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Everything posted by KenBrace

  1. We don't know if Mo Pai has a name to it? The lineage is 'Mo Pai' and the type of practice is 'neigong'. Therefore it's Mo Pai Neigong. Why do you think westerners don't know the name of the system?
  2. What is the longest you've ever meditated straight in a single session?
  3. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    What the heck is that supposed to mean?
  4. we are now eclectic in general

    I think 'Diverse Discussion' sounds better.
  5. By "lower" I mean that the brain wave frequency lowers (e.g. beta to theta, theta to delta, etc.). You heart rate and breathing also slows down.
  6. The lower your brain activity goes while you remain conscious, the deeper in meditation you are. The difference between sleep and meditation is that during sleep you are unconscious, while in meditation you are completely cognitive and aware.
  7. I haven't been able to make much progress unless I meditate consistently for long periods.
  8. In order for meditation to be efficiant you need to be in an extremely deep state. In order to get in an extremly deep state you need lots of time to sink deep enough. After years and years of this type lf meditation you eventually become much better at it and only need a short amount of time to enter it.
  9. When I sit for an hour or two I feel interrupted when I stop. I wasn't allowed to go as deep as I could have gone. I didn't want to stop. Like aiming for a deep ocean dive and getting snatched out before you've gone as deep as you aimed for. I don't feel worn out after long sessions or that I forced myself to continue. Actually a good analogy is comparing it to a plate of food. When hungry and eating a plate the last thing you want to do is suddenly stop and not finish satisfying your hunger. You don't "force" yourself to continue eating. Rather you want to continue without having someone or something interrupt you. When I train it is very much like this.
  10. Rather than "forcing" it's more like "not getting interrupted".
  11. Unless you sit for long periods you won't really be able to master deeper levels of meditation. That is my experience anyway.
  12. weight lifting

    Weight lifting is great. Has nothing to do with spiritual development though.
  13. What are your goals?

    My goal is to preserve my soul after death and escape the cycle of forced reincarnation. To live as an immortal spirit, free from the bounds of karma, reincarnation, and death.
  14. Hi there!

    Good luck. Quite a detailed intro btw.
  15. I've had my own experiences during meditation but I just don't share them in great detail. Why? Because there's no point. It would be just another random claim among millions of others. Instead I quote Chang and his students. I'm not arrogant enough to assume authority to my claims.
  16. I don't really think there is anything I can say that could convey my thoughts right now and wouldn't get me suspended.
  17. Uhhhhhhhhhhh............... You're joking right???
  18. It's because John Chang was able to demonstrate mind blowing abilities under a controlled environment. Most stuff was either just a claim or too lame to worry about. I had finally found something that was really worth looking in to. I had my mind set on it even though I didn't really have any particular goal. Pretty much the only thing that MPG did was quote Chang, Jim, etc. and let them speak for him. I have my own ideas. It's just that they are very similar to MPG's. I'll also have you know that I've disagreed with him on certain things in the past.
  19. You wanna know why I became interested in Mo Pai in the first place? Guess.
  20. Not that I know of. However it is my understanding that you shouldn't train unless you feel healthy, grounded, etc. and health knowledge is common. Basically just eat your vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc. and limit the meat, dairy, sugar, and sodium. There are no direct recommendations other than just staying healthy that I know of.
  21. He would get cut by bullets and knives if he weren't prepared.
  22. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Oh yeah forgot about 4th of July.
  23. For anyone who was wondering was down for two days due to a way over-complicated hosting transfer. It took two days of hard work but it should be running correctly now like before. If you run into any errors be sure to let me know.