section combined?


    3.) Does the fp have any weapons?


    Thanks in advance!

  18. Diploma for enlightenment?


    Does anyone actually know what a buddha should have?


    And what a proclaimed buddha should be able to do?


    It goes by the attainment not what is on paper.


    This makes the spiritual heir and Spiritual master of a school.


    Attainment (heaven) Title (earth)


    To have the power in spirit and on earth according to the laws of the land.


    Title and attainment in this sense is paired.


    When these 2 are seperated the school or sect suffers.


    Titles like doors locks and so on also have a spiritual meaning.


    Titles can also have spiritual power as well.


    This isnt an easy subject to understand. Some things exist in this world for a reason.


    You can have a very high level of enlightenment but no divine title to teach and bring others to enlightenment.


    There could be a few reasons for this.......


    But it basically means that the thread you developed in isnt what heaven wants others to develop in.


    This could be due to where you live or the family line you come from or it just isnt that time in history yet.


    As teachers you cant enlighten someone you can only help guide them.


    it is this way so someone doesnt owe you for their enlightenment. There is suppose to be no ego in this.....


    For a student to come to you at the right time in your life and his life and for the student to be a right match for the art and master does not happen by chance......


    Those who think that you can just get a diploma for enlightenment and from that point enlighten others truley does not understand things.....

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  19. A deliberate attempt to incite anger and disruption with what appears to be intelligent banter.


    Um i was agreeing with you.....but if you want to read into it and come up with your own theory go ahead but I meant what I said so it would seem that your reply was an attempt to incite anger and so on so yes I guess it is cylical.....