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Posts posted by roger

  1. Hi Esquire.


    One of my favorite ways to meditate is "non-meditation". This is one of the simplest (and most effective) techniques. The motto is: No effort, no technique.


    Just sit there. You can close your eyes or leave them open. It should be completely natural. If thoughts come, don't fight them. It's okay to think with this meditation. Just BE. Don't "try" at all. No effort, no technique.


    About your future, your situation is very understandable. Many people worry about their future and what they will do for work.


    My suggestion is to just know that everything is happening PERFECTLY, exactly as it SHOULD. When you have this faith, when know that your future will be perfect, then you are CREATING a happy future, because our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings create our life experiences. So just have faith that "all is as it should be," and you will be sowing the seeds of success for yourself.


    And know that you are WORTHY of a wonderful future!


    Peace to you and best wishes.



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  2. Hi Formless Tao.


    I love your quote by Bruce Lee.


    I used to take Tae Kwon Do, and I love that book, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do.


    Effortlessness is a key concept for me, personally, especially when it comes to meditation. J. Krishnamurti said, "All effort to meditate is the denial of meditation." I like to sit down and just BE, without trying at all.


    Anyway, ntmu and I look forward to reading your posts.



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  3. Hi everyone. I joined this website because I want to "connect" with others regarding spiritual matters.


    Basically, I believe, as most people here do, that we're all forms or manifestations of the Ultimate Reality, God or Tao, Buddha Nature, whatever you want to call it.


    My desire is to honor and recognize that universal essence in everyone, and therefore to find it within myself.


    I believe other people are our greatest teachers, and I want to learn from the people here, and maybe you'll gain something from me also.


    I'm very respectful, you won't hear me tell anyone they're wrong to believe whatever they believe, or being judgmental towards anyone. They best way to heal may be to not judge and to just accept everyone as they are.


    But don't get me wrong, often I can't help but to judge people if I feel mistreated by them. I'd rather not be that way, I would rather be utterly forgiving and not be so sensitive, but I guess this is just "where I am right now." The fact is I seem to get hurt very easily. Maybe you all can help me with that. Whether you can or not, I'm here to love and honor everyone, and I look forward to me experience here.


    Peace to you all.



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